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Posts posted by Cat

  1. I'm a little disappointed that BH's vacation is Berlin. I don't know why, BH feels like a glitzy, sunshiney Monaco/Dubai/Phuket crowd and won't really gel in an avant-garde northern European capital with a grim past. I am also dreading Erika's glam squad going full Liza-Minnelli-in-Cabaret on her. :lol:


    Image result for liza minnelli cabaret gifs


    And regarding OC... I haven't watched in some weeks. I feel exhausted by the #cancer/colonics/vasectomy stuff. I do appreciate that people here watch and put down their thoughts regarding the episode. I am using those posts as a guide as to whether to tune in or not. TBH, Iceland cannot come fast enough.


    5 hours ago, Taoboi said:


    Wow. Seeing the text of what she said written down like that makes it so much worse. Nene never learns. Why does she think being vicious or insulting audience members is what people pay to see? She has been like this for years and it makes me sad because Nene was once the heart. I thought the way she called out Porsha on behalf of Kandi in the trailer meant we were going to see a little of that Nene, but clearly she's let the hype go to her head again.


    Having said that, I am surprised by the news that Bravo wants to fire her when her equally disgusting comments to Claudia a few years ago were completely ignored!


    Not to put the blame for everything at the new EP's feet but... is Michael Beck cleaning house? Is he doing Kim's bidding so she can return full-time to RHOA without Nene or Kenya to trouble her? Kim is such a lazy-ass and filming for RHOA is arduous work in her mind. Much easier is Don't Be Tardy where she doesn't even have to leave her bed, her wigs or her cigs.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Ugh Nene Nene Nene... She's on a dangerous slope towards obscurity. Wishing rape on someone? C'mon girl... this is reminiscent of Kramer using the N word. 


    Agreed on the media play to get viewers hyped up on RHOA. But they are all making it so ugly now. All parties involved. 


    Kudos to Bethenny. That's how you use your wealth and celebrity status. Major props to Miss Frankel :)




    And I was SO looking forward to her return! Nene literally believes her own hype and seems to think everything out of her mouth (usually a stank reference to a lady's nether parts followed by "biiiitch") is finger-snappingly meme-worthy. She STILL has not learned that pride goes before a fall! I would have thought that doing the open-mike circuit and owing the IRS millions would have made her a teensy bit humble... but that footage clearly shows the disdain in which she holds her own fans.


    Yeah, the war of words mediaplay feels like an unstoppable train derailing off the tracks!


    Honestly, that Bethenny Frankel news made me feel like there IS some good in this world, lol. I hope we get to see this Bethenny next season.


    41 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    Image result for i can't gif

  3. Ugh. Lord, Nene. Why are you squandering people's goodwill towards you??




    In some better news, I don't know whether any of you have been keeping up with Bethenny Frankel and what she has been doing for the relief effort in Puerto Rico, but it is hella impressive. I say this as someone who dislikes her, but she is getting things done down there, and showing a lot of heart in the process. I am surprised, but pleasantly so.

  4. 5 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    See, what I don't understand is that on Thursday's WWHL, Kim was very positive about Nene and kept talking about how Kim, Nene and Sheree were the originals, nothing will keep them apart, etc... but this was literally filmed a day after the roach/Brielle/racist/white party thing.... let alone well after the Barcelona and Kim's not going debacle.  I don't understand this timeline.


    When I saw #ClapBackSeason on that IG post, the more I wonder if this isn't Kim's way to drum up interest for her buddy Michael Beck's first season at the helm as well as for Tardy. And possibly to give her daughter Brielle an 'in' on a show like Atlanta? Brielle is so thirsty for her own reality role. In any case, a lot of this drama is starting to smell like mediaplay. And it pains me to admit, but it's working. This is like web-based pre-episodes ahead of the November start date, and it is a damn sight more entertaining than OC which is painfully dead.


    It doesn't make me like Kim or Brielle, though, even if they've touched on something with the pill accusations. I hope Nene decimates them. And i hope a camera is there for it.

  5. Brielle is a little brat and a walking indictment of what a bad job in parenting Kim did. I know she's young, but I am ready for Nene to drag that little girl, and her nasty mother too.


    Lord, when Nene said those roaches must have come from B's funky kitty I was 


    Image result for real housewives luann leg reaction gifs


    Reunion is going to be a MESS. Though it could well be that with this Nene-Kim blowup, Kenya's job is now safe and Michael Beck might be sent on his way.


