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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. ANOTHER WORLD 97 Kirkland's past won't go away Donna is at Cass's place talking to Nicole.... Donna: Daddy has controlling interest in the Harbor Club. Nicole: What? How did that happen? Donna: He bought out all the other investors that I had lined up. Nicole: Why does he insist on ruining our lives? He had me pumped full of drugs in Pinehaven, and now he's got control of your club. Donna: Cass is looking to get it nullified. He'll have to return all the monies. Nicole: I can't believe he used mother's name as a cover. He's stooping to all new lows. Donna: We shouldn't be surprised at what Reginald's capable of. Cass walks in... Cass: Donna I'm glad you're here. I've got some bad news. Reginald's investment is legit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PI FIRM Jake and Frankie are there and Frankie tallies the numbers. Jake: What's wrong? Frankie: The firm's not doing well. Jake: Why? Frankie: The jobs just aren't coming in. Rachel's job is still keeping us afloat but it won't for long. Jake: Maybe we should have taken that job for Kirkland. They both chuckle. Frankie: Not at the expense of my daughter. Jake: Kirkland and Charlie seem to be getting close. Frankie: Tell me about it. I mean you saw Charlie in here. Blasting Kirkland not to use in his vendetta against Grant. It's so obvious that she has feelings for him. Jake: She must see a different side of Kirkland, because all I saw that day was a replica of Grant. He's nothing like the boy Vicky and I raised. You should've seen the look in his eyes. He is determined to take Grant down, but I'm afraid of what it's going to do him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KIRKLAND'S HOTEL ROOM Kirkland opens the door... Kirkland (surprised): Charlie? Charlie walks in and Kirkland shuts the door. Kirkland: My dad told you came by his house looking for me. I'm sorry I wasn't there... Charlie: I love you. Kirkland: Wait...what did you just say? Charlie walks up to him... Charlie: You heard right. I love you Kirkland Harrison. Kirkland: What about the election? My father? Charlie: I don't care about that. We've wasted enough time already. They kiss passionately... CAMERA PAN ON KIRKLAND AND CHARLIE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donna: No! There's got to be SOMETHING we can do. Cass: I've combed through all the books at the office. I read this contract at least ten times. It's tight. Your father essentially has control of the Club. Donna: This can't be possible. I can't live under the specter of him anymore. Nicole: I'm sorry that daddy is doing this to you. I know how much you wanted to re-open that Club. Donna: I'm SICK and tired of him controlling our lives. We've GOT to stop him. Nicole: Cass are you sure that there's nothing else that we can do? Cass: The laws state that the next of kin gets all of Reginald's estate... Donna (interrupting): In case of his death. Cass: That's probably the only way you're going to get control of the Harbor Club. Everyone looks at each other, and all are silent and Cass breaks it. Cass: Donna? What are you thinking about it? Donna: Umm....Nothing. Just that the world will be a better place without daddy in it. Cass: You shouldn't be talking like that. Donna: It's the truth! He has been tormenting us from the beginning. He separated Marley and me from Victoria. He also separated Allen from Nicole, and is the cause of her cancer. Now he wants to control the Harbor Club. Don't you think he's done enough? SOMEBODY has to put a stop to it, and if it's me, then so be it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frankie: I understand your concern, and as much we'd like to shield them from the world, we probably won't be able to. Jake: I know that, but I can see the resentment eating Kirkland alive. I want to reach inside of him and take it out. Frankie: You probably have Grant to thank for that. He tried so hard to take him from you and Vicky, and now it's coming back to him. Jake: He's becoming more and more like Grant. Frankie: It's gotta be you and Vicky's worst nightmare. But he's not a little boy anymore Jake: And Charlie has grown up to be a fine young lady. Frankie: SHe sure has. They grow up so fast. It seems like yesterday that we christened her in our home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirkland holds Charlie as they lie in bed, after having made love... Kirkland (straddling Charlie's hair): You're so beautiful. Charlie: I'm sorry. Kirkland: You're apologizing for being beautiful? Charlie: No silly. I wasted time. Judging you and denying my feelings. You're a wonderful guy. Kirkland: That's all water under the bridge. I am happy that you came to your senses though. Charlie: I...don't want to get hurt. Kirkland: I love you. I would never hurt you. You're so genuine and innocent, that's why I fell in love with you. Charlie: Have you ever been in love before? Kirkland pauses... Kirkland: Not like this....and I want to show you how much. They kiss...and meanwhile...Kirkland's cell phone is on the nightstand, and he receives a text from 262-555-0987...the text reads: You came to town and you didn't bother to call me? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  2. Marley's pregnant, and then there's the Tyrone/Donna thing...the ending of this may surprise you... More corporate intrigue to come!! Stay tuned!!
