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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. 29 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    He had like 1 or 2 on Y&R, I think with scene one though they purposely made it too dark to see his body.

    Thank you! I was asking because I'm curious if he also makes it a point to not have him shirtless in scenes.

    13 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    His tee shirts were even loose everywhere but his arms back in his GH prime.  It’s only under Valentini that he now wears what looks like two sizes smaller than he used to 😆

    I used to notice his clothes in general were a bit oversized.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Cruising Soaps said:

    I really don't think B&B has any dead weight.  The writers just need to learn how to better use their entire cast besides Brooke Ridge Steffi Hope and Liam.



    I'm not sure I agree with this entirely, but BB certainly has what I like to call "anchors." Characters that are constantly leading or present (firmly planted) that it doesn't allow the ship to sail anywhere else, the story is primarily focused on these characters and little focus is placed elsewhere. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    When he was younger (had less clout and power) he was shirtless as Jason Q and Jason Morgan a lot.  When Robin left for school, and then Maurice left, it seems he was more concerned about being seen as a serious actor, and the shirtless scenes all but dried up.

    I think there have been a handful in the years since her left and came back the first time, in the early 2000’s.


    Yeh, I didn't watch then. Do you know if he was ever shirtless on Y&R?


  4. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I don't think many Black actors would be crying over missing out on the blow up dolls.


    These issues that daytime soaps have makes me SMH. I also think viewers who are so afraid that the shows will get canceled that they'll watch any piece of schlock are also complicit. There has bee no collective movement to get these shows improve on their abysmal records on lack of representation, especially behind the scenes and I think because these shows have never had to truly improve, many have lurched toward cancellation with their lack of innovation.

    Surely not, but I'm sure it didn't cross their mind to have racially diverse dolls since the show lacks so much in diversity. 


    Similarly, I think the lack of diversity comes from the top and stems from an irrational fear of scaring off the last remaining viewers. As if having black characters front and center is going to drive away white viewers. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Oh Steve Burton.  In a tropical setting and wearing a tee shirt and jeans on the beach.  While Sam is in a bikini.  Always hiding that body he works so hard on, even when it makes literally no sense.


    What's the deal with that? I always I about this. It seemed like SB wasn't shirtless as often as other characters on the show. I mean he does have a great physique and it's a soap opera - did he not want to be seen as just another hot guy on a soap, is he not comfortable with being shirtless or is it something else? 

  6. 33 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Racism, blow up dolls...with these remaining soaps hanging on by a slender thread. Sadly, I think the clock will run out on these shows before they ever get it together to do the right thing.  Also, I need a head count of how many Black writers actually worked  on daytime soaps.


    I'm guessing they only got white dolls. No Black characters will be having sex on BB or that theory about Steffy being with a black man again is out (maybe she'll hook up with a woman) since they're only getting two blow up dolls from what I understood from a previous post and they'll be switching out their wigs depending on the character they represent. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Read the sub tweets too.  


    [!@#$%^&*] confirmed two of the actresses, but I'm curious who's the third. It's a bit disappointing but [!@#$%^&*] said that they mended fences and are cool now. I would like to have more details .


    Edit: Not sure why that name is coming out like that, but ok :)

  8. 16 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    A lot of ABC stations of course desired a noon news cast, and for some reason ABC only offered a 1PM ET/12PM CT feed for AMC, thus when the stations decided to air AMC at 11AM CT they had to air it a day behind, similar to how stations who aired GL in the mid-morning were a day behind until CBS offered up an actual 10AM feed in 2004. If I recall right ABC followed suit at some point after that for AMC


    Contrast this to Y&R to which when they moved to 12:30PM ET/11:30 AMCT in June 1981 CBS also offered up a 12PM ET/11AM CT feed to which most CT CBS stations took advantage of, hence the Central Time Zone(as well as any MT stations that air Y&R at 10AM) sees Y&R live thirty minutes ahead of Eastern Time Zone. Other than WJMN in Marquette Michigan, I don't know if any other CBS stations on ET have ever run Y&R at 12PM since CBS began offering that feed in 1981. 


    Haha! I just realized I was misunderstanding CT as Connecticut not Central Time :) I was wondering why only Connecticut was a day behind :)) It would seem obvious to offer another feed for the time zone, but either way these daytime irregularities are interesting to me. 

  9. 6 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

     Some stations out west (KUSA & later KMGH Denver, KVIA ABC, KIVI Boise) would flip flop GH and OLTL and I know many CT stations would air AMC a day behind but other than there was nothing quite as dramatic as some of the schedules of CBS stations in the Mountain Time Zone.

    Thanks. Is it known why AMC was a day behind in CT? 


    2 hours ago, Titus Andronicus said:

    ABC soaps do seem like they're more intact, but on the other hand, ABC didn't have the penetration that CBS and NBC did. ABC wasn't around as much in rural-ish areas and so their soaps were moved around or incompletely aired by stations with secondary ABC affiliation.

    Where I'm from didn't have a full ABC station until 1982. The station went out of business 10 years later and it was another decade until local ABC existed again. 


