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EPISODE 187 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco At the Kiriakis mansion, Noelle stands in front of her bedroom vanity, dressed in her silk robe, which covers her lacey lingerie she's put on to entice her husband, Alex. We see her spritzing some perfume across her chest, as, in the reflection of the mirror, Alex emerges from the bathroom, freshly showered, and wearing only a towel. Noelle's expression softens immediately upon seeing him, and she smiles at him, looking at him in the mirror. He glistens with steam from the shower, enticing Noelle even more. Alex is somewhat oblivious to his wife's intentions, prompting her to speak up. NOELLE: Have a good shower? Alex suddenly turns his head toward Noelle, who turns to face him, giving him a sensuous look. Alex looks her over carefully, smiling as he steps to his dresser, and pulls out a pair of briefs. ALEX: Yeah. Wasn't bad. He puts the briefs on under his towel, before ripping the towel off, and hanging it on the back of the bathroom door. ALEX: Just what I needed really, after the day I've had. Alex steps back towards the bed he shares with Noelle, and flops down on it. Noelle slowly walks over to it, gracefully setting herself down next to him. She looks lovingly in his eyes, and strokes his hair. NOELLE: Well...You can tell me all about it....or maybe, I can be a distraction from it. Noelle leans in and kisses Alex gently on the lips. Alex doesn't react, and Noelle lifts herself out of the kiss, resting herself upright on the bed on one hand, a little frustrated. ALEX: It's okay. Babe, I just need rest. Noelle rolls her eyes, before gently massaging her partner's shoulder. NOELLE: It's fine. If you want...I can help you relax a little. ALEX: (laughs) I'd love it, but...I don't wanna put you to any trouble. Alex yawns, as Noelle gets up, standing right in Alex's line of vision. She slowly undoes her robe, peeling it off her body, showing her revealing lingerie. She stands proudly before her husband, tempting him to come to attention. NOELLE: It's no trouble at all. ALEX: Noelle, I...I just need to unwind a bit before bed. NOELLE: Then let me help you. Noelle walks over to the bed, ready to straddle Alex, but he instead grabs her by the wrist, pulling to one side, stopping her before she can. ALEX: NO! Noelle looks on, stunned by Alex's explosive reaction. --- The darkness of Eric's suite at the Salem Inn is broken by Eric and Nicole opening the door, and stepping inside. As the light turns on, Nicole groans, exhausted from the events of the day. Nicole cuts ahead of Eric, and flops down on the bed. NICOLE: I never want to get up from this bed as long as I live. Eric chuckles to himself, despite also being exhausted. He drops his car keys on the chest of drawers next to the door. ERIC: You know you're gonna have to eventually. Nicole winces, pained by the mere suggestion of another work day. She whines back at Eric, prompting him to chuckle again. NICOLE: Noooo, I don't wanna. My feeeet. Eric smiles, as he look at his wife, lying pathetically on the bed before him. He slowly kneels before her, slipping her shoes off her feet. ERIC: Maybe this'll help? He takes her right foot in his hands, tenderly massaging the soles of her feet. Nicole lays back, her shoulders instantly relaxing from her new husband's touch. NICOLE: Ugh, yeah. Yeah, that helps. Eric smiles, as Nicole lays back on the bed, looking as though she's in absolute heaven. As Nicole lays back on the bed, Eric massaging her feet out of shot. Eric begins to kiss up Nicole's leg, before eventually laying beside her on the bed, gently kissing her neck. Nicole purrs with pleasure, as Eric makes a suggestion to her. ERIC: You know what? NICOLE: Mmm, what? ERIC: Well. I figure tonight is as good a night as any to make up for our honeymoon night. Eric kisses Nicole's lips, before Nicole turns her head, seeing Eric stare lovingly in her eyes. NICOLE: I think you're right. ERIC: Good. Eric kisses Nicole again, as Nicole suggests something in return, as he nibbles her earlobe, before kissing down the side of her neck. NICOLE: We spend all night together. Here. Just us. Making love all night. Eric stops suddenly, pulling himself back up. Nicole notices immediately and turns to look at Eric with a concerned expression. Eric responds sheepishly after a moment. ERIC: Ahh...maybe not. NICOLE: Wh...Eric, why? ERIC: Mom's asked me to take a DNA test with my dad tomorrow morning. Nicole looks stunned, lifting herself quickly up from the bed. --- Outside Anita's cabin, Brady sits in the