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OLTL Discussion: Week of January 29th

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With HBS saying in an interview that Nora moves in with Asa, I have a feeling she's a victim of the arsonist. What other reason would cause her to move in there. I so can't wait to see more of Clint and Viki interacting. But it would be nice to see Bo and Nora interact if even if it's over Truman's murder or the Arson case.

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What I find odd about this murder is that everyone is acting like this is first degree murder. WTH? :blink: Spencer was in the middle of attacking Blair. Whoever did it should have just admitted it right away and claimed defence of another person. I wouldn't convict if I were on the jury.

Rex and Bo were great. I loved seeing Roxie.

I bet Natalie took fibers that would have actually helped prove John (and Rex) is innocent when the police come a knockin on his door. :rolleyes: I liked her yesterday, but what a dumb move.

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I just don't understand the POV some of these characters are expressing. If I ever walked in on a rape, I pray to God I would be capable of stabbing the rapist with whatever is handy. I have no idea if I could, but it's far from murder imo. The way people keep saying Rex isn't capable of murder and Todd saying "do you think I'm crazy enough to have killed Spencer?" is just so far from how I see this situation. Spencer was huge. There is no way Rex could have just pulled him off Blair. If the killer had gone for help Spencer might have killed Blair or taken her hostage ect.

I hope we get a see with Roxie visiting Rex in jail. :lol:

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I have to ask, when oh when will OLTL and ABCD learn? I have come to the conclusion that they will never learn and that they don't know how good a show OLTL is.

For the past two weeks, we have seen a great mix of characters, some really good stories and something for many fans to watch. So what happens this week when sweeps begins?? OLTL returns to the same old [!@#$%^&*]. There has been one story this week and only one story. It has been who killed Spencer. Now if you don't care who killed Spencer and I don't, then why watch the show? Do I watch it for the one day a week that there is anything else?

Come on ABCD, pull you head out of your butt and recognize what works. What works is a mix of stories focusing on a lot of characters. If ABCD is incapable of doing that, then I suggest turning and watching DOOL. They seem to be doing it right now.

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Well, today's show wasn't the best of the week...but it wasn't too bad.

The Marcie/Michael stuff was the best. And poor Marcie today when Michael snapped at her. Don't you be doing that to my woman big guy. :angry: But I did love it when Michael said he would do anything to protect his family.

Poor Viki....she was back to wallpaper today.

Could have done without John and Natalie.

Todd and Blair were ok...I liked Starr though.

Yea! More Lindsay!

Rex and Adriana were tolerable.

I think this 'who killed Spencer?' storyline should be a good one.

Talia is growing on me.

Antonio and Bo were boring.

Tomorrow looks a little better....Addie is on tomorrow! :)

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Yeah, I guess the Spencer murder mystery will be front and center for the next few weeks. I guess it doesn't bother me that much because I love some of the people involved, especially Michael and Marcie. I can't wait to see what the next few weeks holds for them. It does seem like Vikki and Clint are getting a story too, so I look forward to that and Jess and Nash.

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I am at the point where I dont care who killed Spencer just happy they did so already.

It was great to see John and Vangie. I forgot how good he is when not around Natalie.

I know I am in the few but I just love TSJ. The cops on this show are stupid why is Todd the first suspect, the list is too long to count but lets go to Todd first. I love seeing Addie back.

The show is picking up but I think I see a little Y&R feel in the show now and I am starting to enjoy it.

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