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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. 11 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    The sad thing is I watched an October 2000 episode recently with Emily talking about her history with Craig and mentioning both Sam and Sierra, except it was with Hunt Block's Craig ugh. It was a nice rare history nod though. 


    Other than Tremors and an early episode of Law & Order, I can't recall what else Finn Carter has done while I know Bryce has maintained a steady working acting career on a variety of projects. I did enjoy what Evans did bring in the role of Sierra, but the show barely used and even when Evans finally went on contract nothing big happened. 


    Well, Finn has two kids, so that may have something to do with it. Also, the reality for men and women in Hollywood is quite different.

  2. Eileen Higgings A.K.A. "La Gringa", a non-Hispanic and a Democrat won in a heavily Hispanic (i.e. Cuban-American) Miami-Dade district that had consistently voted Republican in the past.


    That is indeed...something.

  3. 4 hours ago, SoapDope said:

    I liked Finn Carter as Sierra and was sad when she was gone. I am surprised she never returned to soaps at some point. Her IMDB page lists her last role in 2005. I think someone posted that Scott  Bryce (Craig) still stays in touch with her.

    Yes she was so whiny. Andy was always seemed so morose in any pairing he was in. I am surprised they didn't try Andy with Lilly back in the 80's.


    So was I.

    Did ATWT ever ask that she return in the mid '00s?  It seems that by then the show was pretty wedded to Mary Beth Evans in the role.

    It was me who mentioned that Scott Bryce has kept in touch with her.  I read an interview (and posted it somewhere in this thread) that he often goes to L.A. (probably to audition and pilot season) and I believe Finn resides in So. Cal so he probably has caught up with her then.  

    Bryce also mentioned that he's close with Tamara Tunie (he calls her his 'sister from another mother') and Brian Bloom (Dusty #1).  


    Finn, like Lindsey Frost has turned to painting.  As a matter of fact, Finn also has a studio.  I found this on Instagram.


  4. 47 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I can see why Marland split them up - Lucinda had to pay a price for her many, many schemes so that viewers would feel sorry for her. Losing John was a big part of that. And she continued to be a major part of his life, which led to more drama.


    I think the mistake was in what they did with John after he and Lucinda split up. The relationship with Iva was just so somber, and he didn't need another child. John worked best on the outside.


    I agree.


    Also, I think that, instead of flat-out leaving as others did,  Larry Bryggman might have begun to invest himself more heavily in theater, film and other non-soap projects-perhaps because he saw where things were headed in the corporate scheme of things and decided that it was best to diversify his talent, even if that meant acquiescing to a slightly reduced role at ATWT. Being a wily veteran, he likely foresaw some of the changes afoot, which turned out to be a wise move considering the fallout that would eventually happen.


  5. At the risk of sounding like a Marland apologist, I think John and Lucinda were supposed to be one of those break up to make up couples.  They butted heads from the very beginning so it was never going to be continued bliss with them (or any soap couple, tbh). 

    There has to be a mixture of conflict and harmony or there is no drama.  I guess sometimes Marland went a bit heavy on the conflict


    One definite criticism I do have is although I think Marland wrote longing like very few could, he tended to keep his couples separated for very lengthy periods of time and sometimes it backfired, like when an actor left.  Tom and Margo (GM & HBS), Sierra and Craig, John and Lucinda.  None of those actor departures had anything to do with Marland.  They were talent who wanted to spread their wings in other directions but it was unfortunate that because their characters had been written to be separated for so long, the viewers didn't get to enjoy them for as long as they could have.


    And it was problematic that sometimes the Snyders were interjected a bit too much, although in the long run, Emma and John, provided a good set up for the twist that would come when John and Lucinda eloped and Emma discovers this when Lucinda comes waltzing down those stairs and bodly stakes her claim on John.  Sorry but that was good drama. 

    If any Snyder was objectionable, it was the inserting of Ellie between Kirk and Iva, which ultimately, flopped and for good reason.

