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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. Donna and Nicole are sisters...Donna is Marley's mother, and Nicole is Allen's mother
  2. Allen lives in the Love Mansion...Marley offered Allen to move in with them, but Tyrone was against it, and it caused problems between them. Marley and Allen are cousins...so they will not be sleeping together. The baby is Tyrone's. Grant is ruthless, but Kirkland may be just as ruthless as Grant. KIrkland hired Paul because Frankie wouldn't investigate Grant, and Charlie was against Kirkland asking Frankie to investigate Grant.
  3. ANOTHER WORLD 92 Grant gets some info about Kirkland GENOA CITY ATHLETIC CLUB Kirkland gets out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist, and goes to grab the folder that Paul Williams gave him. Kirkland: I'm gonna win this election. Meanwhile, downstairs at the bar, the MAN working for Grant slips some money to the male bartender who just slept with Kirkland. IN return, the bartender gives the MAN a flash drive, and the MAN gets on the phone with Grant. Man: Got what you need sir. I think this will get Kirkland to drop out of the race. Grant: Well get back to Bay City. The plane is waiting for you at the Tarmac. I'm dying to see it. --------------------------------------- GRANT'S HOUSE He answers the knock on the door. Grant: Charlie? Charlie: Hi Grant. Can I come in? Grant: Umm....sure come on in. What brings you by? Charlie: Have you seen Kirkland? Grant: No I haven't. Is there something wrong? Charlie: I really need to talk to him. Grant becomes curious as to why Charlie wants to talk to Kirkland... ------------------------------------ LOVE MANSION Allen and Amanda lie in bed. Amanda: I never thought I'd be in the Love Mansion, making love to you. Allen: You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Amanda: Oh I'm sure you've had other occurrences in your life you can think of. Allen: No...you are. You're sweet, kind, beautiful, strong. Your parents a hell of a woman. You know I wasn't raised with my parents. I was raised at a boarding school thanks to Reginald. Amanda flashes back to overhearing Allen threaten to kill Reginald in the hospital. Amanda: But you found your mother right? Allen: We were kept apart by Reginald. Amanda: He bought my father's company. Allen: He's got his paws in everything doesn't he? Amanda: Can we not talk about your grandfather? Allen: You're right. Let's talk about things that are gonna make us grow. Amanda looks under the covers. Amanda: I love things that grow. They kiss and make love. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TYRONE'S OFFICE Marley walks in with a paper bag. Tyrone is at his desk working. Tyrone: Hey. Marley: Hi. I got you some...lunch? Tyrone: Smells like... Marley: Your favorite. Tyrone: Won ton soup. You must be trying to apologize for something. Marley (taking out the soup and giving it to Tyrone): I'm sorry. Tyrone: Bout what baby? Marley: About pushing to have Allen move in with us. Clearly you were uncomfortable with the idea. Tyrone: Marley... Marley: I should have been more understanding about the type of relationship you two had, and I should not have tried to force you to make up. Tyrone: Marley stop. Tyrone puts his hands on Marley's shoulders. Tyrone: I admire that you care about your family. That's one of the reasons why I love you. Don't ever change. You were doing what you thought was right. They kiss, and Marley suddenly pulls away. Marley: I...I feel sick I gotta go to the bathroom. Tyrone: And when you get out I'm taking you to the hospital. CAMERA PAN ON TYRONE...FADE OUT TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grant brings a cup of tea to Charlie and sits across from her. Grant: I haven't talked to Kirkland since the day he announced his candidacy. Charlie: Thanks...I've tried to tell Kirkland to make amends with you, but he just won't. He's losing so much time. I felt the same way toward my mother, but we made up. Grant: That's all I want. To be close to my son. We were back then, but I guess he resents me for trying to take him away from Victoria. Charlie: It happened a long time ago and he should forgive you. Grant: He doesn't want to unfortunately. Charlie: He's got so much goodness. I don't like to see his resentment eat him up so much. I see how much it hurts him. Grant: You really....care about my son don't you? Charlie: Yeah...yeah I do. I've fallen for him. Grant: Oh...is that right? I thought you two were just friends. Charlie: Yeah that's why I came here. I wanted to tell him in person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allen sleeps while Amanda is awakened by her vibrating cell phone with a text from Iris. Iris: Get here soon. It's about daddy's company. Amanda looks at Allen, gets dressed and leaves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyrone sits next to Marley at the hospital waiting area. Marley: It's not that serious. I don't know why you took me to the hospital. Tyrone: You've been looking flushed the last few days. You've probably some virus, and I didn't wanna take any chances. Marley: I've probably got the flu. John walks up to them with a prescription. Marley: Is that for an antibiotic? Tyrone: I'm gonna make sure she takes them on time. John: No. It's for prenatal vitamins. Tyrone: Prenatal vitamins? She's sick. She's been throwing up. John: That's morning sickness. Marley: What are you saying Uncle John? John: Congratulations. You two are having a baby. Tyrone and Marley look at each other. Shocked, but happy. FREEZE FRAME ON TYRONE AND MARLEY....SLOW FADE OUT....END OF EPISODE 92 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dh7cRrk4Mw
