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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. ANOTHER WORLD 102 The gala begins….The grand re-opening of the Harbor Club… The M&M Harbor Club is up and running, newly decorated, and ready to receive its guests. The tuxedo dressed waiters are walking around with their trays of drinks. Soft piano music plays in the background, and Donna greets John and Sharlene at the door. Donna: John, Sharlene welcome. Sharlene: This looks great Donna. Congratulations. Michael would have been proud of you. John flashes back to his conversation with Felicia about the possibility of Michael being alive. Donna: I know he’s here in spirit. Let me escort you to your table. As John and Sharlene sit at their table, Mitch and Felicia both notice John and Sharlene being seated. Sharlene: I’m gonna go to the Ladies’ room. Meanwhile, Mitch secretly notices Sharlene, and asks Felicia if she wants a club soda from the bar. She says yes, and Mitch gets up. Felicia uses this opportunity to go over to John. Felicia sits down across from John… Felicia: Where’s Sharlene? John: She went to the ladies’ room. Felicia: Have you told her about Michael? John: No and I’m not telling anyone until I’m sure that Martin was the one who died in that car crash. Felicia: That’s a good idea. I’m sure Donna will be thrilled if it turns out that Michael is alive. AT THE BAR Mitch is there and Sharlene bumps into him. Sharlene: Oh sorry…Mitch hi. Mitch: Sharlene. How are you? Sharlene: I’m fine. I’m headed to the ladies’ room. Mitch: Are you okay? Sharlene: I’ve been feeling great. Mitch: No episodes? Sharlene: No. Mitch: That’s good, well I’m gonna bring Felicia a club soda. Sharlene: Great. IN THE LADIES’ ROOM Sharlene walks up to the mirror, and sees her own reflection. She looks down to get the makeup out of her purse, looks back up at the mirror, and drops her makeup in the sink as she sees Janice in the mirror. Janice: Now what did mama teach us about telling lies? GRANT’S HOUSE Grant adjusts his bowtie on his tuxedo as his back is to his open front door. He hears someone walk in. Grant: Paulina. I thought I was supposed to pick YOU up. It’s not Paulina, but Cindy Brooke. Cindy: Paulina! Grant turns around and is shocked… Grant: Cynthia?! What the hell are you doing sneaking in my house like that? Cindy: Did my ears just deceive me? Are you really going out with Paulina Carlino to the Harbor Club? MEANWHILE AT THE CARLINO’S HOUSE… Paulina, dressed in an off-white evening gown with a ruffle on her right shoulder, answers the door. It’s Jack, with jeans, a Polo shirt, and a jacket. Paulina (smiling): Jack. Come in. Jack: You look…beautiful. Paulina: Thank you. Why aren’t you going to the Harbor Club tonight? Jack: Carly’s at home with our daughter. She’s sick. Paulina: I’m sorry about that. I wouldn’t leave Dante when he was younger whenever he got sick, so I understand that. Jack: I’ve got work to catch up on anyway. Paulina: I hate that you’re not going to the Harbor Club tonight. Practically the whole town is gonna be there celebrating its reopening. Jack: Well I didn’t want to go by myself. Paulina: I would have gone with you if I hadn’t already agreed to go with Grant. BACK AT THE HARBOR CLUB Jake and Vicky sit at their table. Vicky: I’m gonna go find Donna. Jake: Okay. Jake notices Stacey at the bar and he approaches her. Jake: Hey Stacey. Stacey: Jake. Jake has a more vivid memory of meeting Stacey at a bar drinking out of a Dodgers shot glass. As Stacey walks away, Jake steps in front of her. Stacey: Jake what are you doing? Jake: I’ve…I’ve seen you outside of Bay City before haven’t I? Stacey: I don’t know what you mean. Jake: It was in Los Angeles. That’s where I saw you. But why? Stacey: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never been there. Jake: You’re lying. Vicky approaches them. Vicky: What’s going on here you two? CAMERA PAN ON JAKE…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY GRANT’S HOUSE Grant: Yes, Paulina is my date. Is that such a far fetched notion? Cindy: Far fetched? Try damn near miraculous. So tell me, how did you get Paulina to go with you to the gala tonight? Let me guess, you’re blackmailing her again. It can’t be about her selling Remy on the black market. Grant begins to get an idea… Grant (mumbling): I wonder if Jack knows about that. Cindy: What did you say? Grant: Oh…nothing. Cindy: So…what do you have over Paulina this time? Grant: Nothing. Maybe she just likes my company. Cindy (scoffing): Seriously? I wonder how long that’s going to last. Grant: It’ll last longer than your clingy friendship with Gary Sinclair. Cindy: That was a