  6. 13 minutes ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:


    Thanks. I guess that explains it all. Of course Tonio turned out to be a villain, and John ended up marrying Lucinda and changing some of his earlier attitudes.



    What's funny is that John and Lucinda had been 'teased' from as far back as 1984.  I remember watching an episode uploaded to You Tube a few years ago where they went on a date at Diana's--it did not go well. 


    Even the time when John was blackmailing Lucinda with the knowledge about Sierra over the board seat or over Lily's being adopted (he didn't know that Iva was the mother until after he and Lucinda married, I think), he and Lucinda always found ways to be in each other's orbit. 


    Once, John even coerced Lucinda into having lunch with him in the hospital cafeteria, where unable to stomach the food, Lucinda just sat there and watched John eat, with a look of revulsion on her face.  I think she even mentioned the cafeteria food being on par with the company, LOL.

  7. 49 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Montega is first mentioned in late 1984 as Lucinda learns about the revolution there and has Craig go rescue Sierra. I don't remember if he knew Sierra was her daughter at that time or not. 


    We never saw Jacobo, I believe.


    When Craig ventured to Montega for the first time, he did not know that Sierra was Lucinda's daughter.  By the time Craig was forced out of the country by hired goons (staged to protect Sierra who, unbeknownst to Craig was in hiding for her safety), he and Sierra had bonded considerably. 

    I sincerely doubt that Craig would've had grief sex with Lucinda one night after they were told that Sierra had died if he knew the connection. 


    Craig later learned the Sierra was Lucinda's daughter after he and Sierra had already been engaged to marry and he urged Lucinda to tell Sierra before John Dixon did  (who wanted Sierra for himself and blackmailed Lucinda with the information in order for her to give up her board seat at Memorial Hospital, which John also wanted) .


    Of course, later on John, to spite both Craig and Lucinda told Sierra the secret that Lucinda had been hiding while also revealing that Craig discovered it and kept it from her as well.

    46 minutes ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:


    Thanks. If I remember correctly they did not mention Tonio yet. He did not come to Oakdale until after Sierra and Craig were a couple. So apparently he was in Montega during the revolution but obviously survived.


    Sierra wanted Tonio to walk her down the aisle when she and Craig were supposed to marry and asked Craig if it would be alright. Craig reluctantly agreed. 

    Tonio had supposedly fled during the revolution (they were always talking about the junta, a term I had yet to understand the meaning of) and was in Miami in business school (or something) at that time.  I distinctly remember a scene where he mentioned Lucinda being a guest speaker at the business executive program he was involved in.

  8. 1 minute ago, Juliajms said:

    Yes and also a sign of how strange things are.  We have such a clash of ideology going on.  We careen disaster to hope and back again sometimes in a matter of days.


    Isn't that what Trumpists and Bernie Bros all wanted?  To 'shake things up'?

  9. Is ICE collapsing?  Sure looks like it.

    33 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It would depend on who takes over that role. China and Russia won't be any better. Europe is fracturing and Merkel, the main one holding things together, is likely in her last term of office. The UN itself has no problem turning a blind eye to hate speech, bigotry, and dictatorships - they are just more subtle than the idiots we now have in office.


    America has been severely diminished in global power over the last few decades anyway, whether it be W alienating the world, or the virulent racism and ugliness Obama faced from so many so-called leaders like Duterte. I do think Trump has sped it up, but it's going to happen no matter who or what. I mostly fear what is next to come - for them and for us.


    At least this idiot won't have any role:




    From this vantage point, it doesn't look like country is leading, the U.S., in particular looks pretty isolated.  Why does the world need a leader anyway?  That model looks antiquated now, Trump's WH has brought that into sharp relief.

  10. It's not the nicest thing to say but at this point, I think, the best thing that could happen for global security is if the U.S. is severely diminished in its global power and reach.  




    So much easier for Putin to gain a further foothold into influence in Europe, don't you think?


