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Posts posted by Cat

  1. 10 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Kenya provided a very SHADY interview to Wendy. I actually thought she held her own well and was classy with her answers.




    I thought it was a great interview from Kenya. She was totally on the ball and wasn't going to let Wendy get away with anything. And still trying to get mediaplay on the pregnancy rumors I see! This is the Kenya I want to see on Atlanta tbh. I feel like she's been muted somewhat this year. 


    I am frankly surprised she agreed to go on WW after what Wendy said about her a year ago. I seriously tuned out of WW for a good 8-10 months as a result of her remarks during one of the Hot Topics. "Nobody loves you, Kenya! Certainly not your mother who never wanted you" or words to that effect. I was so shocked by the vitriol, it sounded like something Phaedra would have fed to Wendy tbh. It is also the cruellest thing you could ever say about somebody who has been abandoned by a parent.

    14 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    I so missed that sentence. That takes the fight in a whole other direction. Well-played, Nene.


    DId I miss something? Why does everyone think Cynthia's bf is fake?


    Well, Kroy's look have definitely not be the same since he wiggle that bubble butt in those tight slacks.


    Yep, she totally had Porsha cornered. I really hope this is Toyota's last year!


    I don't know, her scenes with Will don't ring true to me. It sounds like they are reading from a script. He seems like a great guy and game but I'm not sensing their connection.


    lol Kroy has always been dumb as a box of rocks! His brain disappeared with his bubble butt!

  2. ATL:

    Finally the show appears to be picking up some steam, and that's not down to Kim Zolciak -- that's down to Nene. Her VTs are gloriously shady, and the way that dingbat Porsha played into her hand in SF was magical, quite frankly. 


    Nene: What you were trying to say was that I was taking food off of your plate.

    Porsha: And you were!

    Nene: So you took food off of Phaedra's plate.

    Porsha: Well, I don't have nothing to do with that.

    Nene: Oh, you don't??

    Porsha: We are all responsible for our actions!




    However, has anybody noticed how off Nene's VT looks? I'm not talking about the Soul Train dress, I'm talking the oddly angled background pic of her supposed living room. It looks like it was taken from her ceiling. Also, in all her VTs, Nene has her arms crossed like she is seriously pissed off to be there. Oh well. Gotta pay the IRS, Nene.


    I don't know what to say about everybody else's stories. The fact that Cynthia has to stoop to having a fake boyfriend --- I would have thought men half her age would be swooning over her gorgeousness. Is she still with Peter? If so, she should just be honest about it. Speaking of fake boyfriends, when Sheree has to trawl the incarcerated for her SL, you know things are bleak over at Chateau SheBroke. Porsha shopping for rosemary at the vegan grocery store was so dull, it actually got cut mid-sentence.


    And while I feel for Kenya losing her grandmother (my grandma lived with us when I was a kid, and losing her was devastating), how many times is she going to spread old photos over her bed to let us know who she is thinking about? It's such a corny TV trope. Kenya seems totally checked out this year.


    Kroy looks like he literally has sawdust between his ears.


  3. 2 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    OC rumors - not sure how much I believe, but apparently Peggy and Lydia are out and Meghan is staying.  I'm suspect...




    Ugh. I KNEW as soon as I heard that Andy Cohen spent Thanksgiving with the Edmonds' in St Louis that she would be back! Plus she sprang that hasty 4-week pregnancy on them at Reunion -- a well-timed visit to the insemination clinic. It's not like she's interested in taking care of the first one! Just what will it take to get her smug, boring ass fired??


    1 hour ago, WTGH said:

    Ugghhhhh. Not Gretchen! The show doesn't need any more returns. We need to move FORWARD.



    After the last few seasons, I am getting major starry-eyes for the good old days involving Gretchen, Heather, Jeanna and even Alexis! Bring back the across-the-street neighbourhood interactions! Slade pissing off Vicki and Tamra! Gretchen's drunken sad-sack friend eating the bow off Heather's cake! I miss those days.


    Image result for RHOC naked wasted gifs


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    Image result for RHOC naked wasted gifs

  4. 34 minutes ago, WTGH said:

    Rinna looks amazing!


    Trailer for Yolanda's new TV show.


    Yolanda comes off as a Madame, about to sell those girls into being sex slaves.


    A madame role she should be very comfortable with. Allegedly. She also comes off as a raging bitch. The claws are uncovered!


