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Posts posted by Cat

  1. @Taoboi @Nothin'ButAttitude I can't believe they hitched M2M to that tired Tardy wagon! Right now this seems to be M2M's best season by miles, and Friday is the graveyard slot. Why do M2M dirty like that when WWHL just had Dr. Jackie on the show outshining Poorsha in every way? 


    On Tardy, I see that Kim Z put up cameras all over her home -- not because of 'security' as she claims, but so that Kroy, Wig and their crotchfruit can be filmed 24/7 while the Bravo cameras are gone. Anything to keep Tardy alive! After the pregnancy hoax, I fully expect a security-camera sex tape involving Brielle and/or the other one to be leaked soon.


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  2. @Taoboi swear to God, if we find out that Wigs went to a fertility specialist to have this SEVENTH child... <_< 


    11 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Looks like it was a hoax to generate press...




    What hoax? You know this was just another day for the Biermann publicity machine! 


    I KNEW there was no way that cig-puffing 57 yr old was preggers! (You need expensive fertility doctors to jumpstart those worn-out ovaries!). Kim's PR machine is in overdrive and she is doing way too much. Something must be up. I'm wondering if Bravo is thinking of cancelling Tardy.

  3. 12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    In other housewives news, Kelly tried jumping into the car with David Foster (YoLyme's ex). 


    Kelly is a hot damn mess. This is gonna be her story next season. I wouldn't be surprised if her heavy drinking comes to the forefront next year. 

    You'll hear Lea Black's cackle, which I know from anywhere, in the background too. Apparently, Kelly was hanging with Lea and Heather MacDonald. Andy, put this poor woman back on a Bravo show; she's desperate for it. Just let her be part of the alleged upcoming FL housewives show. 

    Not surprised Heather MacDonald's thirsty ass was there too. That bitch is eager to weasel her way onto RHOC and has for years. She stays latched onto TamRat and ShanLoon like a leech. No wonder Chelsea [Handler] got rid of her ass. That b*tch is thirsty for the camera.



    I can't think of any two people less suited to each other than David Foster and Kelly Dodd!! Those two egos in the same car together? Lol no wonder David panicked.


    It also makes me laugh how much HWs from other shows look up to anything BH related. Lea Black would love to appear on that show. So would Smelly Cat Krupa. Heather McDonald already appeared on there (with Brandi) and boy does she ever want to be asked back. Lately though she's been sidling up to the NYC women, via Jill Zarin's cancer charity work. But hey maybe the sinking ship that is OC is her way in! +3 spots up for grabs! Too bad she has no charisma or personality -- but i guess that didnt stop OC this year.


    5 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Wigz-n-Newports is knocked up again...



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    LORRRRRRD JESUS! Kroy's sperm must be industrial strength! Kim is a heavy smoker and 49 tho, so how on earth does she stay getting knocked up? Is she too lazy to use contraception? (Yes thats a rhetorical question). How many children under the age of 8 is that? 5? How is she going to support this passel of kids? Brielle cant even land a reality show/sugar daddy/dumb athlete. Kroy is clearly useless. The other girl hasnt had plastic surgery yet. What happens if/when Tardy gets cancelled?


    I think Wig looked at the pregnant Kardashians and figured this was a way to keep her show rolling. Nothing about this pregnancy screams unplanned to me. I still think she wants back on Atl for the bigger paycheck.


    Sigh. Dumb people getting paid $$$$ for literally doing nothing but saying dumb sh!t and lying on their back and getting pregnant. And no, I'm not talking about the Kardashians. I actually have respect for their work ethic/business acumen!

    12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Team Gina all day, every day. I've never cared for Jackie. They are gonna end up making me root for Lydia this year. 


    Haha I have always rooted for Lydia, the dumbest villainess in the history of RH shows! Lydiot needs all the help she can get! :lol:

  4. I'm assuming you all are talking about Wig's upcoming appearance on the show. Meanwhile, on social media, Kim 'accidentally' made public a shot of Brielle exposing her boob. <_< I'm sure you've all seen the pic so I won't post that mess. ALLEGEDLY Kim and Brielle were having a 'private' snapchat conversation with Khloe Kardashian (!). When I heard this, I asked myself "what is a classy lady like Khloe Kardashian doing talking to these trashy losers? Doesn't she have an assistant?"


    Anyway, Brielle flashed her boob at 'Khloe' ;) and Kim Z hit send to all her followers. I know Kim Z has always been a ho, but she has hit new depths in her thirstiness this year. She is literally pimping out her daughter on social media. I have never seen her work this hard, ever! She wants something really badly. Is it a peach? A peach for her horrific daughter?

