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Posts posted by GLATWT88

  1. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Ironically GH has the most prominent black contingent these days, with the Ashfords (Curtis, Jordan, and T.J., the latter of whom I believe is recurring) and Trina. I think they still show Aunt Stella, Felix, Trina’s mom, and Epiphany, all recurring. Parry Shen, who is Chinese-American, still recurs as Brad.


    Y&R has Lily, Devon, Nate, Amanda, and Elena. Lily is only one with a story, with Amanda sniffing around Billy. They also have the Rosaleses (Lola and Rey), Mal Young/Angelica McD leftovers who have been greatly diminished under Griffith/Morina. (Neither has been that well-received.)


    DAYS has Abe and Lani, Eli, and Gabi and Rafe.


    B&B pretty much only has Zoey, with Maya, Carter, and Justin popping up every blue moon.

    I wish there was a "like" option. Thank you. 


    You're right I did see Abe in one of the preview posts around and I did catch Lani on a day I caught a bit of an episode.


    When I first started watching soaps what I noticed about Y&R was that they actually has a black family that was prominent. I knew who all these characters were and they actually seemed to serve a purpose and have things going on. I'm surprised Lily and Devon are still on because I would have recognized them right away, unless they're being played by new actors. Just probably weren't on much these past few weeks before repeats.


    I have not seen a single non-white face the weeks I watched BB. I remember a few years ago when I started following more regularly again there was the Avant family which was just being introduced. I also remember Rome Flynn was on but can't remember his character's name which I swear I read somewhere that his character was going to come out as gay but I don't remember that ever happening on the show unless that rumor completely made up. 


    As for GH, I usually tune in and out right away or don't bother as there's an hour gap between the end of BB and GH and I start doing other things. So I was probably not paying attention. 

  2. 1 hour ago, mango said:

    Wha? They aren't going to show the 2005 episode with Jennifer Bransford as Carly, running around attacking people with a sickle?

    I'm screaming!!! I thought I was the only one that recalled her brief stint as Carly. I remember watching but I wasn't really following what was going on BTS, online or on the mags, and suddenly when she appears in the episode it's announced "The part of Carly is now being played by..." and I was not feeling her at all in the role. It was such a weird transition for me...I was also still relatively new to soaps and I think I was just thrown that a major character was just replaced like that with a little announcement on screen but I equally loved it. Bransford was on a few months and then quickly replaced by LW which also surprised me and I was excited. I loved LW on GL and was hoping for a lot more but it pains me to see her in that role. 


    I would love it if they played an episode with JB's Carly. I feel like Maurice was super awkward in those scenes too.

  3. 25 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Even at the time I remember thinking the Asian Quarter storyline on GH was not great, now especially because no lasting characters lasted much beyond it that were Asian.


    I think all these soaps really stopped even trying to have good, storyline integrated  POC characters by 1996.  It was all pretty much short term, problematic, and downhill from there.


    I was going to mention the same, but I'm no expert. It seems to me that for a genre that was known for so many firsts in its early years, soaps stopped taking risks as far as representation, diversity and storytelling in the late 90s/2000s if not earlier. While primetime had started to show intimacy in gay characters and pushing the boundaries in the 90s, it took daytime until the 2000s to really push forward. I mean the first gay male kiss was in 2007 on a P&G soap nonetheless. By 2007 Will & Grace had ended it's original run, there were more gay characters on TV than before. If there was an audience that could handle a gay kiss it was the daytime audience IMO. They handled crazier stuff before without flinching. 


    Diversity in soaps has been an issue for sure, especially lately. I think one problem with diverse characters in daytime and how they are represented comes down to a lack of diverse writers and storytellers in daytime. The same writers are recycled to repurpose and regurgitate and unfortunately you need diverse writers to tell stories that are authentic. 


  4. 2 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    This is my ratings archive page, if you have yet to see it, for anyone interested!


    The household ratings for pretty much every week from 1989 covering through when SON started listing them on a complete basis.


    I scanned in every Soap Weekly chart a few years back and posted them.



    That's amazing! Thank you :)

  5. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I think Jaida’s edit this season laid her out as the favorite, although they provided arcs for Crystal (finding her quirky voice) and Gigi (early front runner rediscovering her confidence after several shaky weeks) to try to make them seem competitive. (To be honest: The mostly white Drag Race fan community have often diminished the black queens, so I’m not surprised if there’s controversy beyond the usual “my favorite didn’t win,” but I see a good bit of support for Jaida.)

    It's unfortunate that a show that has provided visibility for the LGBTQ+ community has also been plagued with so much racism. Although, maybe it was necessary so that there can be dialogue about race issues that are also found in the community. 


    I didn't see any racist comments personally, but I did see some Jaida fans calling other fans out and saying that Gigi's fans for that behavior.  I also saw a lot of comments saying Gigi should have won. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    So so happy with our winner Jaida, now i just need Shea to win.

    Was she the favorite to win? I didn't really watch this season, but I did see some crazy stuff on twitter. 

  7. I'll be honest. When I first saw Jaida's I was taken aback especially after watching Gigi's and Crystal's (not that Crystal's was very good IMO), because it's the one that looked like she just recorded it at home. The other girls had backgrounds or other elements that distracted from the fact they had to do these at home. Jaida pulled up in her living room and started dancing with all her furniture on display. However, after watching a second time, she did deliver with moves and a good lip sync, it was just so distracting because it looked like a Tik Tok video. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I wouldn't mind a GL reboot that brought the show back to its' roots as a faith- and religion-based soap opera.  Something to help differentiate it from the other web soaps out there.  (Although, if that means the return of Reverend Joshua Lewis, forget it.)