    Love that BH sneak peek. The insincerity oozing out of Rinna's every pore. :lol: Not so confident now that her ride-or-die girl is gone. 



  5. 32 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I wasn't speaking of you sorry I apologize. But I have seen a lot of debate on Brian Williams, Bryant Gumbel, etc and not one mention of why are any of them needed. I stand by what I said, Charlie Rose's departure from the CBS morning show is not a loss. Gayle King and Nora O'Donnell IMO are strong enough to carry that show themselves. Today is weak. But I honestly don't think bringing Gumbel back is any kind of solution. I'd take Pauley back in a heartbeat.


    Yep. And I think in one of my posts earlier I advocated for bringing Bryant Gumbel back along with Jane Pauley. I think my assumption was that TV execs seems to like one male/one female co-anchors on these early morning shows -- and maybe there are audience surveys that speak to that decision, too. Live with Kelly and Whoever is another example where, after Michael Strahan left, the hunt was on for a male-co-anchor to host with Kelly Ripa. There was no question that that co-host was going to be male.


    I would agree with you that Gayle and Norah could easily host CBS Morning without breaking a sweat. In any case, I like that show for Gayle.

  6. 31 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Well apparently it runs this board also. I am not a Megyn Kelly fan by any means  and I am not sure I agree with you on her (Andy Lack is her biggest cheerleader) but I am perplexed as to why people in this thread are perpetuating this need for some male savior to come in and save the Today Show and CBS this morning. I understand that both networks will be putting men in most likely, but a discussion about why an all female panel should be considered might be nice to see for a change.


    I am truly shocked that you would see my statement as supportive of the "man-only head-anchor" mindset. :blink: It was written with my tongue firmly in my cheek. I would be for an all-female hosting team. Not sure Savannah Guthrie is the person to head it, but there are plenty of good journalists who could headline the Today show, not least two women Lauer and his producers chased away: Tamron Hall and Ann Curry.


    I am not a Megyn Kelly fan myself but I do know that when her hiring by NBC was announced, there were grumblings at NBC News and Today about her being parachuted in.

    31 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Here's Matt Lauer's statement. I always love how sorry and remorseful these guys are...WHEN THEY GET CAUGHT!!!




    Me, me, I, I, me, me, I. This statement is by a man who has never not considered that he is the sun around which everybody orbits.


    His syrupy smarminess is even prevalent in that official statement. It sounds so fake.

  7. 52 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I will ask again. Why does another male host need to replace Lauer or Charlie Rose? Someone explain that to me.


    Because white manhood runs NBC and the Today show (even though their audience is largely female). And white manhood is feeling awfully needy and insecure and picked-on these days! Oh and white manhood doesn't believe that people who have to wear bras can adequately anchor a major show like Today. The hate-on for Megyn Kelly? Is likely coming as much from NBC News as it is from outside the organization. 

  8. @amybrickwallace I am sorry for what you went through, and can imagine how triggering all this must be. Please do take care of yourself, and hopefully your therapist is on it! Stories like yours make me so angry; these scumbags' actions leave emotional scars for years. I hate what this person did to you, it's just so evil. May karma get his a$$ good.


    9 hours ago, Franko said:

    *Bryant Gumbel waits by the phone*


    As far as I know, the skeletons in his closet were ego, not libido, driven.


    I would welcome Bryant back. IMO he was the best of the best along with Jane Pauley. If Jane comes back, I wouldn't mind either! Agreed with others here that Savannah is nowhere near strong enough to be carrying this show. I'm not crazy about her voice/delivery either as it makes her sound like a bimbo.


    The story about Lauer being able to lock the door from his desk literally makes me want to throw up. The rape office, was it? And is Lauer a budding carpenter? How did he finagle a button like this? Or, more likely, who at NBC OKed the workmen to do this?

  9. 55 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I always feel like people have to feign shock in order to cover their proverbial asses.  They can't say, "Well, I knew this would happen sooner or later," because, if they do, then others will ask, "Well, if you KNEW, then why didn't you say something before now?"