  3. Welcome back Carl!!! Jake is more surprised that the sweet little boy he and Vicky raised is turning out to be just like Grant...maybe that is why Jake is not worried about Grant lol Read on!! It gets very interesting with Sharlene...
  4. Victor could probably get off because everybody seems to have axes to grind where he's concerned...the trial is good..it's supposed to spawn other stories...
  5. This case is too personal for so many people. The judge should have thrown it out lol.... Rafe should make Lauren look like a scorned soon to be ex wife. Poor Leslie. She saw her daughter and was overcome with emotion. I hope you run with that. So much story to be had with that... When Victor comes back, everybody should be shook....
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 96 Donna makes a vow HARBOR CLUB...Donna and Cass sit at one of the tables as they go over some paperwork... Cass: EL Industries' deposit has been made. That's the last one. They're the principal investor. Donna: I would like to meet the person behind EL Industries. I want to thank them for helping me realize this dream. Cass: Whoever is behind it has controlling interest in the club. Donna: I will make sure they get a return on it. I really want to thank them. Reginald walks up to them... Reginald: You're welcome. Donna: What are you talking about? Cass: That's what I'd like to know. Reginald: You wanted to know who your principal investor was. Well you're looking at him. Donna's elation quickly turns to horror. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Rachel and Paulina have a bite to eat at one of the tables. Rachel: Did you get the notice for the hearing? Paulina: Yes. It boggles my mind though. I can't believe Amanda and Iris are contesting the sale of Cory Publishing. Rachel: There was a stipulation in Mac's will that allows them to do it. All of Mac's children are gonna have to present for this hearing. Paulina: What about Matt and Sandy? Rachel: They're not gonna be able to make it so they gave me their proxies. Paulina: I'm gonna come...just to stop Iris from getting control. Rachel: I get a headache just thinking about it. This was all Amanda's idea. Paulina: Enough about this hearing. How are you and Carl? Rachel: We're fine. I'm happy that he's home. At least Elizabeth and I are. Cory...not so much. Paulina: What's wrong with Cory? Rachel: He's holding Carl's past against him. I never would have imagined that there would be this much tension between them. Paulina: You have Iris to thank for that.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION Grant walks into Jack's office. Grant: Detective Snyder. Jack: Grant what do you want? Grant: I just wanted to...come and check things out at the station. I may end up being your boss. Jack: Everything's fine here. Grant: You know...it feels great to have a woman like Paulina by my side during this campaign. Jack: So THAT'S why you came here. You won't be getting my vote. Grant: I enjoy dating Paulina, and I'm not gonna let anybody...come between us...and that includes you. CAMERA PAN ON GRANT....