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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. @Cat Nothing too exciting. Apparently Dina didn't like that Caroline brought up the fact or insinuated that Danielle had contacted Dina's ex about possibly interfering in the custody battle for her daughter. Dina spoke to the women beforehand to not bring it up at the reunion but Caroline did supposedly under the instruction of producers. Dina was already annoyed at Caroline for telling Danielle that she was the one that brought the book forward. Dina confirmed that Caroline did in fact find the book and show it around even talking about it to people off camera. Dina wanted Caroline to have her back and deny her involvement in the book situation, but she didn't want Caroline to take the fall. She feels like when Caroline said "it was me" at the finale dinner it made it look like Caroline was some martyr trying to take the fall for her sister. It's also what created that image that Caroline is family first and all about family. On top of the divorce with Tommy and apparently Jac and Caroline being messy about Dina's party planning show, Dina wanted to cut ties.

  2. 4 hours ago, Cat said:

    As for Nene's Makeup Wars show, I just do not understand this insistence that Nene is some kind of fashion/beauty maven! Am I missing something? She tried this pretence with Fashion Police and it was a bust! 

    She's not. I guess Nene got her spin off, well not really, but maybe this extra bag she's getting from this show will clam her down a bit regarding her pay over at Bravo. I think Nene did bring a lot to the show early on, but in recent seasons she's declined but her ego hasn't which makes it difficult to stomach her attitude when she gets upset that other women make more money or have other shows on the network. I'm not sure Nene would work in other environments or alone. I think she delivers great energy with the group of women on RHOA when she's reading, being shady or throwing down with someone but otherwise I don't see her being all that interesting say running her Swagg Boutique. 

    5 hours ago, Cat said:


    Holy [!@#$%^&*]. Can you imagine if Dina and Caroline were on the show and this played out in real time??


    This is unexpected because the rumor was that Tommy was gay and the marriage between he and Dina was one of mutual convenience. Watching S6 reunion, though, it was clear the divorce was an emotionally hard one for Dina. One big factor why she and Caroline never talked since, maybe.


    How much did Albert know? He's the other owner of the Brownstone. Surely giving a mobster a highly-discounted wedding party there would have raised some questions with Tommy as to why?


    Did Caroline ever suspect Tommy of being behind the assault? By all accounts, it was a vicious and violent one. It also could have gone so much worse!


    Clearly, Dina and Caroline's family will never reconcile after this.

    I would love to know what caused their falling our originally. There has been speculation but it was never openly addressed by Dina or Caroline. 


    I'm sure Albert must have known something, maybe not the full extent but he must have known that something was off when you offer a rate like that. 


    I didn't realize there was a rumor that Tommy was gay. 


    This also makes it clear why Dina relocated to Cali in 2015. She became a New York girl for a minute and then suddenly was off to Cali while her daughter was still in college. It seemed abrupt and I did find it odd. 


    Similarly, I know there is something more behind Jaqueline's move to Vegas. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    And they thought Rick was disposable, too, which is why they paired him with her.

    Omg, this!!! I have always strongly believed that Maya was paired with Rick because he was seen as expendable on the show's canvas. They wouldn't have written the Maya story and paired the character with certain men on the show because of fear it would "tarnish" those characters. After Rick and Maya were married, I assumed they would have a difficult time writing for Maya, because that show loves to have everyone sleeping with everyone else's spouse and they just wouldn't go there with Maya and have other men on the canvas sexually involved with a person of trans experience. I also felt (and I may be remembering this wrong) that the Forrestors were way too nonchalant and sympathetic about the whole situation. I know LA is forward and the fashion and media industries are large employers of LGBTQ+ people, interestingly lacking on the soap, but I still believe it would have been a lot harder for the family (at least some) to wrap their head around. It's definitely something the show should have explored and developed in the characters, maybe an extremely reluctant parent who just found accepting their child with a trans person really challenging due to ignorance (which is still a major issue) and maybe going through an education or growth experience. Some of those things did happen, the show was used as a vehicle to educate (somewhat), but it should have explored the realities of people of trans experience more fully. Again, I may be remembering this wrong but to me the Forrestors' reactions were drama lite. They had to bring in new characters in Maya's parents to show that struggle of acceptance. 