    I realise they are covering their asses. I just hate the fakery. :lol: It's unfair of me to attack the hair models and news bimbos fronting the news desks. My biggest issue is with all these MALE producers and executives (at NBC, Fox, wherever) who are producing, btw, morning shows whose primary audience is largely female. They tolerated this behaviour for ages. Actually, no, scratch that. Not tolerated. Enabled. Encouraged. Probably participated in it themselves. There is no way that with all the gossip surrounding Lauer that NBC haven't been settling out-of-court for years. Meanwhile, they kept giving him salary raises of $+20bn a year! Talk about rewarding the perpetrator. Now they throw him under the bus -- and all because ratings are meh and another news source is about to scoop them. But mainly, as you say, to distract attention from the real clean-out which needs to be done -- behind the scenes and among the exec pool.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Khan said:

    You know, if I were one of the 17,000 male co-anchors on GMA, I'd be worried af right now.


    Right. Buses always come in threes!


    How is it we are seeing the same run of anchors across networks reporting this Lauer news and saying how shocked they are. Really? I heard about Lauer years ago, and the Morales stuff AND the way Ann Curry was treated confirmed what kind of dog he is.

  11. 12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I thought the intro was hot. Their color scheme is jacked up and the clothes are ill-fitting, but I think it's a nice intro. 


    I agree that Gina and Janet have great taglines. They always do. Lydia and Venus have a solid taglines too. Jackie's tagline is trash. Gamble and Sally's taglines are cliche. 


    Took the words right out of my mouth! Btw, I love that they show Gina (or Giner as Lydia calls her) in her barrister's outfit including the 18th century wig in the intro.


    Why do I have a feeling this is Jackie's season to get exposed/the bitch edit? 

  12. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:




    20 years of this piece of [!@#$%^&*] ruining NBC from top to bottom, a smug, sour old bag of piss. I loathe watching anything involving him and now I never have to see his endlessly sanctimonious puss ever again on my screen.


    This is good and right and just and everything we have deserved in our painful lives. 




    DRW I have never seen you react so excitedly and emotionally before! :lol: ITA, it is WAS his syrupy, slimy sanctimoniousness (while trying to shtup anything in a skirt behind the scenes) which grated the most for me. Remember that fake-ass 'farewell' they made Ann Curry do so that he could look like he wasn't involved in her firing? (Operation Bambi as he and his producer nicknamed it). Backfired miserably. Today lost millions in ad revenue as audience figures went down. And he STILL kept his job! These allegations must be big for NBC to finally fire his ass (and the firing has more to do with covering their own asses than it does with punishing the perpetrator).


    Props to you for finagling CeCe Peniston's 90s bop into your post. :wub:


    The women as usual cleaning up the mess for the network...


    This is a shock to nobody and has been going on for decades. The guy is a lech and a a$$hole.

    1 hour ago, Roman said:

    I don't think so. ML has came off as arrogant and above everyone since he started on Today. it may add thought to why some of his female co hosts left or were pushed out...because maybe, MAYBE they didn't accept his advances. well now his career is shot. serves him right IMPO.


    You only have to ask what Ann Curry is doing these days as NBC News's former 'special national/international correspondent.' Her career was not just sidelined but outright extinguished by the old boys club at NBC News.

  14. It's been over a year since I've been meaning to come to this thread. CBS Drama, a cable station where I am, started showing Knots Landing from beginning to end on weekday mornings, and so I recorded the episodes and started watching them. I had never watched KL before (I am a Dynasty girl). I cannot tell you how much I love this show. Right now I am coming to the end of Season 8. It really is an epic tapestry of these people moving on up as their suburban cul-de-sac gets caught up in the go-go 80s. My favourite movie is Chinatown and if you have ever seen that movie, you cannot fail to see the parallels between that and the growth of the Valley as part of Greater Los Angeles as chronicled by Knots Landing -- especially in seasons 5-6. It also takes on the theme of wealthy people raping the land in their obsession with profit -- and mowing down people in their wake. (Ciji's sad demise in S4 being an example of how rapacious people use someone's talent and then discard them when they need help the most).


    The thing that has surprised me is how KL seems to have a romantic soul. Even cynical, Kennedyesque Greg Sumner is a romantic deep, deep down. It surprises me because KL's sibling show Dallas was like a fast-moving train steered by the Hooded Claw (basically JR Ewing). Here, David Jacobs teases out all the drama of the setting via the relationships between people. That focus on feelings really appeals to me. Plus I enjoy the stories for the most part. Yes, ofc there are missteps (Ben turning into a cold, robotic paranoid being the most egregious -- what a horrendous rewrite of this character. He was a warm, sexy heroic figure with a sense of humor, kind of like Ryan on AW, which soapy shows just do not do anymore). But on the whole I feel like I am turning the pages of a really good book I don't want to put down. It makes me disappointed that Lynn Marie Latham was such a lacklustre writer on Y&R when she could have brought THIS delicious storytelling to the show. What went wrong? Should Bernie Lechowick have been her co-HW? Was it the oversight of David Jacobs and Lawrence Kasha which provided Knot's Landing's best SLs and steered the ship?