  4. Welcome Back!!!! Been a long time!!!! Guess Victor is about to get his huh? ANd the "ummmk" is definitely Victor....
  5. Thanks MLC...for reading....Kirkland is definitely making moves...
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 91 What is Kirkland up to? MCKINNONS.... JAKE ARRIVES HOME AND VICKY IS SITTING ON THE COUCH Vicky: Honey what's wrong? Jake: I'm thinking about my conversation with Kirkland. Vicky: I take it didn't go well. Jake: Not at all. I'm actually unsettled by it. Vicky: I guess he told you. Jake (curious to know what Vicky knows): Told me what? Vicky: Oh...he's running for mayor against Grant. Jake: And you're just telling me now? Vicky: It was announced in the square. How could you not know? Jake: Never mind. Vicky: I'm probably more unsettled by this as you are. We have to stop him. Jake: Vic we can't do interfere? Kirkland's a grown man. He's gonna have to make his own mistakes. Vicky: Grant is going to destroy him. Jake: I don't think Grant's gonna do that to his son. --------------------------------------------------- GENOA CITY ATHLETIC CLUB Kirkland sits at a stool and orders a drink from a handsome male bartender. Kirkland: Cognac on the rocks. The two exchange a look and the bartender serves him. Bartender: Haven't seen you around here before. Kirkland (taking a sip): I...I don't live here. Bartender: Oh ok. Visiting? KIrkland: I'm meeting a friend. Bartender: Well...kinda wish you lived here. KIrkland (smiling): I might consider something like that. Kirkland receives a text to go to room 540... Kirkland: That's my cue. Bartender: Your friend? Kirkland: Yep. Kirkland slides the bartender a tip with a napkin underneath. Kirkland: Gotta go. Meanwhile, an older MAN at the end of the bar makes a phone call...to Grant. MAN: He's in the Athletic Club. Grant: Well follow him. Find out what he's up to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAY CITY CENTER Carl and Rachel walk arm in arm. Carl: This is a nice place they've built here. It wasn't here the last time I was here. Rachel: Cory and Elizabeth come down here often, but I don't. Carl: Why not? This is a beautiful place. Rachel (shivering): Oh. Carl: Are you alright? Rachel: I got a chill suddenly. Carl: Are you cold? Rachel: No. The chill went down my spine. Something's not right. Meanwhile, someone is standing at the fountain, watching Carl and Rachel. Mitch walks in front of the person. Mitch: Sharlene? No response. Mitch (waving his hands): Sharlene? Hello? Sharlene (finally responding): Oh Mitch hi. CAMERA PAN ON SHARLENE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvAXDxi-TAw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicky: You have forgotten who Grant is. Jake: Kirkland's not a baby anymore. Vicky: I'm not gonna let Grant hurt my son. Jake: I get the feeling that Kirkland will be just fine. Vicky: Kirkland will NOT be fine. When it comes to politics, Grant will do whatever it takes to win, even if it means hurting Kirkland. Grant will try to crush him. I'm not gonna stand by and watch it happen. Jake: Whatever happens to Kirkland, it will be of his own doing. Vicky: I can't believe what I'm hearing this from you. Jake: Kirkland knew exactly what he got into when he decided to join this race for mayor. Vicky: You think that we should stand by and watch Grant try to destroy our son? I'm not. Jake: You're not gonna have a choice Vicky. Kirkland wants to do this.. Vicky: He doesn't know how ruthless Grant can be. Jake: You don't know how ruthless Kirkland can be. Vicky: What are you saying? Jake: You should've seen the look in his eyes when he talked about getting back at Grant. He was extremely determined. I couldn't believe when I saw it. He's not the sweet little boy we raised. He is different. He's changed. Vicky: You're wrong. Jake: I'm not wrong. He's gonna be fine, because he's just like Grant. A chip off the old block. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirkland walks into room 540 at the Genoa City Athletic Club and meets with Paul Williams, private investigator. Kirkland: Paul Williams. Paul (giving Kirkland a folder): This is what my contacts found on your father. Kirkland (looking over the folder's contents): Your reputation precedes you. Paul: Hope it helps. Kirkland: Oh it's gonna help tremedously. Kirkland gives Paul an envelope full of money. Kirkland: I really appreciate this Paul. Paul: Good luck in your election. Paul walks out and shuts the door, and Kirkland places the envelope on the desk. Someone knocks on the door, and it's the male bartender. Kirkland: I thought you wouldn't get my little hint. Bartender (walking in with Kirkland shutting the door behind him): Come on, I'm not new to the game. Kirkland: I see...you're hot. Bartender: I figured since you're only going to be here a short time, I might as well make worth your while. The Bartender starts to unbutton his shirt.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl: It's quite a chilly night. You might just be cold dear. Rachel: It felt like...like someone was watching us. Carl looks around.... Carl: I don't see anyone. Rachel: I just probably tired. Carl: Let's go home. Meanwhile, Mitch talks to Sharlene behind the fountain.... Mitch: What brings you out tonight? Sharlene: Just wanted to...get some air. Mitch: Carl and Rachel were over there. Sharlene: Oh they were? I didn't notice. Mitch: You were standing in front of the fountain watching them. Sharlene: What are you talking about? I did no such thing. Mitch: Do you need a ride home? Sharlene: No Mitch I'm fine. Thanks. Speaking of home...that's where I need to go. Have a good night. Sharlene leaves Mitch. Mitch: What just happened? FREEZE FRAME ON MITCH....SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 91
  7. I have been going through some tough times, but I'm getting the BUG back...I've got some great ideas and I can't wait to share them with YOU ALL!!!! ANOTHER WORLD is RETURNING!!!!
  8. Or...maybe he wasn't...I've already changed history once with Frankie lol
  9. I thought Perry was his brother...Jack may be torn, but not between Vicky.... thanks for reading
  10. Felicia is still salty for Nicole letting her rot in prison for Jason's murder...not for long, though lol....Reginald is going to have his hands in too many pots..
