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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. There's no way that I would claiming that ICE could be abolished during a Trump administration (it would likely take at least a decade, under the best of circumstances), I was addressing the Sanders response to the question which shows that this, like a lot of issues that affect POC is clearly not on his radar.

    As for making promises that cannot be delivered upon, when has that ever stopped Sanders before?  


    I guess the impetus is very different when you personally know people whose lives are on a knife's edge because of these policies.  It's not just something in the abstract or simply a news story to turn away from.


    Then again, there were many  that claimed that some of us were being reactionary to the possibility of Trump's election jeopardizing lives. 


    And the call for abolishing ICE did not originate from politicians.  There have been people calling for the abolition of ICE almost since its inception.  It's an issue that has a grassroots origin and has come to the politicians attention only because of the current crisis.



    An attempt beyond talk.


  2. Well, right as we debate this, you have teenage kids in this Walmart converted "care centers" walking out and into the void unaccounted for.  Nobody mentions that these centers cannot keep legally prevent them from walking out, even if they have safety concerns.


    Raising the issue of ICE and making politicians (especially those possibly seeking higher office) answer questions and at least, consider a plan would be a lot productive than shouting on about whether people should practice civility to a bunch of deplorables.  Bernie and the other purity ponies should also have to answer and come up with a plan...don't they always have the answers, so they say?


    Politicians should be put under the microscope and have to answer the "What next?" question.

    Why are folks suddenly lowering the bar for every politician under the sun now?:blink:


    People wanted Obama to make bread out of stone but suddenly, we can't even try to accomplish anything.  Shouldn't even attempt to change a system that's clearly inhumane.:ph34r:

  3. 13 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    What do they want to replace ICE with? 


    A an organization that lacks dysfunction perhaps?


    People may not realize that ICE was created in 2003,  yes, the U.S. did indeed function with INS and earlier organizations.  ICE has probably been the worst of any of the immigration enforcement organizations.  They're definitely the least cognizant of people's civil and human rights.



    Reading this article made me think of HOC.  Very unfortunate, highly unprofessional, to say the least.


    How an Affair Between a Reporter and a Security Aide Has Rattled Washington Media

  4. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Quick question: who played Steve's brother, Frank?  I think I've seen in some other shows.


    Weren't they cousins?  Frank was played by Jacques Perrault.


    9 hours ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:

    I didn't mind this Frannie but Julianne Moore who soon replaced her was really the best one. The actress who played Diana became more known for her later role on Passions.


    The short cameo with Phyllis Diller was cute. Back in the days when these shows had big budgets and could bring all kinds of special guests in like this. I think Hilary Bailey was my favorite Margo though I did like Colin and Dolan a lot too. Hilary Bailey and Scott Bryce were so believable as brother and sister.


    Gunnar was listed in the credits but did not appear. John was married to Karen at this time. I see Shannon had not been introduced yet but I think she comes on the show soon after this. Lisa is not in the credits. I thought Betsy Von Furstenberg stayed in the role up till Eileen Fulton returned but I guess she did not and there was a bit of a gap.


    Does anyone know what month Whit died? The episode where he was killed was Eileen Fulton's first episode back on the show.


    Sadly, the actress who was playing Frannie in the 1984 episode, Terri Vandenbosch died several years ago.  I do think that Julianne Moore was a good recast and like Scott Bryce and Hilary Bailey Smith, I though Moore and Marx were believable as siblings (even the light hair).


    This August 1984 episode leads right into Whit's murder because in the soap summaries, it says that right after that party, Jay's mother Dorothy has an argument with Whit over his broken promises to marry her as well as whether to tell Kurt the truth. 

    In this episode you can see there is setup toward the murder because both Jay and Steve have public outbursts in regards to their animus toward Whit and Craig will be one of the last people to see Whit alive, which happens in this episode.

    Boy, now I wish the next episode were posted online, LOL.

  5. The tennis powers that be are so stupid.:rolleyes:  Banning social media accounts from posting GIFs.


    Oh, and I think what Kyrgios did was unnecessary and immature yet I see that he got a higher fine than that 'silent fine' that Pliskova must have gotten for causing actually property damage.



