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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. 34 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I like Scott Clifton a lot as a human being, but an Emmy for THAT???


    Sorry, there was nothing there that merited an award.

    Based off interviews he seems nice, but I have not enjoyed him much as an actor much at least not as a leading man who has these two women acting like idiots for him. He made me uncomfortable on GH and he's gotten better on BB and I think he would be ok, I just don't believe him in his role. 

  2. Did any of the Jeva weddings boost GL's ratings? The question came to mind when I looked at my avatar and recalled a thread about soap ratings in the 80s and how supercouple weddings were a big pull (the supposed big ratings for Steve and Betsy's wedding on ATWT which may in fact not have been that big and Patch and Kayla's wedding on Days). I'm not some Jeva stan even though I have them on my avatar, I actually just really like the photo and the colors. I think Josh and Reva as characters and actors are great but I wonder if they had any real influence as a supercouple. 


    This is what I found:

    1989 Wedding Ratings (This is the only wedding I didn't find ratings for the week of the wedding, but I did find ratings for the week before and after. Wikipedia shows GL ranking 7th overall for the 1988/89 season. The week before and after the wedding, GL also ranked 7th. One thing I noticed for Patch and Kayla's wedding was that the ratings for Days climbed leading up to the wedding and peaked for the week of.) 





    1999 Wedding Ratings (According to Wiki, GL averaged a 3.5 for the 98/99 season. To put it into perspective, GL had a rating between 3.9 and 4.3 from January to mid-March in 1999 with only two weeks below a 4.0. It then remained mostly in the mid-high 3's. The two weeks leading up to the wedding GL scored a 3.6 and the two weeks after scored a 3.5 and 3.8. It also scored a 4.0 the week in June where Max learns Drew isn't his sister.) 



    2002 Wedding Ratings (According to Wikipedia, GL averaged a 3.0 for the 2001/2002 season. In early 2002, GL was scoring above or at a 3.0 until NCAA preemptions in early March brought it below a 3.0 (for the first time I believe) it rebounded to a 3.0 for two weeks after but then spent the rest of the season in the mid and high 2's. Not even the wedding helped.)



  3. 17 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    I like Bogue too..but I would kick him out of bed in a minute for still sexy bald Derwin!


    Too bad the behind the scenes stuff was more sordid and interesting then the show. Hot married Douche(rumored by a gay gossip site to have a uh, physical reason the women go mad over him) screws married woman, (Ehlers was married right?) Woman expects Hot Douche to leave wife, he plans to then changes his mind.  Newly bitter middle ages woman tries to get Hot Douche fired..all kinds of drama happens in the on the edge of collapse company headed by a neurotic, hyper emotional person in over her head.  Hot Douche meets a firmer, younger, most likely dumber and much blander girl and then DOES leave his wife. Raging bitter middle aged woman goes NUTS and off the rails..Annie Dutton style without violence.


    Good stuff!

    Omg! This is some pippin hot tea that I've been served. I am really surprised or not but wow 

  4. 12 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    For the most part, these GH classic episodes are duds.


    i find myself playing the “Look at how short his hair is” and “God, she’s gained a lot of weight since then,” and “Gee, he had big bags under his eyes even then.” 

    The Nurses Ball eps were fun for a couple days, then...just no. How many Wally Kurth songs can one sit through? Those singing kids were pretty awful. Oh, and that Maura West solo S&M performance was just flat out embarrassing.


    I guess I'm so detached from the characters on the show that the Nurses Ball episodes actually made me cringe. I think if I actually watched regularly and remotely cared about any of those characters, I may have thought "oh that's cute." The bad singing and dancing, cheesy high school talent show acts was just not it. I think maybe the older Nurses Balls may have been better but maybe they all just come across that way. 

  5. 8 hours ago, antmunoz said:

    Rob is the reason Beth went off the rails, honey. 

    She left her husband and he said he’d leave his wife. He didn’t. 

    But then he did for Mandy. 


    Sign me up for the Beth/Rob reunion, also featuring Vincent and Kimberly. 

    Wow! I had no idea all this was going on behind the scenes. Was there a gap between being with Beth and then being with Mandy? Was it known that they were seeing each other?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    I would assume she means they tape scenes from up to 15 eps per day depending on what actors and sets are available.