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eruh6Hd4QsI&feature=results_video ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donna: That's ridiculous. You can't be. Cass: I agree. Donna: I'll consult the other investors to have you thrown out. Reginald: That will be difficult. Cass: No it won't. Reginald: I bought all the other investors. Donna: Your investment will be null and void and you'll have to return everybody's money. Reginald: I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together Donna. EL Industries? Donna: EL? Elizabeth Love. You used mother's name to cover up who you were. When are you going to LEAVE US ALONE! Reginald: You should be GRATEFUL. If it weren't for my money this club would still be closed. Donna: I am so sick...and TIRED of you ruining our lives. Mine, Nicole, our children! I'm gonna put a stop to it...once and for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel: How so? Paulina: When she was released she tried to poison Dante's mind against me, but he would have none of it. Rachel: I don't know why Cory won't give Carl the benefit of the doubt. Carl loves his son with all of his heart. Paulina: Give him time. He'll come around. Rachel: Hopefully sooner rather than later, so how are things with you and Grant? Paulina: That came out of left field. Rachel: It is kind of weird for me to say. I'm so used to you and Joe. Paulina: You know what Rachel I really don't know about Grant. I appreciate everything he's done for Dante and me, but there's something that just keeps me from diving in. Rachel: Could it be...Jack Snyder? Paulina: Of course not. Jack is a longtime friend. He's been absolutely wonderful. Rachel: Are you sure that you think of him only as a friend? Paulina: It wouldn't matter one way or the other. Rachel: You sound a little disappointed. Maybe your feelings for Jack are more than what you think they might be. Paulina: He's not available. We can only be friends. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack: Is that supposed to be some type of warning? Grant: You can take it any way you want, but Paulina is taken. Jack: So am I. Grant: Carly Tenney. I've heard a lot about her. Jack: Carly has nothing to do with this. Grant: Oh but she does. Especially if she found out the amount of time you've spent with Paulina. Jack: Last I looked, Paulina isn't married anymore, so what she does when she's not with you is none of your damned business. Grant: I love Paulina, therefore what she does is my business, and you should make it yours to stay away from her. Jack: You don't scare me Grant. I've dealt with people far more dangerous than you. Grant: You used to work for James Stenbeck...so what! This is different. Jack (shuts the office door and walks right up to Grant): I care about Paulina, too, and if I think she's in any kind of trouble, I'm going to protect her. Grant: That's what she has me for. She doesn't need you. Jack: If I have to protect from YOU, I will. If you do anything to hurt Paulina, you will answer to me. Grant: I don't take kindly to threats. Jack: Have a good day Harrison. FREEZE FRAME ON JACK...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF AW 96 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  7. Kirkland is in denial lol....the contents on the flash drive could cause Scotty to be jilted and come to Bay City to confront Kirkland... Unfortunately for Kirkland and Scotty, Kirkland is falling for Charlie and Charlie is falling for him. Kirkland ain't gonna be able to bury the fact that he likes men. Doesn't mean he won't try. Stacey helped take Donna and Michael's adopted son Mikey away from them, and give him back to his natural parents. Vicky was angry about it back then (and still is)...Vicky is now dragged into the lie. Janice/Sharlene ordeal will fuel the fire that will be a John/Sharlene/Felicia/Mitch quadrangle. You will enjoy what I got coming up...thanks for reading...
  8. Lauren must hate Michael...I think it's more she's just tired of Michael's lies....Chloe done caught feelings...and Phyllis is about to get her eyesight back, hopefully to see who was stalking her..... Good episode...
