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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. 22 minutes ago, Darn said:

    My girl made time TODAY


    @Chris B great post and I share your energy. I am beyond tired of this [!@#$%^&*] and now is the time people are LISTENING and maybe change can finally [!@#$%^&*] happen.


    I swear to god the swear filter on this forum is so stupid. Trust me, no one under 18 is on this site. [!@#$%^&*], probably no one under 30.

    Damn you didn't have to out our old as.ses like that. But you're probably right. Besides, let's not pretend these teens haven't heard worse. They are having threesomes at 14 according to Erika on RHOBH.


    Happy that VR is continuing to push the issue. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Oh yes darling, a Brooke/Carter/Steffy love triangle would be smoking... but, with B&B and other soaps, it's all about the penis. You have Steffie or Hope being fought over by Carter vs. Liam, and you know one of them just doesn't *measure up* and it's never spoken about but you know it's the reason. Same reason why we have president Limp Noodle who obsesses over the previous president. 


    I would love this only because Scott Clifton has irritated me since GH. Liam comes off as whiny and entitled to me. Would be nice to bring the character down a few pegs. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:



    To know the stories *everybody* has and nobody knows. I wanna know what Karla Mosley and some of the B&B actors have to say. How does Lawrence St Victor feel being on B&B for almost 10 years with no love interest despite fans requesting him be paired with Brooke or Steffy? How did Christel feel when she was called to audition for her own role? How did Bryton feel winning an Emmy but appearing 15 times a year? The writers too. I *really* want someone to blow a lid on the Teflon and racist soap industry in the US. I feel everything will change or evolve *except* daytime soaps. 


    Brooke...really? Brooke needs to get herself some therapy and figure out why she seeks fulfillment in all these men instead of finding it in herself. I guess Steffy would be an ok pairing.

  4. Rinna is acting a fool on instagram calling anyone that doesn't agree with her a Karen. Then saying people are unfollowing her because of her BLM support, yet she blocks any accounts that say anything negative about her and the Denise situation. I will say for all of Kyle's faults she doesnt go around blocking people but Kyle might care more about what others think and say about her than Rinna. Rinna seems more like you dont like me [!@#$%^&*] off.


    I'm glad she's been vocal about BLM, but I hate to say this as I may be wrong but part of me feels as though she's only been as vocal as she is because of the [!@#$%^&*] she's been getting from the fans of the show lately. I'm not saying she's not a supporter, it just seems extra coming from her and I may be completely wrong here. 



    5 minutes ago, Faulkner said:


    Omg!!!!!!! It took me a minute but I finally realized why these all looked so familiar. 😆

  5. 3 hours ago, Aback said:


    His hairline was also receding in the early 90s. By the late 90s he came back with a perfect hairline, but I think it was a toupee.


    Kinda shallow of me but I think Doug D also has worn a toupee for a long time.

    Yes, I do think DD wears a piece, but it looks fine. I don't think he could pull off a bald look all that well. 


    Speaking of DD, I just saw that Cris LeBlanc and Greg R from Y&R are out. I mean I always had a suspicion but I didn't know it was confirmed nor did I really go out of my way to find out or search but when on the Y&R page on insta I ended up on their pages and realized they're out. Is Doug D in the same boat or am I reading him all wrong? 

  6. It's interesting to note that daytime television has become more diverse as talk shows with a host or panel (Tamron Hall, Wendy Williams, The Real, The Talk, a more diverse The View), court shows, a game show (a black daytime game show host is a rarity) all having diverse faces, but at the same time soaps have become less diverse. I read articles from 2013 saying how diverse daytime has become, but ones shortly after saying soap operas have a diversity issue.


    In the late 90s/early 2000s it seemed like most soap operas had a Latinx family, (i.e. the Santos family on GL, Lopez family on AMC, the Ramriez family on BB, Lopez-Fitzgeralds on PAS) as the Hispanic population continued to grow through the 90s and the growing popularity of telenovelas on Spanish-language networks. 




    I think this article presents a unique perspective on how soaps have failed minority characters (CBS focused). 


    Here's a tidbit stating that BB may have been the worst when it comes to representation on daytime:


    When it comes to diversity in soaps, I can’t really think of a show that has been at the bottom of that list more than The Bold and the Beautiful. If you wanted to see people of color, historically, this was the last show you would turn to. Which has always been strange to me given that this is the only soap NOT set in a fictional city, but in one of the largest most diverse cities in the country.

  7. On 5/28/2020 at 11:15 PM, Antoyne said:

    Finally got convinced to watch Downton Abbey snd I love it. Just started season 5.

    Ugh! Love it!!! I also binged it a few years ago and was glad I did.