  5. Just now, ChitHappens said:


    I asked this before, someone told me but I forgot...who is Lena Dunham?  


    She was the writer, creator and STAH! of Girls, which HBO was trying to make the anti-Sex & the City/new Sex & the City. She also has a 'feminist' newsletter and is constantly on Twitter as the self-proclaimed woke voice of womenfolk. Turns out she's not that woke. DRW50 and DramatistDreamer made reference some of the hinky things she has done. She's really just a narcissist who adores the sound of her own voice.


    @DRW50 I can only concur. She does so much damage to women's issues too -- even though she thinks of herself as the spokeswhore of all things female-related.

  6. Just now, DramatistDreamer said:

    Lena Dunham has had to do so many of these "apologies" over the years.

    Remember the Black NFL star that she made up that entire saga about because he was looking down at his phone instead of at her?

    She believes that she should be the center of attention, at all times and how dare anyone say/do anything that is at cross-purposes to what she wants?


    I've never believed the hype because I've met many Lena Dunhams throughout my life, at work and at school and I usually avoid them like the plague.  They're usually self-absorbed, they drain one's energy and are likely toxic personalities.


    Agreed. She wouldn't have to apologise so often if she didn't have a coterie of sycophants applauding her every word fart, and if she actually sat down and asked herself questions about what she is actually putting out there as a so-called media personality feminist.


    The statement I posted is ridden with so much ridiculous, self-congratulatory nonsense. She should have slept on it and reread it in the cold light of day with a red pen in hand. Editing and considering the weight of your words is a true lost art!


    She is so problematic especially re: black men and people of color generally. How is she so supremely confident that the white, male writer she knew for 'half a decade' (that's 5 years) didn't rape this young black girl? Is it because he didn't come on to her irresistible self? Ergo, therefore, he CAN'T POSSIBLY be a rapist! It's like when that NFL player was minding his own business at the Met Gala. It must be because he doesn't find her attractive! hates feminists!


    I find her and her statements exhausting. There are many, many, MANY self-absorbed narcissists in Hollywood, of all genders, but she really takes the cake. She is never not promoting her own Deep Thoughts and posting them like "I know you guys have been asking about my take on..." Who? WHO is asking?

  7. Lena Dunham is a special snowflake who has been told all her life that every word she burps up is revolutionary. And for that very reason, she does not see how privileged, insular, unfunny (thanks @Khan) and clubby she really is. This is her original statement in support of that male writer:


    "During the windfall of deeply necessary accusations over the last few months in Hollywood, we have been thrilled to see so many women’s voices heard and dark experiences in this industry justified. It’s a hugely important time of change and, like every feminist in Hollywood and beyond, we celebrate. But during every time of change there are also incidences of the culture, in its enthusiasm and zeal, taking down the wrong targets. We believe, having worked closely with him for more than half a decade, that this is the case with Murray Miller. While our first instinct is to listen to every woman’s story, our insider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year. It is a true shame to add to that number, as outside of Hollywood women still struggle to be believed. We stand by Murray and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue."


    The statement says it all. The grandiose self-importance. The exceptionalism (I'm a feminist, but...) as she focuses on the "3% of assault cases which are misreported." What about the other 97%?? And perhaps most telling of all, the clubbiness ("our insider knowledge") with her close friends in show business. Lena's statement reminds me of Taylor Swift, with her mediatised 'insider' squad of privileged gal pals (as if that is the pre-requisite for feminism), who calls other women (Aurora Perrineau in this case) a liar. 


    And yes, I know she went back on her original statement... she apologized for the 'timing' of it. :rolleyes:

  8. 2 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    That was underwhelming 😒. 

    Good lord Lydia just owned Shannon without even trying. It’s like Shannon thought by listing everything she’d back down, nope not one bit.


    Shannon thought she could shame Lydia into apologising and Lydia was like "Yeah, I meant it tho."


    And Meghan was so thirsty to make Lydia look bad that she got herself into a pickle. Meghan boohooing over the future job stability of charlatan psychics on these RH shows was the single most ridiculous fight she could pick. The worst is when she said "I just think you should use your brain and not let the Bible tell you what is right or wrong all the time." Oh gurrrrrl. What about the 10 Commandments? She is going to get a backlash from US religious peeps (not least in her own home state of Missouri), and the gasp from the other women testified to that realization. 

    8 hours ago, MrPrezident said:

    They barely showed any conflict in the RHoBH trailer which makes its premiere in over a month excruciating! Very little Rinna. Very heavy on LVP which I like. They need just to stop trying to add a new blonde that will never last more than a season and just invite Taylor's crazy ass back. She's annoying but she's an OG.


