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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. 18 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Weirdly wasn’t that Miguel dressed up as the Native American Chief going after Esther? I remember reading something form 1984 Y&R where Miguel & Esther had some flirtatious scenes scenes never addressed again and Miguel apparently mentioned a brother who went to law school while Esther mentioned having a brother on screen.


    Years later I remember reading  Skip Evans was planned to be Esther’s brother while John Silva was suppose to be Miguel’s brother but they decided against making any connections WTH? But then again I remember reading this from the same source that claimed Skip died in a motorcycle accident in 1991, something I have never verified and will never repeat as  fact unless proven true.


    Yes, I believe that is Miguel. Someone mentions it in the comments. I don't know if Miguel was an important character at the time or about those rumors but I really enjoyed this episode and reading the storylines connected to this period. Obviously the episode needed to be edited down from its runtime from 1991 to fit current episode length, but considering how Miguel was cut from every scene where he was prominently visible even scenes where he was just in passing which made some scenes look choppy, it was clear he was removed due to his outfit. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Darn said:

    Y&R, B&B and GH could possibly rebound from this, promote their returns, get the stars out there doing press. But Days? How does it recover from not going anywhere yet steadily losing viewers? They have no excuse.

    I honestly think they could benefit from taking a short break and coming back in a big way. I mean they were supposed to be off for a few weeks soon for sports related preemptions which are no longer happening. Maybe they could still take a break in late August and come back in September with some fanfare and excitement and record some new stuff. 

  3. Speaking of race and how general perception has evolved and changed over the years, I will say that Y&R acted positively and with sensitivity when editing the 1991 Masquerade episode. After watching the episode during the Friday classics, I decided to look up more episodes from that period and while doing so I stumbled upon a clip with the deleted scenes that didn't make the 2020 re-broadcast. One thing was glaringly obvious to me, a lot of scenes were cut to exclude a character that was dressed in Native American headdresses. In recent years, we have become more sensitive to the harm caused by acts of cultural appropriation. Many celebs have actually gotten into hot water for using Native American symbolism, dress and imagery. I think whoever was in charge of editing the episode was aware of the issues that might arise from including those scenes. I didn't bring it up weeks ago when I first watched as I didn't  know where to address it, but I feel as if it may be relevant to this topic. I'm surprised no one in the comments section of the YouTube video noticed it. I'm sure to most of the older audience and even some of the younger, it would seem like it is not a big deal, but considering our current climate and how we are changing albeit slowly I think it was culturally responsive and responsible on Y&R's part. 


    If anyone is interested in the scenes I am referring to, the clip below includes the scenes that were removed from the re-broadcast. Most of the scenes with the character are in the second half of the clip.




  4. 3 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Thank you so much for sharing that @Faulkner


    Julius as an ADOS mentioning the Great Migration would NOT have been a stereotype, it would have been SPECIFICITY. It would explain his psychology so much better than anything else they shat out. They had a real opportunity to delve into how the black church plays such a large part in how huge swathes of the black community feel about trans people or homosexuality. I'm so upset!

    To really tackle that and dive deep into the issues in black communities regarding queer identifies would have been incredible. No other format gives you the time and space to really portray social issues as in depth as soaps. 


    Thank you for sharing this, @Faulkner Patrick really highlighted some major issues in dealing with diversity in daytime. Not surprising that it's even more challenging now with the state of soaps.

  5. 9 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Just found this: the 1979 wedding of Carla and Jack Scott on OLTL, with Lillian Hayman singing.




    Clearly this is a reflection of what was happening BTS and the views of TPTB at the time. Perhaps a fear that focusing too heavily on black characters might push away certain audiences, therefore having Vicki in those long shots behind Carla. 


    I read on Wiki that Southern affiliates began to boycott the show when it was revealed that Carla was actually a light-skinned black woman passing as a white woman and not actually white. Which is funny because it was fine as long as they believed she was white, but once she wasn't it became an issue as if there weren't more scandalous stories on soaps before this. It also shows what a flimsy construct race really is and such a great storyline that OLTL decided to tackle. I'm not giving them a pass on those wedding scenes, but the race storyline seems progressive for the time and the fact that it causes uproar from affiliates proves that. Soaps wouldn't dare upset their affiliates nowadays.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Kyle definitely brought Brandi in to bring down Denise. It’s clear as f.ucking day.

    Kyle is such a punk. Everytime she's confronted she walks away or cries, but when Denise wanted to remove herself from the same stupid conversation about why she didnt want her kids around adults talking about sex, Kyle was telling her not to leave and to revolve it. These ladies really need three dinner parties to resolve something that should be a non-issue. It's beyond pathetic. Kyle is super insecure and these ladies are using this to bring Denise down. Kyle also keeps thinking she's doing something with those questionable outfits she keeps wearing this season, which is laughable especially since she has made several judgements on cast wardrobe in seasons' past. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Taoboi said:

    As the divine Ms. Drucilla Winters would say in regards to Teddi...LINT. 


    Honestly rewatching some clips Denise is better than me. I would have had the firmness of an Aaron with Verbally sharp wit  of a Bethanny crossed with a Claudia Jordan special.


    I can't wait for the gloves to be taken off and Denise and Garcelle go off on them. 

    THANK YOU. He might have been wordy about it, but I felt Aaron was totally logically in what he was saying. He could have been a PK (or even a Peter) about it. HE WASN'T. And they were STILL pressed. 