    So I am halfway through the S8 episode where Anne overdoses (while listening to Dedicated to the One I Love, a song Michelle Phillips sang with the Mamas and the Papas)and Evil Peter is about to come onto teenage Olivia. Anne is a really good addition to the show (as was Paige this season -- wow! Breath of fresh air) and she reinvigorated the characters of Karen and Mack. While I am glad Mack held back from falling into an affair with her, I am sorry that Anne will be going away for a couple of seasons before returning.


    I am also feeling a little nervous about going into S9. I am worried that after eight excellent seasons, the quality will start to drop. Please tell me it won't! :lol:

  15. @Chris B Bless you for keeping up the love for OC! I'm glad you found things to love this season, and I have a feeling your Final Five of Shannon, Vicki, Kelly, Tamra and Lydia could well come true. I wonder if Lydia saved herself with her performance at Reunion. On the worrying side, Meghan is now pregnant with her second child, and Andy Cohen apparently spent some of Christmas with the Edmonds, so I worry that like Carole, Meghan may be back whether we like it or not. :( I hope not.


    Totally agree with you re: the contrived SLs on Atl. Kandi's is the only one that is real, like with the Essence photoshoot. Also agree re: Kim's return. Kroy's lack of income must be hitting hard because I have NEVER seen Kim Zolciak hustle like this! The woman is so lazy, she allows Bravo to put cameras all over the house so that she never has to leave her bedroom/kitchen. Now she's out and about?? Something is up and it definitely has to do with coin.

  16. 7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @DaytimeFan, right!!! That reunion was edited weird or something. The whole thing was off. 


    I don't believe Shannon v. Vicki is over either. Shannon knows that in the back of her mind if Tamra/Vicki truly gets cool again that she's out to the pasture. 


    I'm just glad this season is over. 


    I'm hoping BH isn't dreadful like OC was. I hope we get at least one West coast season that is good. Last year, OC was great and BH was horrid. Praying it is vice versa and BH knocks it out the park. 2 bad seasons on the same coast is gonna make me assume something is wrong with production and they need to booted. 


    I already feel ATL needs to clean house production-wise and we haven't even reached episode 10 yet. 


    7 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I'm with you. It was so torturously bad and an absolute chore to watch. They need to realize that we aren't here to watch toxicity. 


    Co-sign on all this. I really really really need a break from the OC HWs. Even after curtailing my viewing, there has been a ton of coverage as Bravo's marketing dept desperately tries to drum up support. And the whole sorry spectacle makes my brain itch. I literally cannot handle Peggy. Meghan is the definition of 'pretty on the outside, mean on the inside.' She outstayed her welcome 3 seasons ago.


    But LBR those two are small fry compared with the Vicki-Tamra-Shannon vortex of suck. As long as Vicki will never acknowledge and talk about what happened with Brooks, she can never truly move on, and nor can anybody else. And she won't talk about because she knows that Shannon and Tamra will never stop attacking her for it. These three women are literally holding a gun to each other's head, and we, the audience, have been held hostage by them. I need to not see any of them for a long time.


    I'd be curious to know what the ratings were for this sh*tshow, though. 


    I'm hoping BH is good too, NBA. As people pointed out with the trailer, maybe the lack of one crazy SL in the trailer but lots of glamorous trips is a good sign. I also agree with you about Atlanta. Something about the show and the cast is not quite gelling. There are more and more contrivances driving the show. It was a problem last season too, but the Kandi-Phaedra-Porsha blowout overshadowed it.

  17. 1 hour ago, ChitHappens said:

    Been watching a few eppies and I'm enjoying the show again.  I will put Nene's latest public mishap in the back of my mind so that I can enjoy her.  I swear, she's my fav but when she gets ugly, I have no incentive to watch.  

