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GL: Monday 1/29

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Nicole is doing an amazing job today! wow just awesome.

Also I can't believe Lizzie. I like her and everything but for her to say all that mean crap about Tammy to Cassie was just cruel. Cassie is grieving for her daughter and Liz couldn't even respect that. My god and it was right in the hospital too. Cassie hadn't even left yet!

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Ehhhhh, still not impresed with Forrester.

And STFU Johnathan and Reva. Why the hell are you YELLING AT ME?!?! It's like some of the GL cast is on some drug with all the over-the-top antics. It's not good people. WHO IS DIRECTING THIS STUF?????? Remy :blink: :blink: The writing is good, but the acting is too much.

Lizzie is an idiot.

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OMG! That yelling was horrible. Seriously. And, yet, nobody in the mansion heard their screaming at the top of their lungs, smelled the smoke, nor did a fire alarm go off. LOL!

Maybe KZ will pipe it down a little now that TP is gone. I think they're both bad influences on each other when it comes to over-the-top acting.

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Good God yes. At one point there was no emotion to anything they were saying and it was basically Kim Zimmer screaming at Tom P. and vice versa. Rein these mofos in RIGHT NOW!

There were supposed to be people in the house?! Seriously? You mean to say a mansion is on fire and no one notices? Ridiculous.

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The scenes between Kim and Tom, when she's trying to convince him not to burn the house down...I found them very anti-climactic. I didn't think they were very convincing. I did like Reva holding up the picture of Sarah and Jonathan not letting her drop it in the fire, overall, they weren't my favorite scenes of the day. Reva did ask Jonathan if the servants were out and he told her everyone was out but Alan. So he didn't plan to kill anyone else but Alan.

The scenes with Remy were just horrible. The guy who plays him isn't very good.

I thought all the Josh and Cassie were wonderful. I loved Cassie saying she would give anything to have one more fight with Tammy, after hearing Beth yelling at Lizzie.

Best scenes of the day involved Beth and Lizzie. Beth is brave enough to admit her part in this tragedy. I really like the way they are writing her right now. I don't see why they all end up at that same church. Is everyone in town suddenly Catholic? I do like the sentiment involved in lighting a candle in prayer. And Beth's reaction to Lizzie wanting to say a prayer was great. Too bad Lizzie can't even pray for a dead girl without mentioning her own hopes for a future with Jonathan.

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Did you guys watch the show??????

Alan was drugged with sleeping pills, Jon said the servants were gone....HELLLOOOOO who would hear them.

I respect intelligent criticism of GL but when you slam the show for something that was clearly talked about in the episode you claimed to have watched...you lose cred peps!

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Thank you Kwing42 you took the words right out of my mouth.

Personally, I thought today's episode was pretty good, was it as good as last Wednesday or Friday maybe not, but it wasn't bad by any means. I really liked the way we saw how everyone was dealing with it. Nicole is really growing into her role as Cassie and I think she did a great job. Jonathan dealt with it in a typical Jonathan way. It was a nice touch with Beth going to the church to pray she knows that they are all responsible for it in some way.

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What did Lizzie say to Cassie about Tammy?

How did Beth react? She's a cool character when written properly.

The clip I downloaded only have the Jonathan/Reva shout fest. I love Pelphrey but I can't take scenery chewing right now. I wanted to savor Nicole's performance. I'll miss watching her. Anyone got the entire episode?

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They weren't. And there was no need for fire with TP chewing down the house.

They were. I actually liked the dialogue, and imagined how wonderful that scene would have been if a better actor was in the role.

I hate when everyone conveniently turns Catholic too. Beth Chamberlin is solid. I dislike her screen partner, but BC atleast makes her somewhat tolerable.

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Blah, blah, blah...let's [!@#$%^&*] about GL some more. LOL. Some people never quit...

I'm into the first segment of the show and, as I've said since day one, Remy is just horrible. Laurence St. Victor's Greatest Moments were a) in the 15,000th show when he played a homothug and B) in the Irna Phillips Bio show. He had more talent in those scenes than he had his entire run.

C'mon, if initally dull as dishwater Michelle Ray can make the Dawn work, surely there's hope for Laurence St. Victor...or maybe not. Not. I want the character just gone.

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