    I wasn't aware how crazy affiliate programming can get especially for daytime until I started watching soaps and got on these boards. I'm in the NYC area so all my stations are O&O. When I started watching soaps on my own in 2003, aside from GL being on at 10am (which actually most CBS O&Os already made the move anyway by this time) all other soaps were scheduled at their 'usual' timeslot. I even remember PC being on at 12:30 after the news and it wasn't until it was at the very end that it was moved to the late night timeslot. Even before I started watching on my own, I  remember SB and AW and PAS always being on at their regular time in the 90s. I think the first time I was really thrown off was when I stopped watching soaps for a while and one day when I was home from work I decide to check in on Days at 1pm and something else was on. I thought it had been cancelled and I didn't know about it since it had been quite sometime since I even watched or followed any news regarding soaps. I quickly checked online and found out that it had moved to noon which was so weird at the time as I always remember it on at 1pm. Similarly, GH was on at 2pm on ABC which was also odd, but it's since returned to 3pm. 


    @soapfan770 Interesting seeing ATWT at 10am and YR at 3pm. CBS did quiet a bit of shuffling

  10. 43 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    Also the nursery rhyme stalker story with Holly in the lead climaxed that same week of Manny's 1st wedding in 1999

    It looked like ratings were pretty strong in early 1999, I'm not sure whether the story was popular with fans but it did have a positive impact in ratings. The highest numbers for GL for the 98/99 season all happened around that time (Jan-Mar 1999). In fact the last time GL scored a 4.3 or higher was in 97 during the Annie story and one more time in November 97 and those were rare. 




    That 4.6 is impressive for GL for 97.




  11. 23 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    My point with the wedding is that AFAIK ABC has never re-aired those episodes in their entirety (not counting SOAPnet - and ADTR was edited, right?), and here they are, having to show weeks and weeks of reruns, and they're not choosing to show the moment that made the show a huge pop culture phenomenon. Regardless of if fans have seen it enough times via YouTube or VHS recordings or whatever - here is a chance for ABC Daytime to re-air literally its biggest and most-watched episode, and they're...not doing that. That's just bizarre to me. It's like running an I Love Lucy marathon and omitting Vitameatavegamin.

    Instead, here's an episode from five years ago that was watched by 2 million people. It's just weird.

    You're absolutely right about this. Personally, I can do without seeing the wedding as I have watched it before - but considering GH is running repeats it would make sense that they reair the show's biggest moment which I have thought would be a good idea too, but would any of this matter? It's not like they're going to promote it. The only people tuning in are diehard fans, a few curious viewers and some soap fans who know which classics are airing and might have some interest in rewatching a particular episode. This is true for YR and BB also. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I follow Clifton on Twitter, and he’s socially very liberal and really cares about people. I root for people like that. The same is true of Billy Flynn of DAYS. Good people.

    Of course, that's why I don't like speaking too harshly about actors because I'm sure he's a great guy, he seems like it, and he has a fanbase and my opinion is just that an opinion from my perspective and it's not that I think he's a bad actor. It's just his character on BB and his acting/style just never clicked for me. I feel the role doesn't fit. He's grown on me however. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    @GLATWT88 Reva and Josh pre wedding actually started on the 14th of July where GL ranked #7 for the week.


    Thank you for that info. Those were some underwhelming ratings for Jeva weddings then. 


    Meanwhile, Danny and Michelle's 1999 Wedding scored a 4.2, GL's second highest rating that year, and highest overall ranking that year- coming in 5th in HH for the week. 




    However, GL was performing much better in the earlier part of the year as I mentioned before. Nonetheless, it says something about the couple that it was able to rank 5th overall. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I wasn’t sure about the new batch listed, so I hedged my bets hoping she was in one of them.

    A best of Laura week would be awesome!  Especially because Frank and ABC has to eat so much crow to bring her back.


    Off the top of my head-

    Her wedding to Scotty, Wyndham’s dance with Luke, her finding their house when they returned to PC, the arrival of Nikolas, and Lucky’s death.


    But 5 non-wedding, non-rape classic episodes would be incredible.  Especially from the time before Luke.


    I agree. I personally can do without the wedding. I know it's a big deal in the show's history and for the Laura character, but we've seen and heard about it so much already.

  15. 19 minutes ago, carolineg said:


    Seriously.  If they do Sonny episodes do some when he was actually semi-likable.  They aren't just light on Brenda.  There hasn't been any Brenda and I don't believe she appears in any of these episodes to come.  I am almost positive she's not on the 01/06/11 one and I think the airdate for Michael's prison sentence is wrong.  He goes to jail like an episode after he confesses lol.  Not four months later.


    There are seriously 1000 episodes to show that are better than any of these Sonny ones.  I would love to see Robin/Stone, BJ's death, or Clink Boom.   My hope is after these episodes air they go further into their vault.   But watch the next week will be the best of Franco or some nonsense with only Roger Howarth

    You're more likely to get The Best of the Sonny Classics Week where they pick an episode from each week so far and repeat it again or The Best of 2020 so far with repeats from the past few months. 


    I wouldn't mind a Best of Laura week spanning several decades that would include several vets still on the show, but that's not happening.

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