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Posts posted by Cat

  1. @Nothin'ButAttitude Many Cuban Americans in Miami (especially the wealthy ones whose parents came over when Fidel came to power) will be Republican with a capital R. It's personal for them -- the Cuban regime essentially chased their families out of Cuba. The Republicans have a hardline policy regarding the Castro regime because the party is ideologically opposed to Communism. Younger Cuban Americans have been a bit more positive regarding Obama's opening towards Cuba (and the chance of going to Cuba one day to visit), but I think overall the RHoM women who are Cuban-American would feel aligned to the Republican party -- though perhaps not Trump per se. Like they would support Jeb Bush. As I recall, Marysol, Alexia and Ana were quite LGBTQ-positive, and Miami (the city) seems to embrace the community. It's tricky to figure out! I would say Marysol probably ended up going with HRC anyway, and Ana, too. Ana seems to know what's up, and what kind of troll Trump is. Alexia, no clue. She worked with special needs kids in the public school system, so my hearts says no since Trump never really campaigned for public school education lol. 


    I would be shocked if Kyle on BH voted Trump! I don't think either she or her husband lean that way at all. Most of Hollywood is true blue Dem (and HUGE fundraisers for Hillary and the Democratic Party), and she's big on being part of the social firmament. She also strikes me as a bit of a follower, rather than marching to the beat of her own drum. Heck, even Hollywood Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenneggar won't vote Trump.


    Estelle Umansky is an anomaly in this wider social group and kind of a loon.

  2. 7 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    For all her lack of self-awareness, I think Bethenny must have known if she'd supported Trump her business ventures would have been destroyed. A lot of people will never forgive that type of vote, probably in New York least of all.


    Judging by her Twitter feed at the time, I felt that Bethenny tried to appeal to both sides. After the Trump win, she tweeted along the lines of "He won let's get over it and move on." This was around the time protests started forming in the days and weeks after the election result, so it seemed somewhat in response to do that. But hey I buy that she voted for HRC.


    In other 'shocking' news, I believe Andy mentioned that the cast of the OC and NJ overwhelming supported Trump.


    And in Bethenny news, she is apparently back with Dennis Shields. 

  3. Rumor has it that Andy will have sit-down solo interview with Luann on Wednesday Sep 6th!


    Wonder if Bethenny will be there to direct Andy on his line of questioning. :ph34r:


    OC is def at a turning point -- at this point all current incumbents could go, starting with Peggy, Lydia and Meghan. Somehow, though, Meghan is like a cockroach who keeps turning up no matter how many times you call pest control. And then there is Tamra, Vicki and Shannon, any of which could go, too. Bravo definitely needs a plan of action. I could be wrong on this but I think Bravo and Andy want Shannon to stay. They love Shannon the way they love Erika Jayne. They think a new queen is in town.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    The issue so much the rumor but that Vicki spread it and put it out there on tv. I cant see Eddie ever being cool with Vicki after that. Hetero (and closeted gay men) who aren't as confident with their masculinity take that very personal and view it as an attack. Tamra is going to stand by her husband, as she should and if he doesnt want anything to do with Vicki than that means she and Tamra are done. Thats just how it has to be. Its going to affect her marriage if she goes back to being friends with Vicki. Likewise, its why Vicki and Shannon are done. The only way any of these friendships could be repaired is if the women divorce their men


    Personally, I don't think Eddie is gay, and he is pretty confident in his masculinity but, as you say, it was intended as an attack on Tamra and that's prob why he wouldn't want anything to do with her. Tbh, Eddie was already done with Vicki around S8. By S9 he was showing her the finger at dinner parties and urging Tamra to stay away from her.


    Yeah, the Shannon friendship will never be repaired. Even though it was a matter of public record! David hates Vicki.


    54 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    Someone posted on a different board that Andy Cohen kept Vicki on the show after season 10 to redeem her and see if she could win back favors with the others.  I could see his reasoning but after she again blew it in season 11...he should have cut ties with Vicki.  If he and the show fired Gretchen for making up the proposal and not owning her part in things then certainly Vicki should be fired (im not even a fan of Gretchen, but I can see the double standard at work).