    13 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    Recently watched THE GREAT on Hulu and loved it for the most part. Catherine is one of my favorite monarchs to teach, and my students usually enjoy learning about her. I’m so glad this version of her story is completely upfront about being purposely inaccurate and more concerned with their own narrative than with the actual history. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially when it comes out like this series did. I know Nick Hoult has done lots of amazing things, but this is the role that made me no longer be repulsed by him after watching his two series of Skins three or four times.


    Also finished THE YELLOW ROSE today after getting frustrated with it halfway through a few weeks ago. Shares my thoughts in the primetime soaps thread.


    I kinda want to watch SWEET MAGNOLIAS. I haven’t decided if it’s something I’d enjoy or if it’s too mushy for me. I guess watching it’s the only way to know.

    Oh wow! What grades do you teach? 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Once the storyline was rewritten -- originally, the men WERE responsible for Maryanne's death, but viewers balked -- all her motivation, along with much of the rest of the story, was out the old window.



    Without Maureen, the Bauers, who'd been GL's central, if vastly neglected, family, lacked a matriarch, the virtual backbone of any quality soap.  Even if she hadn't been used properly in years, for longtime fans, it was still good to know that Maureen (and Ed) was around to provide that much-needed moral compass for the other characters on the show.


    Thank you so much! I love GL because it has such a long history and I thank all of the long time viewers and the researchers for sharing so much information with me. It seems like GL had some missteps on it's long journey and I may have missed its high point, but I feel like their was still something special there (at least in the characters) that made it very enjoyable for me when I started watching in 2003. I can't say the stories were the best of all the soaps I watched at the time, but definitely my favorite. Luckily, we have YouTube to look up some great stuff from the past, but would be nice if the collection was respected and easily accessible on a streaming platform.


    Can anyone share public perception or personal perception of the Santos family. I also was viewing the profile of Carmen Santos and it was a story that wrapped shortly before I started watching. The whole mob element with the Santos feels a little like GL was trying to ride the wave of its timeslot competitor GH but I may be wrong. 

  9. 2 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    The reason people couldn't stand the Maryanne plot was it rewrote the backstory for many of the characters as it took place in 1977. We know what Ed and Alan looked like (even if you weren't watching in the 70s, they were already in Springfield by that time.) Alan was raising Philip and president of Spaulding Enterprises, he was not that young, same with Ed, he was raising Freddie and Chrissy aka Rick and Blake and was already a qualified doctor and not on his first marriage. Billy was off screen in Tulsa, raising Mindy, Josh would have been starting or already at Berkley in CA, and much younger than the rest. Buzz though was thought to have died in Vietnam during the war, which was already over prior to 1977. When Buzz returned to Springfield in 1993 NO one recognized him (not Ed or Billy who were regulars at the time). Billy and Buzz were in the same story and Billy was married to Nadine who was still technically Buzz's wife as he hadn't died, so why would have Billy ever married Nadine if he knew Buzz was alive.


    The parts about Ben I agree with you that made me so upset.




    46 minutes ago, Khan said:

    The Maryanne Caruthers mystery (which GL swore was inspired by the movie "Ghost Story," although I beg to differ) was a virtual rip-off of the Eli Sims mystery from 1983; but even the previous storyline, IMO, didn't rewrite established GL history as egregiously as the one with the Caruthers sisters.


    Moreover, you have Carrie Nye back on the show after twenty-some-odd years, but NOT as Miss Piper?  Here was a perfect opportunity to (lure back lapsed viewers and) revisit that particular story -- and, I dunno, maybe bring back the Black Spauldings or even resurrect Hillary Bauer? -- but instead, GL, you chose to waste her return on THAT [!@#$%^&*]?  Really?


    I did see that Carrie played a character on GL before (not sure of the character's impact), but it would seem logical to bring her back in that role. I know that it changed up the histories of the characters, but I thought Carrie played the role well. I don't remember the exact story anymore but wasn't Carrie the one that killed her niece, so what was the exact motivation of seeking revenge on these men of Springfield exactly? 

    9 minutes ago, VanessaReardon said:

    But everyone says that killing Maureen Bauer was the final nail in the coffin. lol GL was killed many times. 

    How bad was that really? 

  10. 11 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    They were bad years for the show. Retconning Ben as being sexually abused to tell us that people who were sexually abused as children go on to be killers was one of the moments I knew I would never forgive the show for. I wouldn't say it was the beginning of the end. That for me started when Maureen died, and many would say it was when the Bauers were decimated in 1983-1984.