    4 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    NJ premiere brought in NYC numbers - way down from their heyday.  


    Show Net Time Total viewers (000s) 18-49 rating


    Shocked but not surprised. NJ has spent over four years burning that bridge with their audience. Also, is it just me or was promotion for this season debut especially lowkey?

  6. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Yes! I don't ever remember Tre and Danielle being friends. Not even on the first season. So them feigning like they fell out and became friends "again" was crazy to me last night watching. They should've simply said they were starting a new chapter and trying to be friends for once. So odd watching those 2 act like they were rehashing something that was never there.


    Jaq was the only person in s1 of NJ that tried with Danielle. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't Tre up Dina and Caroline's a** most of s1?





    It was OK. Seeing as I know you were a big NJ, I think you should check it out. You might like it. Tre's scenes with her family were the only endearing thing about the episode along with Danielle's long awaited return. Everything else was meh. 


    From what I'm hearing on other forums is that this season is only gonna be 12 episodes long, which might be a good thing for the show. Shorter season, tighter episodes/stories. They might be able to rebuild their audience with this season. 


    Music to my ears. Isn't Dallas on a truncated schedule too? I think it is for the best.


    Danielle and Tre were never friends -- she was and is ride-or-die for Dina, and that's why Danielle was always the antagonist in S1-S2. For this episode, I appreciate they touched on their bad history before transitioning to the yoga instagram post heard round the world... it laid the groundwork to THE big question of the season which is: are Teresa and Danielle Staub really friends? We all know Teresa is strategic with her "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset. And we alllll know she still hates Melissa, and that the Danielle 'friendship' may be related to that. Even with the 'playful' cake-throwing, when Teresa picked up the full cake on its tray and hauled it at Melissa... :lol:


    Though Teresa is unforgiving and unable to own up to blame of any kind, this episode reminds me why I am compelled to root for her in a way. Everything she feels about somebody is written all over her face. And she is authentic when it comes to showing the ups and downs of her life. Especially the way it affects her family. For better or for worse, she has allowed Bravo to show how jail and the deaths in her family affect everybody. I feel for her especially regarding her mom's death.


    By contrast, Melissa's fake platitudes regarding her mother in law were kinda sickening. Bitch, you had no qualms tearing apart that family and breaking your parents-in-law's hearts for the sake of 'stardom.' I love that Bravo are showing what went down with Envy lol. I wonder if Melissa looks at her daughter and thinks "That's my old face" ?


    Speaking of fakery... I feel like Siggy has caught Shannon-second-seasonitis: bigging up her own importance, thinking she is the breakout queen of the show. It's going to be a learning curve when she gets audience backlash. 


    I like Margaret, pigtails apart. Margaret also seems like she got a good read on Siggy's BS.


    It's been over four seasons since I have finished watching a NJ season. S3 was the last time. With S6, I couldn't even finish the first episode. Cautiously, I have a good feeling about this season, and it's been a long time since I felt that way. Maybe it was the references to Kim D... maybe it was Danielle seemingly calm, rational and non-obsessive.... maybe it is the HWs going to Italy on their big trip. My only question is how come Danielle wasn't made a full HW? Everything in this episode seems to suggest that NJ was priming her for a spot in the opening credits.

  7. Dallas:

    This show is really getting the right balance between fun and toxic lol. I might not love Kameron on this show, but I can definitely see why she is needed -- a spoiled, snooty princess there to remind the others of her impeccable pedigree and look down her incredible rhinoplastied nose at others.


    She is a perfect as a foil for Brandi. I know Brandi is meant to be the wrong-side-of-the-tracks-made-good feisty redhead we root for, but Brandi has a hand in her own downfall. She is definitely forming a mean girls trifecta with Stephanie and Cary, and she is DEFINITELY not just stirring the pot but orchestrating all the bad feeling between the women. I was so ready to have her called out at dinner, but she managed to escape by the skin of her teeth.


    She was also out to try and make D'Andra look like a stick-in-the-mud with the dildo, but D'Andra took it in her stride and laughed it off. D'Andra truly is a voice of reason in this group. 


    Despite the nasty crack about Rich's penis (which I'm sure Brandi will run and tell Leeanne about in due course), I cannot help but like Cary the most. She has a really dry wit and is smart as a whip.