  11. ANOTHER WORLD 90 Grant sees Jack as a threat PI FIRM Frankie is there when Kirkland walks in. Frankie: Kirkland hi. How are you? Kirkland (looking around): Wow I haven’t seen this office since I was little. My Uncle Ryan worked here with you right? Frankie (smiling): He sure did. I’ll never forget him. Hey congratulations on your running for mayor. Kirkland: Thank you. Frankie: What brings you by? Kirkland: That’s what I came to talk to you about. Charlie walks in unheard by Kirkland. Kirkland: I want you to dig into my father’s past. Charlie angrily accosts Kirkland. Charlie: Oh no you DON’T! Jake now walks in. Frankie: Charlie what’s wrong? Charlie: He wants you to dig into Grant’s past so he can get revenge against him! Kirkland: Charlie come on… Charlie: NO! I’m not gonna let you use my mother in your feud with your dad! Jake walks up to Kirkland. Jake: Kirkland is that true? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLINOS HOUSE Paulina answers the door…and it’s Jack Snyder… Paulina: Jack. Come in. Jack: How are you? Paulina: I’m okay I suppose. Can I get you something? Jack: No…I suppose. Paulina: What brings you to my house? I didn’t call the police. Jack (smiling): I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. I didn’t hear from you for a little while. Paulina: I’m fine, but you could’ve called and asked that. Why did you decide to drop by? Jack: Umm…cop’s instinct. Paulina (smiling): About what? Jack: I get the feeling everything isn’t right with you. Paulina: You know what…you’re right. I’m not okay…at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Rachel stands at the glass doors when Carl comes from behind her and puts his arms around her waist. Rachel: I still can’t believe you’re here. Carl: I can. Rachel: Someone’s gonna need to pinch me so I can make sure that this isn’t a dream. Carl: You and my children kept me going. You kept me alive. Rachel: We said good-bye to you. We all thought we would never see you again. Carl: Evan kept me alive in the hospital. Rachel: I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he and Frankie are twins. I thought Howard Battis was Evan’s father. Carl: Janice and I had a fling. She got pregnant and never told me. She passed Evan off as Howard’s baby, and her other egg was planted in Emma. Rachel: Wow you’re sowing your seeds everywhere huh? Carl: Five children, and two of them are dead…thanks to Grant. CAMERA PAN ON CARL’S CHANGED EXPRESSION…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eruh6Hd4QsI&feature=plcp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PI FIRM Frankie: Charlie what’s going on? Jake: Kirkland can I talk to you outside please? Kirkland: Sure. Jake and Kirkland leave. Charlie: Mom don’t take any job that he’s offering. All he wants is to get revenge on Grant. Frankie: Grant moved heaven and earth to take him away from Vicky and Jake. I understand why he’s angry. Charlie: I don’t. I was angry at you for so long, but when I saw Felicia’s crying over Mitch, I realized my grudge was petty. Frankie: That’s commendable, but everybody’s not the same. Kirkland seems very angry at Grant. Charlie: And I don’t want him using you to fuel his anger. Frankie: I’m a big girl I can take care of myself. I guess what I would want to know is how deep are your feelings for Kirkland? Charlie: I like him, but he has to give up this vendetta. I don’t want to be with someone consumed with anger like that. Frankie: Does he like you? Charlie: Yeah I believe he does. Don’t get me wrong mom, I like him. Frankie: Then don’t let anything stand in your way. Go for it. Don’t end up like your father and me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE THE OFFICE Jake: Can you tell me what’s going on buddy? Kirkland: I’m running for mayor. Jake: To get back at Grant? Kirkland: Something like that. Jake: So you’re telling me it has nothing to do with what Grant did when you were younger. Kirkland: So what are you gonna do Jake? Are you gonna try to talk me out of it, too? Jake: You can run for mayor, but not to get back at Grant. I mean if it were anyone else I’d say go for it, but Grant? You know how your father can be. Kirkland: And that’s why I’ve gotta crush him. I’m gonna do what I need to do. Jake: I think you need to be careful when it comes to Grant, especially on this level. Kirkland: I can handle my dad. I want him to pay for what he’s done. He’s hurt so many people. He killed my uncle Ryan. Jake: Kirkland it’s not….it’s not up to you to deal out justice. Let everything play itself out. You need to live your life. Seems like Charlie is really into you. Kirkland: I don’t think so. She wants me to give up running for mayor. Jake: She sees that it’s going to hurt you…and so do I. You can’t be like Grant. Vicky and I didn’t raise you that way. Kirkland: Well I’m not that little boy anymore. You might have to get used to the fact that I can be just as ruthless and heartless as my dad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Carl and Rachel have made their way to the couch. Carl holds Rachel in his arms as they stare at the ceiling. Rachel: How do you think Grant is involved in Evan’s death? Carl: I don’t have any proof Rachel. Just a gut feeling. Rachel: Well…we just got ya back. Are you gonna go on some revenge tirade like you did before? Carl: I feel the same way now as I did after Ryan was killed. Rachel: Evan was sick. He kidnapped Amanda, and his own sister. Carl: He couldn’t have acted alone in carrying this out. Back and forth from Bay City to St. Croix. Someone was helping him. Rachel: And you think that person was Grant? Carl: I have no doubt in my mind. It’s time for Grant to pay…and he will…one way or the other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLINOS HOUSE Grant walks up to the door and notices Paulina and Jack talking. He decides not to interrupt, and eavesdrop. Jack: I didn’t think so. What’s wrong? Paulina: Honestly it’s…getting a bit lonely around here. Jack: What about Dante? Paulina: He’s going to the Police Academy, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Jack: Well the Police Academy might be good for him. Paulina: No it’s not Jack. There’s no way! Jack: I mean I came out okay right? Paulina: His father didn’t. My husband didn’t. I don’t want him to end up like Joe. He’s all I have left in Bay City. Jack: He seems like a smart kid. He’ll be fine. Paulina: Remy is living her life out of town. Joe’s dead. Now my son is going off to the Police Academy. It seems like every time I love someone, they leave me one way or the other. Jack: What about Grant? Grant listens more intently. Paulina: Why would you ask me about Grant? Jack: It’s just a question. You said you’re lonely and it seems like he has strong feelings for you. Paulina: I’m taking that day by day. Jack: That’s understandable after all the things he’s supposedly done. Paulina: I’d like to think he’s changed, but there’s something not sitting right with me. Jack: As I told you before, if you want me to help you, just say the word. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE Grant: I see Jack Snyder’s gonna be a problem. FREEZE FRAME ON GRANT…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayWlC0x14u0&playnext=1&list=PLA7058E83547CC669&feature=results_video