    Then its all edited later - hence whystuff is  deleted as it no doubt difficult to keep track of so many different scenes


    I think this makes more sense. If they did 15 episodes per day, they'd have about 4 months of episodes filmed at the end of a week, since there's on average 22 episodes per month. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    As stated by others- it was a near perfect sweeps event.  They crisis itself just happened- no backstory needed.  While it was exciting, they actually took the time to explore the relationships of the characters during the event.


    The sad part is that they chose to kill off Alan Quartermaine.  Which was heartbreaking.

    I just looked at the ratings and GH did really well that sweeps period. It even had 2 weeks above 4 million viewers and big increases from the year before. Actually, most of the soaps were doing really well in those last weeks of Jan. and early Feb. 2007. GL was also doing well in comparison. Too bad I can't remember what was going on :)

  8. 2 minutes ago, John said:

    They could Jump but show quick flashbacks on how certain stories were resolved

    That's what I was thinking. If they were so worried about leaving loose ends, they can do flashbacks or even just address it in dialogue while still pushing the stories forward like it happened off screen but we're hearing from the characters about what happened.


    Although, I would love to see Sally dragging the blow up doll dressed as Flo across the floor.

  9. I'm not saying soaps should pick up where they left off, because my personal opinion is that GH, BB and YR should scrap most of the storylines they were pushing anyway. However, there's no reason why soaps can't pick up where they left off in April or May. We wait all summer for a primetime series to return from a cliffhanger and they pick up right where they left off months ago most of the time. 


    That's why I don't think things like SORAS-ing is a big deal as some make it out to be. You have to suspend disbelief and not think about well then if that kid is 15 then he was actually born in 2005 which means that so and so was still with x and he cheated on y. I just take it as some how that kid is now 15 and I accept that like I accept that Marlena was possessed or Brooke can sleep with everyone's man and is easily forgiven in a few months.

  10. Just now, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yes. Though it led to Alan’s death, which was the biggest mistake GH ever made, the story itself was great. You’d never see something like it on GH nowadays. The whole crisis is posted on YouTube 

    I'll definitely check it out. I've heard it mentioned so often on here that I wasn't sure if it was being overblown or not. I haven't really watched GH since 2006, but I see the Metro Court stuff happened shortly after I stopped watching. 

  11. I still haven't listened to the podcast but I plan on it. 


    I think at times it was easy to be appeased and think well there's a black character or there's a black family, but it wasn't enough. I hate to say but look at primetime it's just as guilty and I hate to use it as an excuse, but primetime well into the 90s and 2000 still cast shows with all white main casts like Friends, SATC, Will and Grace which took place in the most diverse city in the world. Soaps are built around core families and to think that there hasn't been a long lasting black family that has been fleshed out, extended and prominent for decades like a white family is disappointing. 


    I love soaps, I think it's such a fascinating genre and an incredible form of storytelling. I do not hold any hope for remediation in the treatment of black characters/families and that's because I don't hold out much hope for the genre itself anymore. Well into the 2000s, 2006/7 maybe, I think there was still a faint possibility that the genre could have been saved and I use saved very lightly, but when little was being done besides restricting budgets, cutting casts, and doing the minimum to just get by and make a profit the end was inevitable. There's way too much competition now, more than ever and the soaps are incredibly poor in quality and writing. I have tried to watch all 4 since the shut down and its excruciating. I think there have been some incredible black actors and black characters on soaps but all were handled poorly if we are being honest. I do see some great young black actors today like Sal and Lamon on Days and I think part of that comes from knowing that as a black actor (like in many other realms) you need to work so much harder. They honestly give it their all with the horrendous writing on that show. Not discounting some wonderful vets on Days and young actors too, but watching some of their scenes last week has probably been the most interesting part, I hate to think that talent will be wasted. 


    I think in retrospect it's easy to see how wrong things have been. Things that were forgiven or maybe we didn't think were a big deal, now we see from a different perspective and realize how unfair or wrong those things were or maybe accepting crumbs just is no longer acceptable. 

  12. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/general-hospital-former-star-vinessa-antoine-gets-candid-about-shows-lack-of-diversity.html/


    The actress gets candid on the soap opera’s diversity

    Diggstown is the first time that a black woman has headlined a Canadian drama series. On the lack of diversity on General Hospital and the genre as a whole, the actress was candid in letting her thoughts be known.


    She explained, “Personally, from my experience and seeing how things are done, I think that there is one particular soap, The Young and the Restless, that based on their track record, has been able to put those storylines in the forefront. The era in the 1990s with the late great Kristoff St. John (Neil) and Victoria Rowell (Dru). That was a very beautiful and interesting time. I haven’t’ seen it repeat itself. I do feel that if there’s one soap that could do it [again], it would be Y&R.”