    I must say, I have been wondering what TayShana's talk-to Pam has been up to recently! 


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  9. As NYC is already filming, I cannot see Jill being involved in any way this season. Bobby is her priority. It is devastating seeing recent pics of him. He was always a lovely man, I pray for all the best for him, this illness I would never wish on my worst enemy, let alone a class act like him.


    As for Jill returning in the future when she's had time to grieve and process... Well, Ramona isn't the problem as they have reconciled in the wake of Bobby's illness. But it's The Bethenny Show, and we all know she's the one putting the kabosh on that possibility.

    10 hours ago, WTGH said:


    I'm glad that a through story isn't reflected. Usually "the story" swallows up the season to the point the viewers are begging for mercy (Lyme Disease, Panty Gate, CancerGate on OC, etc).


    Why id Teddi Mellencamp FULL TIME when she's barely in the trailer? <_< That precious spot could've been saved for Camille.


    I'm surprised Dorit is featured so heavily. She's quickly climbing the ranks. 



    I totally agree and I hate that. But all the franchises seem to follow that formula now, so I guess I'm kind of conditioned to expect it.


    And as @DaytimeFan has said many times, another blonde millennial one hit wonder? Meghan, Tinsley, Kameron, now Teddi... RH usually does better when it employs someone who has lived, lived well. know themselves, and aren't afraid to be a character (Dorinda, Shannon S1, Margaret, etc).

  10. New Jersey:

    I enjoyed yesterday's episode. The bitchiness is there but the toxicity has been dialled down a notch.


    God help me, I was really liking Dolores this episode. She was spilling the tea about Danielle, and about Juicy Joe squeezing his juice elsewhere -- and to Tre's FACE, no less. I also was liking the way she stood up for herself. Danielle's sh*t-stirring is what she does best, but Dolores is her match and can get scrappy, too. She grew up with Teresa in Paterson. I think the two Ds match each other well on the intelligence scale (intelligence being relative in NJ). Like, Siggy and Teresa are on a par. Dolores and Danielle are a few echelons higher than that.


    Siggy's nonsensical, passive-aggressive retreat with the Hallmark affirmations, mugs, t-shirts, divorce lawyer, and plastic surgeon. :rolleyes: EMPOWAHMENT!

  11. Just now, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @Cat, yes, I got my Camille glamor shot; however, they should've gone ahead and give her full-time status instead of "friend of" status. The intro is not gonna be good unless we have Camille doing the following: 








    It does seem to be no conflict in the trailer. I'm wondering if that's because they are hiding what's to come or that this season might be stale. I hope they are hiding some of the juicy drama to come.



    "Diamonds aren't a girl's best friend. FREEDOM IS." 


    Image result for camille RHOBH opening credits gifs


    "... But it helps to have diamonds." ^_^


    That shot was straight out of Dynasty's opening credits. :wub:


    I hope they just want to keep a lid on the juiciness too... I'm especially hoping this Rinna-Erika blowout in Berlin is something substantial.

  12. Ooooo @Nothin'ButAttitude you got your Camille glamour shot!


    This BH trailer... ok. It's not as epic as trailers of BH seasons past. However, a good trailer is not always indicative of a good season (see S4 trailer which ended with LVP dragging deeply on a cigarette amid dramatic music -- well, that was an awful season).


    The pros

    -Everything looks GORGEOUS.

    -LVP is in full queen mode. It's like she has finally given herself permission to ENJOY being on top, naysayers be damned.

    -Not one, not two, but THREE awesome trips. They included Japan! A country I am *obsessed* by.

    -Dorit's shorter hair is fabulous, and I am really looking forward to an inside look at her swimwear line.

    -Kim nowhere in sight.

    -Dorit and Erika forming a friendship. Yes, I know it's wrong... but it makes for some good drama! Rinna in particular should be scared that Dorit edges her out of the Erika Jayne Fan Club.

    -Erika's VT look. It's Elvira, Queen of the Night. :lol: (This should be a con, but I enjoy the laugh).

    -LVP driving away in her chauffeured Bentley, tossing her hair, while Kyle and Dorit fight over her affections.


    The cons:

    -Camille and Adrienne nowhere to be seen.

    -Some of the jokes fell flat *cough*Boy George. 

    -I'm not getting much of a read on the Mellencamp chick... and she looks identical to Dorit.

    -Rinna pimping her talent-free crotchfruit again.

    -I'm not sensing a through story or what the conflict is this season. Which usually means the conflict ain't all that.