  12. ANOTHER WORLD 89 Reginald receives a death threat AT MITCH AND FELICIA’S…. Felicia is wowed by Cass’s admission… Cass: She has cancer! Felicia: Nicole has cancer… Cass: Of course Felicia, I’m not talking about anybody else. Felicia: Nicole has Donna, Vicky, Marley. Why do YOU have to be the one to take care of her? Cass: I felt guilty. I was just one of the many who let her down. She felt like she had to be perfect. Felicia: She lied to you for months. She let me get convicted of Jason Frame’s murder. I spent time in prison because she LIED…to you…to everyone. Cass: Nicole was mentally ill because of her father. Felicia: She’s definitely MENTALLY ill. Mitch: Cass are you trying to say that what Nicole did wasn’t her fault somehow? Cass: Reginald has been tormenting her ever since she was a teenager. He took her baby away from her and had her heavily medicated while she was in Pinehaven. Felicia: Oh my God, you actually feel sorry for her after everything she’s done! What the hell is wrong with you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Nicole waits for her appointment when Reginald appears… Nicole: What are you doing here? Reginald: I’m concerned about you. I wish you would let me help you. Nicole: I’m here to get chemo BECAUSE of you. Reginald: I didn’t intend for you to get cancer. Nicole: So now you feel guilty for everything that you’ve done to me? Reginald: Let me make it up to you. I can call in an oncologist to monitor your case. Nicole: I don’t want ANYTHING from you! All you’ve ever done is make my life miserable, and I hope you rot in hell. Allen shows up. Allen: I agree. ------------------------------------------------------ LOVE MANSION Marley sits with Donna. Marley: Have you heard from Allen? Donna: He hasn’t spoken to me? Why? Marley: You know Reginald stopped paying for his hotel room. He has nowhere to stay…and I offered to put him up. Donna: That’s really nice of you Marley, but how does Tyrone feel about it? Marley: He’s dead set against it, and I don’t understand why. Donna: Tyrone may have his reasons. Marley: Allen is family, and I just can’t understand why Tyrone would not want to help him. Donna: Well there’s plenty of room here. He can stay as long as he wants. Why does he have to stay with you? Marley: I want him to feel like he has a sense of family, being that he didn’t grow up with us. Donna: Sweetheart, I admire you wanting to help Allen, but you need to put your marriage first. CAMERA PAN ON MARLEY…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej0sVysxMpA&feature=related --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Reginald: I don’t want to fight about this. Nicole (getting up): YOU caused Allen to be kicked out of his hotel room. Where do you expect him to live? Reginald: This is not about Allen. This is about you getting well. Allen: This is about your manipulation and your bidding. Nicole: No amount of money is going to make me better. Nicole’s legs become weak and Allen catches her. Allen: Sit down mom. Reginald: Nicole are you alright? Allen gets up in Reginald’s face. Allen: I think it’s time for you to leave. Reginald: I’m not gonna give up helping my daughter. Allen: You ARE gonna give up, and you’re gonna stay the hell away from my mother. Amanda gets off the elevator and overhears Allen. Reginald (smugly): Or what? Allen: If you don’t stay away from my mother, I’m gonna put your ass six feet in the ground…you understand? Now get the hell out of here before I embarrass both of us. Amanda leaves. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MITCH AND FELICIA’S…. Cass: Nicole has been through hell most of her life, and I didn’t help her by leaving her on our wedding day. Felicia: I can’t believe I’m hearing this! Cass: You can’t make this personal Felicia. Mitch: I agree. Nicole is sick and she needs all the help she can get right now. Cass: She was being pumped up with drugs at Reginald’s order while she was in the hospital. The reaction to the drugs caused the cancer. Nicole didn’t ask to get this. Reginald is responsible. Felicia: Nicole will never get my pity. Mitch: Felicia how can you feel that way about someone who has cancer? Felicia: Nicole has always been a self serving, lying witch, and will probably use her illness to get closer to you. Cass: That’s not the case Felicia at all. Reginald is the one who caused his own daughter to be sick. I would NEVER do something like this to Charlie. He deserves to burn in hell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION Marley: Nicole told me the same thing. Donna: That’s because she’s right honey. Tyrone is your husband, and your marriage should be your priority. Marley: But Allen is his brother. I mean I wish I could get back all the years that Vicky and I spent apart. Donna: That was Reginald’s doing. Marley: And here they are, brothers, and it seems like Tyrone wants nothing to do with him. Donna: Tyrone is defending him against the corporate espionage charges right? Tyrone IS helping him in that respect. Marley: If Tyrone is willing to help Allen in his legal battles, then why wouldn’t he let Allen stay with us? LATER…SOMEONE IS LOOKING AT THE PICTURES on the FLASH DRIVE OF TYRONE AND DONNA THAT WAS STOLEN FROM ALLEN’S ROOM CAMERA PAN UP FROM THE LAPTOP….TO REGINALD. Reginald: Donna, you naughty girl. FREEZE FRAME ON REGINALD…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 89