    I was flipping through a magazine and it had an ad for the show Greenleaf on the OWN network and on the ad it had two huge letters "GL". I have never seen it promoted this way or abbreviated as such, but the show from my understanding does have a central family connected with a megachurch. Considering Springfield is rural Midewst, I can definitely see a Guiding Light reboot with the addition of a faith based family. While I don't believe I reboot would work, I would love to see some of the characters again, even for a 85th anniversary movie or miniseries to play out a new story or updates on what's been happening in Springfield. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Were those promos that aired outside of the episodes and they're just put together here?

    I believe these ran at the start of the episodes. Many of the episodes I watched during this blackout storyline from 1992 included them and they were always at the very beginning. Also, the episodes that had commercials had the promos with the commercials and they didn't look like these character summaries. There was one for Gilly, Lujack, Mindy and a few other characters. I tried searching to find out if other CBS soaps were doing the same or why GL was airing these (possibly as an attempt to lure viewers and give them a bit of background). 

  10. I have been watching the 1992 blackout episodes and while searching for the first episode of the blackout, I noticed that GL had intros at the beginning of many episode with character summaries. Does anyone know if this was GL specific or if the other CBS soaps were doing something similar as well at the time.


    Here's an example:


  11. 3 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I was just reading the comments on a post from GH’s Instagram page-  the amount of people asking when there will be new episodes and why are these repeats continuing was kind of ridiculous.  Do any of these people look at the news at all?


    They need to be filling all the comments with we want some real classics!


    Yep! Same thing happened on the BB pages when the show first started week long repeats. A flood of comments asking when new episodes would return yet production was still cancelled and there were no indications of when they would return. It must be really difficult for some to read or watch the news. 

  12. I haven't watched this season of NY partly due to Bethanny being gone. I feel that Bethanny brought a balance to the show that balanced the craziness of the other women. I'm not saying that Bethanny is some beacon of stability but her crazy was different from the likes of Ramona, Sonja, Tinsley and Luann. The women that usually provided more of a balance in seasons past are gone now and I think it's just too much with the current cast. I honestly didn't even watch because I assumed it would just be too much, but I may be wrong.


    RHOBH: I don't understand why it's so hard for these women to understand that Denise didn't want these grown ass women to talk about sex while her children  and other people's children were present. Then the whole not having kids at an adult party. Honey, you should up at Denise's house as soon as you saw kids there and they had a table, it's not an adult party. Yes, she may have mentioned her husband's penis but she whispered it and she told the women to lower their voices but of course they were extra. Also, the hypocrisy is too much. Kyle didn't want it mentioned that Mauricio smoked pot a few seasons ago because of her kids and Rinna sure loves to stir the pot so the attention isn't on her and her husband. She sure flipped out when Kim tried to say something about her husband, but wants to ask Denise whether her kids know about Charlie's hookers. 

  13. 48 minutes ago, juppiter said:

    I got Cuomo’d... and right after Will had a laugh out loud line about how just yesterday there was a bomb under the couch. 

    usually my affiliate puts Cuomo on MyTV, so I wonder why they’re not today. 


    36 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    For some reason, he was late today. Hate when he interrupts


    Would you like to know what happened on the show today?




    You guys are giving me this energy and I'm here for it. 

  14. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    And this is not to slight Bell at all but looking at it as an adult now, with some awareness of how the entertainment, particularly television industry operates, this is definitely the sense I get.  Y&R was consistently rising in ratings and in terms of pop culture relevance, so CBS (as most corporations are wont to do) wanted to replicate this as often as they could in their lineup.


    With the proliferation of cable T.V. and a lot more programming choices, the landscape had shifted and there was no longer room on broadcast for two dozen soap operas as had been in previous decades. And Capitol was likely the 'odd man out' in the daytime afternoon lineup. You had Y&R that was gaining, As The World Turns and Guiding Light that were still pretty strong in viewer loyalty.  Not to mention Oprah rounding it all out. Capitol was probably viewed as the most vulnerable in that lineup.


    Ironically if you look at current times, Capitol would have been the most relevant of all the daytime dramas on network television.

    With the number of political dramas after the turn of the century, West Wing, House of Cards, Madam Secretary. Capitol would have definitely been a better fit into the current tv landscape as compared to the 1980s. 


    To your point of two dozen soaps operas. It's not always a fair comparison. Checking online I see that there were 19 soaps on air (the most) during the 1969-1970 season. At this point, I believe all soaps were 30 minutes and none had transitioned to an hour yet, which would mean that there was about 9.5 hours of soap programming on the networks. If you think about it, as late as 2007 we had 8.5 hours of soap programming on the networks (but only 9 soaps). The expansion of soaps to an hour, did reduce the number of soaps on the air but not necessarily the amount of time soaps took up on the schedule. I'm not sure what year had the most hours of soaps on the networks, it would most likely be the 1969/70 season or later, although I think probably sometime in the mid/late 80s would be the most likely period. 

    1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Sunset Beach probably would have worked out a lot better had it aired as a prime time series on the WB. Although I think Garth Ancier at the time had just cancelled Savannah over indifference to serialized dramas. I believe Ancier has since changed his mind LOL.

    I think had it been done 4 to 5 years earlier it may have worked much better. By 1997, it was a little too late, IMO. SuBe was trying to target the 90210/Melrose crowd which was already waning in the late 90s and soap operas already in the post-OJ aftermath by then. 

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