passenger seat of Anita's SUV, sobbing. As he lays his head against the steering wheel, Anita emerges from inside the cabin. She holds a book in one hand, as she slowly walks over and stares sadly at her grandson. After a moment of not noticing her, Anita gently knocks on the window. Brady looks up, red-eyed and visibly in turmoil. Anita motions to the lock, asking Brady to unlock the door to the passenger side without saying a word. Brady sighs, taking a moment before he reluctantly obliges. Once he reaches across the vehicle and unlocks the door, Anita gets in. They both sit, completely silently for a moment. Anita looks at Brady's hands, clutching tightly to the steering wheel. For a moment, Anita raises her hand to rest hers on Brady's, but she thinks better of it, and sets her hand back in her lap. Instead, she speaks up. ANITA: Brady.... Brady doesn't respond, his head resting on the steering wheel. Anita makes another attempt to speak to him. ANITA: Brady, I...I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I really am. But I need you to know, whatever you think of me right now...I love you. And I care about what happens to you. I always will. From the moment I found you washed up on the shore-- Brady snaps out of his silence, his head lifting from the steering wheel to look tearfully at Anita. He cuts her off, angrily hissing his words to her. BRADY: If you love me so damn much, you would've left me in that damn river to drown! Anita looks back at Brady, stunned by his pained statement. --- --- Noelle rips her arm out of Alex's tight grasp, enraged by his sudden burst of anger. NOELLE: Don't you EVER grab me like that again! ALEX: Well, don't put me in that position again! Alex breathes for a moment, while Noelle flexes her wrist, hoping Alex didn't actually injure her. Admittedly, she's putting on a bit of a show for effect. Alex sighs after a moment, before speaking again, this time, in a much calmer tone. ALEX: Look, I'm sorry, okay? Just...we had one HELL of a day today, Noelle. Between everything that happened tonight with Nick at the TV station, and...I mean, you know how Anjelica loves to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong. I'm just...I feel smothered. It's not you. NOELLE: It never is. Alex frowns, confused by Noelle's statement. ALEX: What do you mean by that? NOELLE: I mean you haven't been in the mood at all lately. I haven't so much as been kissed by you in bed since we GOT to Salem. ALEX: Well...you know, things have been incredibly busy since we got here. You know that! NOELLE: I do! Noelle walks in closer to her husband, and runs her hand down Alex's muscular arm sensuosly. NOELLE: And I also know how you used to enjoy unwinding from a day like that. Noelle's hand runs down Alex's chest, but he grabs her hand in his before she can make her way south of there. Noelle looks up at Alex, who gives a playful smirk as he pulls her into a quick kiss on the lips. ALEX: You're right. But tonight isn't the night. Noelle rolls her eyes, as Alex keeps his grip on her hand, making sure she listens to what he has to say. NOELLE: Uuggh, whatever-- ALEX: ...No, I'm serious. Noelle. Listen to me. Noelle stops verbalising her disappointement, as Alex takes his hand and turns her head to face him. Staring deeply into her eyes, he continues. ALEX: I love you. Only you. No matter what's going on. No matter what's implied, no matter what is going on in my life. At work, at home, whatever. It's you. I love you. Okay? Just because I'm not up to a wild night in bed doesn't mean that's changed. I promise. NOELLE: Mmhmm. Noelle nods, clearly not believing what Alex is telling her. She turns away, back to her vanity to adjust her robe, as Alex spies the invitation to the Penthouse Grille gala. He quickly grabs it, and, as Noelle looks into the mirror, Alex holds up the invitation, and looks over her shoulder into the mirror to continue talking to her. ALEX: Look, tomorrow night? We'll go to the Penthouse Grille gala together...but I'm gonna make sure we keep the celebration going afterwards, okay? NOELLE: Okay. Alex sets the invite back down, before resting his head on her shoulder, gently caressing her face as he continues. ALEX: Just you. Me. A bottle of champagne. Soft music. Softer lighting. Noelle finally cracks, giggling as Alex lips gently graze the side of her neck. NOELLE: (laughs) Stop. The lights aren't even on a dimmer. ALEX: There's always candlelight. Use your imagination. NOELLE: Alright, fine. It's deal. Alex smiles, lifting his head from his wife's shoulder. ALEX: Good. I love you. NOELLE: I love you too. Alex turns