  6. 21 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I think it used to be on Oakdale Historian or a channel like that (not sure if that channel is still around), unless I'm thinking of another episode.


    Okay, I just checked and that channel has the episode but it's chopped up in clips.


    The music cues are terrible on this episode, lol.  



  7. I remember clips of this performance posted on the WLS blog but has the complete episode been posted?  This episode has a lot of music. They must've had a deal with Jermaine Jackson or something, lol.

    It looks as though they're leading up to Whit's murder. He's already got Jay and Steve angry with him.  From what I've read, this was sometime in the first week of August, 1984.



  8. I was surprised at Cilic winning without much of a first serve today--his serve appeared to have deserted him. 

    People remarked at how they thought that Novak had shown improvement but still appeared winded at some point in the match, so endurance might still be an issue.

  9. @P.J. My point was that TPTB had plenty of time.  Wagner didn't go in her 70s like McLaughlin, it wouldn't have even had to have been a "final" scene.  It could've been done 10 years earlier, as part of another story... just a simple "Good Night, dear". 

    Soaps never think ahead, was my point. 

    By the way, the NYT does interviews with people about their legacy, way before they die, you'd be surprised at the number of people who actually would like their laurels while they're alive.  People like to know that they can actually contribute to the building of their legacy and how people will see them after they're gone.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    Speaking of propping characters, did anyone think that even Marland was guilty of propping characters (Lily, for instance... and rapist/pedophile Rod/Josh)?


    The Luke effect.  Unfortunately,  General Hospital found success with turning a rapist into a leading man (I still can't figure out how people accepted that) so it opened the path for other soaps' attempts at it.  I wish I could say that it stopped at Luke but we know from Roger Howarth's character on OLTL, that that  unfortunate "phenomenon" continued.


    Martha Byrne's Lily was what happens when the teen scene is so small, Lily became an avatar for every 80s teen scenario involving a self-absorbed whiny angsty young woman.  The Molly Ringwald effect or whatever characters Molly Ringwald kept playing during the 1980s.  It wouldn't have been so bad if there were other teens, particularly teen girls on the show (other than Meg, who didn't stay a teen for long).  Having all these adults going to a teen's birthday/graduation party struck me as ridiculous.  This was also done for Dusty and Meg.  I think though that Lily was supposed to represent all the fragility of a sheltered, self-absorbed poor little rich girl but it often got to be a bit much.  


    One reason why I'm always more interested to hear from writers because I'd love to know how many of these stories/characters were by the writers' hand and how much might have been pushed by executives with clipboard in hand citing market research.


  11. That seemed very detached compared to the episode they did for Chris Hughes.  I'm surprised at how cool Bob was.  When Don McLaughlin passed, he was choking back tears, it felt so genuine.

    Nancy was on longer, her episode should've consisted of more than a cluster gathering of black clad characters in small room but these were the waning days, the show had probably been packing up the set, so it was what it was.


    I'm indifferent to the Katie character but I wouldn't blame her for taking the focus from Nancy.  If anyone did that it was Chris' ridiculous story.

  12. 27 minutes ago, JarrodMFiresofLove said:

    So I have a question since I stopped watching the show after Martha Byrne left. Was Nancy's death filmed as a special episode? Did it pre-empt an episode that had already been filmed? I am reading things that there is a lost episode, and I am guessing it's because they pulled something to make room for Nancy's death. Did the Hughes family have a funeral for her? How was it written in? Thanks in advance for any clarification.


    I had stopped watching too but isn't that episode posted on You Tube somewhere?  I feel as if I saw it.  I don't believe there was a funeral.  I was surprised at how minimal it all was given Helen Wagner's long tenure and Nancy Hughes' overall impact on the show.  The soaps always hide behind budget when they are called out for doing the least but they could've done better than what they did.   