  13. 47 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    RHOBH cast photo has been leaked. I am assuming the trailer will be out soon. It's very grainy but you can make out who's in it. Sadly, Camille isn't a housewife. :(




    Well... Camille hasn't been that Camille in many, many years. I don't think she's got it in her to be a full-time HW. The young boytoy living in the guest house (Mark from Sunset Beach, y'all), a philandering husband on the other side of the US, comparing herself to Jesus, getting on Kyle's tits ("You're such a f-ckin liar, Camille!"), THE dinner party from hell, Alison Dubois -- that glorious world is gone. Camille is now a better person and in a kinder, gentler place. It's a loss for us BH fans, but a gain for her as a human being.


    I am laughing so hard at that pic because they literally made Erika stand a few paces behind LVP to make both of them look the same height. Unfortunately, Bravo didn't have the same consideration for Kyle. You can't tell she is sitting and she looks like somebody's tween child going to prom.


  14. 6 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I think that's what has Brandi p-ssed. I think she assumed she'd emerged as the fan favorite, and as you pointed out, it flipped and fans were team Leeanne. I do see Brandi quitting (or thinking about it) out of protest. But as you pointed out, Brandi's husband seems disinterested in her. Reading other little forums, there are already rumors and rumblings with posters that live in Dallas that there are claims of her hubby allegedly having mistress. When she was on WWHL last week, you could tell something is wrong in her marriage when someone asked about it and she clammed up. This bandaid baby she's trying to have at the same time as Stephanie is yet another scheme for her to try and keep him. Brandi better stay her a** on this show and cash this Bravo check. 


    Thinking about it now (as I type this), she might be using the "edit" thing as a reason to leave b/c she knows her marriage might be crumbling and doesn't want it played out on TV. 


    We shall see, but now I am eager and awaiting for August to roll around for their return. 


    Yeah, everything we have seen this season from a VERY proactive Brandi has been about making her RHOD's little plucky heroine. Only problem is, the audience anointed LeeAnne in that role. The worst mistake Brandi made was at Reunion when she not only slammed the door on any possible friendship with LeeAnne, she stomped all over her feelings and smirked while doing so. That's why Twitter is turning against her.


    Make no mistake, the show needs Brandi. It needs her vs. LeeAnne. It needs her crazy insecurity with regards to Stephanie's friendship. It needs her sh*t-stirring and scheming. And it needs her marriage to play out on-screen and for Brandi to come out the other side more independent. She seems incredibly dependent on -- and grateful to -- her husband for marrying her at the end of her cheerleading 'career' and no football player fiancé in sight. I would love to see her realise she doesn't actually have to depend on him financially.


    As for Bryan (I had to google his name) having a mistress... is that mistress's name Travis?? :lol: I guess that frees Brandi up to spend time with her soulmate Stephanie!


    Bottom line: Brandi needs Bravo too. I don't think the Redmonds are rolling in cash, and the Dallas Cowboys are not calling to get her a$$ back on their dance squad.

  15. @Nothin'ButAttitude Uh huh. Did she quit because Bravo wouldn't let Leeanne go? Did she quit because she refused to film with her for S3?


    Her edit was fine. :rolleyes: I don't know what she's complaining about. She got soft-balled at Reunion and a chance to explain herself, while Leeanne got hammered. She's just sore that fans on Twitter called her out on her pot stirring. "I got the bad edit! You didn't see the true story!" Production screened LeeAnne going full whispery Tennessee Williams nuts on Cary and Mark at the doctor's office, and fans still love her. Its not like the show was hiding LeeAnne's crazy side. Brandi can't stand that LL is getting fan support over her, I think.


    ETA: I don't know what Brandi AND LeeAnne are thinking by threatening to quit. They worked so hard to turn this show around after a disastrous S1. Mission accomplished. What exactly is LeeAnne's income apart from Bravo?? Speaking at charities? Rich is now retired from the DPD. And Brandi honey i hope you've been saving your pennies for when your David Beador-disinterested husband divorces you. The difference between her and Shannon is Shannon has the money. In Brandi's case, he's the one with cash, and he looks like the kind of guy who believes in pre-nups.

  16. Just now, Gray Bunny said:

    Oh yeah, according to Bravo's editing, the Caroline/Teresa rift began when Teresa referred to Caroline as being as Italian as The Olive Garden in one of her books. The Manzo crew were stewing in their backyard together, acting like it was a huge act of betrayal. 


    lol omg. Tell me that was NOT the real reason for their feud. :lol:


    Manzos be acting like

    Image result for the godfather never forgive you gifs

  17. 1 hour ago, WTGH said:


    Behind the scenes brawls are a MAJOR warning sign that the show is going off the rails.