    Thank you for your insight. I remember very little about Ben as I started watching around May 2003 and the character died in July 2003, but I just watched a youtube video compiling the characters storyline. I recalled the very end of it with Ben in the hospital and a few things before. I wasn't aware that Ben had a major connection to the canvas and I can understand why it would upset fans. I saw that the character was SORAS in 2001 and that Conboy was HW from 2002-2003. Does anyone know if this storyline was the intended direction for the character or if this was Conboy's doing and was the death inevitable because the character was beyond redeeming, did Matt not want to continue in the role so they decided to kill off the character or was it just overall poor judgement. 

    11 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Conboy’s tenure in general killed any hope you might have had of GL ever being a somewhat respectable show again.

    Conboy killing what was left of the show’s budget didn’t help either...

    Yes, I read that the show was asked to take a big budget cut in 2005 by P&G. Had ratings changed dramatically since the last time GL had it's budget set or was P&G just trying to kill off an already dying show.


    I was watching episodes from 2003 and I was surprised how rich the show still looked in comparison. The sets, the extras, the overall visual aesthetic. I guess as a newbie to soaps I didn't realize there was so much more going on behind the scenes because the show did look cheaper in the 05/06 episodes I revisited recently. 

  11. Meh, this talent show was not it. I was super excited after seeing all these queens enter the workroom and then the talent show fell flat. The talent shows in previous AS were so much better and showcased different talents, I felt like everyone was pushing their music this time around. The reading challenge was also okay. There's always some weak reads and queens who just aren't made for the challenge, but I felt like there weren't many iconic or memorable reads. 


    Ricky was looking good. I think age has made him more attractive. I didn't think much of him when he first came on the scene and his 90s early 2000s.


    Shea was the biggest let down because she was one of my faves going in, but that stripper set was okay. Still rooting for her because I know she has so much talent and so much to offer. 


    Derrick Berry saying he was so much more than a Britney impersonator, but all I saw was Britney. Derrick flipped that attitude when she was talking to India after being in the bottom 2. 


    Blair coming in with her plumped lips and cocky attitude. I miss the shy, cute Blair from her season but good for her for coming back more confident. 


    Overall, I'm excited for this season because I think there's a great group of queens. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    I didn’t watch much of S8. So Derrick Barry is part of a throuple?! He’s definitely the least attractive of the trio.


    Ongina. Oof. I expect more from an OG queen.


    India Ferrah did turn it. Her weather report back in S3 was one of my favorite Drag Race trainwrecks.



    I didn't realize AS premeied already. I'll be catching it tonight. I knew Derrick Berry was in a trouple and I believe that one of his partners waz actually made over by Alaska in a makeover challenge during season 5 and then actually started his own drag career. I'm not 100 percent sure on the accuracy of that whole statement, but I know it's something like that.

  13. I wanted to get some perspective from long time fans or viewers that started watching GL pre-2003. I read somewhere that the years 2003-2005 are usually where many point to as the beginning of the end for the show. The Maryanne Caruthers storyline usually highlighted as a very low point in the soap. I started watching around 2003 and was new so didn't have the background knowledge of the characters yet or history so I wasn't bothered by the stories going on. Do most agree that these years or some of these years were really rough for the show? 

  14. 2 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    But they didn’t! That’s such a huge problem for me. I know soaps don’t care about these things anymore, but if you’re going to write a late-in-life pregnancy where the mother’s age is a part of the story, you can’t just age the kid and pretend like the pregnancy wasn’t what it was. 

    And I’m curious as to what everyone thinks is an acceptable SORAS. Obviously as much as I hate it and wish soaps never did it or stopped doing it (Agnes and Bill should’ve been the ones), I have to accept it if I’m going to be a fan of this genre, but I can not consider Nicholas Newman’s SORAS to be an easily acceptable one. Six to sixteen is ridiculous, and it’s extremely impatient.

    And I cannot stress it enough - avoiding SORAS wouldn’t have meant writing storylines for tweens. It would’ve meant continuing to write decent stories for the adult parents instead of aging them into grandparenthood and/or having them share lovers with their children. 

    Totally get what you're saying. I've just always took it as another element in soaps that you just accept and keep it moving. We accept most of the outlandish stories, so accepting that time has passed and that child aged was never an issue for me.


    Now that you mention Nicholas going from 6 to 16, I wonder what was the most extreme case of SORAS on a soap. 

  15. I get everyone's frustration, but SORAS doesn't really bother me. I always saw it as an element to age young characters to teen or adulthood as it's easier to write stories from those perspectives. Also, from a labor laws standpoint, it's difficult to have children on sets for extended periods of time to really develop any in depth storylines (especially at the pace soaps churn out episodes) the sams way adults are able to do (and rightfully so).


    I totally get the aspect of showing more of the child and parent dynamic in a slow progression instead of rushing through it, but personally I don't need to see every year of a 6 - 12 year old on screen. If I wanted more tween storylines, I could watch Degrassi and that's not shade. I lived for those Degrassi stories when they were in middle school, but not sure I need that as a major focus on my soap.