  13. 1 minute ago, Chris B said:

    I’m curious too. With numbers going up there’s no telling if they’ll have to stop again so I’d stay off the air and film as much as possible and relaunch in the fall when you have a backlog of episodes available. 


    Soaps will figure it out whatever the case, but these primetime shows I don’t see how theyll keep filming one episode in 7-8 days when it’s very likely there will be a fall shut down. THEYRE the ones I feel will suffer the most unless they figure out a way to film those episodes faster. 

    You're right, I didn't think about the potential for another shutdown. I was actually thinking if Days was going to rush back and start filming since it still has another 4 months worth of episodes or if they would hold off a little while longer.


    We're already used to poor quality in daytime, but I wonder if primetime shows will look incredibly different and how will this impact the reality shows? 

  14. 7 hours ago, soapfan770 said:


    The timeslot change argument always get blown out of proportion to say the least. Here's what I gathered up on CBS Daytime in August 2006 doing much meticulous research. Some stations like KCBS, KCNC, KSWT etc. which had aired GL in the mornings a day behind in the mid-90s later switched it back to its regular time-slot. It was determined at that time Sacramento CA was the only market without GL even though KOVR became a CBS O&O in 2006:

    KFMB-8 San Diego CBS
    9:30AM B&B
    11AM: Y&R
    1PM: ATWT
    2PM: GL

    KKTV-11 Colorado Springs(CBS)

    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: Y&R

    KREX-5 Grand Junction(CBS)
    9AM: TPIR
    10AM: Y&R
    12:30PM B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: ATWT

    WFOR-4 Miami(CBS)

    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WKMG-6 Orlando(CBS)

    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WINK-11 Fort Myers(CBS)

    10:30AM B&B
    1PM: Y&R
    2PM: ATWT
    3PM: GL


    WTOC-11 Savannah(CBS)

    12:30PM: Y&R
    1:30PM: B&B
    2PM: ATWT
    3PM: Montel Williams
    4PM: GL


    KGMB-9 Honolulu(CBS)

    11:30AM: B&B
    12PM: GL
    1PM: Y&R
    2PM: ATWT


    KBCI-2 Boise(CBS)

    9AM: TPIR
    10AM: Y&R
    12:30PM B&B
    1PM: ATWT
    2PM: GL

    KIFI-8 Pocatello(CBS)

    9AM: TPIR
    10AM: Y&R
    12:30PM B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: ATWT

    KMVT-11 Twin Falls(CBS)

    9AM: TPIR
    11:30AM B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: Y&R
    3PM: ATWT


    WBBM-2 Chicago(CBS)
    9AM: GL
    12:30 B&B
    1PM: ATWT

    WANE-15 Fort Wayne(CBS)

    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WSBT-22 South Bend(CBS)

    9AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WKYT-27 Lexington
    9AM: Y&R
    1:30PM: B&B
    2PM: ATWT
    3PM: GL

    WLKY-32 Louisville
    1:30PM: B&B
    2PM: ATWT
    3PM: GL
    4PM: Y&R

    WAFB-9 Baton Rogue
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: ATWT
    2PM: GL
    4PM: Y&R

    WGME-13 Portland
    9AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WBZ-4 Boston
    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT


    WNEM-5 Flint
    --Station does not air GL, airs on local MyNetTV at 10AM instead--

    WWJ-62 Detroit
    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT


    KOLR-10 Springfield
    11:30AM Y&R
    12:30PM B&B
    1:00 PM ATWT
    2:00 PM GL

    KMOV-4 St. Louis

    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: ATWT
    2PM: GL
    4PM: Y&R


    KTVQ-2 Billings

    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL

    2PM: TPIR

    KXLF-4 Butte

    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: TPIR

    KXGN-5 Glendive

    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: Passions
    3PM: Days

    KPAX-8 Missoula

    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL
    2PM: TPIR

    KRTV-3 Great Falls

    9AM: TPIR
    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: GL

    New Mexico

    KRQE-13 Albuquerque

    10AM: ATWT
    11AM: TPIR
    12:30PM: B&B
    1PM: Y&R
    2PM: GL

    New York

    WCBS-2 New York City

    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT


    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    North Carolina

    WRAL-5 Raleigh

    1:30PM B&B
    2PM: ATWT
    3PM: GL
    4PM: Y&R


    KOTV-6 Tulsa

    --station airs B&B at 12:35am overnights)