    Kind of like LVP should never acknowledge the crown, so Vicki should never have told Shannon to "Get off MY show!" It was hilarious at the time because Shannon was such a self-righteous whiner during reunion, but in hindsight it highlighted how precarious Vicki's situation is, rather than the opposite.


    Yeah, Gretchen was fired for less, though at the time I was ready for her and her fake Slade SLs to go. Technically, Andy and Bravo should have fired Vicki after the solo interviews where Brooks admitted to the scam and Vicki couldn't give a straight answer on when she found out. At the time I felt she was badly treated by Brooks and the three witches and that's why I wanted her to return but now... I'm not so sure it was a good idea. She spent S11 sweeping everything under the carpet.

  5. @Soaplovers @Nothin'ButAttitude Interesting that you both thought Vicki found out in the middle of the season and basically tried to pull a Nixonian cover-up job. When I originally watched S10, I was convinced that Vicki believed Brooks had cancer right until the end and her "nailed on the cross like Jesus was" speech. It was only when Reunion started that I thought "She knows now." But today in hindsight, it is obvious that when she presented those fake medical documents to Tamra, it was a messy clean-up job. The fact that she didn't kick that gross turd out of her life as soon as she found out is stupefying.


    100% agree that Vicki's inability to be alone is a major flaw. She constantly admits to her own neediness, but I wish she would do more to deal with it in therapy. It has left her personal life, her business and her family in tatters.


    Wow, you advocate cleaning house, huh. Actually, I wish they would. The rot definitely has set in. However, RHoNY S5 frightened Bravo producers forever with regards to major purges (I don't understand why. Were ratings really that bad?). I would guess that Vicki will be gone after this season but Tamra will remain for S13 because she has allied herself with Shannon and made up with Kelly.


    1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    Tamra and Vicki are the stars of the shows and its anchors. I dont think it can work if you get rid of both of them at once. Its too bad Vicki spread that rumor that Eddie was gay bc that was unforgiveable and really not something you can come back from. She completely changed the dynamic of their relationship and the show with that and it cant be repaired. There's no coming back from it


    Agreed that they wouldn't fire both at once. Not sure the Eddie is gay rumor is that big a deal as Tamra herself has acknowledged that it has been around since the dawn of time and she doesn't care. It was more an excuse for Tamra to let her anger explode re: Vicki pretending cancergate never happened. Tamra despised (and was right about) Crooks, and never forgave that Vicki chose him over her (unlike Tamra, who chose Vicki and the show over Simon).


    I agree that there is no coming back from S10 and S11, and the show is hurting as a result.

  6. 1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Whaaaaat?! LVP should have really made that more well known because it explains a lot about Brandi's resentment of LVP. Brandi wanted to ride LVP's coat tails. 


    Can you imagine the nightmare that would have been? LVP was smart on that decision. 


    Found the article -- RealityTea by way of PEOPLE magazine, from Brandi's own mouth!




    The PEOPLE vid:  http://people.com/videos/why-lisa-vanderpump-turned-down-em-rhobh-em-costar-brandi-glanville-on-a-business-deal-20901404/


    "Lisa’s reason, according to Brandi: “She just wants to keep business business and pleasure pleasure.” " :lol:


    Season 4, as you know, was when LVP was building PUMP, and that's when Brandi got upset about Scheana. But I always thought it was more than Scheana that prompted Brandi to go mad-dog on the Vanderpump-Todds. 


    Btw I stand by my statement that LVP probably realised Brandi did not have mega $$$$$ to invest and prob wanted freebee drinks every night for her and her posse. :huh:




    So, was OC any good tonight? :huh:


    I have to give it to LeeAnne. She will do WHATEVER IT EFFING TAKES to get this show off the ground! Even if it means hot dog costumes for her and her poor, tortured pet.


