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PSNS: A Few Spoilers (Ivy, Eve, Julian, Noah)


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Theresa and Ethan lock themselves in an office so they can make love.

Ethan tells Theresa that even though they had sex he still wants to be with Gwen, So Theresa agrees to keep it their little secret.

A furious Fancy ends things with Luis.

Spike tries to kill Theresa by locking her in a sauna.

Ivy outfoxes Kay.

Paloma starts investigating Jessica's "murders."

Eve gives Julian the wrong medicines.

Noah plays a new tune at the Blue Note.

Fancy finds competition.

Theresa is torn between Ethan and Jared.

Fox and Ivy team up to go after Miguel and Kay.

Eve calls off her engagement to Julian.

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Nice to see the vets and Noah in play. Ivy being back is great. I hope they drop the Fox wants to kill Miguel plot-it is blatant character destruction seeing him act like this.

I don't like the whole Ethan/Theresa sex stuff. It is stupid considering we already get they love each other. Why not just play the Ethan jealous angle and play out the court stories instead of the sexual encounters. My fear is another WTD story with Theresa.

The Lucy one breaks my heart :( .

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hmm...I'm on the fence here.

At one end I am so glad that Noah is back. What could this new 'tune' be? Whatever it is, I am happy.

Then there is this stuff with Teresa and Ethan. Can we please get some quality Jaresa time? ....w/o Ethan all up in the mix.

Same goes for Luis and Fancy. I appreciate the pace and that the two didn't just jump into the sack together back in Rome, but ya gotta give us more~!

Ok, ok, back to reality. :)

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In regards to the ET spoiler, it could be a scheme on Theresa's part to prove a point. Basically, she's confirming what she's always known to be true in that Ethan can't stand Theresa moving on to someone else. She could be playing him and putting that over his head since it'll be the third time he's cheated and he's stone cold sober for this one. After all, Ethan stands to lose more than she does. If Jared breaks up with her, there's always another guy available. Ethan will lose his wife and the woman he claims to love.

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Wow, I completely disagree that Ethan has more to lose! lol. I mean, he DOES NOT love Gwen. yes, he says he does, but to cheat on her so many times, even just the kissing, and the cheating in his 'heart,' he doesn't love the woman!

I'm just sick that they're doing this. Now, if they had a continuing affair and agreed to have sex at work once a week or something, THAT I could live with. But this sex, not love, and never again, denial bullshit? NO. Give me a FULL-FLEDGED affair. I want Ethan to screw two women on alternate days. Because, THAT, my friends, will be Theresa's true revenge. When she tells Gwen, "Hey, you know that saying, 'When you have sex with someone you have sex with everyone they've had sex with?' Well, guess what, LOVER?!!!" Oh, I would LOVE for her to rub a year-long affair like that in Gwen's face and then watch Gwen rush to the woman's bathroom at Crane and wash out her vagina! It would be SO campy but the UTLIMATE payoff!!!

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Of course he has more to lose. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, but neither Gwen nor Theresa is going to have anything to do with that. I totally think that Theresa is playing him for a chump and using his apparent jealous against him, and I so wouldn't be shocked if she used that over his head. After all, Ethan's this honorable guy who's trying to do the right thing by staying with Gwen while his heart is with Theresa. Well, if there's one person who knows him better than he knows himself, it's Theresa. And she's going to milk it for what its worth.

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Well, that'd be a wild story but I disagree that it's going to happen. It's just not Theresa. She's been hurt by men her whole life. (First with her father leaving, then the abuse of Ethan, Julian and Alistair)...all she has ever wanted is happiness and as we've seen, for Ethan NOT to mess with her mind. (She's tired of Ethan's 'give the cock, then abruptly take it back' approach...she wants it in her mouth, ALWAYS, not just every now and then). So again, I can't see her jerking him around if all she wants is a marriage and to have his children.

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