  9. ANOTHER WORLD 95 Showdowns...and secrets SHOWDOWN #1---Grant vs Kirkland Grant is at his home, and he opens an invitation to the grand re-opening of the Harbor Club. He goes back to shut the door and Kirkland shows up. Grant: Kirkland...come on in son. Kirkland: I'm gonna cut to the chase. I'm gonna give you one last chance to concede the mayor's seat to me. Grant (laughing): Do you really think I'm gonna drop out of this race? Kirkland: You sound awfully sure of yourself don't you dad? Grant: I held a Senate seat. I know what it takes to win an election. I'm actually glad you came by. I was gonna ask you to do the same thing. Kirkland: I guess that puts us at an impasse. Grant takes out a flash drive given to him by his investigator. Grant: No...actually we're not. Kirkland takes out his folder given to him by Paul Williams. Kirkland: You would be correct dad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOWDOWN #2----Vicky vs. Stacey Stacey answers the door at her hotel room, and Vicky walks right in. Stacey (sarcastically): Come in Vicky. What do you want? Vicky: Something's not right. You left Bay City over twenty years ago, and all of a sudden you're back. What's really going on? Stacey: I don't owe you an explanation. Vicky: You're hiding something. Stacey: Just like I told you before, I'm here for my daughter. Vicky: That's bull. You're back to ruin my mother's life again. Stacey rolls her eyes and sighs... Stacey: Vicky you know what I can't do this right now. Vicky: You ARE gonna do this because I'm not gonna let you ruin my mother's life again. Stacey: Believe it or not, I'm here to help YOU! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS HOUSE Mitch is upstairs confronting Sharlene. Sharlene: How did you get in here? Mitch: The door was open. Sharlene: Maybe you should call first before coming. Mitch: I'm sorry. I came to check on you, especially after what I saw the other day at the Center. Sharlene: And I told you I'm fine. What was so serious that you are barging into my house to see me? Mitch becomes more concerned... Mitch: You have no recollection of it do you? Sharlene: I remember seeing you in the Center. What are you getting at? Mitch: It seemed you were in a trance when I saw you the other day, and now I catch you talking to yourself in the mirror. Are you personalities splitting again? CAMERA PAN ON SHARLENE....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOWDOWN #1/SECRET #1 CONTINUED... Grant (smiling): You're becoming more like me every day. I must say it's quite impressive. Kirkland: I'm NOTHING like you! Grant: Oh but you are. You're resorting to blackmail to get me to drop out of the race. Kirkland: Who said anything about blackmail? Grant: I've seen this movie a thousand times. I know how it usually plays out. Kirkland: Aren't you doing the same thing? I bet you're gonna use whatever is on that flash drive to get me to drop out. Grant: Do you think I WANT to do this? Kirkland: You're ruthless enough. Grant: You're my son. I love you, and I don't want to blackmail you. I don't want you to take this personally. This is how it is in politics. Grant walks over toward his computer... Grant: I almost forgot to tell you...Charlie stopped by yesterday. Kirkland's attention is raised... Kirkland: What about Charlie? Grant (sticking the flash drive into his laptop): She's a fine young woman, and it seems that she really cares about you. Kirkland: You leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with this election. Grant: Oh but she does...I don't think you want her to find out about this. Take a look... Grant plays the contents of the flash drive, and it's footage of Kirkland feeling up and kissing the male bartender while he was in Genoa City...shocking Kirkland... Grant: Let me start of by saying that if you think I have a problem with you being gay, I don't. Kirkland: I'm not gay! Grant: Well, your constituents would think otherwise if this went viral. Nobody would vote for you, not to mention Charlie would want nothing to do with you on a romantic level. If you drop out of the race, then I'll destroy all evidence I have of your Genoa City encounter. Kirkland, becoming unfazed, mockingly claps his hands... Kirkland (taking out the folder from his jacket): Good one dad, but I think I can do you one better. Take a look at this. Grant: Flight plans? Bank records? What does this mean? Kirkland: I can make you Bay City's enemy number one all over again. Grant: How do you think you're gonna do that with flight and bank records? Kirkland: Take a goood look at it again dad. That's the day that Evan Frame died. You were in St. Croix that day weren't you? Grant: I can take a vacation. Kirkland: Oh you weren't on