    All the women have the most plucked eyebrows of any RH franchise. It is very noticeable on Stephanie, Brandi, LeeAnne and Cary.


    I kind of don't care about this Brandi-Stephanie fallout because it is unclear exactly why Brandi  has fallen out with her BFF. Having said that, I am starting to see the fakery in Stephanie. I never did before.


    I know she's despised but I really enjoy Cary. She has a dry sense of humor and, even though Mark is clearly in denial about his true calling in life, they both seem happy with each other so who cares? Her daughter is adorable. I also appreciate that Cary hasn't given up her job as surgical nurse for this show. I do think shady Cary made that comment about LeeAnne to Stephanie, though.


    Kameron -- I'm over the pink dog food.


    Tammy Faye Bakker is BACK! But as someone who works in a family business, I 100% understand where D'Andra is coming from. The product may need some updating, and the way to advertise and distribute DEFINITELY needs an overhaul. Web business is so important, especially for supplements.

  7. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    A little too toxic...maybe Danielle had nothing to give but drama hence why she is just a friend.  Brandi on BH should have always stayed a friend since she xouldnt offer anything but drama.


    IA about Brandi, though I think the issue was more a case of Brandi not being part of the BH wealth bubble. As a result, she was in a position of weakness that Kyle and Kim used against her, and which Yolanda and (maybe) LVP exploited. (LVP once said the beginning of her breakdown in her friendship with Brandi came when Brandi wanted in on investing in PUMP and LVP/Ken turned her down, fearing perhaps that she didn't have the money and also that she would use the place as her personal wine cave). She became the lapdog for drama because that was ALL she had to bring to the table. No property porn, no fancy vacations, no crazy money on crazy cosmetic procedures, no hanging out with her kids even.


    NJ is a different animal -- the dynamic is complete toxicity with added 'fambly' dysfunction thrown in. Some of these women are wannabe tough-guys, so there's that 'Eye-talian' element which Bravo adores. Not to mention that Teresa was in the pokey and Juicy is there now! And Kim G is likely up to her neck in mafia money/coke/murder/allegations -- Posche seems like a front for something much dodgier. NJ is built around some really dark things. I find the look in Teresa's eyes very sad. Danielle's few moments in the trailer were IMO some of the least toxic parts.


    Speaking of Brandi, this was her outfit when she got booted from CBB. Yikes at all that flesh-colored netting.



  8. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    Susan Flannery was luminous for that first 5-10 years. Sometimes I forget how much. I can't remember what Chris Schemering called Stephanie but I think it was something like a sphinx. I know that the family crippled by controlling or cold mother issues wasn't new to Bill Bell, as Jennifer Brooks had some of the same plots, but Flannery raised it to an artform, and it helped that in the early years she did have different relationships with her children and they weren't only focused on her obsessing over Ridge. 


    Bell's very on-the-nose dialogue always entertains me, and it does here in particular with the Eric/Brooke scenes (and Donna calling Stephanie "the wicked witch").


    She really was. SF once called Stephanie a tentpole character, holding up the show, and she was right. It is an amazing part (back when Dynasty/Dallas/Falcon Crest/Knots Landing had breathed life into amazing character roles for women over 40), and when you have a talented actress who gives the part authority, experience, backstory and nuance, you have a star-making turn. I literally cannot keep my eyes off her. When she talks to her children at the breakfast table, I am hanging on her every word just like they are.


    And ITA about the different relationships with her kids. It added to the layers of character that Susan Flannery and Bill Bell had already sketched onto Stephanie. The Forrester children had characteristics that Stephanie already possessed -- or wish she had. Ridge was essentially a surrogate husband -- she was drawn to his seductiveness as she had been with Eric -- but she also felt protective of Thorne's sweetness, too, fearing he might be trampled by Ridge's assertiveness (maybe as she had once been hurt by Eric's cheating).