different situation. We were only friends. Grant: You mean you didn’t want something more with Gary? Cindy: I’m not the subject of this conversation. Grant: Right. I bet you’re still that same needy woman. Cindy: I became an attorney, and I’m not that kinda gal anymore. Grant: Yeah right, and leopard spots change, too. Listen, I’ve gotta get ready to pick up Paulina. Please show yourself out. Cindy (hurt): You know, I came here to see how my ex-husband was doing before I left town. You’re still mean and cold. Grant: Are you done? Cindy: I was done with you a long time ago, and soon enough, Paulina will be, too. CARLINOS HOUSE Jack and Paulina stare at each other. Jack: So I should get going. Paulina: Umm…yeah. Grant’s gonna be here any minute. They continue to stare at each other. Paulina: Don’t work too hard. They hug, pull away slowly, look into each other’s eyes, and lean in to kiss. Before they can lock lips, Jack’s cell phone rings. Jack: That could be Carly, or the station. Paulina: You should take it. Jack (looking at the caller ID): Yeah…I’m gonna take it outside. Paulina: Okay. Have a good night. OUTSIDE… Jack (on the phone): You’re on your way to Bay City? I’ll be at the station. BACK AT THE HARBOR CLUB…. In the ladies’ room, Sharlene faces her Janice in the mirror. Sharlene: When are you going to go away? Janice: I can’t. Not until you let me finish my mission. Sharlene: You can’t have Carl. He is happily married to Rachel. Janice: That’s not the only thing I have to do. I can help the both of us if you let me out. Sharlene: I will never let you out. Janice: We’ll see about that. The stronger one will win, and we both know who that is. Sharlene: No! Sharlene frantically grabs her purse, turns around and sees Rachel. Rachel: Sharlene? Are you alright? Sharlene (running by Rachel): I’m fine. AT THE BAR… Stacey: Jake thinks that he saw me at a bar in Los Angeles before. Vicky: And what did you tell him? Stacey: That I have never been there. Jake: Vicky why am I having these flashbacks? Vicky: I don’t know Jake. Maybe it was someone from your past before you came to Bay City. Stacey: I’m gonna go see where my brother is. After Stacey leaves… Jake: I’m pretty sure it was Stacey that I saw in L.A. Vicky: Well it couldn’t have been Stacey because she said she’d never been there before. As a matter of fact, I don’t think you’ve ever been there before. Jake: These aren’t just some subconscious dreams. These flashes feel real. Could it have been during the time I lost my memory? Vicky (shaking her head): Probably not. Why don’t you just let it go? Donna is at the microphone asking for everyone’s attention. Donna: Good evening. You all look so handsome and lovely. Tonight is the grand re-opening of the Harbor Club. I look forward to making this a staple of Bay City again. I re-opened this for all of you. Thank you all for coming. Everyone claps, and Donna smiles as she looks around. Her smile quickly turns to a frown when she sees REGINALD, with a sinister smile, clapping at the entrance. FREEZE FRAME ON A SPLIT SCREEN OF DONNA AND REGINALD….SLOW FADE OUT….END OF EPISODE 102 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  2. ANOTHER WORLD 101 Reginald gets some crucial information THE HUDSONS John is downstairs tying his bowtie on his tuxedo…and Sharlene, in her silver evening gown, walks up to him. John: Hey is this right? Sharlene: It looks great. John: Where’s Gregory? Gregory walks downstairs…. Gregory: I’m not going. Sharlene: Why not? Your family would want you to support Donna tonight. Someone rings the doorbell, and John opens the door… John: Lindsay. Lindsay: Hi Mr. Hudson. Is Greg here? John suspects that Lindsay is the reason that Gregory doesn’t want to go to the Harbor Club. John: Yeah…come in. Lindsay (walking in): Greg you’re not going to Harbor Club? Sharlene: I wonder the same thing. Vicky, Donna, and Bridget would appreciate it. John: Sharlene…maybe we should give them some privacy. John and Sharlene leave…. Lindsay: Am I the cause of you not going to support your family? Gregory: You got five minutes. FRANKIE’S APT Charlie and Frankie are in the mirror putting their make up on… Charlie (pointing to Frankie’s right cheek): You probably wanna put some over here. Frankie (blotting her cheek): My daughter is giving me makeup instructions. I’ve been at this longer than you kid. Charlie: I just want to make sure that you look your absolute best for dad for your date tonight. Aren’t you excited? Frankie: It seems like you are VERY excited about it. Charlie: Well why aren’t YOU? Frankie: Deep down I am, but I’m just…cautiously optimistic. Charlie: Do you want things to work out with dad