a leisurely excursion. You were on a mission to stop Evan because he could put you behind bars with what he knew. Oh the bank records? That's the offshore account that you closed a day after Evan's death. All those deposits to that said account....came from YOUR account. You bankrolled his sick revenge plan, didn't you? Grant: This is all circumstantial. Doesn't prove anything. Kirkland: It doesn't? What if...say....Jack Snyder got a hold of this information? It'll give him a beginning point to start digging, and Paulina would wake up and drop your sorry ass. So what was that question again? Oh...do I want to drop out of the race? Maybe you should ask yourself that , unless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOWDOWN #2/SECRET #2 Vicky: What the hell does that supposed to mean? Stacey: What do you think it means? What's the most important thing to you? Vicky: My family of course, the one I'm trying to protect from you! Stacey: It's not me that your family's gonna need protection from Vicky. Vicky: So you're trying to make amends for taking Mikey away from my parents all those years ago. It's a little late for that. Stacey: This has nothing to do with Donna. Vicky: Enlighten me. Stacey: You want the truth? Vicky: Yes. Stacey: Let me ask you a question. Don't you ever wonder what happened to Jake after his accident at Crawfordsville? Vicky: What are you talking about? He was missing for a while. He lost his memory. Stacey: Do you know where he was during that time? Vicky: I don't know. Will you get to the point? Stacey: Sure Vicky! He was with ME! Vicky: With you? Where? Stacey: In L.A. I had broken up with Derek, and he was caring, and attentive. Vicky: I'm not following. Stacey: That's because you don't want to follow. I'll spell it out for you. Jake and I were together, and we had a short term relationship. Vicky: What? You opportunistic tramp! He had NO idea who he was, and you took advantage of him! How could you do that? Stacey: He made me feel great, and I didn't want to lose that feeling. Vicky: You didn't bother to call Cass or anyone else in Bay City. You selfish BITCH! That's why you came back! You came to steal my husband! Stacey: Yes I was selfish, but I don't want Jake. I didn't think it could happen to me after I lost Megan. Vicky: Wait a minute. You got pregnant...with Jake's baby? How do you know if it was Jake's baby? Stacey: Because my daughter showed me the DNA test... Vicky: Lindsay? That girl is Jake's daughter? Stacey (throwing up her hands): That's the truth. I'm here to protect your family, because Jake can never know that Lindsay is his daughter. Lindsay's gonna get hurt, and she wants to tell him. Vicky is shocked and paces back and forth... Stacey (continuing): She thinks she's gonna have a relationship with him. Jake is probably not gonna bond with her because he's not gonna feel connected. He probably won't remember even being with me. Lindsay can't tell him. Vicky: You're right. Stacey: What? You don't think that Jake should know about this? Vicky: No. Jake can't find out about Lindsay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECRET #3 LIVING ROOM OF THE HUDSONS HOUSE.... Sharlene (becoming nervous): That's ridiculous. Of course not. I've been integrated. Mitch: Do you remember seeing me at the fountain? Sharlene: You were waving in front of my face. How could I forget? Mitch: I said your name three times and you hadn't responded. It was like you were under a spell Sharlene: Maybe I was...enjoying the comforting sounds of the fountain. Mitch: You were watching Carl and Rachel. Sharlene: Why would I do that? Mitch: You probably wouldn't do it Sharlene, but someone else may have. Sharlene flashes back to her "conversation" with Janice, stating that she knows what Janice wants... Sharlene: My God, that's what she wants. She wants Carl. Mitch: Who wants Carl? Sharlene: Janice Mitch: What do you mean? Janice is dead. Sharlene: No...she's not....she's trying to surface, through me. Mitch: Is Janice one of your alters? Sharlene: My God it's happening again. Mitch: You gotta get some help. John can help youSharlene: NO! I don't want John to know about this FREEZE FRAME ON SHARLENE...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF ANOTHER WORLD 95
  10. Thanks man...how did you know I had fun writing this particular episode? Because I did..lots of story set in motion here...thanks for reading
  11. Are you going to give Phyllis's eyesight back so she can see her stalker? This trial is taking on a life of its own (I think it's writing itself I know what that's like)...I wonder what's going to happen when Roxanne finds out her mother is a whore...she might slap her, too LOL... Good story going on there....