away, walking back to go to bed, leaving Noelle staring into her vanity mirror, her smile quickly fading, as the continued frustration is clear in her expression. --- Eric sits up at the edge of his bed, next to Nicole, as he attempts to explain his plans for tomorrow to her. NICOLE: Eric, what do you mean, a DNA test? ERIC: Yeah, I know. (sigh) It's...it's complicated, but...my mom asked me to be there, and... NICOLE: Does she not think you're Roman's son, or... ERIC: No, she does. It's just...she doesn't know if the man we've been calling my father...is my father. Nicole looks even more confused than before. NICOLE: I think I'm more tired than I thought. I'm even more confused than before! What are you talking about? Eric tries to hold back his laughter, as he tries to explain the situation in more detail. ERIC: No, see...there's been...a lot of confusion over the years about who actually is Roman. NICOLE: Right? Didn't your family think John was Roman at one point? ERIC: Yeah. For a long time. Most of my childhood, actually. But this time...my mom's just making sure, and...at the same time she's trying to rule out something that could be...passed down. Nicole looks immediately concerned. NICOLE: Passed down? Like what? ERIC: Like...dementia. NICOLE: (sigh) Right. First your grandmother, then your dad. ERIC: Exactly. So if my mom can get us both tested to see if we share the same gene that led to my dad's dementia, then we can better prepare for it. Nicole nods. She looks pensive for a moment before responding. NICOLE: I mean...I get that you wanna help your mom, but...what about Sami. Eric rolls her eyes, sighing immediately upon hearing Sami's name. ERIC: Sami won't do it. In fact, she's livid with all of us for even doing the test at all. Nicole responds with more than a hint of derision and mockery in her voice. NICOLE: She figures it's Marlena trying to take her daddy away again. ERIC: Nicole, you know that's not fair. My dad being gone so long really messed with Sami...and with me. Nicole nods, immediately regretting her snarky remark. NICOLE: No, you're right. I'm sorry. Umm...do you want me to be there for you? Just in case...or...? ERIC: No, no! It's okay. I (sigh) I don't ever mind if you want to come but, I know you have a lot going on at the station, and...Aunt Kim and my cousin Andrew will be there, so...I'll have more than enough support. Nicole gives Eric a half-smile, slightly disappointed that he didn't need her there. NICOLE: Okay. Eric notices Nicole's expression, and puts his hand under her chin, gently lifting Nicole's head back up to look into her eyes. ERIC: Hey. Look, I'll take you to the Penthouse Grille gala tomorrow , though. Okay? NICOLE: Yeah. ERIC: And then... Eric properly lays down on the bed, pulling Nicole in close to him. ERIC: How about we take a weekend away. Just us, away from Salem. A little...mini-honeymoon. NICOLE: I love it. Let's do it. Nicole giggles as Eric tickles her. They writhe around for a moment before Eric has her pinned down on the bed. They begin to kiss, solidifying their romantic plans for the weekend, as Eric turns the bedside lamp off. --- Steve sits in the cell he shares with Bo in Stefano's island compound, staring at Jack's locket that he found in the corner of the cell. He's smiling widely, as Bo turns around, standing at the cell door, hoping to figure out how to escape the cell. Steve mutters happily to himself. STEVE: Jack's alive. He turns to look at Bo from the flimsy, dirty cot he's sitting on. STEVE: Bo, he's ALIVE! BO: Maybe. Steve, we don't know if the reason that locket's there is because they took him somewhere and killed him. Steve's face drops immediately, as Bo realizes the effect his words had on his friend. BO: Sorry, Partner. I didn't mean that. Bo walks closer to Steve, trying to reason with Steve. BO: Look, there is a good chance Jack is alive. But I don't want you to get your hopes up. Especially when we don't even know how WE'RE gonna get outta here. Steve becomes emphatic, getting up from the cot, and walking over to the cell's door, studying it as he talks. STEVE: Oh, we are getting outta here, one way or another! I'm gonna make sure of that, my man. BO: Yeah, well, even if we do... STEVE: I know, I know. It's not just us we have to make sure get out of her alive. BO: Exactly. Steve puts the locket in his jeans pocket, before looking around the cell for anything that might help. STEVE: Well...what we could do....is start an argument...raise holy hell in here, get the guards attention. When they come, we knock em out and steal the keys. BO: Yeah, great plan, but we