    The dialogue lol is from another time. But I loved it and miss it sometimes. The formality and vocabulary reminds me of how my grandparents used to speak. Nobody speaks that way now, but at least nobody in this clip is mumbling their words or chewing end consonants or indulging in baby-speak ! I like that attention to elocution on the Bell shows. The dialogue was important and everybody treated those written words with kid gloves.

  9. @DRW50 Watching that clip, I am impressed by Susan Flannery's game. She elevates everybody (and the show as a whole). Some of the dialogue is a little formal and stilted (Kristen's especially, but Thorne asking his dad how his romantic evening went was also a giant wtf!). However, SF is so natural in her delivery that she makes it all sound perfectly normal. She really flips the audience who go from hating her to loving her. Her command of this character is one of the best I have ever seen in soaps tbh.


    KKL was radiant. It's clear this is one reason she rose above the fray on B&B, because this show is mostly packed with glamorous blondes.


    (Love the ads -- TV advertising's last hurrah before the internet age threw a flame-thrower on all that)

  10. 1 hour ago, Elsa said:

    Random HW thoughts:


    - It was so funny watching Dallas Leeanne act like Brandi was her best friend, what a psycho. The praying, the way she talked to Stephanie, returning to the event in order to fight with the hostess, pretending to be normal during therapy.:wub:


    - Bethenny is ruining NY for me. And so is Carole. They are mean, jealous, do everything they accuse the others of doing and they are trying so hard to act like the coolest girls in school. Ramona is Ramona, she is gorgeous, but she is so sad after her divorce. I don't believe that she is dating. She is a real-life ATWT Lisa in my eyes for some reason and I believe that she is still a broken little girl inside. I love her. And team Countess Luann all the way, while the others where yelling to her she was living her life. Let's not pretend that her marriage to Tom was a worse idea than the Jason Hoppy mess.


    - I think that BH would be a mess without LVP and Kyle. The Erika persona is a sad joke she takes way too seriously and Lisa Rinna is a toxic version of Brandi. Dorit is ok, but it is the other two who need to be replaced.




    I mean, what else can I add to a post which is pure PERFECTION ? :wub: I agree with absolutely everything you said! Your Rinna comment "...a toxic version of Brandi" -- that is some TRUTH right there!


    "Let's not pretend that her marriage to Tom was a worse idea than the Jason Hoppy mess." OMG THANK YOU. He always was a controlling, repressive jerk, and Skeletor was looking for a sperm-donor. As for LuTom, well, Luann has always had the most awful taste in men (perhaps with the exception of Jacques)!


    NEVER FORGET le grand mistake de St Barths!




    I love that you love Ramona so much. Because I do, too. IMO she is a staple of NY. A true character. S9 was her rock bottom, but I think she can rebound from here. I hope Dayyyyle can come back to NY (minus Tins) and befriend/counsel Ramona.


    "Kelly, I love you, but sometimes I think you are the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz." :lol:

    Image result for RHONY Ramona Kelly scarecrow of the wizard of Oz gifs

  11. 1 hour ago, WTGH said:

    I'd LOVE Adrienne back full time. She brings the money, the lavish events and the real estate porn.


    She flipped out with the whole Brandi/Surrogate, but I don't blame her. Now that that's behind her as well as her divorce from Paul (they're friendly again!) it's a great time for her to return. 


    I really miss the extravagant lifestyles. I think most people tune into BH for this reason than for the drama. 


    IMO, the show hasn't been the same since the Carlton/Joyce season. 




    She does, and don't forget how competitive she gets with LVP! :D


    One thing I will say for both Adrienne and Paul (I have a soft spot for Paul Massif!) -- when TayShana was dealing with abusive Russell and he was threatening to sue Camille, A&P took a stand at the white party. IMO it was the right stand, because it forced TayShana to finally seek a divorce, for her own and her daughter's safety.