again? Frankie: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves honey. I’m supposed to be giving YOU advice about relationships, but I guess I lost that privilege. I’m glad Lila provided a mother figure for you while I was gone. Charlie: Mom I got past the you-not-being-here thing, and it’s time for you to do the same thing. Frankie: I have honey. I’m so happy that you and I have gotten to this point. I thought we’d never get here. Charlie: Well we are, and I plan to stay, because I love you mom. Frankie: I love you, too honey. Charlie: Now all we gotta do is… Frankie: Charlie, you’re jumping way ahead right. Your dad and I are going out on a date…that’s it. KIRKLAND’S ROOM Jake and Vicky stop by and visit Kirkland Vicky: Hi honey. Jake: Hey kid. Kirkland: Mom, Jake, what are you doing here? Vicky: Can’t your parents come visit you? Kirkland: I don’t mean it like that. Vicky: So how do you like your stuffy, lonely hotel room? Kirkland (smiling): I’m not moving back home mom. Jake: Oh your mom’s just looking out for you. Kirkland (looking at the dossier he has on Grant): What brings you by? Vicky: I’m just checking on you. We haven’t talked much since you came back home. Kirkland: I’m great mom. In fact, I’m getting ready to go with Charlie to the Harbor Club tonight for grandma Donna. Vicky: The family will be thrilled to see you. Kirkland: I wonder if dad’s gonna be there. Vicky: Don’t worry about Grant right now. You’ll be supporting your family tonight. Kirkland: I’m gonna go pick up Charlie. Jake: So we’ll see ya at the club? Kirkland: Yep. Jake and Vicky leave and Kirkland calls Charlie to let her know he’s on his way. Kirkland opens the door and two men block him. Kirkland: Who the hell are you? Let me guess. My dad sent you. Man #1: Give us the dossier. CAMERA PAN ON KIRKLAND….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ HUDSONS HOUSE Lindsay: I didn’t mean to hurt you. I couldn’t be sure that Jake was my biological father until I got the results of the DNA test. Gregory: That was clever of you. Lindsay: I’m not trying to deceive or lie to anyone. Gregory: But that’s exactly what you’re doing Lindsay! Lindsay: What was I supposed to do? Oh hi Jake McKinnon can I get a sample of your DNA? Gregory: But after the DNA tests confirmed it, you still didn’t tell me. I had to accidentally knock down your purse to find out. Lindsay: Greg--- Gregory: And every time I asked you about your mother, you were evasive, and you would change the subject. You’ve been lying to me ever since you came to Bay City. Lindsay: I wasn’t ready to share that with you. Gregory: Did I make a mistake in getting involved with you? Lindsay: How can you ask a question like that? I didn’t expect to fall for you either, but I did. I saw how hard you worked to be able to walk again. So resolute; so brave. I fell in love with you. Gregory: You can’t love me because you don’t trust me. Lindsay: I DO trust you. Gregory: You DON’T. You couldn’t tell me about your mother, and you couldn’t tell me about Jake. Lindsay: Don’t you love me? Gregory: Of course I do. Lindsay: Then why are you so apprehensive? Gregory: Because I don’t know if you’re gonna hurt me again. Lindsay: No. Not at all. They slowly approach each other and hug and kiss…passionately… FRANKIE’S APT Charlie: Dad could have asked Nicole to go to the Harbor Club with him, but he asked you. Frankie: Nicole’s sick, she can’t be out too much. Charlie: Dad has been very good to Nicole. Frankie: Cass has a good heart. Charlie: I must say I’m still surprised that he is letting her live there after what he told me Nicole did. Frankie: It’s like he gave her a second chance. Frankie walks toward her table and looks at a letter from the Illinois Correctional Facility for the Criminally Insane. Frankie: I’m counting on it. So what time is Kirkland picking you up? Charlie: He called and told me that he’s on his way. Meanwhile, Kirkland lies in his hotel room in his tuxedo bruised and unconscious, and the dossier he had on Grant is gone. SUITE One of the men who beat up Kirkland gives REGINALD LOVE the dossier on Grant. Man: This is what you wanted boss. Reginald: You didn’t hurt my great-grandson did you? Man: I did what I had to do to get this to you. Reginald: If you hurt my great-grandson… Man: He’ll be fine. Reginald: Get outta here. After the man leaves… Reginald: Guess I got the next mayor in my pocket. FREEZE FRAME ON REGINALD…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 101 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  3. Kirkland is Grant and Vicky's son....Charlie is Cass and Frankie's daughter...yes that story will cause a lot of conflict for Kirkland