still gotta get... STEVE: I know, still gotta get our neighbour out. That's gonna be... BO: Next to impossible with the amount of security Stefano has in this place. Bo walks over to look over at the cell across the hall from them, where the Patient sits, still tied up. Bo is increasingly concerned as he watches the Patient passed out before him, his hands and legs bound to a steel chair. BO: But we can't just let him stay here. We gotta get him out. Steve walks over, joining his friend in looking at the Patient, as Steve puts a comforting hand on Bo's shoulder. --- Anita sits back in shock by Brady's words, as they sit in her SUV together. ANITA: Brady-- BRADY: I mean it, Anita. You should've just left me to drown. Anita goes to grab Brady's head to pull him in close to her in an embrace, but Brady rebuffs her immediately. ANITA: Shhh-- BRADY: No! Get your hands off me! ANITA: Brady, I-- BRADY: You honestly think I believe your story you and Tyler told me about being my grandmother? Wh...what kind of grandmother leaves her entire family for decades, pretends to be dead even after her daughters die? Huh? Anita looks down, ashamed of the pain she's put her family through. ANITA: I let you down, and I let your mother down. I know that. But Brady, I AM your grandmother. BRADY: Prove it. Anita holds up the book she brough with her from inside the cabin. ANITA: If you ask your uncle about the lengths everyone went to to get their hands on this, they'll tell you. Anita hands the book to Brady. Reluctantly, he takes it from her. She tightens her grip momentarily as Brady takes it into his hand. ANITA: Be careful. There's some loose pages in there. Those are the pages you'd want to read most closely. Brady takes the diary gently in his hands. ANITA: Ernesto wanted the diary because it proved that Isabella was Victor's daughter, and that's why he tried to kill me. When Ernesto was killed, Victor returned the diary to me. Brady studies the cover, afraid to open it, despite wanting to know the answer to his questions. ANITA: You don't have to read it now. But I hope you do. And carefully. Brady looks down at the book, his hands shaking. Anita notices, and puts her hand over Brady's. This time, he lets her. ANITA: But this is the real thing. I promise you. You'll be able to tell. There's...there's things in that book I could never make up. Things that will prove to you...I am your grandmother, Brady Black. And I love you. Brady looks at Anita, the hostility fading in his eyes, as Anita gazes at him, the affection apparent in her expression. ---
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EPISODE 186 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: C. Nathaniel Richardson & Nick Monarco Kim stands in her living room, held in Andrew's arms tightly, her tears over Roman subsiding through her son's comfort. ANDREW: It's okay, Mom. It's okay. As Andrew cradles his mother, Kim reaches around, holding her son. She feels the soothing comfort of someone to lean on. KIM: (laughs) I know. I...Andrew, I missed you so much. ANDREW: Shhh...I'm here now. KIM: I know. Just...with mom, and Kayla, and Roman. I just...I feel so alone. ANDREW: I know. But I'm here now. And whether you believe it or not, Marlena is too. Kim breaks away from Andrew's embrace upon hearing Marlena's name. Wiping away her tears, and turns away. KIM: (sigh) Yeah. ANDREW: Somehow I don't feel like you agree. Kim throws up her hands, before sitting down on the couch. KIM: Oh Andrew, I do. I...(sigh) Marlena's family to me. You know that. I just...she's been so caught up in trying to unlock this mystery of Roman's illness that I feel like she's forgotten there's a man underneath. It's almost like he's a...case she needs to solve. ANDREW: Oh come on, Mom. You know that's not true. She cares about Uncle Roman. He's the father of her children, for crying out loud! KIM: I know that! I just...maybe I'm just angry at the situation and lashing out, but...I think she figures these test results tomorrow are going to unlock some kind of...hidden DiMera conspiracy, and I...I don't think it will. And I don't think Roman has the time left for us to be playing detective. It's just not worth it. Andrew puts a hand to Kim's back, rubbing his mom's back gently, comforting her. --- In the basement dungeon of Stefano's compound in Italy, the candelight flickers, dimly illuminating the dank room. Eventually, as we pan the room, we find two bodies laying unconscious on the ground, locked in a cell. The flickering light reveals it's Steve and Bo. The light hits Steve's eye, as Steve begins to wake up, slowly stirring