  12. ANOTHER WORLD Episode 94 Gregory uncovers Lindsay's secret WINTHROP HOUSE Gregory and Lindsay are alone sitting on the couch... Lindsay (using the remote to turn the TV off): I really liked that movie. Gregory: A chick flick. Lindsay: You looked like you enjoyed it, too. Gregory: I didn't. Lindsay: You should wipe that tear from your eye then...or do you want me to wipe it for you? They kiss passionately...and as they lie down on the couch, Gregory accidentally knocks over Lindsay's purse, and Lindsay tries to hurry up and retrieve a piece of folded paper, but Gregory has picked it up...and looks at it Gregory: What's this? Lindsay: Put it back. Gregory reads what's on the paper...the DNA test results that Lindsay obtained... Gregory (shocked): Oh...my...God. Lindsay: Give that to me Greg. Gregory flashes back to seeing Lindsay taking a cup that Jake drank water from out of a wastebasket, and slipping it into a small sandwich bag. Gregory: Jake McKinnon's your father? Well this explains everything... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Rachel walks into the living room, and sifts through old mail... Rachel: Invitation to the re-opening of the New Harbor Club? Then she reads another piece of mail... Rachel: What the hell is this? Amanda and Iris walk in. Amanda: I see you got the notice. Rachel: What the hell is going on? A hearing? Amanda: We're contesting the sale of Cory Publishing. Rachel (looking at Iris): This is your doing isn't it? Iris: No actually this was Amanda's idea. We're tired of you running daddy's company into the ground. Amanda: A stipulation in your contract opened this up. Iris: You shouldn't have stated that I was not eligible to buy the company from Reginald. Amanda: And we have every right to this company through a sale. Iris: We as Mac's children have to be given a chance to buy it if it's ever sold. Amanda: That was in daddy's will. Rachel: So is this a tag team effort? Amanda I would like a word with you privately. Iris: Don't worry I'm leaving. I just wanted to see the look of shock on your face Rachel. It must say it was priceless, and equally as satisfying. See you at the hearing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOYER As Rachel shuts the double doors to the living room, Iris attempts to leave the mansion, but Carl spots her from the staircase. Carl: Iris...what the hell are you doing in my house? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAY CITY CENTER Felicia is sitting at a table when John walks up to her... John: Felicia. Felicia: John! How are you? John: I'm great. Absolutely wonderful. I have family intact. Felicia: I'm sorry that Sharlene has had to go through so much with the kidnapping and her doctor being murdered. John: Yeah that was a lot, but we're fine now. Where's Mitch? Felicia: He had to take care of some photography stuff. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS HOUSE What is happening to Sharlene? Sharlene is in her bedroom with a robe on after a shower. She's in the mirror drying out her hair, and when she finishes she sees a familiar face...but it's not hers. Sharlene: Janice? Sharlene rubs the towel on her face again, and now she sees her own face. She walks away from the mirror, and then she hears Janice's voice.... Janice: Sharlene. You can't avoid your big sister. I'm always gonna be here. Sharlene goes back to the mirror...and sees Janice's face again. Meanwhile, downstairs, MITCH knocks on the door, which is ajar... Mitch (calling): John? Sharlene are you here? CAMERA PAN ON MITCH....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXSuHiqmXaQ&feature=related ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 2 WINTHROPS HOUSE Lindsay: Explains what? Gregory: Why you came to Bay City in the first place? What I want to know is why you hid it from me. Lindsay: I...I couldn't be sure. Gregory: I saw you at the hospital. Jake had a drink of water out of one of those plastic cups, and you took it out of the wastebasket. You used it to get a sample of his DNA. Have you told anyone about this? Lindsay: No. Gregory: You know this is gonna change things for my cousin Vicky. Lindsay: I don't know what to do Greg. Gregory: You should do nothing. Lindsay: What? Gregory: Jake and Vicky have been through hell. I was responsible for their daughter's death. Let them have some peace and