  4. I wonder if Paola and her family have a connection to the Harringtons somehow...I will stay tuned.. Very nice....
  5. The Harringtons remind me of the Graysons (Revenge) LOL...William seems fierce about protecting the family's name...why? I suppose we will see later. I see you painting the picture of the characters...
  6. So I think Nikki resents Giselle, but I'm trying to figure out why...maybe that comes later...and Nikki doesn't respect her mother...I guess you will also address this history later, too
  7. I was waiting for what you would say about this episode Carl... I think you and MLC are misunderstanding that Grant says that if the voters saw a video of Kirkland having sex with a guy, they wouldn't vote for him, not necessarily because he was gay (or bisexual)... Grant is going to have other formidable opponents trying to get in his kitchen...Stay tuned. I appreciate you both for reading
  8. Thanks Carl and MLC for reading...Your input means a lot where AW is concerned
  9. THE 100TH EPISODE OF BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD FRONT OF THE CORY MANSION ALLEN IS AT THE DOOR WHEN HE GETS A PHONE CALL. Allen: Really? Thanks bro. Allen says “Damn Ty you ain’t have to hang up on me like that.” Allen then rings the doorbell, and the seven chimes gets Rachel to answer the door. Allen (smiling): Good evening Rachel. Rachel: Amanda’s upstairs. You can wait in the foyer. As Rachel walks away… Allen: The charges were dropped. Tyrone just told me. Rachel: I know all about that, but it doesn’t excuse what you’ve done. Allen: I had no choice but to comply with Reginald. Rachel: Reginald? Allen: He orchestrated the whole thing. Rachel: Reginald is responsible for all of this? Why didn’t you ask for any help? Allen: If I didn’t go along with it, I would have never seen my mother again. He had her locked up in Pinehaven. Amanda (coming downstairs): He wanted to protect Nicole. Allen: You look beautiful. Are you ready to go? Amanda: Yes. After they leave… Rachel: It’s time I paid Reginald Love a visit. He caused me to lose my company. LOVE MANSION Marley is fixing Donna’s hair in the living room. Donna: Marley what are you doing? It’s fine. Marley: I see some strands here that just need to be brushed down. Donna: It’s finally here. The grand re-opening is tonight. Things seem to coming together for us. The club is re-opening, and I’m gonna be a grandmother again. Marley: I’m…a little worried. Donna: About what honey? Marley: The doctor said it’s high risk because of what happened to me in the fire…and my age. Donna: You have to positive darling. You and Tyrone are going to have a healthy, happy child. Marley: You’re right…and you are gonna babysit. Donna: I’m going to spoil him or her. Marley: I know that Reginald has controlling interest in the Club. Donna: I don’t want to think about daddy. I did this all for you, and that little bun you’re carrying, and all of Vicky’s kids. Marley: I gotta go home and get ready. Marley pecks Donna on the cheek. Donna: I’ll see you there honey. Outside the door, Marley gets a phone call from Tyrone. Tyrone: Hey baby. I’ll have to meet you at the club at little later. I’m finishing up some paperwork. The charges were dropped against my brother. Marley: Well, that’s great news right? I’ll just get dressed and see you at the club. BAY CITY CENTER John is at a table and Felicia sits across from him. John: Thank you for coming. Felicia: Is everything okay? John: Gregory and I just came back from seeing my mother. Clara’s dementia’s getting worse. Felicia: I’m sorry. I know it must hurt to see your mother like that. John: She was in and out of her clarity when we saw her, but she mentioned something and I found this in a drawer. Felicia: A diary? John: She mentioned something about twins, and there are twins in our family lineage. Felicia: Vicky, Marley are twins, and Bridget and Michele were twins, so that makes sense. John (giving her the diary): Turn to the bookmark. Mom specifically pointed me to that page. Felicia (reading the passage): Oh my God. CAMERA PAN ON FELICIA…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ CAR Marley is driving...dressed and ready…. Marley: Reginald needs to give up control of the club to Donna. Maybe I can talk to him. BAY CITY CENTER Felicia: What does this