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They discussed their opinions of the November Sweeps stories.

Michael Logan liked having Genie Francis, however brief, back on GH. Even though, as he puts it, it was another "shameless ABC effort to milk the past for publicity and profit," (citing the returns of Noah, Holly, Robert, and Anna) he says "it was grand while it lasted." Carolyn Hinsey disagreed with him on the other returns. She then notes that it's interesting how the demos inched up upon Genie Francis's return, despite Francis inching her way out of the age group and paired with someone out of it. "That proved once again that good storytelling will draw eyeballs of all ages."

They discuss Y&R. Logan is "baffled by Y&R these days." He likes the murder mystery ("Any show that kills a publicist is going to get my attention.") but hates Y&R's insistence on being "informative and socially relevant." Citing Victor's epilepsy, Devon's meningitis and deafness, Brad and his sudden expertise in Jewish holidays, Michael and his snoozy monologues about Katrina-ravaged Louisiana, and Dru doing sign language. He wants Dru "drunk as a skunk and sassing it up in Genoa City." He doesn't want to see "Phyllis so in love with impending motherhood that she becomes a goosey, giggling bore." He wants his soaps "nasty, trashy, jaw-droppingly outrageous. I'm shallow, what can I say?" Hinsey agrees.

As for B&B, Logan enjoyed "Jackie's somersault off the banister." Logan says it was "one of the great laugh-your-ass-off moments in all of soap history. So bad it was brilliant. We need to add a new Daytime Emmy category: Worst Supporting Stunt Dummy." Then Hinsey says "Or how about most repetitive use of the uterus?" Re: Bridget getting pregnant again and again. She's disappointed in B&B for bringing on "names" and not having an idea how to use them.

Then it's on to GL. Logan says "as goofy and irresponsible as GL has been with Reva's cancer story, I received a hell of a lot of calls and e-mails from concerned peeps who thought Reva really died when she flatlined in that Friday cliffhanger. They bought it, hook, line and singer! So that should count for something, right?" Hinsey says "Right. I'll allow a little goofy if the acting is good and the story is entertaining."

Hinsey thinks GH wins sweeps, with GL a close second. AMC continues to disappoint, nothing happened on OLTL and the jury is still out on DAYS.

Logan says GH wins by a mile. Then they make jokes about ABC's soap merchandising.


Regarding Mimi Torchin, I haven't seen her column in SOW lately. It's usually in the mag every few weeks or so.

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1000 times THANKS for that loooong recitation - You're the best! :)

Except for Phyllis I disagree with everything Logan says about Y&R (I love hwta he hates and loath everything else). I also hate how they both favor GH - which I also enjoyed most of the time but felt disgusted by beyond repetetive mobster&friends scenes getting more airtime than L&L - and they really did B&B wrong. Sure, Jackie's accident was extremely badly executed and served for laughter purposes only but the show truely has been fabulous for several weeks now. True and simple, guilty soap opera pleasure. Every minute either to die for or seriously gripping.

Hinsey needs to be slapped from coast to coast for her comment about B&B's repetitive pattern - one can't deny that B&B rehashes certain stories but one other soap meanhwile is a non-stop-redux and this is her pet soap GH. :rolleyes:

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Totally agree about your comment about CBS soaps, B&B looks like it will be on fire in December, Y&R is starting to look like it will be a great December, GL I don't watch so I won't comment, and I would assume ATWT would be back on fire in December, I have not seen a time yet that ATWT did not rock after a horrible sweeps month, but with Craig back there could be a first time for everything.

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I have been very disappointed with GH too, but them saying that GH won sweeps does not reek of favoritism. It is the truth. I have watched some of all 9 soaps this November sweeps, and the only soap that has even come near GH is GL. The rest have been okay or boring during sweeps.

I would rank so far for sweeps:

1) GH

2) GL

then a break

3) Y&R

4) B&B

5) Days


7) AMC

8) Passions

and then a big break


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I think GH does deserve to be on top. GH was very,very good this month. ONE LIFE does NOT deserve to be on the bottom. It's not good, it's nowhere near what it was, but it's not the worst. AMC has been worse than ONE LIFE most of the month. The only good thing about AMC this month was David getting the hell beat out of him by Tad, JR finding out the truth about his w h o r e / b i t ch of a wife, and everyone coming down on that w h o r e. Vincent Irizarry's acting has been great as has been the acting of Cady McClain, David Cananry, Michael E. Knight, Alexa Havins & Jacob Young, Bobbie Eakes & Justin Breuning & John James, Susan Lucci, and others. But about all of the stories are ludicrous and crap.

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Sorry Mulder that just comes down to a matter of opinion I guess. I quit watching OLTL regular in June. Since then I have not been able to sit through one whole episode of the show at all. And November to me has been the worst. I do try to watch but just end up having it on as background noise.

AMC has been watchable many days this month. The last 2 weeks most shows have been good, and I quit watching it regular before I did OLTL. I stuck with OLTL for 5 months after I quit AMC. I agree that AMC has been very bad, but for this month they have mostly been on for me.

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I know GH does sweep "stunts" or whatever, but that is the point of sweeps. To attract new viewers...however GH just doesn't seem to keep them. Whereas Y&R builds stories up for Sweeps, and then delivers the subsequent month. That's what I meant on my original post.

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OK, I'll admit I don't watch GH, but all I've been hearing about it this month is that the only good part has been Laura, and everything else was as bad as it always is. And since when has quality ever been something the critics have taken into consideration when evaluating GH. All I'm saying...

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