    3 minutes ago, Dion said:


    Will was quietly aged by about 3 years in 2002, and there were plans to age him a few more years in 2005, but these plans were scrapped partly because they wanted to "preserve the believability of Alison Sweeney and Bryan Dattilo as his parents".




    So I think Will has basically aged naturally since 2002.


    That quote is quite interesting because it mentions a reason as to why certain characters are not aged - their parents are played by actors too young to have plausible have teenage children.

    Also, I guess SORAS helps in situations where 40/50 year old characters are having babies, I  a few years they'll be aged into adulthood so it's like they actually had them a decade earlier. 

  16. 2 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Regarding the scenes in the rebroadcast of the Y&R Masquerade Ball -- the deleted scenes of the *character*  Miguel wearing a "costume" for the Masquerade Ball - as Native American.


    Instead of speculating about the actor's ethnicity, here is info from the actor himself:


    Anthony Peña (Miguel Rodriguez on Y&R)-

    Real name Antonio Peña.

    Stage name Anthony Pena or Anthony Peña.

    IMDB bio: 


    He mentions his ethnicity in a facebook post dated September 5, 2012: 



    Thank you for sharing. To clarify, I wasn't speculating on his ethnicity, I was discussing the term Hispanic and how it is often used as a pass for people who come from Spanish speaking countries to assert some otherness when it is used in the context of race and usually wrongly applied as a race identifier. Just because someone is Hispanic doesn't mean they all fit in the same race category.


    As I originally mentioned, I believe those scenes were deleted to avoid any confusion or controversy just because of how those scenes were edited. My intent was not to get into a deep conversation about race and race identities among Hispanics, but that's where the conversation evolved. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    It funny this is a racist society. That at the same time is politically correct.  With all due respect you didn't have to educate me on my own culture/admixture. This not a genetics board.  Any way my Alpine Med/Pontid Castizo with minor silvid self  would get in trouble wearing the headdress.

    I'm not sure what your ethnic identity has to do with Y&R not including the Native American headdress. I also wasn't educating you on your culture as I don't know you personally, I was explaining how Hispanics encompass an array of ethnic, racial and cultural identities because you used the term as if it denotes one singular identity and therefore it was okay for any Hispanic to rock indigenous headdress.


    Race is a flimsy social construct when you start to break it down, but it is also very much apart of America. As you mentioned, keeping it PC definitely played a role in not including the images.  

  18. 32 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

     We Hispanics have some Native American ancestry.  So removing Miguel is weird. I would understand it better it it was a white character costumed as a Native American.


    Well Hispanics encompass an array of race identifies and ethnic groups and many times a combination of races and ethnicities.  For example, most Dominicans present phenotypically as black when designating race group, while Argentinians phentotypically present as white (which was a product of race relations and colonialism in each individual country). Just because one Hispanic may have native ancestors doesn't mean that all Hispanics have indigenous ancestory or lineage. Nonetheless, that particular headdress may not even be associated with the Native tribe to which that particular individual has a connection. Hispanic is not a race identity, but a grouping of individuals with different races, ethnic and cultural traditions based on common language. If the actor who plays Miguel is not indigenous it would nonetheless be insensitive for him to wear such a costume regardless if he may phenotypically resemble someone who may be indigenous.


    To elaborate, Dominicans and Haitains which share the same island but were colonized by different countries actually have different racial/ethnic makeup. Haitians tend to be more predominately of African descent than Dominicans who tend to be more a mix of European and African descent and this was largely due to how slavery was conducted in each country (which I won't get into now). Nonetheless, Dominicans are considered to be Hispanic, because they are from a Spanish-speaking country but their race identity is black, because phenotypically that's how they would be categorized by American race groups. On the other extreme you have Argentinians and Uruguyans which have a predominately white ethnic identity (again in relation to colonialism and slave relations in those respective countries which I will not get into). Most Argentinians and Uruguayans can trace roots to Italy, Spain and Germany among other "white" nationalities. They are also predominately white countries. However, Argentinians and Uruguayans like Dominicans are also considered Hispanics although neither of the three are likely to have indigenous (very small percentage) ancestory. Mexican, Central Americans and several South American countries do have large indigenous people or people with indigenous ancestory. However, this does not mean that just because someone is Hispanic, they are indigenous or have indigenous lineage. It also doesn't mean that someone that is Hispanic and phenotypically resembles an indigenous person is necessarily indigenous or of indigenous ancestory as many Hispanics are a mix of racial and ethnic identities that may present that way. 


    So to bring it around, I think Y&R was preventing backlash so decided just to not include those scenes altogether. 

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