    KYW-3 Philadelphia
    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WYOU-22 Scranton-Wilkes-Barre
    10AM: GL
    1:30 B&B
    2PM: ATWT

    WTVF-5 CBS Nashville:
    11:30AM: Y&R
    1:30PM: B&B
    2PM: GL
    3PM: ATWT

    KUTV-2 Salt Lake City
    9AM: TPIR
    10AM: Y&R
    11AM: ATWT
    1PM: GL
    2PM: B&B

    KGWN-5 Cheyenne

    10AM: TPIR
    11AM: Y&R
    12PM: ATWT
    1PM: GL
    2PM: B&B






    Thanks for the information. If you look at it from the number of affiliates airing GL in the wrong timeslot, it may not seem like a big deal because there are 100s of affiliates. If you look at it by market and affiliate reach then it's more clear why the timeslot change may have played a role in ratings.


    The top 10 US markets make up a little over 30% of TV homes. That's roughly 1 in 3 TV viewers. 8 out of 10 of those Top US Markets aired GL at 9 or 10am (exception being D.C. area and Houston). If you include Miami, Orlando and Detroit from your list, all which are in the Top 20 markets (two in the top 15), and add them to the 8 - that's already over one-third of US homes getting GL at a rather unusual timeslot of 9 or 10am. That means that just from those 11 stations, 33% of TV homes in the US have GL on at 9 or 10am. This doesn't include other stations that aired GL in the morning as I didn't count all of them or the fact that Sacramento (a top 20 market) didn't have GL on at all. Also, from your list Pittsburgh and Portland (Top 30 markets) and off the top of my head Baltimore (Top 30) have GL in the morning. I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of TV homes or more had GL at 9 or 10am or in the case of Sacramento not at all. 


    I'm by no means stating that GL would be a ratings success if the affiliates all had it at the 2/3pm timeslot, but when it's on at an unfavorable 9 or 10am timeslot in at least 40% of TV homes. It's going to have a significant impact on the ratings. That 500k margin from 8th to 3rd place is difficult to bridge when your timeslot is hurting rather than helping you. Also, it's harder to reach a younger demo at 9/10 for a soap opera. I'm many of those markets GL didn't have a lead in or lead in for any other CBS soap, which is always helpful especially when viewers would watch an entire lineup or get curious to what was happening on other soaps from promos or general curiosity. 


    Despite all of this and what many have said about GL's ratings, I thought GL performed solidly in the early 2000s.

  15. 10 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Midway through JFP’s tenure is when CBS affiliates starting messing with GL’s timeslot as well. That coupled with the drop in quality still surprises me that the show wasn’t cancelled by 1995/1996.


    That's something I always wondered about. Why did affiliates mess around with GL's timeslot so much. I know as early as 1992 some affiliates had dropped GL or already made the move to an early morning timeslot. In fact, most major markets had GL on in the morning instead of its intended 3pm slot. However. GL's ratings were pretty good in the early 90s and the demos were on par with ATWT and BB (It would beat both several weeks in demos in 94). I know CBS had a pretty full lineup with 4 soaps taking up a large block of affiliate programming at very competitive timeselots. In the NYC area GH was the lead in for Oprah on ABC, which may have hurt GL in this market. GH is still the most popular soap in the NYC area and I think largely in part of it's timeslot and years of being lead in for Oprah. Around 2005-early 2007 GL would on average have less than a 500k difference in total viewers than GH which would often rank third overall. Some weeks there was less than a 200k difference when GH would have drops. Yet, by this time GL was already on at 9 or 10am in most of the major markets. The only thing I can assume is demos. GL's total viewers throughout the 90s and early 2000s were pretty consistent with the competition (exception being YR and BB), but it was never that far off the soaps that ranked 3-7. However, the demos for GL weren't the best. I did see that it would beat out ATWT and BB in the early 90s in 18-49 some weeks, but by the 2000s, the demos just weren't there. Again, not sure if it had to do with timeslot changes or other factors. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    I read a rumor long ago that Luke Perry would eat food to make his breath bad before having any kissing scenes with Shannen. Not sure if it's true, but jeez.


    I watched an interview with Linda Gray and she said that Larry Hagman would purposely eat horrible things to make his breath bad for their kissing scenes on Dallas. 

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