happiness. Lindsay: My God you almost sound like mom. Gregory: So your mom says the same thing? No wonder you never wanted to talk about her. Lindsay: I'm not trying to ruin anybody's life. I just want...to have a relationship with my father. Gregory: No matter who you hurt in the process? Lindsay: That's not what I'm saying and you know that! Gregory: No I don't know. You kept the truth from me. If I didn't knock down your purse, you probably wouldn't have told me. Lindsay: That's not true. I care about you. I would never hurt you. I was going to tell you when the time was right. Gregory: I never would have imagined to be a liar, but that's exactly what you're showing me. Gregory grabs his jacket. Lindsay: Wait a minute. Where are you going? We need to talk about this. Gregory: Away from you, because I really don't know who you are anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER John: You look happy. Felicia: I am. I wouldn't have known what to do if I ever lost Mitch. He fills my heart with such joy...and love. John: You don't have to worry about that. You have Mitch, and I have Sharlene, and I plan to spend the rest of my life loving and protecting her. She's the love of my life. I'm...I'm sorry I'm not trying to minimize...what you and I had. Felicia: I totally understand. You realize that Sharlene is the woman that you've always loved, just like Mitch that I've always loved, and I don't plan on losing him. ------------------------------------ HUDSONS HOUSE Sharlene is in the mirror, talking to Janice. Janice: Let me help you. Let me be strong for you. Let me protect you. I've always protected you haven't I? I've always tried to do right by you. Sharlene: Then why did you try to kill Mac Cory? Janice: I did it for you, Evan, and Josie. Haven't I always taken care of you? I did whatever it took to keep Jason from pimping you out like he did to me. Let me out Sharlene. Mitch appears unseen and is shocked by what he sees. Sharlene: I've been integrated. Sharly, Kate Baker, they've all been integrated. You can't be real. Janice: I am very real. I'm a part of you, and if you let me out, I will protect you. Sharlene: I know what you want, and I can't let you get it. Janice: I won't stop until you let me out. Sharlene: No Janice! Mitch: Sharlene? Mitch tosses an invitation to the Harbor Club re-opening on John and Sharlene's bed. Sharlene: Mitch...how long have you been standing there? Mitch: Long enough to wonder if you're really okay. Who were you talking to just now? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Rachel: I can't believe you've actually joined forces with Iris. Amanda: Face it mother. You haven't been making the most sound decisions where Cory Publishing is concerned. Rachel: Are you doing this because I wouldn't give you the power that you wanted. You fell for a man who ended up being a mole! Now you're teaming up with Iris to contest the sale. The one who needs to make more sound decisions is you. Amanda: This is about Allen. This is about doing right by daddy's company. I'm not let gonna let you sell it off to the highest bidder. Rachel: And you think Iris is going to work with you on this? Don't come running to me when she betrays you. Amanda: Iris has as much right to this as any of us do. Rachel: Iris wants this company for herself. She has no intention of sharing it with you. She will stab you in the back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FOYER Iris: YOUR house Carl. No...this is my DADDY'S house. Carl: Rachel and I live here. Iris: It will NEVER be yours. You've spent your whole life trying to destroy what my father built...and take what my father had, but I didn't come here talk about this house. Carl: Is it about Cory Publishing again? Iris: You're damned right, and we're gonna get it back. Carl: And you're using Amanda to do it. Iris: Your beloved Rachel overlooked a stipulation in daddy's will, and we're contesting the sale. Carl: You want it all for yourself don't you? Iris: I don't need to use Amanda to get what's rightfully mine, and I will...daddy's company....AND this house. FREEZE FRAME ON IRIS...SLOW FADE OUT....END OF AW 94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  13. VERY VERY GOOD!! That was a GREAT twist with Leslie, Spencer, and Roxanne...Spencer and Leslie will have to recuse themselves from this case....