on the ground. After a moment of silently laying there, blinking to try to focus on his surroundings, Steve manages to focus. At the very end of his outstretched arm, his eye spots something up against the wall. Curious, he reaches out for it as far as he can. Finally reaching it, and taking it into his hand, he slowly, painfully pulls it toward him, analyzing it closely. It's hard. Metallic. Yet delicate. It seems familiar to him. A locket. --- Anita stands between Tyler and Brady in the kitchen of her cabin, a pleading look in her eye as Tyler holds her back away from Brady. ANITA: Please, Brady. I'm telling you the truth. If there was any way I could have been there...gotten to know you all these years, don't you think I would? Brady steps in closer to Anita, an almost-maniacal look in his eyes, as he very quietly answers her question. BRADY: I don't believe a single word that comes out of your lying mouth. Tyler steps in once again, trying to cool the situation down before Brady's anger builds any further. TYLER: Brady, please. She's telling the truth. Brady's eyes dart toward Tyler, the same quiet, simmering rage in his voice as he turns his attentions to Tyler. BRADY: And you know all about the truth, huh? Doing all of Victor's dirty work all these years, and we had to pretend we didn't know who you were? TYLER: Brady... BRADY: You put on a hell of show, Tyler. Upright businessman, philanthropist. Brady chuckles as he steps over toward Tyler, the same unhinged look in his eye. BRADY: When all along you were Victor Kiriakis' lackey. Nothing more. Bravo. Brady applauds loudly, mockingly, as Tyler and Anita stand in frustration, helpless in the face of Brady's anger. TYLER: Brady, please. BRADY: Oh what. You gonna try to...to spin her story another way for me? You always could convince people of pretty much anything. So why not a dumb sap like me, huh? Easy mark! TYLER: Brady, Ernesto was dangerous. It was the only way to keep your grandmother safe. No one was trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Brady laughs, in complete disbelief over what he's hearing. He shakes his head. BRADY: Well, you sure fooled me. Just like everyone else in my life. I just keep getting lied to. For "my own protection". Right? Well, I'm sick of it. You don't have to worry about protecting me anymore. I'm done. Brady turns to walk out of the cabin, as Anita tries to run after him. Tyler stops her just before Brady races out the cabin door. ANITA: Brady! Anita winces as the door slams behind Brady. Tyler holds Anita's arm, as Anita tries to fight herself free for a moment, before quickly giving in, sobbing on Tyler's shoulder, as he pulls her in close to him, comforting her as she cries. --- --- At the Kiriakis mansion, Alex Kiriakis opens the door to his bedroom. His wife, Noelle Kiriakis, turns around from her seat her in front of her vanity, as she finishes putting on a layer of skin cream on her face. She smiles as her husband enters the room. NOELLE: Alex! Alex responds, though with far less enthusiasm as his wife, given his far more emotionally intense day. ALEX: Hey. I'm home. NOELLE: So I see. Noelle gets up from her vanity and wraps her arms around Alex's neck, gently kissing him on the lips as a welcome home. NOELLE: How was your day? Alex smiles weakly, before removing himself from his wife's arms and flopping down on the bed next to them, exhausted. ALEX: That answer your question? Noelle looks down at her husband, amused by his theatrics. NOELLE: Yeah, that says it all, really. Noelle kneels on the bed next to her husband, casually rubbing his chest as she tries to speak to him. NOELLE: So really, though, what'd you get up to? ALEX: Not a whole lot...less than I wanted to. We ah...we tried the new menu at the Penthouse Grille. Noelle perks up at the news. NOELLE: OO! Yes! I got the invite today! The gala tomorrow! ALEX: Yeah. NOELLE: You excited for the big event? ALEX: Yeah...yeah I am. Alex fades off, as he thinks over his interactions with Will while they were at dinner. His recollections are abruptly halted by Noelle's kiss on his cheek. NOELLE: Good. Cos I picked up a new dress. I think you're gonna love it. Alex sits up from the bed, half-interested in what Noelle's saying. ALEX: That's awesome. I can't wait. Noelle catches wind of Alex's less-than-enthusiastic response, and her face drops, as Alex begins to strip his work clothes off. Noelle looks on with a combination of arousal and frustration, as Alex pulls his shirt, then his pants off, in preparation to head to the ensuite bathroom before bed. NOELLE: Yeah, I can tell. ALEX: Look, I'm...I'm sorry, babe. I just...I'm so tired, I gotta get cleaned up for bed, kay? Alex leans in to kiss Noelle on the cheek, but she leans away, pointing to the facial cream on her face. NOELLE: The...cream... ALEX: Right. Alex down sheepishly, as he backs off his wife, and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Noelle sighs, irritated by her husband's lack of interest in her. --- Kim sits on the sofa in her apartment, as Andrew stands behind her in the kitchenette, pouring them both a glass of red wine. They sit in silence for a moment, while Kim stares off into the abyss. Andrew watches over Kim carefully before finally speaking, snapping his mother out of her apparent trance. ANDREW: Mom? You alright? Kim looks back, shifting her body in her seat, smiling warmly at her son, but with a hint of sadness in her eyes. KIM: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow. ANDREW: At the hospital with Marlena? Kim nods, slipping back into thought about the tests. KIM: I'm still not sure this is the best thing to do...but I also know that it's important to know whether the gene that might've caused Roman's dementia...might be passed on to Sami and Eric. ANDREW: You're not convinced that's her reason for doing the tests, are you? Kim scoffs at Andrew's question. KIM: I KNOW it's not her reason. I mean.... Andrew hands Kim a glass of wine, looking down at her disapprovingly. Kim sees Andrew's face and relents immediately, as Andrew sits down on the sofa opposite Kim. KIM: I don't think it's the only reason. ANDREW: It probably isn't. But, knowing Marlena as long as we both have...when has she ever done anything for purely, single-mindedly selfish reasons? Kim sighs, realizing her son's right. KIM: Yeah. Kim looks up at Andrew, smiling with a sense of relief. KIM: Where have you been all these months while I've been...(sigh) flustered and stressed out! ANDREW: I was just a call away, you know. KIM: I know. But I am so grateful you're here now, Andrew. It's been so lonely without you...your Aunt Kayla...your sister. Kim begins to tear up, as Andrew puts a hand on Kim's back, gently rubbing her back, as Kim tries to hold her sadness in. ANDREW: I know. I'm here now, though. And Theresa will get better, Mom. You know that. Who knows? Maybe we'll hear some good news tomorrow. Kim looks curiously at Andrew. KIM: Andrew...are you...how are you feeling about seeing Theresa tomorrow? Andrew frowns slightly at Kim's question, unsure of the best response. ANDREW: I'll be fine. I think it's important that I see her. KIM: I do too. I think you being there will really help her with her recovery, Andrew. It's....it's very important. To her, and for me. Andrew smiles, with a pinch of sadness in his face. ANDREW: I agree. Andrew gets up from the couch, ready for bed. He drinks the rest of his wine as he gets up, and places his glass on the kitchen island. ANDREW: Look, I ah...I gotta get to the hotel, Mom. I have to get some work done on this story about the campaign for governor, and... KIM: Oh, no no, I...don't let me keep you. Kim gets up from the couch, and gives Andrew an incredibly warm hug. It lasts a few seconds, and it's clear that Kim is reticent to let him go. KIM: I am so grateful to have you home again. ANDREW: Thanks, Mom. Andrew lets go of his mom, before walking toward the door. He stops, as Kim turns to tearfully say goodnight. Andrew smiles back as he opens the door. ANDREW: Goodnight. KIM: Night! As Andrew closes the door to Kim's apartment, Kim stands, smiling as she brushes her tears away. --- At Anita's cabin, she pulls out of Tyler's embrace, despondent over Brady's walking out. She begins to head for the door. ANITA: Let go of me, Tyler! TYLER: Anita! Don't do it! Anita stops in her tracks, but looks out the window as Brady walks away. TYLER: Anita, he needs to be alone right now. Anita's lips purse together, angered by Tyler's words. She turns suddenly to face Tyler, hurt obvious in her voice. ANITA: You did this. TYLER: Anita, he needed to know. ANITA: No, he didn't! Not now! Tyler, he's miserable. You don't understand. He drove off that embankment to commit suicide! He wanted nothing to do with his life in Salem. Tyler looks sheepishly, as Anita turns her attentions back out toward the dark night, hoping to see Brady re-emerge. Her tone softens as she continues to speak of her grandson. ANITA: He was trying to forget. To build a new life for himself here, a simpler life...and he found it. Anita tenses up, turning back around to face Tyler, her voice raising again as she spits her words at him. ANITA: Until you showed up, with your