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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. So wonderful to watch these episodes from 1973 today. They weren't over the top or ridiculous but managed to be captivating. Real dialogue that drew you in and made you interested in the characters. 


    It would be nice to get a best of week for each decade, 70s, 80s, 90s etc. 


    Either way, I'm just happy we finally got some 70s episodes. Meanwhile GH is airing episodes I remember watching when the lockdown first started. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I love RHONY, but all these women need AA, and it’s not fun to watch. Dorinda is a sadist when she’s drunk.

    They seem to be spiraling. I don't know what's going on but the drinking is excessive and the behavior is just so outrageously bad it's not fun anymore. I would like it if they limited their drinking while filming or allowed to drink more excessively only in certain occasions. It seems every event or dinner is a mess and I'm not even watching regularly.

    7 hours ago, Cat said:


    Wow. Coming from Rinna, that is saying something because we have had some bullshit BH reunions. S8 reunion was f***ing torture!


    So, what do you think happened? Did Bravo refuse to discuss certain things? Did Brandi show up and claim that it was all a giant mistake?


    If Bravo and NBC Universal are being cowed by a simple cease-and-desist from Denise Richards' lawyer, then DAMN. Denise's lawyer must be insanely scary! Bravo fired a Maloof back in the day and ignored most of her cease-and-desists!  They routinely wave aside Vicki's multiple cease-and-desists on a regular basis! I do not understand what makes Denise more powerful in this instance. I know she is "F***ING DENISE RICHARDS, KYLE" 🥰 but I did not realise she wielded this level of influence.


    Or it could be that Rinna planned a sniper-from-the-side takedown and it backfired on all the Witches of Eastwick.

    Maybe Brandi made the whole thing up and Denise's lawyers were suing for defamation. It seems odd that they would re-edit an entire season otherwise, but I don't know. Maybe Denise was able to get them to drop the storyline just because she didn't want that information revealed if it did in fact happen. I just thought Bravo's contracts were pretty thorough with preventing these types of situations. 

  3. I wasn't too into the twin idea. Sometimes I feel like Days tries to go over the top and it comes across as laughable more than interesting. When it was being explained that Jake was a twin, it felt so anticlimactic. 


    It was great seeing Sami. I'm still not sold on the actress playing Abby as much as some of you. I have however grown to like her a bit more. 

  4. I still stand by my opinion that Brandi made up the whole Denise Richards affair just to get on the show. It wouldn't be beneath Brandi to fabricate a story just to get on the show. 


    It may have been my impression, but it seemed like Eileen was not having it with Denise sitting next to her. I wouldn't be surprised if Lisa falsely informed Eileen that Denise was against all the women and called them bad moms. 


    It was refreshing to have Camille back. I always enjoyed her on the show.


    And I agree with whoever mentioned it, but for a BH housewife, Kyle's home does come across as less than in comparison to some of the other ladies. 

  5. Sorry about your experience @mikelyons but I can't say I'm surprised. I always imagined working for a soap would be like going to a new school in the middle of the school year. Since these shows film pretty much all year, go on indefinitely with cast, crew and teams that are in place for very long time ago - you're going in with a bunch of cliques, mean girls (divas), and other nonsense that may be less likely to thrive ( although it still does) in other settings. Then this just leads to other issues like nepotism and favoritism and allows very little room for change. Hence, why racism continues to thrive in daytime which is clearly seen just from a lack of representation. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Yup, he sure came to mind. In fact, that whole 2002-2004 era of GL had a lot of bro relationships that could've gone a different path. I mean, just look at who we had at the time....


    Marty West (Shayne)

    Matt Bomer (Ben)

    Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny)

    Gavin Houston (Remy) 


    Ben (Matt Bomer) and his bestie Bill Lewis (Daniel Cosgrove) could have definitely gone there IMO.

  7. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    In Mexico telenovelas returned about a month ago and it's #1 soap has reached new highs in 5 million viewers. Here in the USA the telenovelas are reaching a little over 2 million viewers which is up from before the pandemic started. The telenovelas on Unvision are seeing a resurgence.

    That's a positive sign. Hopefully, American soaps will experience a similar boost. 

  8. Just now, yrfan1983 said:

    I haven't been tracking ratings since the classics starting airing, but I assume ratings are down. CBS is probably desperate to get new content on air to shore things up.

    I would be curious to see what ratings will look like for BB next week. I wonder if CBS is running any ads during their daytime and primetime schedules to let viewers know they're returning to new episodes or doing some sort of promo. 

  9. 1 hour ago, charholden5 said:

    I personally think it is too soon. Oh well! I think that there were only a handful of episodes that are "classics".

    Right. I'm not worried about missing out on BB classics as the majority of their choices weren't classics at all. I'm just surprised that have a weeks worth of episodes ready to air next week especially under the new restraints. Besides, if we do go into another lockdown are they going back to classics again? I thought BB was going to get some episodes in the bank and delay their return until at least sometime in August in case another lockdown were to occur they'd have more episodes like what happened with Days.

  10. I think the early 90s may be the last time soaps really pushed the envelope in storytelling. The Billy Douglas story on OLTL in 1992 really explored the challenges of coming out and coming to terms with sexuality for a teen at that time. While I do think Bianca's coming out on AMC was a great story, by the time AMC did the story a few primetime shows had already introduced main characters identifying as gay or queer. This is not to say that the Bianca story wasn't important for visibility and didn't have its impact and it definitely deserved to be told- it just didn't explore anything that hadn't been done already a few times over. In fact, I think Bianca's sexuality was played down too much at first. I may be wrong as I didn't watch AMC extensively, but when I did I felt that Bianca's sexuality was never front and center. I don't recall many sex scenes in the style of straight characters in the early 2000s when it probably would have been more groundbreaking for tv. Once it become more safe, I feel we saw a bit more.


