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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. It's Chris Christie's fault that the tunnel situation has gotten so dire in the first place. Work could've started 6,7 years ago, if not for Christie repeatedly putting the kibosh on the Hudson tunnel project.

  2. On 7/7/2018 at 9:17 PM, Juliajms said:

    This struck me because we were just talking about naturalized citizens.  It's a little more complicated then the headline, but damn if this administration can't find endless ways to create harm.



    My statements were not about anyone who has lied on their application.  I can't speak to that one, since it's fairly obvious that one shouldn't lie on a federal form of any type.

    Some of this is supposition by Gessen, although I'd put nothing past this cabal in the White House at this point.

    At this point, I don't know anyone who wants to come here anymore anyway.  Just this morning I found myself thinking how much my relatives who live in other countries are laughing at me for living here.  They think people in the U.S. are not that smart.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I just watched Meg's debut a few days ago. IIRC Meg was not long-lost, just away at school.


    I also agree that Meg was not long-lost.  She was staying with her aunt Elizabeth and uncle Henry.  She had tried to run away at some point because uncle Henry was...not a nice man.  That's the same farm that Iva had run away from.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Ha! We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. 😂 


    Don't get me wrong, this GL theme is still miles better than that dreadful ATWT theme with the flushing noise (I used to call it the 'rejected Crest commercial' theme song).


    This theme that I always associate with the first time I saw GL, remains such a gorgeous closing theme.



    Oops, I realized the thread is about Opening Themes and this is clearly as Closing Theme but I've always truly loved it. When I think about summers as a little kid, this was part of that summertime experience (even though I didn't start really investing in the show until that had that bouncy pop theme, which I thought was pretty fun!)

  5. 35 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I know Holden was originally named "Clem Holden" in Marland's bible, but I can't recall any other mentions of the Snyders, or what became the Snyders, either.


    Meanwhile, thank God Marland changed Holden's name.  CLEM?  Oy.


    Also, Ruth?  Whew, that's sounds old-fashioned. 

    I could've imagined Meg as an Ivy (aka 'poison Ivy:lol:) but not and Iva for a youngest daughter.  If those names in the synopsis were the original names, then I'm glad Marland changed this.


    EDT: Come to think about it Ivy and Lily on the same show, taking up residence in the Snyder household, both losing their virginity to Dusty...those two names juxtaposed like that, would sound odd to me.

  6. That conversation between Ross and David was pretty great too! 


    I love it when soaps include subtle variations of their theme song within a scene.  ATWT used to do a light and sexy one during the mid to late 80s. 


    @Faulkner I'm not sure about that 2002 GL theme though, it sounds perilously close to that "toilet flush" theme that ATWT had in the late 90s/2000s that @DRW50 mentioned.:lol:

  7. @JarrodMFiresofLove Where did you find these episode summaries??  LOL.


    Iva is Emma's youngest daughter?  That would be news to Meg!  I have no idea who Ruth Snyder is.


    Question to anyone who can answer: is there a list of background music that was used on the show?  There is one particular piece of music that I've always recalled from my childhood watching ATWT and I have heard it for the first time in decades since I've been watching episodes from '86 and '87.  I wonder what the is the name of that particular piece? Just curious, I guess.

  8. It's amazing  that anyone was able to juggle all those stories and weave them into emerging ones, umbrella stories-- then add the unexpected factor of actors leaving, with some returning. 

    You see writers on today's soaps who are barely able to scrape together a good A and B story, it makes me a bit more appreciative of this juggling act, oversights, flaws and all.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    I think 1986 worked so well because Marland was carrying through with stories and characters that were left for him by the previous writer, while starting new stories of his own that didn't really take off until 1987.


    That could be it.

    Which storylines were holdovers from the previous writer?

  10. Are any of these people taking these childrens' fates seriously?  People love their dogs, but come on.



  11. Wow, so the courts have already struck down six of Scott Pruitt's rollback policies!  He was so hasty to undo Obama-era protections that he neglected proper procedures. I see this happening a lot with this current government.

  12. @DRW50 No problem.



    During 1986, so much was happening, events overlapped, preceded and followed on the heels of another-- I would've loved to see how it was all plotted out.


    As much as there are numerous episodes uploaded to You Tube, there are still several pivotal episodes that are still missing that would give a fuller picture to just how frenetic that year was.  There were many fun scenes, dialogue and episodes, some of which are on You Tube, yet some are still missing.

    For this reason, I feel like even though everyone cites 1987 as the year for big things happening, probably because of the Lily reveal but to me 1986 has more big events jam-packed into that one year, it's easy to lose track of just how much went on that year.

  13. 20 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I read an article a week or two ago that naturalized citizens are also being deported (or at the very least taken into custody). Maybe that's wrong. I hope it is.


    I'm glad the organization is standing behind her now. Their statement yesterday didn't give me that impression.


    That is wrong. 

    A green card holder a.k.a 'legal resident' can be deported if serious crimes are committed. 

    A naturalized U.S. citizen has all the rights of any other U.S. citizen.   

    There have been reports of green card holders and a naturalized citizen being detained before being released.  As terribly unpleasant that is, it is not the same as deportation.

    Only a major paperwork snafu can cause a U.S. citizen to get a deportation order, at which point that would be grounds for one hell of a lawsuit.

  14. This is the episode that Shannon (who was clearly meant to be a red herring in this story) enters Lucinda's mansion wearing the green scarf that the bartender described of the woman (who supposedly met Lucinda) to Craig and Sierra. I guess that Iva, when she met with Lucinda at the bar, was also wearing some type of green scarf.

    The video and audio quality, as you can probably guess, is not that good so you may want to skip ahead to around 36:00 where the sequence begins.



  15. 22 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The part that got me was when the organization she was with basically pulled a Mariah Carey ("I don't know her.") I hope that someone is going to help her as I imagine she will be high on the deportation list.


    If the group, called Rise and Resist had pulled a 'Mariah Carey' they certainly changed their tune when I heard one of their representatives speak this morning.  The group's spokesperson said that although, it was not something the group planned (because of the physical risk), they thought cited Patricia for her bravery and called her an active member of the group.


    Ms. Okoumou has already been released on her own recognizance to appear in court next month with three misdemeanor charges.   She has pled not guilty.


    @DRW50 By the way, Ms. Okoumou, who emigrated in 1994, is a naturalized U.S. citizen.  Not sure where people are getting the idea that she can be deported without a major breach of the rule of law.

  16. 27 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Thanks. I need to watch more of those as I know a few more have popped up in the last year or two. The quality is so bad sometimes I don't feel like it.


    Someone just uploaded a bunch of Guiding Light episodes on You Tube and looking at the screencaps alone, I marvel at how consistently good the quality of videos uploaded of GL episodes are.  I can't remember seeing any episodes with poor video quality. 

    Same for EON videos uploaded to You Tube.

  17. 7 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    That's interesting. I never knew Shannon was involved in any of that story, although I haven't seen a lot of it. Shannon became much more isolated after she got together with Duncan.


    It's hard to gauge how much involvement based on You Tube episodes (many of which are still missing) but from what I've seen over the past year and a half, Shannon's involvement was very brief, more as a red herring.

    Shannon was actually contacting Lucinda because she wanted to sell back her shares of Walsh Enterprises (that had been gifted by Harriet) so that she could afford to hire a private detective to track down her long-lost husband, (who would turn out to be Duncan McKechnie) so she could get her marriage annulled or get a divorce.  

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