  13. You will see more of the Blakes and Cass....thanks again for reading.
  14. Yes John was talking about taking Mikey from his brother and Sister in law...and Cass going after them about the malpractice lawsuit in 1995, and when Cass was trying to free Felicia for Jason Frame's murder
  15. They are so central to what I write here. I can't imagine writing Another World without them
  16. ANOTHER WORLD 88 Felicia lays into Cass about Nicole WINTHROPS HOUSE Marley sits with Nicole in the living room. Marley: Can I get you anything? Nicole: No, except if you have a cure for cancer. Marley taps Nicole. Marley: That's not funny. I want to be here for you. Nicole: And I appreciate all of my family being by my side. I've always wanted the family to be close, but I didn't want a terminal illness to be the reason. Marley: Has Allen been by to see you? Nicole: He has. I've missed so much time with my son. Reginald paid his father to take him away. When he found me, I feel like a hole in my heart was filled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYRONE'S OFFICE Allen visits Tyrone...he walks in and looks around.... Allen: Zack Edwards and Stacey Winthrop used to work here huh? You know dad and Zack were college buddies. Tyrone: Look I'm busy. Allen: You can't be too busy for your own brother, knowing what I know. Tyrone: What do you want Allen? Allen: My grandfather stopped paying for my hotel room, and I need a place to live. Tyrone: Marley already asked me. Allen: She did? So what did you tell her? Tyrone: I said hell to the no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE BLAKES Felicia opens the door with Mitch right behind her. Felicia: Cass. Come on in honey. Felicia pecks Cass on his cheek. Mitch: Cass hey. What brings you by? Cass: I was just thinking about...a friend of ours. Mitch: You know what Cass, I was, too. Felicia (catching on): None of us would be in this room if it weren't for him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdDt_FmLZq4 Felicia: Mitch and I really grew close in Mexico when the Sin Stalker was after me. Mitch: I was protecting the woman I love. Felicia: Yes you were. Cass: I really miss Wally. Mitch: We all do. Cass: I wonder what he would think about what I just did. Felicia: And what would that be? Cass: I took Nicole in. Felicia: You what? Cass: She's living with me. Felicia: Are you crazy!? How could you do that after what she's done? CAMERA PAN ON FELICIA...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTHROPS HOUSE Marley: Do you think that's the reason you abused cocaine in the past? Nicole: I can't be sure, but it might have had something to do with it. Marley: Maybe craziness runs in the family, given that I locked Vicky in a basement. She almost died of pneumonia. We should focus on your recovery. I've reached out to Allen. Nicole: What Reginald did to him was just evil. Marley: I asked if he wanted to live with Tyrone and me until he got a place to stay on his own. Nicole: What did he say? Marley: Tyrone refused, but I'm going to help Allen, no matter what Tyrone says. Nicole: I'm so happy that you want to help my son, but not at the expense of your marriage. Allen has plenty of family in town who can help him. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TYRONE'S OFFICE Allen: You know you've always treated me worse than the bottom of your shoe. You and your mother. We're supposed to be brothers. Tyrone: You're a constant reminder of my father cheating on my mother. Dad had the nerve to bring you back home after you were in boarding school. Allen: Are you jealous that I'm part of the Love family, and all the money they have. Tyrone: There's plenty of the Love family in town. Why do you need to live with Marley and me? Allen: You and Marley ARE my family. Tyrone: Dad should never have cheated on mom like that. Allen: Maybe you're just like dad, especially when it comes to my Aunt Donna. Marley's gonna get an eyeful on just how alike you and dad are. Tyrone jumps up out of his seat, grabs Allen's collar and jacks him against the wall. Tyrone: I'm so SICK and TIRED of your damn blackmail. God help you, or anyone who tries to destroy my marriage to Marley. MEANWHILE, A MYSTERY PERSON IS IN ALLEN'S HOTEL ROOM, LOOKING AT THE FLASH DRIVE WITH THE PICTURES OF TYRONE AND DONNA. THIS PERSON ERASES ALL TRACES OF IT ON ALLEN'S LAPTOP, PUTS THE FLASH DRIVE IN THEIR POCKET, AND LEAVES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AT THE BLAKES Cass: Nicole is not that kind of person anymore. Felicia: Have you forgotten that she lied to you for months, not to mention that she let me rot in prison for Jason Frame's murder? Cass: We were engaged to be married. I still care about her. Felicia: Why on Earth would you let her live with you, Charlie, and Lindsay? Cass: She's sick. Felicia: Truer words were never spoken. She definitely could use more psychiatric help--- Cass: She has cancer! Felicia looks shocked. FREEZE FRAME ON FELICIA...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 88
  17. I re-wrote all that happened to Jake and Vicky in Oakdale...It actually was just a dream..so it never happened....thanks for reading and commenting
  18. ANOTHER WORLD 87 Vicky and Stacey clash TOPS Kirkland gets off of the elevator, notices Charlie, and runs up to her.... Kirkland: CHarlie...glad you're here. Charlie: Well the feeling's not mutual and I'd like to enjoy the rest of my break. Kirkland: Can you give me five minutes? Charlie (sighing): Time's running out. Kirkland: Come on Charlie don't be like that. Charlie: Why not? Kirkland: Because we have feelings for each other. Charlie: I don't want to be around a person who's consumed with hatred. I know what that's like and it's a sickening feeling. Kirkland: How I feel about my father has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I love you. Charlie shoots a stunned, yet touched, look to Kirkland. ---------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS John and Gregory eat dinner in the kitchen. John: I'm glad you're walking again son. Gregory: I'm glad, too. I can start playing football again. John: You should be careful before you start playing again. I'm gonna consult with the school doctors. Gregory: Come on dad. This is why I've worked so hard to start using my legs again. I couldn't have done this without your help...and Lindsay's. John notices a smile when Greg mentions Lindsay. John: So...uh you and Lindsay have been seeing each other huh? Gregory: Yeah dad. She's a great girl. You don't seem enthused about it. John: Hmm it's nothing. Gregory: Come on dad, be honest. You don't agree that I'm seeing Lindsay do you? --------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Lindsay is walking from the coffee shop, and runs into Stacey. Lindsay tries to walk the other way, but Stacey grabs Lindsay's arm. Lindsay: Mom you're gonna make me spill my coffee! Stacey: I'll buy you another damn cup. You're not going to be avoid this much longer. I am not going to stop until I get through to you. Lindsay: I don't wanna talk about it anymore. I know what I have to do. Stacey: Do NOT tell him that he's your father. Lindsay: Let me ask you something mom. Why do you want so badly to stop me? What are you hiding? Vicky walks up to them. Vicky: Wow Stacey Winthrop, (turning to Lindsay) I'm Vicky McKinnon. Lindsay: Hi. I'm Lindsay. Stacey: Lindsay let's go somewhere more private. Lindsay: I'm gonna be late for work mom. Vicky: So that's your daughter huh? Is that why you're here? To cause more trouble. Stacey: Vicky not right now okay. Vicky: I'd like to know, though, the same thing your daughter wants to..what ARE you hiding? CAMERA PAN ON STACEY....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcTTSbojfsQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPS Charlie: It...it has everything to do with it. You can't love me and hate Grant all at the same time. He's your father for God's sake. Didn't you learn anything from when we thought Mitch Blake died? Kirkland: You don't understand the things that Grant has done to my mom and me. Charlie: You just don't get it do you? Charlie tries to walk away and Kirkland grabs her arm. Charlie: Let me go! Cass notices and releases Charlie from Kirkland's grip. Cass: What the hell are you doing to my daughter? Kirkland lets her go. Kirkland: I'm sorry. I'll leave. Cass: Good idea. Cass then turns to Charlie. Cass: Did he hurt you honey? Charlie: No. I gotta get back to work. MEANWHILE...BY THE ELEVATOR... Kirkland dials his Genoa City, Wisconsin contact....262-555-0987. Kirkland: Hey...I really need to talk to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS John: She IS part of the Winthrop family, and they can't be fully trusted. Gregory: Look dad I know about your run ins with Cass and Stacey in the past, but that has nothing to do with Lindsay. She helped me recover. John: She's a physical therapist. That's her job. Gregory: Well I really like her and she likes me. John: Listen. You need to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. Gregory: Lindsay would never hurt me. John: You need to take your time and get to know her before you get too involved with your feelings. Gregory: Are you saying I should find out everything about her? John: Son you'll never know everything about anyone. Just get to know her a little better. That's all I'm saying. Gregory: It's funny because when I ask Lindsay about her mother, she always changes the subject, like she's hiding something. I wonder what she's keeping something from me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Stacey: What goes on between my daughter and me is none of your business. Vicky: You must be destroying her life like you did my parents. Stacey: You know what I'm not gonna get into this with you right now. It happened over twenty years ago. Vicky: You know I'm glad you left Bay City, and you should have stayed gone. Stacey: You're still mad about Donna and Michael losing custody of Mikey. My God Vicky don't you think it's time to grow up? Vicky: Oh I get it. You couldn't have a baby at the time, and I had one with Jamie, so you decided to take Mikey away from my parents to punish me. Stacey: You're an evil bitch! I will NEVER forget losing Megan. Vicky: And I'll never forget what you did to my family. I hope you're not staying here long. Stacey: I don't operate on your timetable. I will stay as long as it takes to help my daughter. Stacey walks away from Vicky, who is unaware that what Stacey knows can turn Vicky's family upside down again. FREEZE FRAME ON VICKY....SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 87
  19. Nice twist as Pilar being Alexandra's physical therapist
  20. ANOTHER WORLD 86 Carl threatens Iris and Grant BAY CITY CENTER Jack Snyder is on his cell phone with Carly. Jack: I may have to stay in a hotel for a few days. I have a lot of work to do at the station.(beat). I had to take this job to support our family. (beat). I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. He sees Vicky walking by. Jack: Vicky. Vicky: Jack, hi. Jack: Do you mind joining me for a minute? We haven't talked in a while. Vicky: Why not? I've got a few minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Elizabeth comes downstairs and sees Cory. Elizabeth: I heard arguing. What was it all about? Cory: WHo do you think? It was about dad. Elizabeth: I heard Amanda, too. Cory: You heard right. I can't shake the feeling that she's telling the truth. Elizabeth: What are you talking about? Cory: Amanda told mom to face the truth about who dad really is. He always has an agenda, and he's somewhere carrying it out. ----------------------------------------------------- IRIS'S SUITE Carl is pointing a gun at Grant and Iris Iris: You haven't changed at all. You're the same old scum who tried to kill my father. Carl: And you claim that you loved Mac? You're the same lying bitch who tried to steal his company from him, not to mention that you tried to have me shot at my wedding to Rachel. Iris: Daddy turned over in his grave the day Rachel married you, and you know nothing about my relationship with my father. Carl: I do know about relationships with children, like the one you destroyed Grant when you finished off my son Ryan..and my other son Evan. Iris: Evan is your son? He is Howard Battis's son. Carl: No my dear...he's MY son. CAMERA PAN ON CARL...