    Then I watched her with the group.  Forget the name of the group because I didn't listen to their music, and instead of saying "no", I dont' wish to perform with these ladies, all of whom have gown, she says "yes" and reminds them that she didn't want to do it in the first place.  She will see if they can get along?  Do what you can to get along, bitch!  WTF does this?!  How anyone can stand this crying ass manipulator for more than 5 seconds is completely beyond me.  She is horrible but at least we know where we can trace it, Rancid Joyce!  Will continue watching possibly because I really want someone to check her.  Yes, the women need Kandi to make some real money but if she doesn't want to do it, don't do it.  Move on!  


    Nene's my fave too but that doesn't mean I'm going to support her when she does/says awful things. So far, though, she's been the voice of truth this season re: Porsha and Kim.


    I don't know if you know this but Tiny (also in XScape) was meant to be on RHoA but she deferred and recommended Kandi instead. If she comes across well on the XScape show, the producers might ask her to appear on the mothership.


    56 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    @ChitHappens TOyota's an island because she burned her bridges except with the producers of course.

    @Cat Since the season is STILL filming reports are that Kenya FINALLY did get her hubby to film a little bit. :)


    And a high-ranking executive in Bravo that she's blowing. Allegedly.  <_<


    Oh good! I look forward to it.


  18. 9 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I love and adore you. You are one of my favorite people on here, but I have to do this to you...


    8 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I understand. And if I have to be savagely attacked, I would most want it to be by Drita. 


    I *love* Queen Drita D'Avanzo and kind of wish she was on RHoNJ.


    Image result for drita get up karen gifs


    As for Wig... I understand in some ways, what DaytimeFan is saying -- because this is exactly what Bravo is hoping Kim will bring to the table. Kim is Bravo's instrument in calling Kenya out about not featuring Marc on the show. I get why Kenya doesn't want to (for the sake of her marriage) -- but at the same time, I wish she would show him a little bit. I can't deal with her in her wedding dress calling up Brandon and fake-boohooing.


    Having said that, Wig is monstrous. Calling Kenya out for not featuring her husband -- what about the three years we never saw Big Poppa? He was so scared to be named and shamed because he was married with kids and paying her on the side -- at least Kenya got her man by legal means! I also can't stand Wig for going after Kenya but when Kenya comes back at her, she's not allowed to retaliate because somehow Kim is the 'better' person for having kids? I just don't understand people like her who think motherhood whitewashes them of accountability. Trashpot, you lay on your back where you do all your best work and got knocked up! You don't deserve a medal for that!


    It also doesn't sit well with me the way Kim is getting the better edit and is in cahoots with Michael Beck to return to the show. Like it or not, this is Bravo's major black franchise, and lots of AA fans have wanted it to remain black. I'm not necessarily bothered one way or another, but I understand why they feel that way. We've had some great times with Wig and the others (like when Nene and Wig figured out that Phaedra got pregnant way before she should have), but those days are gone, and Kim is only here to gaslight the women. The fact that Brielle was filming bugs in the private parts of Nene's house while Wig was distracting her isn't funny or shady. It's trashy.

    2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Has anyone heard about Michael Beck (EP) being tied and biased on RHOD too? Apparently, like he is with Kim, he is close with Brandi on Dallas too. People on RealityTea are saying he was most likely feeding Brandi lies about Leeanne being fired much like he's feeding lies to Kim about Kenya being fired (neither which are true). 


    His influence is strong on this season and he needs to go. I never thought someone would make me miss Carlos King, but this new EP just might do it. 


    Bravo needs to get rid of him altogether. I don't want him involved with ATL or Dallas. I prefer unbiased EPs on these show. 


    I think he's the wrong fit for this show. Fine for Tardy but that's not saying much. Plus he is beholden to Kim and the Biermanns. That means everybody else is going to be made to look bad in comparison to them. That or like they are the hired help (hey Sweetie!). Yes, I'm looking at you Sheree.


    If he's been involved with S2 of RHoD, then kudos. He did a great job with the reboot! He made one mistake, though, and that was to make Brandi believe she is the star of the show. Brandi is a great addition to the show but as an antagonist. She's not likeable enough to be the show heroine -- she's too spikey and filled with jealousy.



    Bravo promoting Trashbox's 'return' already! :huh:


    I didn't even recognise Marlo at first. She looks seriously flawless with that hair!


    Wig is a weasel. And WTF was Sheree moaning about this wasn't the time nor the place for Kenya to push back at Wig? Wig was poking and provoking her with nasty comments!


    Just think, while all this was going on, Brielle was in Nene's bathroom allegedly filming roaches. :lol:

  20. 13 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    That was better than anything the US Housewives have given us. And damnit why did i like Lydia in that clip.