    IA that it hasn't been the same since Carlton/Joyce season. The production values took a real fall that season, and everything looked and felt cheap and tacky. When Yolanda tried to pretend that Ken laid hands on her, that was a real low. Brandi especially brought the season down throughout. I guess this answers my question about whether she should come back! lol 



    5 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @Cat, plz no! Don't speak that into existence. I can't with Brandi returning. Let her a** stay doing second rate reality shows on E! and in the UK to consume her time. Yes, she brought great drama, but I can't fathom to see her again. I'm already loathing her on Celebrity Big Brother as she's up to her old antics. 


    I didn't need to see YoLemon return either. I feel like we all knew she was full of crap. No use of watching her come undone onscreen. I just wanna forget everything about her. 


    I do wish that LVP would walk away from BH though; she just needs to focus on PumpRules and its spinoffs. I grow tired of everyone using her as a punching bag when all is wrong. 


    Dare I say it but I think they might need to bring TayShanna back. She'd at least stir the pot the right way, and go in on Rinna. 


    BH is a hard show to cast b/c the women have to provide us with glitz and glamor along with drama, but I do agree that the show is somewhat past its sell-date or in a slump. Hopefully, this season recaptures what the show had its first 3 seasons.


    I also agree that production force feeds up Bethenny. Like they try forcing us to side with her and it isn't right. A lot of times, Bethenny's reaction is right; however, her delivery is just as sucky as Ramona's, thus making both of them wrong and unlikeable. 


    I'm beginning to think that after s10 of NYC, Bethenny needs to go again. Let her focus on that upcoming spinoff with Fredrik (of Million Dollar Listing NY) of them flipping apartments instead. And when she goes, bring back Jill AND Aviva to fill the void. Those 2 alone with give us tons of drama. But when it comes to Aviva, Bravo needs to put a mandate on her where her dad cannot be filmed, and make her go on cast trips; she better go to a doctor and seek some therapy to get over the phobia of traveling. 



    lol sorry! I was just thinking out loud. I am avoiding CBB because I can't bear to hear her defensive gutter mouth so I guess that speaks volumes.


    After s10?? I wouldn't mind if Bethenny doesn't come back after this season! It might bring Jill and Aviva back sooner! And I say this after having watched the first part of reunion. Bethenny seemed much better, calmer, more compassionate. I liked the overall feeling of the reunion thus far: it was non-toxic (the LuTom carnage apart) and I like the way these women enjoy and relate to each other. 


    I read some comments on Reality Tea calling for Ramona to be fired. However, I really liked her this episode. I thought she was true to herself but also owned up to her faults (though I side-eyed the abuse excuse). Ramona and Bethenny are different sides of the same coin, which is why it seems so off for Skeletor to be attacking Ramona for the very things she does herself (says awful things to people, uses her bad childhood to deflect criticism, etc).


    The outfits were all over the place this reunion, but I do think Ramona and Skeletor have had fabulous facelifts, and Luann's face also looks sensational. Best hair has to go to Bethenny and Carole. Tinsley's look is awful, and Sonja looks a sloppy mess. I am so ready to FFed this 'insincere party' accusation from Sonja next week.

  12. 59 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Yeah, that image is causing some kind of issue with the thread. 


    The problem is that the people who voted for Donald did something hateful and wrong but they don't want to be labeled as such. They thought they could vote for Nazis and the Klan then sit back and reap benefits. I'm glad she feels so defensive. It means that she's feeling attacked and she should. People who voted for 45 deserve to be marked by that choice forever. 


    It's a general refusal of personal responsibility and accountability which seems to characterise these people. It's always somebody else's fault that their life is in the shitter and they beat their kids. Mexican illegals! Black peoples! Big Government! Never their own actions. I remember an analyst saying that the reason those same folks would go after Michelle Obama is because they would claim that her efforts to combat obesity with Let's Move! were targeted and aimed at 'humiliating' them. And they hated that this black female was telling them to take a walk and not shovel cancer-causing foods into their pie-hole. The horror!


    They are getting defensive because they know that their silent acceptance of this destructive regime gives it oxygen to live. It is exactly as Martin Luther King described almost 50 years ago:



    Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

    Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

    The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.