all mean? John: My mother had twins. Felicia: So you have a twin brother? John: No…Michael did. LOVE MANSION Vicky walks in dressed in an violet evening gown, and Donna is dressed in an off-white gown. Vicky: Mom you look marvelous. Donna: Why aren’t you going with Jake? Vicky: I’m gonna meet him there. I just wanted to check and make sure that you were ready. Donna: Is everything okay with you two? Vicky: We’re doing great. Donna: It’s good to see you both back on track after all you’ve been through. Vicky flashes back to Stacey Winthrop telling Vicky that Lindsay is Jake’s daughter, and that Vicky agreed that Jake should not know the truth. Vicky: Right Donna. Things couldn’t be better. But mom we gotta find you someone. It’s been a while. Donna: I’ve never loved anyone like I loved your father. BACK AT BAY CITY CENTER John: Clara started crying. She was recalling the time she gave Marty up. Felicia: So she gave Michael’s twin up for adoption? John: His name was Martin Hudson. Felicia: Wow. She kept this hidden for this long? John: She said they wrote letters often. They kept in touch, but deep down, she thinks Marty resented her for giving him up, and keeping Michael. She feared that one day he would take some type of revenge on Michael. BACK AT THE LOVE MANSION Donna: I wonder if I’ll ever love again. Vicky: You have to move on mom. That’s what dad would have wanted. THE HOUSE PHONE RINGS AND DONNA ANSWERS IT. Donna: Hello? The person on the other line, sounds weary and tired… Person: Donna. Thank God. You’ve gotta help me. Donna (becoming furious): Who is this? Person: Please help… Donna: Listen I don’t know who you are, but this is a very sick joke and I don’t appreciate it. Don’t you EVER call this house again! Donna hangs up in disgust. Vicky: Who was that? Donna: Someone begging for help. He sounded just like Michael. Vicky: Yeah it’s probably just a prank. Donna: A sick one at that. I bet you daddy’s behind this somehow. BACK AT BAY CITY CENTER Felicia takes out a letter from the diary… Felicia: This letter is from Martin to Clara, dated in 1996. John… John: Michael left town for a while, and supposedly came back in 96, and he dated Sharlene. Felicia: But from what this letter says, Marty was in Bay City in 1996… John: So he must have been the one who died in that car accident on the highway. Felicia: How can you be sure? John: I’m gonna have to do some digging. Felicia: Hypothetically speaking, if say Martin was the guy who died in that car crash with Shane Roberts, where has Michael been? Why hasn’t he tried to contact Donna? John: If that’s the case, if Michael’s still alive, then someone is holding him against his will. Meanwhile, a man picks up a cell phone, and another man talks to him. Man #1: I don’t know how he got out. Let alone got a hold of my phone. Man #2: You should be more careful. Let’s take him back to his cell. They walk toward another man, and Man #1 lifts this man’s head up…and it is revealed to be an unconscious man that looks like MICHAEL HUDSON!!!! FREEZE FRAME ON THE MAN WHO LOOKS LIKE MICHAEL HUDSON…SLOW FADE OUT….END OF EPISODE 100… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  10. Alyssa is insecure, but the insecure characters make great drama he he
  11. ANOTHER WORLD 99 Reginald is on people’s minds MCKINNONS Jake, Vicky, and Marley…. Jake: Can’t tell me what? Marley thinks fast and pulls out an invitation from her purse. Marley: The Harbor Club. Jake: Donna’s reopening it right? Marley: And you are cordially invited. Jake (suspicious): That’s what the big secret was? An invitation? Vicky (interjecting): Yes. I was gonna wine and dine you with a romantic dinner before the club opened to everyone else. Marley: That’s right. She’s the owner’s daughter. Vicky: It’s supposed to be a special evening for the both of us. Marley: Well I gotta get to the doctor. Jake: Vicky told me you guys are having a baby. Congratulations! Marley: Thank you. If I don’t see you before the Harbor Club, I’ll see ya there. Marley leaves and Vicky puts her arms on Jake’s shoulders. Vicky: How’s the Firm? Jake: We’re not doing too well. We might have to close up. Vicky: I’m sorry to hear that. Jake: But I’m gonna put my private investigative skills to use. What’s really going on Vic? BAY CITY CENTER Frankie is walking with a cup