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You know, as much as some of us don't like the over-the-top stuff on DAYS, I would like to see Brandon really show his anger towards Mimi. Shawn's anger and resentfulness is a big part of his character, and we need to see it. I also hope the writers bring up Mimi's lies with Rex. It will pack more of a punch.

I also hope Belle will not be written as running to Shawn right away. If there's going to be a Shelle reunion, it needs to happen slowly and gradually.

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Not to mention how no one should care what he wants to play or not. As a Shelle fan, I was cheated on a real love scene (not some half ass half dream/half real crap fest), a wedding between the two and the birth of their first child (when BOTH parents know who are the parents)...this has been going for far too long.

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OMG! :o

I'm going to try my absolute best to watch every episode next week because this is going to be sooo sweet!

I just hope we don't end up seeing one of those scenes where we as the viewers have been mislead. It would majorly suck if Mimi makes up some good excuse to cover up her lies.

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Well, I had a big problem with the abortion, Mimi being a selfish !@#$%^&*] and on top of it all, looking like a two-bit whore with all that cheap makeup and ill-advised wardrobe.

Funny thing, though. I LOVED her today (thursday.) Something about her 'new' hair. They colored it or something. Eased up on the makeup a bit. And Farah's been giving her scenes differently. I actually want Meems to stay!

Um, he's an ACTOR. Why are we absolving him for dodging this? And um, we NEED to be invested in this scene. It WON'T play as well without Jason, the one Farah's Mimi lied to for SO LONG. I don't doubt that the new guy may be a good actor, but there will be a lesser investment in the scene.

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I would imagine it's because he has quit thinking of himself as an actor and more as a friend to real people instead of other characters. He does have himself to be true to and true friendship is what is more important than playing a character especially if you don't like that character or what he has to do. Why live with that in your memory. It seems to me that Shawn cared more about his real life than the show anyway. It's a moot point. I side with the actor who is a live person rather than the fans who are remote to him.

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Well said, and even though I agree with what you said, I think Farah would have considered the scene just acting.

She and Jason have a close friendship and both realize that the scenes they do together are character related. Kirsten Storms always had a problem of doing sexual scenes with Cook. Farah on the other hand understood it was just acting, and didn't let it bother her.

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I would really like that Bree :lol: .

I am sure we will get scenes of others reacting to Mimi knowing all along. I mean on today's show we already had John and Roman react to Claire's paternity so I am sure other characters will have reactions that we see.

It also seems that Philip learns about Victor and Kate's involvement in the paternity coverup next week. I can't wait for that either :)

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