    Because she has no qualms about being a total beeyotch? "And Janet... we didn't have to give her a walking stick. Oops! Did I say that? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."


    I'm watching Real Housewives of Sydney at the moment; it isn't a patch on Melbourne! I missed the Melbourne HWs.


    Meanwhile, just saw this headline about Phaedra. Must be a slow news day since Wig hasn't woken up yet.

    Phaedra Parks Lands Modeling Contract; Says Leaving Real Housewives of Atlanta Led to Revenge Body




    Image result for Phaedra Parks

  21. @Taoboi @Nothin'ButAttitude I can't believe they hitched M2M to that tired Tardy wagon! Right now this seems to be M2M's best season by miles, and Friday is the graveyard slot. Why do M2M dirty like that when WWHL just had Dr. Jackie on the show outshining Poorsha in every way? 


    On Tardy, I see that Kim Z put up cameras all over her home -- not because of 'security' as she claims, but so that Kroy, Wig and their crotchfruit can be filmed 24/7 while the Bravo cameras are gone. Anything to keep Tardy alive! After the pregnancy hoax, I fully expect a security-camera sex tape involving Brielle and/or the other one to be leaked soon.


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  22. @Taoboi swear to God, if we find out that Wigs went to a fertility specialist to have this SEVENTH child... <_< 


    11 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Looks like it was a hoax to generate press...




    What hoax? You know this was just another day for the Biermann publicity machine! 


    I KNEW there was no way that cig-puffing 57 yr old was preggers! (You need expensive fertility doctors to jumpstart those worn-out ovaries!). Kim's PR machine is in overdrive and she is doing way too much. Something must be up. I'm wondering if Bravo is thinking of cancelling Tardy.

  23. 12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    In other housewives news, Kelly tried jumping into the car with David Foster (YoLyme's ex). 


    Kelly is a hot damn mess. This is gonna be her story next season. I wouldn't be surprised if her heavy drinking comes to the forefront next year. 

    You'll hear Lea Black's cackle, which I know from anywhere, in the background too. Apparently, Kelly was hanging with Lea and Heather MacDonald. Andy, put this poor woman back on a Bravo show; she's desperate for it. Just let her be part of the alleged upcoming FL housewives show. 

    Not surprised Heather MacDonald's thirsty ass was there too. That bitch is eager to weasel her way onto RHOC and has for years. She stays latched onto TamRat and ShanLoon like a leech. No wonder Chelsea [Handler] got rid of her ass. That b*tch is thirsty for the camera.



    I can't think of any two people less suited to each other than David Foster and Kelly Dodd!! Those two egos in the same car together? Lol no wonder David panicked.


    It also makes me laugh how much HWs from other shows look up to anything BH related. Lea Black would love to appear on that show. So would Smelly Cat Krupa. Heather McDonald already appeared on there (with Brandi) and boy does she ever want to be asked back. Lately though she's been sidling up to the NYC women, via Jill Zarin's cancer charity work. But hey maybe the sinking ship that is OC is her way in! +3 spots up for grabs! Too bad she has no charisma or personality -- but i guess that didnt stop OC this year.


    5 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Wigz-n-Newports is knocked up again...



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    LORRRRRRD JESUS! Kroy's sperm must be industrial strength! Kim is a heavy smoker and 49 tho, so how on earth does she stay getting knocked up? Is she too lazy to use contraception? (Yes thats a rhetorical question). How many children under the age of 8 is that? 5? How is she going to support this passel of kids? Brielle cant even land a reality show/sugar daddy/dumb athlete. Kroy is clearly useless. The other girl hasnt had plastic surgery yet. What happens if/when Tardy gets cancelled?


    I think Wig looked at the pregnant Kardashians and figured this was a way to keep her show rolling. Nothing about this pregnancy screams unplanned to me. I still think she wants back on Atl for the bigger paycheck.


    Sigh. Dumb people getting paid $$$$ for literally doing nothing but saying dumb sh!t and lying on their back and getting pregnant. And no, I'm not talking about the Kardashians. I actually have respect for their work ethic/business acumen!

    12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Team Gina all day, every day. I've never cared for Jackie. They are gonna end up making me root for Lydia this year. 


    Haha I have always rooted for Lydia, the dumbest villainess in the history of RH shows! Lydiot needs all the help she can get! :lol:

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