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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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ALright I know you have scoop.. and the way sometimes you leave little remarks almost makes me think your one of TPTB.. because i dont like it when they do that too..

I know that EricaKane4Life & Jackie have the insight too, and they are saying MMT is gone and I take it you are disagreeing with that...

So if that is what your remarks mean by " not gonna happen"

Please just say that.... say it loud and clear that your people are telling you nothing... go on the record...

because SON might of pulled the thread... but they did not take back that MMT was out...

Spill it or seal it... B)

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I just meant that they aren't going to keep a writer change a secret until the day before the new writer's work airs. And October (and november) will definitely be McTavish's stuff. As for after that I don't know what to say about Megan leaving anymore, I really don't. Burton Armus coming on, Kay Alden coming on, Jeff & Amanda being promoted, Megan staying... have all been put out there. Everyone is hearing different things. Little old me personally is being told Megan is the headwriter and that's that. But I only have a 1 in 4 chance of being right so you might want to just ignore my comments lol

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The thought of McTavish staying just depresses me so much. I really want AMC to get back to a character driven show. At this point, I don't care who is on the show because I just want the writing to improve.

LookingGlass, is it possible that McT could be let go at the end of her thirteen week cycle? I think that you or someone else mentioned that it is sometime in Oct. If that is the case, I can see AMC not making an announcement until Oct/Nov. Her stuff would then air for the rest of the year. And she would be in interviews for the next month or so.

I just find it strange that her e-mail address no longer works. And several insiders are so sure that she is going to be replaced. Frons would be foolish to not replace her. AMC is going to start competing against the new writer on Days soon. Other networks are willing to make changes so it doesn't make sense that Frons won't. Maybe he is intentionally trying to destroy the soaps on ABC. Maybe he wants three hours of the View. The thought of that much Rosie makes me violently ill.

I am not watching AMC anymore and the only reason I would start watching it again is if McT is gone. Sounds like I may not see AMC for a long time.

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Thanks LookingGlass.. And with those cheerful thoughts I am leaving as of OCt 6.. and seeing that this is my third time this year.. for years no matter how stupid some of the s/l were I stayed with AMC..

Third time the charm... now if they do bring someone on .. it will be too little too late...

Tad a murder...Erica abortion never happen... Ryan is a Human hero .. fresh off his cross.. ( that Im really offended of).. the joke which some might fine funny.. the character of Ryan is refered to as Jesus by his co workers...

AMC was my show.. that I would lose my self in for one hr every day...

The one thing you can for sure say about AMC... you can't escape by watching it ... too dark... no romance... it just plain sad.... sadder then me for walking away.. sorry if this turned out to be a rant...

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Today was the day I gave for ABC to make their announcement by and since they haven't yet, I won't be taping AMC anymore until McT is gone. My patience finally wore out and, unfortunately, it sounds like I won't be watching again until December at the earliest. Why is ABC waiting so long is Armus is really coming in?

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Personally I always thought that if it was true then Megan would be let go at the end of October which would be the end of a cycle.

I believe Jackie said at the beginning of September that Megan had only 2-3 weeks left and Armus would start in late October. Which means Megan would be gone by now. And hey, maybe she is. I believe there was talk that James Reilly was long gone from Days before it was officially announced. This may be similar. Except that Megan is still running her mouth in the magazines.

Based on my experience I would expect them to have made an announcement by now for a new headwriter starting in 3 weeks.

It's possible I guess that Megan somehow got her stay extended for another month. She may as well write December and go out on a warm and fuzzy Christmas episode. Or it's possible there will be an official announcement tomorrow. I wouldn't be shocked given all the rumbling. But I'm not expecting it.

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Could it be possible that McTavish has been informed that she is being let go at the end of her cycle? TIIC could have told her to finish up her storylines for sweeps in Nov. I guess it is also possible that Burton Amos is slowly transitioning in. He could be making changes to the writers/staff, like Jackie said in other posts. Some of the writers could have been let go or are going to be let go very soon. He could be influencing the direction of the storylines at this point also.

All of this is just my speculation. I am just really at the point where if I don't hear about changes being made, I will forget about AMC completely. I am not watching the show right now and haven't for sometime but I would love to be able to watch it again. If they keep McTavish, well it will just be easier to walk away from the show for good.

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Well I don't know if this helps but it was said that just because MMT was still in the mags give out spoiler info it didn't mean anything.. because they are most of the time a month in advance... Only saying it was on the thread ... the other thing is MMT email is still not working .. Now I would have to say that if her email was just down, long ago it would of been put up...

I myself am just out of hope.. like I said... on Oct 6 .. they can have the show .. and I dont care if a week later they say here is the new HW...

Jackie said.. and you can go back on this and double ck me... that she would be gone.. that is why IM given it until Oct 6.. thats three weeks.. but if MMT stuff is still showing.. wont keep it up...

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Correct me if I am wrong, but even if McTavish leaves at the end of this week, we will see her stuff into November. I think that they film about three weeks in advance so they are probably close to filming stuff for Nov. sweeps at this point. I don't know how far in advance they write their storylines so November may already be written. It would make sense if the show goes ahead and lets McT finish her storylines before she leaves and ties everything up during sweeps. Plus, I can see TPTB wanting to wait until sweeps is over before they start with a new writer. Especially a writer who has never written for a soap before.

Mct could be let go in the next few weeks but we will still see her stuff for quite some time. I am very close to not caring anymore but i think the rest of 2006 or close to it will be Mct's writing. This is all my speculation though. Here is hoping 2007 will be the beginning of a new and improved era for AMC.

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I really don't have more info on this for now but I"m certain JER isn't coming to ABC daytime anytime soon he's still under contract to NBC's P[!@#$%^&*]ions..

and on the casting announcement It's a huge star this potential exit would be has Huge has Vincent's surprise exit.


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