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6t7udjee_8&feature=plcp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Vicky: I saw you were on the phone. Was it Carly? Jack: Yes. Vicky: How's everything with that? Jack: It's fine. It's just that I'm working an hour from Oakdale, and it doesn't make sense to go all the way home, just to get right back up and come back here. Vicky: I've never been to Oakdale. I've heard a lot about it though. Especially James Stenbeck. Jack: I wonder what you've heard. VIcky: I wonder if I have time to tell you everything I've heard about your town. I would probably be here all night. They both laugh. Jack: You seem a lot happier. Vicky: I am. My husband and my daughter are back home. My son is the one I'm worried about. Jack: Why? Vicky: He's running for mayor against his father, and I'm worried about what Grant will do to Kirkland to win the election. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Elizabeth: Maybe dad wanted to go out and get some air. Cory: Really Lizzie? I doubt that very seriously. Elizabeth: I can't believe you're still thinking about what Iris said to us in the Center about dad. Cory: It could be true. I don't see dad through rose colored glasses anymore. He's capable of some serious crimes. Elizabeth: I don't care what Iris or Amanda says. I don't care what dad did in the past, I still love him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRIS'S SUITE Grant: I never meant to shoot Ryan at the train trestle. That happened over fifteen years ago. You need to move on. Didn't all your madness cause your brain tumor in the first place? Carl: You smug, evil bastard. How can you stand there and justify killing Ryan and shooting Evan? Grant: I had nothing to do with what happened to Evan? Carl: I'll be watching you, waiting and plotting for the right moment to strike. You will never know the time or the place. I promise to take from you...what you took from me. My peace of mind, my tranquility...you took when you killed my son. Now it's your turn to suffer. ANd Iris, if you hurt any member of my family, I'll make you wish you pulled the plug when you had the chance. Carl points his gun at Grant. Carl: I should end your life right now. Carl pulls the trigger and squirts Grant with water. Iris: A squirt gun? Carl: Maybe you should have it replaced with bullets next time, Iris. Carl leaves. FREEZE FRAME ON CARL..SLOW FADE OUT...END OF ANOTHER WORLD 86
  21. Vicky knows how ruthless Grant can be, and doesn't want Kirkland to get hurt... thanks for reading
  22. Amanda still harbors ill will toward Carl, because he has left Rachel hanging before...and this is affecting Cory's opinion of Carl... thanks for reading!!
  23. ANOTHER WORLD 85 Enemies are confronted LOVE MANSION Cass is there looking over papers while Donna sits across from him. Donna: I got the papers yesterday. Cass: E.L. Industries? Donna: Yes. They want to be the principal investor. Cass: Looks like they’re fronting most of the money. Donna: Yeah I had been thinking about this for a long time. Cass: Reopening the Harbor Club? Donna: I had to close it down because the economy got so bad, but I think it’s time now. Cass: These papers look legit. You should be able to move ahead with the re-opening. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY LIVING ROOM Cory, as “Sculptorsson” is on his laptop chatting with someone named “ILLfarmgirl”. Cory: Are you planning to visit Bay City? ILLfarmgirl: I may come to see my dad. Cory: Your dad’s here? ILLfarmgirl: Yes. Cory: You’re picture’s cute. ILLfarmgirl: Yours too. I hope we can get to know each other better. Cory: Me, too. Rachel walks into the living room. Cory: Hey mom. Amanda now walks into the living room. Rachel: Have you seen your father? Cory: I thought he would be with you. Rachel: I woke up and he wasn’t there. Bay City Center Iris is on her cell phone in front of the fountain. Iris: I’ll be right there. Iris hangs up her phone, walks away, and someone wearing a brown hooded monk’s sweatshirt follows her. SLOW FADE INTO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION Donna: My God I’m getting so excited about this. Cass: You’re gonna help a lot of people. Donna: I’ve waited years for this. Business wasn’t what it was in the 90s. That’s why I had to close it down but, I’m gonna re-open it. Finally. Cass: I’ll file the papers and I’ll notify you. Donna: This should lift Nicole’s spirits, too. Cass: It definitely should. Donna: So many things that Reginald has done to us, this is definitely a way out from under his thumb. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald is on the phone. Reginald: Did you set everything up? (beat) Good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Cory: Why would dad leave the house without telling you? Amanda: It is odd that Carl that would do that. After all, he’s just returned to his family. Rachel: I have no idea why. Amanda: Well it wouldn’t be the first time he abandoned his family. Rachel: I am not going to have you talk about Carl like that in front of my son! Cory: Why not mom? He’s my dad. I should know what he’s capable of. Amanda: Carl hasn’t even been back that long and he’s out doing God knows what. What kind of husband is he? Rachel: I think it’s time for you to leave. Amanda: I think it’s time for you to face who and what Carl really is. He always has an agenda to carry out, and to hell with his family! How can you let him treat you like this? Rachel: I know exactly who and what my husband is. Amanda: I hope you wake up, before it’s too late. Amanda leaves the living room and Rachel turns to Cory. Rachel: I’m sorry about that. Cory: About what mom? Rachel: The things Amanda said about your father. Cory: Maybe she’s right. Rachel: I beg your pardon? Cory: You need to see dad for who he really is, because I’m starting to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRIS’S SUITE Iris, holding a glass of wine, opens the door…and Grant walks