    We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

    Pity may represent little more than the impersonal concern which prompts the mailing of a check, but true sympathy is the personal concern which demands the giving of one’s soul.
    Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.

    The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But… the good Samaritan reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

    In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

    He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.

    History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
    Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

  13. 5 hours ago, OLTL #1 fan said:



    "The problem is the PEOPLE."


    And we all know how Nazi Germany dealt with people who were 'problematic.'


    She totally outed herself before this point, but the mention of "choose to be straight" (by implication, others 'choose' to be gay!) tells me everything I need to know about this highly defensive person.

  14. 14 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    @Cat and @DaytimeFan for their thoughts and info.


    And @Nothin'ButAttitude ! Who is a longtime BH watcher.


    My thoughts? I am not sure Camille has it in her to be a total thoughtless bitch again. Or at the very least roll out Alison Dubois for another Dinner Party! So as usual, we will be relying on rumor-mongerer and proven liar Lisa Rinna to provide the fireworks.


    I feel like the current cast may be past their sell-by date. Just like many NY fans are baying for Ramona and/or Sonja to be cut from the show, so I wonder if LVP and Kyle should sign off. I love LVP and Kyle's family drama is the stuff dirty Hollywood secrets are made of, but I think LVP has lost her lustre since season 6, and Kyle should stick to nurturing her family. But hey, I'll still be watching. These women always surprise me somehow!

    This is random, but I would like to see Dorit and Erika to develop a friendship and both let their guards down.


    Is Brandi Glanville ready for a comeback on BH? Hmmm.


    Another random thought: Yolanda should have returned, if only to be exposed for her duplicity. She was a scheming piece of work. The more I think about her illness, the quickie divorce payout, the way she manages her two model girls (for what kind of life, I don't know)... something in the buttermilk ain't clean. David Foster brought her legitimacy, but she no longer has that to cover herself with.


    9 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @DaytimeFan, I don't mind Tinsley. I like her. But everyone was non-existent this entire reunion b/c Bethenny's big a** mouth was running the entire time. I wish someone would tell her to shut the f-ck up and sit back. This is coming from someone who actually like her too. Bethenny has too much say so on this show. Andy needs to either rein her in or get rid of her. I can't with the show being centered around her. NYC works best as an ensemble. Part one was too centered around her even when it wasn't about her. 


    I agree that Sonja needs to get rid of that raggedy a** townhouse. It's a burden. Enough is enough. 


    I also agree with you that if Camille (one of my faves) is returning that I want her to set her fangs on either Kyle or Rinna. If she's back to pile up on LVP then she can stay gone. I do wish that the show would've brought back either Kathryn or Joyce (or both if you ask me) and given them fair shots. 


    I would LOVE Kathryn back! Truly lovely, open person with a legit OJ Hollywood background. Gone too soon, sigh. I wonder if Erika and Eileen ousted her, because LVP and Kyle seemed to like her.


    Obviously I 100% agree with your words about Bethenny. This has been my bugbear with her the past two seasons. She has too much power, Andy abides by her every dictate, and this is no longer an ensemble. I crave the balance of seeing all these women equally and both their good and bad sides. Remember how we were allowed to make up our own minds about Jill? Silex? Ramona? Luann and the count? Instead, I feel like I'm being FORCED by production to love Bethenny (the so-called 'funny abrasive voice of reason b!tch') and hate Ramona (who has always been crazy, drunk, borderline Aspergers, and an affront to civilised behaviour -- why is this a shock only now?). This makes me stubbornly want to do the opposite actually.


    Plus, if they do get rid of Ramonja, who will be left? Bethenny going after Luann like Cujo? Dorinda trying to drunkenly mediate? Tinsley and Carole doing f*ck all? Don't get me wrong, I love that Tinsley found a genuinely wonderful man, and that Carole set her up with him. Carole did something kind because she actually likes Tinsley. Sadly, neither are remotely interesting enough for 19 episodes. (P.S.: However, getting rid of that whey-faced, mumble-mouthed, hipster manbun was a good move by Carole. She only dated him because he was young and this made her feel validated. I can understand, but honestly he wasn't all that and a bag of gluten-free vegan chips). 