    Also what I could never understand was, given the fact that TPTB knew that they had declining ratings and there were other P&G soaps that had recently been canceled over the last several years and given the age of the actress, why couldn't they take the time to film brief scene, in advance, of Nancy saying "Good night, Bob".  It made sense, since she delivered the first lines "Good morning, Bob".  Once the actress hit 90 years of age, they should've made some type of plans.  They could've added it as a part of a tribute and part of the show's final episode. 

    I was really mad at ATWT for not bothering to think ahead.  Then again, that had become the show's M.O. in their last decade-no respect for the show's history and no foresight for what could happen in the future.

  13. Didn't Campos-Duffy basically turn her back on Pedro Zamora when she discovered he had AIDS?  She and her husband deserve one another, both idiotic bigots.


    Speaking of another idiotic bigot, wasn't this man's summit with Kim supposed to render the nuclear threat completely over, according to him?  To say, he changes like the weather would be an insult to weather and meteorologists everywhere.


    Is North Korea a Nuclear Threat or Not? The President Now Says It Is

  14. 1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:


    SBH is active on FB, and she always has interesting memories to share of her soap days (and that of her husband, Patrick Horgan, best known for The Doctors). Whoever puts these chats together should definitely seek her out.


    P.S. Maybe this is just the cynic in me talking, but am I the only one who is surprised that AP and TC are still married given the scandalous way they got together?


    Oh, okay...I'm not on FB.  

    I'd really like someone who is outspoken to answer what it was truly like from the production side and the writer's room, as that's something I've always been interested in.  How much autonomy did a high-caliber head writer have? 

    How much interference (there's always a degree of interference) did they have to deal with?  How did this affect specific storylines and/or specific characterizations?

  15. 3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Gawd...they are having the live ATWT chat on Facebook and those present are Trent Dawson, Fluffy and Austin Peck....talk about horrible....no Martha at all either......who wants to ask those fools questions...


    Yikes, that would be a strong pass for me. 


    It would've been interesting had there been a gathering of actors, a writer or two or a production person that we haven't really heard from in awhile. Elizabeth Hubbard will forever be interesting (I'd love to know if she's kept in contact with Ann Mitchell).


    I'd really love to hear from someone like Susan Bedsow-Horgan who tends to be more candid about the dynamics in the writer's room and whether a headwriter of Marland's renown actually had full autonomy and if not, how much did the executives try to intrude?


    I'm not interested in some people that we always seem to see in social media trying to promote themselves, especially if they had sucky storylines.

  16. Have I taken breaks from watch?  Of course I have.  Every soap, I've ever watched, I've taken breaks.  Either because it was no longer worth my time or because I just became too busy (college and grad school). 


    I'm a big believer in not watching something I don't enjoy but if you're going to write ten miles of bad story, then don't complain or try to guilt the viewers when the show gets canceled. 

    I sense a lot of that from some fans of some shows, particularly soaps, which is why the 'O.J. defense' that the soap industry likes to use is just not a good one.  The writing quality severely declined and many soaps lost audience and could not (or would not?) do enough to get them back.


    (By the way, wasn't it the Star Wars franchise that has recently decided to pull back on putting out more movies in the series?  From what I understand, the quality was not good in the last movie so it has caused them to rethink how they will write/produce the next film.  Wise move. Haste makes waste.)  Many of the fanboys in science fiction ground their complaints based on misogynistic and racists reasons.  Perhaps some soap fans do this also but as a woman of color, that would never be me.  I'm far from traditional, except when it comes to writing a consistent character and a storyline grounded in logic.


    TBH.  I avoid watching most of the last decade of the show because the way the characters and storylines were written struck me as poorly written and sloppy and painful to watch.  I'm not a nostalgia nut but I believe in writing a story that makes sense.  When I was in grad school, had I submitted some of these premises that were dramatized in the show's last decade, the professor would've told me to start over.  


    @adrnyc and I've got a M.F.A in Dramatic Writing, by the way.  Some of my work has popped up on stage with some talented actors.  I've been trained to write scripts for film, television but my passion is for the stage, which is probably why I'll never be rich, LOL.

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