    I think there were some attempts at boundary pushing storytelling in the late 90s and early 2000s but those stories tended to get very safe after their initial impact. Queer characters were made to become as generic and appealing to "mainstream" audiences as possible. 


    Now, don't get me wrong I believe the Stone and Robin story was important for daytime, but a virus that deeply impacted queer, in particular black queer people, was made acceptable to audiences because of the portrayal by two white cis characters. To tell a story of AIDS and completely neglect queer identities was already a misstep. I'm not neglecting the fact that society's perceptions and views didn't factor into what stories were told and how stories were told. You can't jump from 1950s Leave it to Beaver to today's almost everything goes on streaming platforms in the blink of an eye...gradually society has evolved and so has what we deem acceptable and what is seen as acceptable for tv audiences, but soaps have lagged tremendously and now more than ever. With the amount of scripted tv on cable, streaming, web platforms, viewers can get incredible stories that touch upon relevant and contemporary issues as well as content rich in identities, culture and perspectives that do no exist in daytime. 

  11. On 7/10/2020 at 10:57 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Y&R Casting New Role

    A casting call has gone out for a new denizen of Genoa City, and it's described as a "fun, breakout role." The working name of the character is "Simone" and here are the details: She should be an ample-figured African-American female in her mid-30s. She will be sharp, sassy and bold, street-smart and unafraid of confrontation. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and does not suffer fools gladly. She dresses like she is going to a ball. She loves herself and knows she is "all that." The role is contract and will start around late-April.

    "Sassy, street smart, unafraid of confrontation"  aka a little hood


    Wears her emotions on her sleeve = angry black woman


    Knows she is "all that" just made me roll my eyes. So they couldn't just say confident? 



  12. 7 hours ago, Markjeh said:

    I still miss what's his name who played Zende. Hottest man on earth.


    Good they're bringing the character back for more diversity but it'll be a backburner story and he'll be gone soon enough.


    As a side note I never understood why they brought on the character of Xander instead of just recasting Zende in the first place.

    Rome Flynn is definitely attractive. I haven't watched regularly and just realized that the guy who plays Xander wasn't a Zende recast after doing some searching.

  13. On 7/9/2020 at 9:14 PM, KMan101 said:

    Lawd, the Liberty Bibbity commercial dude is Steffy's new man? Why not just pair her with Carter, a pairing EVERYONE including the actors have begged for.


    Meh on Zende. More diversity is always welcome but Brad will get tired of him in six months.


    They cast all these dudes yet watch Lawrence St. Victor continue to sit on the backburner.


    Seriously, LSV deserves so much better. I'm surprised they haven't tried to pair him off with Brooke. I mean Brooke had that whole creepy storyline with Thomas, but they can't pair her with Carter.

  14. When I started watching GL, I thought Shayne Lewis (Marty West) was gay. I just assumed it, like oh there's a gay character 🤣 I wasn't fully aware that gay characters were actually not common on soaps at all until watching for a few more weeks. Then at one point I thought the character was coming out, because there was something about baseball and feeling pressure from Josh to do well...and I was like ohhh bitch, he's going to come out. Wrong. As I started to get to know the characters and stories better, I realized he was interested in Marina and was not gay. 

  15. 6 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    I’ve been watching 1979, and it’s definitely the same house but with some changes. It seems like there was “more” beyond the staircase in the earlier episode, and there’s a narrow window to the left of the front door that isn’t there later, but it’s the same basic set.










    Is that 1973 episode available online? 


    Nvm. I think that's Papa Bauer's funeral service episode. 

  16. 14 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


     For whatever the reason, John Conboy considered sprucing up his new show’s opening a priority. Conboy touted the show's new opening "wanted to capture the essence of the classic Knots Landing theme from the 80’s," but of course whoever produced it was too lazy/cheap to get it right or whatever ideal opening they had in mind. I’m aware that one of the people involved in creating the opening threw a hissy fit of sorts after seeing it dissected on the old WOST message boards. (Of course, if you really worked hard, should you be bragging about how easy it is to change the opening by going on to your hard drive?) 


    I definitely agree with you on the lighthouse or some form of light should at least be seen in GL's openings, just like the hourglass on Days or the globe on ATWT(it was a bit jarring not seeing it in space from 2002-09 though). 


    Worst GL opening was that 2007 destiny BS IMO. 

    Thank you for the details. I figured it had to do with a switch in producer and wanting to change the image. Now that you mentioned the Knots opening, I see how it may have been going that route, but the Knots opening from two decades earlier was much more visually appealing. I always felt the early 90s opening was a hybrid of the Dallas and Knots Landing opening with the lighthouse lens thrown in the mix. 

    11 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I didn't mind the change as much as some did - the '02 opening was fine, but the Life Savers always felt cheesy to me. The '03 drumbeats and the way the last shot would segue into the first scene of the day I thought was vibrant and a good way to get us into the action. 


    Unfortunately so much else budget-blowing from Conboy was not necessary, especially, as @Vee used to call it, the Maureen Garrett Baseball Field.

    Ha! Lifesavers. That's probably the best way to describe it 🤣 


    I agree that the best part of the opening was that it would slide right into that first scene and unlike the other soaps GL started straight with the opening sequence. 


    How do you feel about the 2005 opening?

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