in. After Grant walks in, the man with the brown hooded sweatshirt watches… Iris: What’s going on? You sounded serious on the phone. Grant: Our worst nightmare has come true. Iris: Oh you’re conceding the election to your own son. Grant: This is no time for jokes. Iris: Then what is it? Grant: Carl Hutchins is back in Bay City. Iris (dropping her glass): What do you mean back in Bay City? Grant: I told the hospital to let him go. Besides Evan was getting out of control. Iris: I agree with the Evan part but letting Carl go was a stupid idea. Grant: You should be happy about what I’ve done. Iris: And why should I? Carl has not changed over the years. He is still the same dangerous man that tried to kill my father. Grant: He’s here now, and that way we can keep an eye on him. Someone knocks on the door, and Iris opens it. A man walks in with a big chef hat looking down pushing a cart in. The cart has a plate with a dome on top of it. Grant: Did you order room service? Iris: No I…didn’t. It’s YOU! The person takes off the hat and looks up at Grant and Iris… Grant: Carl Hutchins. Carl faces them, removes the dome, and points a gun at them. Carl: Hello my fine feathered…enemies. FREEZE FRAME ON CARL…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 85
  24. ANOTHER WORLD 84 Vicky warns Kirkland WINTHROPS HOUSE Cass and Allen escort Nicole into her room. Nicole (walking slowly toward the bed): Everything is prepared so nicely. Allen (to Cass): Can I talk to you for a minute? Cass: Sure. They both go outside of the room… Allen: I really appreciate what you’re doing for my mother. Thank you. Cass: Of course. Allen: I would have had her staying with me but Reginald stopped paying for my room. Cass: I understand. I just want to make her comfortable, and do the right thing. Allen: I’m very grateful. Cass: I’m not gonna let anything happen to her. Enough has happened to her already ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky opens the door… Vicky: Kirkland! Kirkland: Hey mom. Vicky (hugging her son): So good to see you. Come on in. How have you been? We haven’t seen each other that much since you’ve been back. Kirkland: Things are lookin’ up for me mom. Vicky: That’s great. Kirkland: I hear they’re looking up for you, too. Jake and Bridget are back home huh. Vicky: Yes, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Kirkland: Well I’m happy that you and Bridget have patched things up. Vicky: Jake, too…so…what about you? What’s going on? Kirkland: I’ve got some news for you. Vicky: Oh let me have it. Kirkland: I’m…running for mayor of Bay City. Vicky: Wow Kirkland. Congratulations! That’s a huge challenge. Kirkland: I’m ready for it though. Vicky: I know you can handle it. Who are you running against? Kirkland doesn’t answer immediately. Vicky: Kirkland? Kirkland: I’m running against dad. Vicky: Oh my God…you’ve got to pull out of this race. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLINO’S RESTAURANT Paulina is at the counter when Dante walks in, passing by the patrons at the tables. Dante (holding an envelope): Hi mom. Paulina: Hi honey. Are ya hungry? Dante: Yeah, but I’m gonna wait for Elizabeth. Paulina: Oh okay. Whatcha got in your hand? Dante (nervously): I wanted you to look at this. Dante gives the letter to Paulina… Paulina (reading): Police Academy….you got accepted. Dante: Can you be happy for me? Paulina: You know I’m against this. Dante: Why? I just want to be like dad. Grant walks in and observes. Paulina: That’s exactly the problem. You’re gonna be just like your dad…dead…if you go through with this. CAMERA PAN ON GRANT…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASS BRINGS NICOLE A PLATE OF FOOD…. Nicole: Oh Cass you don’t have to do this. Cass: It’s no problem. Nicole: I could have stayed at the Love Mansion and had servants. Cass: Donna and I hired nurses for you. Nicole: Why are you being so good to me now? Cass: Nicole we were engaged to be married. I still care about you…now eat. You’re gonna need all your strength. Nicole smiles and takes a bite to eat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VICKY and KIRKLAND CONTINUE THEIR CONVERSATION Kirkland: Mom I thought you’d support me. Vicky: I would if you weren’t running against Grant. Kirkland: I can handle dad. Vicky: When it comes to politics, Grant can be ruthless, and when it comes to winning the election, it’s not gonna matter that you’re his son. You’ve got to drop out. Kirkland: I’m more like dad than you realize. Vicky: That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Have you forgotten what Grant has done. He pulled every trick in the book to take you away from me. Kirkland: Don’t forget shooting himself, and burning Paulina’s house down, although there’s no proof. Vicky: And you’re NOTHING like that! I don’t wanna hear you talk like that again. Kirkland: That’s why I have to run for mayor. People like dad can’t run Bay City. Vicky: Then let someone else unseat him, not you. There’s no telling what he’s capable of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRANT INTERJECTS… Grant: That’s not gonna happen Paulina. He’s gonna be a great cop just like Joe was. Paulina: You don’t know that. Dante: Mom this is what I really want, and dad would be proud of me. Paulina: Being a cop is dangerous and I’m not gonna lose you like I lost Joe. Elizabeth walks up to them…. Elizabeth: Hi Mrs. Carlino. Mr. Harrison. Paulina: Elizabeth hi. Elizabeth: Hey I have some news. Dante: What is it? Elizabeth: My dad’s home. Paulina (shocked): What? Carl? Elizabeth: Frankie and mom brought him home. Grant: Wow. Didn’t he have a brain tumor? Elizabeth: He’s all better. Dante: That’s great. I know you’re happy. Elizabeth: It’s like a miracle. Paulina: Wow. Grant I’m gonna go call Rachel if you don’t mind. Grant: Of course. Dante and Elizabeth leave. Grant (making a call on his cell phone): He’s back. FREEZE FRAME ON GRANT…SLOW FADE OUT….END OF EPISODE 78
  25. Everybody is being ordered to quit.... I love the scenes between Josh, Reva, and Jeffrey O'Neill...well written as usual
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