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Is Passions being cancelled?

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Oh, that's the same thing that he did to Days fans whenever he left the first time! For some reason or another, he did everything in his power that he could to make sure that the next headwriter would have a complete mess to pick up from. There was a sharp downward slope that occured in his last few months on the show. We went from great, great stories to... well, the kind of stuff we saw in his second run. Faux-Jack and Faux-Jennifer joined a TRAVELING CIRCUS. He brought Josh Taylor on as Roman. He had Bo screw Billie. He paired Vivian with Jonesy. Remember him? Didn't think so.

I still have a magazine article in a box in my closet where they interviewed Reilly shortly before he left Days the first time (the same one where he said that he wants fans throwing sandwiches at their TV's because it's his job to dangle the carrot in front of them for years at a time -- yes, YEARS -- only to give them a nibble and pull it back again). Anyway, in that interview, he talks about his final story plans for what was going to happen before he left... and he pretty much said he was just going to screw up all the couples and leave Salem a mess for the next writer, LoL.

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"Regarding the AW-induced hatred of PSNS...I admit I hated PSNS when it started because of it...but I gave it a shot and within a week, I hated it because of it's stories, plots and "acting"."

Bravo, Mr. Brightside, for stating this, for this is exactly how I feel! I get so sick when Passions fans automatically assume that I--or any AW fan--hate Passions because it replaced AW, when in truth, the real reasons for hating that show have to do with the factors that you specified.

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Same here. I was an AW viewer for a few months before it was cancelled, but I wasn't a lifelong fan or anything. Just a casual viewer. So, I was sad when it was cancelled, but I wasn't furious with Passions or anything.

I tuned into Passions expecting to see the usual JER greatness that I had the pleasure of experiencing earlier in the decade on Days. I was thrilled, excited, and couldn't wait for the show's premiere. Then I watched the first episode and couldn't believe it was the same writer. I mean, I was really heartbroken and horrified. The thought never entered my mind that the show would be... bad. Not to mention the 'acting.' Wow.

The reason I've been so disgruntled with Passions all this time is because I see great potential. And I know that JER has the talent to utilize that potential. I've SEEN him bring his A-game. And he just hadn't done it with Passions. The only episodes that had me glued to the screen are the ones when Ivy came crashing into the wedding with her car... that was fabulous. Aside from that, Passions entire run thus far has just been a creative stall.

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Thanks...and the crazy thing? I was 14 in 1999...the target NBC wanted! I grew up watching Another World but the TPTB are so clueless to think of that kind of scenario.

I bet ABC would do anything to get their hands on DOOL. It would be so like them to shorten AMC and OLTL. I can see them putting AMC at 1PM and OLTL at 1:30PM as a means of "giving up" the slot for CBS' Y&R. Then have full hours of DOOL and GH at 2PM and 3PM.

Regarding NBC reviving a soap. I would do anything for them to revive AW. They could easily base it upon the Cory Family. Even if it is 30 minutes.

I don't want to get flamed for talking about 30 minute soaps...but I do recall an article when PC was cancelled about how shortening an hour long soap would be "the new" cancellation.

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They're definitely clueless. They underestimate the intelligence of young soap viewers. Young viewers who want to watch young people on TV will watch MTV, not soap operas. Multi-generational with balanced focus is the way to go. That's what young and older viewers alike want to see. That's the way it was when I started watching soaps at the age of 8. I was just as fascinated with John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Vivian and Stefano as I was with Sami, Austin, Carrie and Lucas.

The networks are clueless, though. So they shove young newbies to the frontburner, especially during the summertime. In doing so, they fail to bring in a long-term younger audience for the next generation while simultaneously angering longtime viewers. They dig themselves into lose/lose situations.

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I agree Kenny.

I was a HUGE Reilly fan/supporter. Without Reilly, I don't think I would have ever come to love soap operas. Until PASSIONS came along.

PASSIONS was a BIG disappointment on all levels. I gave the show about three months to prove itself in the beginning and nothing EVER MOVED!

At least with DAYS, we had things here and there that moved the slow-building plot along(i.e. Kristen schemes to get John back, but Marlena finds the letter and therefore knows something is up with her, but can't break John's heart because Kristen is going through a rough pregnancy). A lot of Reilly's plot points on DAYS in retrospect were convoluted, but the story progressed. I never got the feeling that happened on PASSIONS.

I expected PASSIONS to be the next DARK SHADOWS. Great acting, dark supernatural storylines illutrated with gothic set design and fantastic special effects and production values. I expected anything other than what it became, which was ultimately this big joke.

And the good actors they DO have are being wasted on crap storylines or not even being used at all.

Reilly is talented. He just needs a strong EP to tell him when to end and begin a story, when too much camp is too much. Hopefully, this one show wonder will NEVER work in daytime again, even as a scriptwriter.

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Ditto, ditto, ditto! Especially the last part. That's what I expected Passions to be, too. It turned out to be a big cartoon.

And like you, if it weren't for Reilly, I wouldn't be watching soaps today.

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That's what I wanted too. I love Dark Shadows. That is the best daytime soap oepra to have supernatural storylines in it. Port Charles and Passions has nothing compared to that show. I'm disappointed JER took out the supernatural element. I can't remember, were fans annoyed by it or was JER trying to be more realistic in the show in hopes of getting an emmy nomination? Either way it bombed when he dropped those kinds of storylines. I hope he never works as a headwriter again. He'll do nothing but give fans headaches and tune them out of their favorite shows.

All My Children is the only soap opera I watch now a days. If it gets canceled or affected because of Passions cancellation, I say good. I'm still pissed how they treated Julia Barr. She deserved a goodbye scene after working hard on that show. I don't like how they're treating their vets. I especially don't like their headwriter.

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From 2000 to about halfway through 2002, I LOVED PASSIONS. I was addicted to it, almost as much as I was addicted to DAYS during JER's first run in the 90s. Sure, it wasn't what I had expected it to be back in 1999 before it premiered, but at its best, PASSIONS was still awesome. NOW, however, I will agree that the show has become what it's always been accused of being before: a cartoon and a total joke. JER could have done so much better, if his first run on DAYS is any example.

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