of coffee and Cass runs into her, and the coffee accidentally spills on Cass. Frankie: Oh! Cass I’m so sorry. Cass: It’s one of my better shirts. You’re paying for the dry cleaning. They both laugh… Frankie: Hopefully I’ll have enough money for it. Cass: You know I’m kidding Frankie. What’s going on? Frankie: I’m kind of bummed about the firm. It’s not doing well. Other than that I’m fine. Cass: Are you going to Harbor Club re-opening? Frankie: I got an invitation but I hadn’t planned on going. Cass: Are you….waiting for someone to ask you? Frankie (smiling): No…but I could be persuaded. HOSPITAL Allen is with Amanda as they wait with Nicole in the waiting area. Allen has his arm around Amanda’s shoulder. Nicole: Are you two seeing each other? Allen: Yes. Nicole: Well congratulations. You look like you make each other happy. The last time anyone made me happy was Cass…but that was a long time ago. Allen: Amanda I’m sorry that the hearing didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Amanda: I should have listened to my mother. I thought Iris would put our sisterhood above anything. Allen: We’re talking about Iris here. Amanda: You’re right. I should have known that Iris couldn’t be trusted. Nicole: You can’t beat yourself over that. A Doctor walks up to them… Allen: Hey doc what’s going on? How’s my mother? Doctor: I’m sorry. The cancer’s progressing. Allen: Well…uh…what can we do? Doctor: We can try more aggressive treatments. Nicole: No. I don’t want ANY more chemotherapy. CAMERA PAN ON NICOLE….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ HOSPITAL Marley is in her Dr. Lewis’s office, and he comes in to talk to her. Dr. Lewis: Everything’s fine Mrs. Montgomery. Marley: Good. Dr. Lewis: Just keep the stress level to a minimum. With your age and ramifications of the smoke inhalation and your plastic surgery, you realize that this is a high risk pregnancy. Marley: I somehow knew that fire would come back to haunt me later in life. Dr. Lewis: I don’t mean to be a downer, but as your doctor I have to give you proper warning. Marley: Thank you doctor. BAY CITY CENTER Cass and Frankie sit at a table. Frankie: You know Charlie and I have gotten closer lately. Cass: I am so glad that you two patched things up. Frankie: Kirkland Harrison came into the office and asked if I investigate Grant, and then Charlie burst in and demanded that I not take his case. So I didn’t. Cass: Why not? It would have paid pretty well. Frankie: I did it for our daughter. I don’t want anything to ruin our relationship. Cass: I would agree with that, but you never answered my question. Frankie: I don’t recall you asking one. Cass: Alright fair enough. Will you go out with me to the grand re-opening of the Harbor Club? Frankie (smiling): Yes I will. MCKINNONS. Vicky: Nothing. I just wanted to surprise you. Jake: Are you sure that’s all that’s going on? Vicky: Yep…that’s it. Vicky kisses Jake on his lips. Jake: So Donna finally got the funding she needed to open the Harbor Club back up? Vicky: Yep…she did, but there’s one little caveat to all of that. Jake: What is it? Vicky: Grandfather is the sole investor. Jake: I thought she would have had other ones lined up. Vicky: He bought them all out. Jake: Wow. Donna can’t be happy about that at all. I wish Bridget would see what Reginald really is. Vicky: Right. He’s been toying with our lives for as long as I can remember, and I think Donna is mad as hell. Jake: Her and Nicole. Do you think Donna’s gonna do something? Vicky: I don’t know, but after everything Reginald has done, he’s gonna pay at some point. HOSPITAL Allen: Why? Nicole: I can’t go through this again. It seems like every five minutes I want to vomit. I feel tired all the time. I don’t wanna go through that again. Allen: You sound like you wanna give up. We just found each other. Nicole: I’m not giving up…just letting go. Allen becomes angry. Allen: Damn REGINALD! This is all HIS fault! Amanda: Maybe we should give Nicole a moment to think about it. Allen: Mom please…do the aggressive chemo. I don’t want to lose you. Amanda: Come on Allen. Let’s go. Amanda and Allen walk outside of the waiting area, and Allen continues to express his anger. Allen: Reginald did this to my mother. Amanda: I know but you’ve got to calm down. Allen: Mom doesn’t want to fight Reginald anymore, that’s why she wants to give up. Maybe she’ll want to live if I take him out. Amanda: Now you STOP it! You cannot threaten to kill Reginald again. Allen: Again? Amanda: I heard you the first time you threatened his life. You’ve got to focus on helping Nicole. Allen: Getting rid of Reginald WILL help her. CAMERA PAN ON ALLEN….SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 99 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6DP9H0C87E