  15. 14 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    Good premiere. A nice nod to old school housewives where we had a nice blend of drama and meeting/reacquainting ourselves with their families. 


    I love Leanne. She might be nutty as squirrel sh-t, but she owns who she is. For that, I can't hate her. I do think that my two gripe with her tonight were: 1. Repeating what Brandi told her in confidence after Brandi asked her not too, and 2. acting like a guard dog for Brandi. It wasn't necessary. Brandi is a big girl with tons of mouth. 


    Moving on to Cary, I think she's sneaky and projecting her own flaws on Leanne. The meddling that she accused Leanne of doing is something that she is doing herself. Cary, much like Leanne, is wedged between Stephanie and Brandi. I also think that she is looking for anything (like Stephanie) to discredit and take Leanne down. 


    Stephanie... her pristine facade is gonna be shattered this year. I can see it coming. I've never bought her innocence, but I think the general audience is gonna grow to see it too. I believe everything that Brandi said about Stephanie and can see her doing it. Stephanie does have this air about her where she does feel superiority to everyone. 


    Brandi is OK, thus far. I am on her side, but I do feel like it is obvious she is using Leanne to fill the void of Stephanie until otherwise. I hope I am wrong and that she genuinely has grown to like Leanne. I think if she doesn't, she is gonna break Leanne's heart, as Leanne is obviously one that loves hard. 


    Kameron and D'Andra are good additions. They totally bring wealth to the show, and elevate it a lot. With Kameron though, I am gonna need her to drop the Elle Woods shtick. It was cute tonight. Come episode 4, I am gonna be over it. D'Andra, on the other hand, give me a Scarlett O'Hara, southern belle/socialite aura that I am here for. I think she is gonna be the most interesting one of the two rookies. I like (too) that she is the one with money and not her husband. It is somewhat refreshing. I also like that she wants to work to maintain her fortune, and that her mom keeps her grounded. I hope more of that dynamic is explored more throughout the season. 


    I do miss Tiffany though. Her presence is missed. I know she is gonna pop up during the season, but I hope she returns full-time next season. I enjoyed her fiery friendship and undying loyalty to Leanne. 


    This might pan out to be a good 2nd season for Dallas like Potomac and Miami had. Hopefully, if the show gets a 3rd season, Bravo doesn't dismantle the show by retooling the show too much. 


    OK, I enjoyed the S2 opener -- and I previously vowed never to watch this show again! S1 Dallas was such an odd bird. It didn't seem to fit in the RH pantheon with the farting and dog sh!t stuff. And LeeAnne played up to camera way too much for my liking. Everybody else was just obliterated by her outsize personality.


    What I liked about this episode is it LOOKS like a RH show. It LOOKS expensive. Seeing the real estate porn, especially Kameron's house, reminded me of the good old days of BH with the swivelling camerawork of gorgeous interiors and walk-in closets.


    IA D'Andra and Kameron are good additions. I liked Kameron a bit more than I did in the teaser. but I hope this pink dog food story doesn't run the whole season. I'm not interested.


    D'Andra and her hot hubbie and FABULOUSSSSSSS mother who is seriously channeling some Tammy Faye Bakker are a WIN for me. As someone with a strong mother, I can recognise the dynamics, and it is interesting to watch -- if a little painful at times (like the way D'Andra suddenly turns on her lovely husband and his way of buttering his toast when she sees her mother side-eye it). 


    Brandi's face looks like it is melting off and revealing the Cabbage Patch Doll underneath. When her highly disinterested husband Bryan showed up to bed and she was lying there like she'd just woken up in full coal-black eyeshadow and fake lashes, I was like :lol:. Last season, Bryan HATED her, and I find his newfound 'love' for her totally fake. I remember reading somewhere a theory that Bryan last season was in love with Travis (Stephanie's husband) and that's why he couldn't stand to touch his wife. Travis was oblivious to this. It makes me view the dynamic between the two couples in a whole new way lol.