  8. Well damn. Ever feel like it is the End of Days? I do, with Bravo and some of these RH shows!


    Atlanta is doing the most but is in danger of overreaching itself with this trip mess. Meanwhile OC is veering into NJ territory with behind the scenes stuff they can never directly allude to. S3/S4 of NJ made for incredibly frustrating viewing -- the women were unwilling and unable to go into what had been said and done. Clearly Tamra has put a gag order on this Jeff Timmons story and will probably try to gag all mention of this email, too. So now we have another 10 bloody episodes of talking around the actual issues at hand (lest we forget, Vicki also doesn't like anybody bringing up Brooks' scam on TV). What an effing mess. 


    In addition... how many fake cancer accusations is this show accumulating? Three? I can't with this. Not only has there been real cancer in my own family, but it makes me feel awful for someone like Jill Zarin who is currently dealing with a terminal prognosis for Bobby. I have no wish to watch this nonsense on a RH show. It's painful for me, and they are being too flippant about lying about it (and yes i understand that Peggy is likely an exception in all this with her preventative mastectomy).


    7 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    When Stephanie Facetimed Travis and he had at least 4 chins on display lying back in bed and she remarked "Hi Sexy" I couldn't help but find their marriage a little charming. 


    omg :lol: thank you for giving a laugh this morning! For this scene alone, I cannot wait to watch.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    That too. But Kim's show being in a death slot (on Friday nights) is not gonna help either. That's why they move M2M back to Fridays to assist Kim's show and hopefully help her get over a million viewers. I doubt it'll happen though. Most people that watch M2M have said they'll watch M2M and not watch Kim's show. 


    Tardy for the Party is dead. Bravo needs to move the f-ck on and stop trying to make Kim "fetch." Either strong arm her into going back to RHOA full-time, or get rid of her. I'm for the latter of course. 


    Also, Kim appeals to a slightly different demo now that she's off the RHOA and married to cornfed All-American boy Kroy Biermann. It's the same demographic that cheered at her fighting with German airport security for DARING to put her fire-hazard wigs through extra security procedures. The same demo that cheered when Brielle tweeted a picture of McDonald's in ITALY with the caption "Finally some good food!" :rolleyes: :ph34r: 


    56 minutes ago, WTGH said:

    Heather and Jeana's husbands were featured on the show. Briefly, but they were on.

    Dina's husband was never on the show, and that was not a problem since that issue was clearly settled on the first episode of the series. The audience doesn't WANT to see him, we've never known him, she's never talked about him and has been 100% off the show.


    Kenya is a whole 'nother ballgame. She's been on the show for 5 seasons and having/not having a guy has been a central issue in her SL.


    IMO, this can be settled by having a long scene with Kenya and her husband, alone. Having dinner, etc...being a normal couple. Or have a scene with her husband and Aunt Lori or Kenya's dad. That way, her husband is on the show but away from the crap that the other women will probably throw her way. 


    It can be settled that way and I think it would probably have been... as the US Weekly article that @Nothin'ButAttitude posted indicated, her husband was ready to support and accommodate his wife on the show, but not quickly enough for the producers' liking.


    In some ways, this could be a problem with timing. Kenya got married very close to when RHOA started filming for this season. And it was meant to be a secret wedding, I assume, so she could unveil it on the show in her own time. The news leaked and caught Bravo off guard. I wonder if this 'Kenya's 'fake' marriage' SL was put in place by producers keen to force Kenya's hand into revealing her husband on the show. Instead, it has pushed her in the opposite direction and made her more wary to reveal him on RHOA.


    Kenya does lay a lot of her life out for the show so I honestly think it would only have been a matter of time before Marc showed up onscreen -- maybe if the new production had used honey instead of vinegar to entice her.


    Just my speculation ofc.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Go on Twitter & IG and fans are already over Kim and the show hasn't aired yet. Even fans that typically loathe Kenya, have sided with her out of their disdain for Kim.


    I figured the backlash is going to be big. If it affects the ratings for Dont Be Tardy, so much the better. We all know that show is her cash cow. It ain't that Kashmere Skincare line!

  11. 49 minutes ago, WTGH said:

    The producers are playing a dangerous game by propping up Kim. She's too high and mighty to make a return full time in upcoming seasons and will probably end up quitting like she did in S5. 