  12. But DARN, you mean no Jodie Walker and the totally age inappropriate Warren and BJ marriage lol
  13. So Is Abby trying to keep Roxanne away from Devon? Why is Malcolm jumping to conclusions? He must be drunk. Is he becoming an alcoholic over Sophia's death? Guess Cane is thinking about dropping Avery because she made a mistake...sanctimonious hypocrite lol
  14. ANOTHER WORLD 98 Rachel declares war on Iris HUDSONS HOUSE John and Gregory walk downstairs with suitcases. Gregory reads a text from Lindsay… Lindsay: Can we please talk? Gregory erases the text and the missed calls from Lindsay. Sharlene meets them at the bottom of the stairs. Sharlene: I hope everything is okay with Clara. John: It might be one of the last times we see her lucid. Her dementia’s getting worse. Sharlene: She’s lived a long time, and I’m sorry that it’s come to this. John: This isn’t unexpected but it still hurts. She played the peacemaker between Michael and me. Gregory: Are you gonna be okay mom? Sharlene: I’m a big girl. I can take of myself. Gregory: Okay mom. Sharlene: Give your grandma Clara a big kiss for me. Gregory: Of course mom. Love you. John kisses Sharlene. John: I’ll call you when we arrive. Sharlene: Okay. Be safe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they leave, Sharlene sends a text to Mitch to meet her at the Center. AT THE BLAKES… Mitch puts on his jacket after he receives his text. Felicia: Where are you going? Mitch: I’m gonna stop by KBAY and edit this film. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky opens the door. Marley walks in and Vicky does not shut the door. Vicky: I didn’t know who else to call. Marley: Is everything okay? It sounded important. Vicky: Nothing seems to be ever be okay. Marley: What’s wrong? Vicky: Everything. Just when Jake and I are putting things back together, something comes along and takes us apart again. Marley: It might not be as bad as you think. You two got past Michele’s death earlier this year. Vicky: You never get past losing a child. Most couples don’t make it. Marley: You guys found your way back to each other. Vicky: Jake could have another child, and we may not get through it this time. Marley: Oh my God. You’re pregnant? Vicky: No…Jake may have another daughter, and she’s living in Bay City. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURTROOM – special appearances by Kim Rhodes (Cindy Brooke) and David Leisure (Judge Grayson) Rachel walks into the courtroom with Cass, Paulina, and Carl and they sit at their bench in front of the judge. Carl sits behind Rachel and massages her shoulders in support of Rachel. Iris and Amanda are on the other side, and to everyone’s surprise, Cindy Brooke walks in with a briefcase and a purple suit. Rachel: Cindy Brooke? What are you doing here? Cindy: Surprised? I’m representing the contesting party. May the best team win. Paulina: That will be us. Cindy: I wouldn’t be so sure Paulina. The Bailiff walks out and says “ALL RISE! The honorable Judge Mark Grayson presiding.” Judge Grayson: Have a seat. Counselor Brooke you called a hearing today? Cindy: Yes your honor. Judge: Purple really looks nice on you. Cindy (smiling): Thank you your honor. But we called this hearing because Cory Publishing was sold by Rachel Cory Hutchins without consent of Mac Cory’s children. Cindy points to Rachel, “She’s right there.” Judge Grayson: Counselor Winthrop. Cass: This will from Mac Cory states that the children only had to be notified. Mrs. Hutchins was not required to consult with them, and given Iris Wheeler’s history, Rachel did what she thought was best for Cory Publishing at the time. Cindy: Your honor they were neither notified nor consulted. Mrs. Hutchins…Rachel…clearly violated the terms of her late husband’s will. Judge Grayson: What are the plaintiffs seeking Counselor Brooke? Cindy: They