    Compared to the main trailer...that was scary...light? Like they are hiding the juicy stuff versus the main one where they let it all hang out.


    Really for the gloves to come off. Judging from Denise's look at the end, she's ready, too.





    I think the name you were looking for was Patricia. 


    I thought it was fine that he jumped in to defend his wife as long as he didn't get too crazy. I mean Teddi was sobbing at the one dinner party and her man was eating his soup and let her take it. Normally, I don't think the men should get involved, but if they're all seated together like that than I think it's fine as long as there are some boundaries.


    I'm so done with the repetitiveness of this whole storyline. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle brought Brandi to bring down Denise so she wouldn't have to continue to get her hands dirty. 

  8. 1 hour ago, BillBauer said:



    What are you saying? As the other soaps have been airing repeats, the ratings for Days have gone down?

    Since the stay at home orders started Days remained above 2 million viewers. The week YR and BB start week long repeats is the first week Days dips below 2 million since the stay at home orders. Now the week GH starts weeklong repeats it dips below 1.9 million. 


    I dont know about other markets but in the NYC area, the second half hour of Days competes directly with Y&R's first half hour. Besides that, the soaps do not compete directly. With the lack of soaps on air, I wouldn't be surprised if the 4 current soaps have an overlap of viewership - meaning some viewers may view 2 or more of the current soaps on air at least on a sporadic basis. So a Y&R viewer who isn't even watching the repeats may not bother with catching Days or GH as they only follow those shows casually. Again, just a hypothesis, because I thought it was interesting that Days continues to dip. It may just be that viewership is returning to pre-shut down numbers and my hypothesis my be wrong but just thought it was interesting that the decline was in relation to the other shows airing repeats when many thought the opposite would happen. They assumed that since the other shows ran out of new episodes, some may be curious to check out what was happening on Days. 

  9. I was going to mention this last week, but decided to wait and see what the numbers looked like this week. Some thought that Days would see an uptick in viewers once the other soaps went into repeats, but it looks like the opposite is true. Since YR and BB have been airing repeats, the numbers have not improved and now with GH airing repeats, it seems like the numbers have dipped again. I'm sure there is an overlap in viewers for these soaps and if they're not tuning in to their favorite they're definitely not tuning in for the others. 

  10. Also, if you're going to show two episodes from 2003 on consecutive days why not air the January episode first. Not that those two episodes probably have much relation as far as story continuity, as they're most likely dealing with different storylines but all the other episodes for the week are shown in chronological order.

  11. 30 minutes ago, carolineg said:


    It's strange to think she'll probably go down as the definitive Carly even though her predecessors were much better.  She just stuck with GH until we all got used to her.  

    I haven't watched GH much since LW took over, probably watched a solid year after she took over the role before I stopped watching and would only catch an episode or week here or there. I still don't think of her as Carly and when I do watch nowadays it still takes me a while to register that she's Carly and not some other random character. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh this was fantastic! It appears Bill Bell modeled Stephanie/Brooke after Jill/Katherine a bit.


    I didn’t realize Brooke was already a ho in the early years of Bold. It’s amazing that literally nothing has changed about her except Stephanie’s dead.

    I recall reading an interview where she found the taping schedule to be a lot and to be happy back at Y&R. It’s been some years since I read it. I believe the pay was an issue as well. As I said it’s been years so maybe I’m misremembering.

    I believe it. I was just curious as I knew she was doing both at one point. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Omg I remember this scene with Marlena and Kristen. Eileen was on fire in her return to the role. This scene is one of the reasons Stacy Haiduk will never truly be Kristen to me. Sucks Eileen hates it at Days. But they wasted her on her last two returns.

    Really? Where has Eileen stated or hinted that she hates it at Days? 

  14. I read on here that the actor gained some weight. I get that a nice fitting suit can make you appear slimmer, but it does age him especially when his partner is dressed so casual all the time. It's also 2020, if the actor gained weight than he gained weight. The audience isn't blind, sure you might disguise it a bit more in a suit but put him in some regular clothes. Of course Days might just not be interested on spending on wardrobe since the actor is on the way out.

  15. On 6/1/2020 at 1:10 AM, DaytimeFan said:



    Finished Part 3 of the Reunion and it felt like a waste of an episode other than seeing Baby Ben and Eva apologizing to Marlo unreservedly. 

    It fizzled out quickly. The third episode really wasn't all that necessary. They could have edited the good parts and fit it all in 2. 

  16. 51 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I like LW.  I think she's a perfect soap actress honestly.  She's a very loyal team player, pretty enough, and does her job.  I just need her away from MB.  She can interact with so much of the cast.  Sonny can just like mumble at pictures of Brenda and I'd be fine.  His character has outlived his usefulness for sure.  And this is from a girl who thought Sonny was the greatest in 1995.


    I agree exactly with your sentiments on LW. I also love that she loves soaps and that she enjoys what she does. There's some actors who show up and it's a paycheck and they have no love or interest for the genre and are hoping to get paid and hopefully land something big (and that's absolutely okay, many do their job and do it well but their love ends there.) 

    38 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I unfortunately started watching GH well into Maurice no longer remembering his lines. I’ve seen maybe one episode or so from the 90’s and it’s like night and day. And they continue to reward him for it.

    Same here. It made it difficult to enjoy the character. There are some actors on GH who know how to work around his difficulties and make it work, but when MB is paired with a newbie or someone who doesn't, his lack is severely highlighted and it makes the scenes unbearable at times. 

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