    I would be for Brandi in this Stephanie-Brandi fight, except that she won't even tell Stephanie what the issue is?? That says to me that she doesn't want to repair the friendship but would rather drag out the fight for the cameras. BYE! 


    I have always secretly liked Cary for being a full-blown beyotch who BJed her way to being a plastic surgeon's wife when he was already married. She is a shark-eyed gold-digger, but she is also sometimes the voice of reason on this show.


    I'm not sure if I miss Tiffany as a full HW, but I did 100% buy her friendship with LeeAnne was ride-or-die.

  16. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    See I don't see it as filler. This episode for example had some strides with Peggy continuing to upset the ladies, Meghan showing herself to be more two faced and bitchy and the Vicki/Tamra/Shannon story is building. I feel like each week the stories are building towards several collisions. I'm also very curious what will happen with Kelly bc we know she's going to have a tearful makeup with Shannon later on. This season is very Knots Landing as Andy would say, building and building. 


    As someone who is currently watching Knot's Landing for the first time ever (I am on the season where Paige has shown up, Olivia is getting into cocaine and Evil Peter is making the moves on her!), I really hope OC builds and builds into some good interactions! Maybe I'm just being too mean and picky today. Sometimes as a soap fan I fall into a trap of being cynical about everything.

  17. 53 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I disagree! I still love OC. It's a slow build but more organic than the others. I like that they aren't all always filming together. I don't need forced fake dinners in every episode for drama. I much prefer it this way however unpopular it may be. I also love Lydia and Peggy as well. Their family scenes work for me and their interactions as well. It's a shame Peggy probably won't stick around because I LOVE her. She's funny and different and I love how she is so quick to shut down their petty nonsense, which is clearly why they hate her. I can't wait til the drama really starts with her. 


    I can't either! :lol:


    It's not that I enjoy the fake, toxic stuff where they are thrown together all the time. IMO that was a problem with NYC this season.  I do enjoy the organic stuff where they do their own thing. In fact, RHOC under Scott Dunlop's production excelled at this in the first six seasons of the show. We saw all the ladies dealing with work and families, and these were running stories through the season. Tamra and Simon Barney even screamed "DIVORCE!" on camera in the back of a limo!


    By contrast, this and the last episode felt like strictly filler for me. Vicki moving office is hardly scintillating. Is this the way it is going to be all the way through to episode 16 when they are finally forced together on a cast trip? Isolated and yet unable to do anything organically except incessantly b!tch about each other? Peggy, bless her, looks so confused because she barely knows these women and they barely care about getting to know her. It is all about V vs S/T.

  18. @Nothin'ButAttitude OK, you are making me want to watch Dallas more than OC!


    OC is a chore. All the good stuff appears to be happening off camera (like Tamra's fight with Sidney, or that BJ allegation). The problem is also Vicki and Shannon/Tamra's refusal to film with one another. This leaves anyone not called "Shannon," "Tamra" or "Victoria" running between the two sides like minions. In fact, that is Kelly Dodd's actual job description this year. I'm not that keen on Vicki either at the moment. And of course Tamra is trash, but all she has to do is bring up her Chrishun Pasture and her chirrun, and she will have a certain segment of the audience eating out of her hand. Religion + motherhood = the great white-washer!


    I have no clue what Lydia and Peggy are supposed to be doing in all this. I've seen rocks act more excitingly. Not to agree with Shannon, but I sort of wish Heather was back instead of those two.


    Speaking of Shannon




    when you spoke about 'Meganeck,' for one awful second, I thought you were talking about Batgirl (above) !


    I am over Meghan who has reverted back to her S10 "Scrappy Doo lectures everybody about charity and family and cancer" persona. She stays trying to bait and is hopelessly arrogant -- hopelessly because what has she got to be arrogant about? Yes, her baby is adorable, but Jimmy clearly cannot stand her flat ass. 

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