    On NJ, the Dominican Republic bar fight led to a permanent rift between Caroline and Teresa, which seemingly came out of the blue. The onscreen issue did not justify Caroline's full blown hatred.


    On BH, it was Surrogate Gate. Although there were other SL's at the time that sort of balanced out that drama. 


    OC Wishlist:

    Ditch: Lydia, Megan and Peggy.

    Bring in a friend of Kelly's. 

    There needs to be closure between Tamra, Shannon and Vicki. Otherwise, one of them needs to leave. 


    Regarding NJ, what do you think was the cause of Caroline's fallout with Teresa? Teresa's friendship with Dina?


    I remember at the time it was painted as Caroline feeling so 'disgusted' by what Teresa 'did' to Melissa, i.e.: Tre's hair guru :rolleyes: knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who ran a strip joint where Melissa allegedly once worked. I mean, is this shocking? This is the show where Chris Manzo was going to open a strip club car wash. Plus Caroline really didn't care all that deeply about MeHo.

  18. 6 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    That appeared to be Vicki, Tamra, and Shannon hugging at the very end...


    4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    It was them; however, it didn't last long. They are still at each other's throats post reunion. 


    For a moment I thought it was Tamra, Shannon and Meghan, but now I can see that it was Vicki by the sleeveless hand.


    Nothing would make me happier to see these three meet halfway and have a frenemyship rather than this outright Cold War which is killing the show. I know it seems like I'm over-exaggerating but OC is at Def-Con Critical Level for me. This Reunion teaser looks kind of contrived. Tamra sounds like she is reading a script. I can't bear Meghan or Kelly. Kelly is really rotten to the core, and mean. Lydia is a non-entity made up entirely of hair. Peggy literally makes my brain itch. I don't know if I can watch two reunion episodes with those four hashing out whatever contrived nonsense they had to do to fill up episodes this year.


    BTW, are they ever going to mention the REAL reason Tamra and Vicki's forgiveness sesh didn't stick? It was the leak of the BJ audio tapes! Bravo haven't mentioned it even though production wanted to close the season with it, and I have a feeling we won't be hearing anymore about that mis-step. Drat.


    P.S.: Looking forward to that ATL Soul Train episode. Look at Nene lying through her new nose about Sheree's wonderful Chateau! We all know that place is uninhabited with mold, no electricity, running water or heating, and creditors pounding on the door.


  19. 16 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:



    Strong season, strong reunion, THIS is how these franchises should be produced. Tight, no filler episodes. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. Soap suds were in a major lather on this franchise all season and I have lapped it up. 


    LeeAnne took a (mostly deserved) beating from the rest of the housewives and Dr. Mark Deuber. Brandi also took a well deserved smackdown given all the crap she'd said this season. Brandi shouldn't have been so stonewalled to LeeAnne, she may need her help if we get a third season.


    I was quite impressed about what Stephanie said concerning Mark picking her son up from soccer practice when she couldn't make it. She could have stayed silent but that little story said a lot about Mark. It was also very good of her to tell Brandi what she said about Cari and Mark was wrong and how disappointed in her she was. 


    Kameron was a non-event. I am not a fan. They'd be better off replacing her. 


    D'Andra is a great find. Up there with Dorinda. I only wish we'd gotten a segment with Miss Dee Simmons. 



    You said it all! I was especially surprised at how clear and rational Mark came across. And LeeAnne responded well. Cary and LeeAnne are like oil and water though. They will never mix. It's a shame, because I end up rooting for both.


    It's ironic that LeeAnne got the brunt of the accusations -- imo Brandi's assertion that Cary told her about other doctors which killed their patients on the operating table is the assertion that Mark and Cary should be particularly worried about. That's a couple of law suits waiting to happen.


    Brandi looked like a stripper in her expensive dress. She is obviously great for the franchise but I hope the women wake up to her machinations now. She only cares about Stephanie, who she is obsessed with.


    Great season, perfect size, no filler, some Texan glamour, a pinch of Jabot, and a bunch of actual housewives too. I hope it comes back S3.


  20. Just now, Antoyne said:

    I def could’ve skipped this episode. I was also reminded why I can’t stand Kandi or her paid friends.


    I don't mind Shamea sometimes (although I don't get all the calls to make her a HW. She's not scintillating viewing). But everytime Kandi trots out Carmon, Juan, Todd, Mama Gruesome to be her spokesvoice, I CAN'T. It's so phony. Don't be afraid to say how you are really feeling, Kandi!

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