    Agreed. She is lazy and deplorable and doesn't care about RHOA as evidenced by her flop ass dropping out of the trip because she is "doing press for Don't Be Tardy" (yeah right).


    The producers seem to think she is on trend rn but looks to me like they have fallen for her self-proclaimed hype.


    44 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    To be fair, none of those women made their story trying to find love and then once they found it, didn’t want to show it at all.


    I guess :unsure: I figured it would just be a matter of time before he would appear, albeit briefly and in passing. Now that the producers, Kim and Nene have conspired to make this season an attack on 'Kenya's Sham Marriage,' the likelihood that he will show is virtually nil. Which conveniently makes them look like they were right all along!

  12. @Nothin'ButAttitude so basically the fact that her husband didn't want to be filmed (same as Dina's husband on NJ, Jeana's on OC and Heather's on NY) is what prompted Beck and his producers to target Kenya this season? Lord.


    Looks like they want Marcille to be her replacement too.


    On 30/09/2017 at 11:29 PM, DaytimeFan said:

    The lady doth protest too much...


    lol I enjoy Kenya and all she brings to RHOA but I had to laugh at that bit too ^_^

  13. 47 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    It’s funny you say that as Atlanta is probably my least favorite alongside New Jersey. I’ve already mentioned why I don’t like Jersey but with Atlanta the show has fallen so far for me from what made it interesting to begin with. They probably have the most annoying talking heads as you can tell all of their “reads” and “shade” have been rehearsed like thirty times, it reminds me of Bethenny.


    Not to mention the friendships don’t come across as genuine in the least. I actually believe the NYC girls hang out outside of filming. I actually believe some of the BH and OC girls hang out outside of the show. Atlanta is truly the cast of coworkers.


    Well, I would def agree that Atlanta has lost its sparkle in the last few seasons. Tbh I found some of the episodes in the last 2-3 seasons a chore when they didn't involve a major dramatic event. I think it was with @Gray Bunny last year that we were talking about the READS and the SHADES and how they sounded a lot like how white people want/expect black people to sound. Phaedra was a prime example. I would go even further and say Kim Z switches up her lingo a bit when she's with some of the black HWs. It is rehearsed and the dynamic has become horribly toxic-- gone are the days when Sheree tugged Kim's wig and that was the big scandal! 


    Having said that, in terms of drama, Atlanta can and does deliver. That trailer has more excitement in it than the entire season of OC this far. I wouldn't put Atlanta as far down as NJ because imo NJ is in really poor shape, rotted to the core. Atlanta isn't there yet but if Kenya walks, it will struggle. Toyota, Sheree and even my lovely Cynthia are just not interesting enough to carry this show. Nene is going to devour it. 


    IA that the bond on BH and NY seems more real among some of the ladies. I personally love Dorinda, Luann, Sonja and Ramona. There is history there. Even with Jill and Ramona, they knew each other for a decade previous to the show.

  14. Omg I would be SO relieved to know she is still on the show and finishes out the season like a queen! And if Beck got fired and Andy demoted for this mess. I don't understand Andy's hatred for Kenya, I really don't. 


    And I just want to say that this thread over the past 20 hours has literally been 1000 times more exciting than OC, BH or NY combined this year. Atlanta always brings the drama -- both on and off screen.

  15. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I know she has a fan here so I don't want to act like everyone hates her, but I just don't get Kim's appeal. I get it in the early years of RHOA, but not now. To be honest she makes me feel sick and dirty any time I see her. She looks like someone on the local news, never for a good reason. 


    I think that Kenya probably had reached a natural end (of course Nene did too and she just keeps coming back) but her last season being about some sort of conflict with Amanda Lepore - it's beneath what the show can be.


    Amanda Lepore! Bwahahahaha!!! :lol:


    I have never gotten Kim"s appeal either, and think the fact that she has so many alleged fans and admirers (not least her mini-me Brielle) is actually sort of... dangerous? Symbolises everything that is wrong with our society today? Lol. Everything she represents as a female, I am against. Dont work hard, dont aim to achieve anything, just spread your legs and hoodwink some sucker with cash into giving you possessions and paying for your plastic surgery. Because the only things rhar count are money and how you llook.Your local news comment is on the nose. Kenya wasn't wrong when she talked about Kim prepping her own daughter for hookerhood.