  11. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    I think Taylor Baldwin (Casey's doctor ex girlfriend) didn't make much of an impression.  I don't recall her even being on the show (and my mom watched it quite a bit in the mid to late 80s) only reading that she was on for a year or so.  From watching old episodes, she made a play for Casey than tried to date Tom Hughes when Margo/Tom were on the outs with Lisa interfering to make sure that didn't happen.  The actress was cute, but lacked any sort of personality.


    Recently, I watched an episode on You Tube where Taylor Baldwin tells Casey something like "You better get used to it Casey because I'm going to be around for a long time" and I thought "No you're not". :lol:

  12. 24 minutes ago, P.J. said:


    I know Jennifer found out, and that John knew, but was Bob and Kim's ONS like "public knowledge"? 



    I'm not sure about Bob & Kim--it seems as only when Sabrina showed up in Oakdale did people put two and two together.  I know that Barbara had feelings about it and everyone told her to sit on them. By this time, people were less sympathetic toward Barbara for all of the stunts and tricks she had pulled the previous year.


    Bob and Susan's affair definitely became public knowledge and once it did, Susan's reputation suffered more fallout than Bob's did.  Granted, Susan was already seen in a negative light. Bob really only had to deal with Kim, while Susan had to deal with everyone, with the exception of John and Emily.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Roman said:

    30 people shot. 5 dead at a Newspaper building in Annapolis. the "POTUS" is given his "Thoughts and Prayers".


    Well, I hardly expect him to talk about how many hateful insults he has leveled at the media and the possibility that he inspired someone to act on it.

  14. 5 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    A character having sex with multiple partners from the same family is rather revolting, but it happens often in daytime. Laura Spencer and the Horton brothers on Days, Leslie Jackson and the Bauer boys on TGL, Reva Shayne and all the Lewis men, TGL, Brooke and the Forresters (B&B), Bob and the Sullivan sisters (ATWT).


    I've always found it icky. I could never sleep with my husband's brother or father. Ewww. :wacko:


    In the case of Reva Shayne and Brooke Logan, there was always a whiff of scandal and they were regarded as town tramps and sluts-- also their families were never the most esteemed. 


    The irony of Bob and his philandering and affairs was that it never once truly affected his reputation as a great doctor and a pillar of his community. 

    In fact, the entire Hughes family usually managed to remain above infamy, for the most part, despite Kim's murder trial (yes, I know she was innocent) and Margo having an affair and child with a co-worker.  

  15. What f*ckin election did he win??  Look at some of the faces of the bystanders in that picture--split between those who don't believe a word of what he just said while others are humoring him the way one humors a doddering old fool.  Or is that "dotard"?


    Women's reproductive rights is not just about Roe v. Wade (though that is a large part of it) but also access to birth control and family planning initiatives. 

    The recent story of the woman who had a miscarriage comes to mind.  This woman was prescribed medication and the pharmacist refused to fill the prescription, preferring to let the woman suffer instead.  There is a strong possibility that we will see more of these types of situations arise.

  16. 9 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    I understand the urge to feel the negative overwhelms....but we wouldn't be discussing the show seven years after cancellation, if we didn't love it. 


    I make no apology for loving the Marland years, but I also accept the criticisms of it. (As anyone who sat through the Carolyn Crawford murder mess would have to...) And I think the Snyders were awesome. Even if their love lives were basically one long game of tag. 


    And CarJack RULES. 


    :wub: I appreciate you. 

  17. 11 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I was just about to post that picture of Dorin. In this shot, she is not wearing the little facial mole the show had her wear, to look more like Prinz. But you can see the resemblance.


    Ha! I wish someone would interview Fulton now, about Sheffer and the damage he did to the show. Without fear of network or sponsor retaliation, I'll bet she would have a thing or two to say!


    I've been wanting that to happen for ages!  Sometimes I get the feeling that actors have been very careful about what they say in the past but now that the show's been over for nearly a decade, I'd love to read/hear/see an unguarded interview of BTS dynamics as well as the work itself. I'm fascinated by that stuff.

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