stupid phone call, and you ruined everything. TYLER: (sigh) Anita, I'm sorry. I didn't realize his mental state when I asked you to tell him who you are. ANITA: You never do. And you should've asked me, Tyler. It wasn't time yet. Damn it, Tyler. He wasn't ready to know yet. TYLER: Anita, when did you think would be the right time? Anita turns away from Tyler again, holding herself, rubbing her arms gently to comfort herself as she listens to Tyler speak. TYLER: You know as well as I do that the months would drag on, and Brady would stay tucked away here, hidden from reality, from his past. You here, pacifying him. Making believe you're just this benevolent stranger who just happened to take him in? Purely out of the goodness of her heart. Who loves him just because he's a special boy? Anita sighs, shaking her head at what Tyler's telling her. The uncomfortable truths she's hearing almost too much to hear. ANITA: Oh shut up... TYLER: And then what? After you've spent months lying to him. Tyler steps in closer to Anita, speaking softly to her, but firmly. TYLER: Anita, do you honestly think that the truth would've been any easier if it came out then? Anita turns to Tyler, speaking in as measured a tone as she can muster through her upset. ANITA: Maybe not. But I would have had time to help Brady recover emotionally, so that the truth wouldn't put salt in the wounds he already has. As it stands, he's still running, Tyler. And that's what I'm afraid of. Anita walks back toward her front door, looking helplessly out into the dark night. ANITA: I'm afraid he's not gonna stop. And we'll lose him for good. --- Outside Anita's cabin, Brady desperately attempts to open Anita's SUV, but can't find the key. Pulling frantically on the door handle, he smacks the door, in a fury. BRADY: Dammit! Looking around him, Brady contemplates running off into the night, but he sees only blackness, and thinks better of it. After a moment, he finally finds the right one and hops inside. Brady turns the key, but the enging makes a gurgling sound. BRADY: Come on....come on! He attempts once again, but the same result. When the ignition fails to engage, Brady slams on the steering wheel in frustration, giving up. BRADY: Damn! DAMN! (sigh) Brady leans back in the drivers' seat, sobbing in pain and confusion about the discovery that Anita is actually his long-presumed-dead grandmother. --- In the basement dungeon of Stefano's Italian island compound, Steve sits up slowly, holding his head in immense pain from his earlier blow to the head. STEVE: Ughhh, Stefano, these goons of yours don't mellow with age, man. He holds a piece of jewelery he found on the ground in the cell that he and Bo are currently locked in. A locket. He opens the locket, and sees a familiar picture inside. Steve inhales suddenly, shocked by what he's discovered inside. Suddenly forgetting about the immense, pounding pain his head is in, Steve immediately leans over to Bo's unconscious body, and desperately attempts to revive him. STEVE: Bo! Bo! Steve shakes Bo's shoulders, gently slapping his face hoping to wake Bo up. STEVE: Come on, partner! I got something to show you, man! It's big! Come oooon, dude! Bo begins to come around, grunting in pain, as he begins to return to consciousness. BO: Ughhh, come on, man, I'm hurtin' here. STEVE: Heh, yeah well, so am I but I got something that'll put a little pep back in your step. Bo slowly gets up, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, before his eyes bug out as his head begins to throb. BO: Ohhhh MAN! STEVE: Yeah, I know, but come on, partner. Focus here. Steve holds up the opened locket for Bo, who takes it in his hand. He looks it over closely. BO: Okay, it's a locket. What about it? STEVE: Look at the picture. Bo inspects the picture inside the locket. His eyes begin to widen. BO: Steve, this...this is Jack's, isn't it? Steve nods, excitedly. STEVE: That's right, my man. And you know damn well it hasn't been here very long. These goons woulda found it ages ago and destroyed it, especially if they were gonna throw us in here. So that only means one thing. Bo looks up from the locket, a hint of a pained smile on his face. BO: Jack didn't die when the elevator collapsed. STEVE: You got it! He's probably alive, Bo! My baby brother's alive! Steve can't hide his excited smile, as he reaches across to hug Bo, who looks simply stunned by the turn of events. ---
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- Days of our Lives
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- Days of our Lives
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