    I thought it would be interesting if Ridge or Eric had become involved with Maya as well. The show could have touched upon the fetishization of black and trans bodies. Certainly was not going to happen, but they could have really explored many facets of the trans experience, but as you said the storyline was used as a tool to pander and gain undue recognition. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    There was talk of Search and ATWT each expanding to 45 mins with SFT running 12.30 till 1.15  and ATWT 1.15 till 2.00 but it was decided to do with ATWT expanding to 1 hr 1.30 till 2.30.

    I guess they decided it was too risky moving ATWT from its traditional timeslot and CBS affiliates may have been resistant to giving up the 1pm timeslot.

    There was talk again of SFT expanding in 78 when the Corringtons were introducing a lot of new characters but it never went ahead. Once Y&R expanded there was no room for Search to go to 60 min.

    Thank you. I assume it was decided to expand Y&R as it was performing better. Then with the decline of SFT in the 80s, it was never seen as viable to expand the soap again. I wonder how much P&G was involved in these decisions. I also wonder if the decline of Another World had any influence on the matter. 

  5. Does anyone know if there were plans to expand SFT to an hour? Sister soaps, ATWT and GL, were expanded to an hour in 1975 and 1977 respectively. SFT ranked in the Top 5 for the 1974/75 - 1976/77 seasons, the seasons before and during the expansion of both ATWT and GL. In fact, SFT outperformed GL in 1974/75 and 1975/76 and pretty much on par with GL the following season. Did SFT remaining a half hour soap as most soaps on the lineup expanded end up hurting it? It seems like half hour soaps usually ended up being mistreated by networks as they just weren't sure where to place it on the schedule. 

  6. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:


    IMDB has him popping up into 2006. I wonder if that's an error, as it often is.


    He may have, but I don't recall him being on that long at all. I watched faithfully from 2003-fall 2006 without missing an episode and I just don't remember him being that significant but I don't recall details like that too well so I may be wrong

  7. 27 minutes ago, chrisml said:

    I'm confused. Didn't TS go on and on about how she never wanted to be associated with RPDR and she didn't want fans even mentioning the show to her? What is her obsession with Raven? It's all so disturbing. I'm sure Vixen and Kennedy Davenport can talk about the racism in the drag race fandom. 

    She was supposedly deleting her instagram account and transitioning to hew new account because she was quitting drag as it no longer was relevant to who she is now, but now all of a sudden she went on a posting tirade and is coming for Raven, Kennedy, Trixie and Michelle Visage. I do understand that Raven's dark makeup is problematic in a few photos, but the manner which she is going about it is just coming from a place of hurt and anger and it's not a good look at all. She is handling it very poorly.


    I don't understand what she's trying to get across with Michelle. In the interviews leading up to season 3, Michelle said she loves Tyra and thinks she's a great queen but she would have fought for Raven to win. Now while I get that may be hurtful to hear, that is an opinion. She didn't say Tyra is horrible or that Tyra wasn't a good drag queen. She was merely expressing an opinion and she said it in a very nice way. Tyra says this interview ultimately caused all the backlash she received from fans and the attacks through the years. Michelle can't control how moronic fans act and threatening to post her phone number on instagram unless she apologizes is not coming from a healthy place. Pick up the phone and handle your business like an adult. Apparently, she posted Kennedy's number and then deleted it after Kennedy reached out to apologize for whatever interview she did that also triggered Tyra.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Was he that guy that Danny and Michele took in and he was singing all the time?  He looked..well, like he was dumb from his expression on GL so that must have just been his look after being chased around the set from Conboy.

    Justin played Joey Lupo around 2003/4. He wasn't on for very long and I don't remember much as far as storylines go, but I recall his character being seen mostly with Tammy. I had just started watching Guiding Light in '03 and remember him physically but not so much in regards to the character's story. 

  9. Have any of you caught the mess Tyra Sanchez has been posting on Instagram.? I know she feels like she was mistreated, the fanbase was definitely awful to her, and Drag Race certainly had many missteps with their queens of color and the racist fanbase. However, she is going about it in a very messy way and some of her arguments for example the Michelle Visage one isn't fully making sense to me. 

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