want what’s rightfully theirs. Cass: We have signed affidavits from Matthew and Sandy Cory. They both agree that Iris should not get control of Cory Publishing. Cass gives them to the bailiff, who gives them to the judge. Cindy (countering): We have evidence that Mac’s last will, was not authenticated. The last authentic will that Mac wrote, left Cory Publishing to his eldest child in the event of his death. Cindy gives the bailiff the said will, who gives it to the judge. Rachel: That’s hogwash. Mac’s last will is legal. Judge Grayson (banging his gavel): Order! I have a long docket today. I will review these and get back with my decision in fifteen minutes. You can take a short recess. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Mitch and Sharlene are sitting at a table. Mitch: Have you had any more episodes? Sharlene: Not since you saw me. Mitch: You’ve gotta get some help Sharlene. Have you told John yet? Sharlene: I haven’t had the chance to. He and Gregory left to see Clara this morning. Mitch: You can’t keep this from John, and if you don’t get help it’s gonna get worse. She’s not gonna go away. Sharlene: Janice is pushing me to let her out. She’s getting stronger. I don’t know how much longer I can hold her off. Mitch: You can’t do this by yourself. That’s why you need to get help. Carl and Rachel walk up to them. Rachel: Mitch, Sharlene hi. Sharlene hears Janice’s voice in her mind… Janice: Carl should be with ME, not Rachel. Let me out Sharlene. Mitch: Rachel. Carl. Sharlene: Hi. What brings you out here? Rachel: Court. Carl: Cory Publishing stuff. Rachel: Tell Felicia I’m gonna call her. We haven’t gotten together in a while. Mitch: Will do. MCKINNONS HOUSE Marley: Oh my God. How do you know this? Vicky: She’s Cass Winthrop’s niece. Stacey told me. Marley: Stacey? She’s her mother? Vicky: When Jake went missing, he turned up in LA where she was living. Marley: That’s when Jake lost his memory right? Vicky: He had a relationship with Stacey and she got pregnant. Marley: Where’s the DNA test? Vicky: Lindsay has it. Marley: So Lindsay is Jake’s daughter. Vicky: Yes, and we can’t tell Jake. Jake walks in… Jake: Can’t tell me what? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURTROOM All are back in and Judge Grayson is at his bench… Judge Grayson: I have carefully reviewed the letters, and Mackenzie Cory’s wills. The most recent will is indeed not authenticated, therefore its stipulations are null and void. That makes his last authenticated will the will in which Cory Publishing is distributed. He had adopted Matt, Amanda was not eighteen, there was still a question of Sandy Cory’s paternity, and Paulina he didn’t know about you. So to squelch any infighting, he left Cory Publishing and all of its assets, to his eldest child in the event of his death. That will is officially Mackenzie Cory’s last will and testament, therefore I award Cory Publishing to Iris Cory. Court is adjourned. Paulina: This can’t be happening! Cindy jumps up and down and hugs Iris, who is not as animated. Iris: Why are you hugging me? Cindy: We won! We won! Amanda runs out of the courtroom humiliated as Iris peels Cindy off of her. Iris: Yes…we won. Rachel walks over to Iris. Rachel: You THINK you’ve won. Iris: Cory Publishing is back in the family…where it belongs. Rachel: You used my daughter to help you, just like I said you would. Iris: You just make sure your things are out of my office in twenty four hours. Rachel: You conniving bitch. Iris: Get over it old lady. The company’s mine. You heard the judge. THAT’S what daddy wanted. Rachel: You think this is over? Think again. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE OUT..end of AW 98. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  15. Yayyy!!! I want to see Juila Wainwright, Mason, Eden, Kelly, et al
  16. This website is acting up I think that's why all those codes are showing up...I'm not sure why that's happening...The Scotty/Kirkland thing gets revealed later...and stay tuned for the happenings with Donna.
  17. GUilt is eating Nate up. The Sheila/Dru interaction is funny but serious. I think you should dig into the emotion of Roxanne/Leslie/Spencer story...I guess we'll see that when Rox finds out how she was conceived....
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