    Speaking of Kenya... most of you seem happily reconciled to her departure, And I understand why. Her happiness trumps a toxic tv show! However, as @Soaplovers pointed out, she is the show. That pillow talk party alone! It bothers me that she gets driven off the show but Toyota likely lives on to fight another day! None of the ladies apart from Nene bring it like Kenya, and none of them show their life as dramatic fodder like Kenya. Don't make me laugh about eternal bridesmaid Marlo. She won't bring a damn thing to the table except a nasty mouth and no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

  16. @Nothin'ButAttitude nobody forgets a slight in the Gorga family -- and this was the way society operated in Southern Italy for centuries. Papa Gorga will never forgive, and nor will Kathy/Rosie, nor will Teresa, nor will Joe Giudice. Melissa better be aware; I don't believe for a second that Tre has let bygones really be bygones. And now Mel has alienated Kathy who won't forget either.


    You hit the nail on the head regarding Dallas. It is about class and social standing and that's what I love about this season. LeeAnne is looked down upon by the others but the irony is that she introduced D'Andra to the group who has legit status and Dallas pedigree. Moreover, she comes across as genuine and real. By contrast, Brandi is very two faced and playing people against the other, and turning on Kameron may not be the smartest move. Kameron isn't the carnie the other women enjoy mocking and bitching about. 


    Kim Z deserves to be dragged for being bone idle as usual. And pretending her laziness is actually due to work. I imagine Nene feels she has had to hustle hard to get somewhere, whereas Kim Z has simply laid on her back and got everything handed to her on a platter. I hope this spat isn't limited to Twitter and we get it on the show too.

  17. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Y'all can come for Melissa, but y'all are gonna have to stop slandering my Kathy. 


    I hate how Melissa got off scots-free from the whole Guidice v. Gorga war and Kathy was cast off to the wolves when she was way less offensive than Melissa ever was. 


    Now... you know I love you @Nothin'ButAttitude but Kathy's a big girl. She sold out family for a spot on the show, was (and still IS) competing with Teresa over who is the better cook.... and she sicced Richie Wakile on us. Unpardonable! :lol: I sort of felt bad for her last season when she tried to make amends with Teresa, but even that was only because partners-in-crime Melissa & Joey switched sides and dumped her ass!


    Related image


    I agree though Melissa was worse and really selfish in her motivations. She tore apart a family that wasn't hers for (what she thought would be) stardom and unending riches. I suspect Kathy's motivation was partly resentment at Teresa's fame (there's something very Jan about Kathy). However, it was also because of her mom's history with Tre's dad. Something bad went down, and since the Gorgas would die rather than apologise for anything, that poor old lady will probably never reconcile with her brother in this lifetime.


    From the looks of the trailer, I don't think Melissa will be getting her comeuppance this season either. That fake-ass is Teflon.


    Image result for RHONJ Melissa singing on display gifs

  18. 57 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    So agree. 


    Who the f-ck would envy Melissa with her chauvinists pig husband, and her numerous quick rich schemes? To think that once upon a time, I somewhat liked Melissa. Once Caroline, Kathy, and Jaq were removed from the picture, the true Melissa emerged and she's just as foul and fake as described. Not saying Tre is better but everything she said rings true.


    You liked Melissa in the early seasons, huh. I disliked her from the get-go. She convinced her dumbass husband to throw his family under the bus for Bravo and her Discount JLo aspirations (lol remember when he 'overheard' her singing Amazing Grace in the walk-in closet and was like "OMG! Is that you singing? You have da voice of an angel! YOU SHOULD BE FAMOUS!").


    Melissa and Kathy came on NJ seething with jealousy and resentment because they felt they were ENTITLED a spot on the show. They came on promising producers to take Tre down. Melissa tried to pretend Teresa was 'attacking' her family, but in actual fact she was lapping up the victimhood role. There's a reason her Gorga parents-in-law couldn't even stand to look at her in scenes.


    I am actually kind of stunned at how she came on the show expecting the audience to fall at her feet for simply existing. :lol:


    With that said... I will be tuning into NJ's first episode next week lol

  19. 7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    NJ taglines:


    Image result for meh gifs


    None of the ladies sound at all convinced about those taglines.


    And Melissa Gorga's tags are always bafflingly smug. Why should we envy your life again? Your music career flopped,  'your' store got cleaned out of all its merchandise by the rightful owner and Kim D, and you are married to a balding little ape-hobbit.

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