  14. VICTORIA WYNDHAM - Rachel Cory Hutchins CHARLES KEATING - Carl Hutchins SANDRA FERGUSON - Amanda Cory JUDI EVANS - Paulina Cory CATHERINE HICKLAND - Iris Carrington Wheeler DREW TYLER BELL - Cory Hutchins KELLEY MISSAL - Elizabeth Hutchins LINDA DANO - Felicia Gallant Blake WILLIAM GREY ESPY - Mitch Blake JENSEN BUCHANAN - Vicky Hudson McKinnon TOM EPLIN - Jake McKinnon LEXI AINSWORTH - Bridget McKinnon MARK PINTER - Grant Harrison JOSH KELLY - Kirkland Harrison ANNA STUART - Donna Love ELLEN WHEELER - Marley Hudson Montgomery HENRY SIMMONS - Tyrone Montgomery KIM JOHNSTON ULRICH - Nicole Love SEAN BLAKEMORE - Allen Love BEN MASTERS - Reginald Love STEPHEN SCHNETZER - Cass Winthrop ALICE BARRETT MITCHELL - Frankie Frame BRITTANY UNDERWOOD - Charlotte "Charlie" Winthrop LESLI KAY - Stacey Winthrop KATE MANSI - Lindsay Winthrop DAVID FORSYTH - Dr. John Hudson ANNA HOLBROOK - Sharlene Hudson ADAM GREGORY - Gregory Hudson MICHAEL PARK - Jack Snyder
  15. Yeah you've been out of it lol...Lindsay is Jake's daughter, and Stacey doesn't want him to know because he might not remember.
  16. ANOTHER WORLD 93 Jake has a memory flash CORY MANSION Elizabeth walks in with two envelopes and sees Rachel sculpting... Elizabeth: These came. Rachel: Hi honey. Elizabeth: I guess they're reopening the Harbor Club. Rachel: Looks like an invitation. You can put the other letter on the couch. You know your father and I went out to the Center last night. Elizabeth: Oh my goodness. Pigs are flying. I thought you'd never go down there. Rachel: Your father really enjoyed it. Elizabeth: It was his first time there wasn't it? Rachel: Yep. Maybe you and your father can do down there together. He'd love to spend some time with you and your brother. Cory walks up to the double doors unseen.. Elizabeth: You know I'm really happy that dad is back. Rachel: He says that you and Cory kept him going when he was really sick. Carl adores you and Cory very much. ------------------------------------------------------- IN THE FOYER... Cory is torn and walks toward the door to leave...and Carl stops him... Carl (walking down the stairs): Son? Cory (turning around): Hey dad. Carl: I was wondering if...you and I can go grab a bite to eat. Cory: I...I gotta study. Carl: Wait son...what's wrong? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARBOR CLUB... Donna and Vicky walk through the club looking around at the finished product. Vicky: You've accomplished your goal mom. Donna: This is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I can't believe this is actually coming true. They stop at the bar... Vicky: I'm proud of you Donna. Donna: Our family deserves some happiness after everything that's happened. I did this for you, Marley, Nicole, and the grandkids. Marley walks up to them.. Vicky: Hey. Marley hugs Vicky and Donna. Marley: Did someone say grandkids? Donna: We were talking about the club. I was talking about opening the club for Steven, Kirkland, Bridget, and Michele. Marley: I think you forgot one grandchild Donna. Marley rubs her stomach. Vicky: Oh my God! You're expecting!!! I'm gonna be an aunt! Donna: Oh! Oh! Congratulations!!!! The three women embrace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Cass and Stacey are sitting at a table sipping their lattes... Cass: I think Lindsay is determined. Maybe you shouldn't stand in her way. Stacey: You don't understand. Jake cannot know the truth. He probably won't even bond with her. Cass: You don't think he's gonna remember. Stacey: It was so long ago, and he didn't even know who he was. I want to protect Lindsay from being hurt. Cass: I understand about you wanting to protect your daughter. Jake walks up to them. Jake: Cass I need to talk to you. Stacey. Stacey: Hey Jake. Jake: How long has it been since you left Bay City? CAMERA PAN ON JAKE....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6t7udjee_8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- HARBOR CLUB... Vicky: There's another addition to our family! Donna: You and Tyrone deserve it. Is it a boy or a girl? Marley: We just found out. Vicky: We gotta start getting things ready. I'll help you pick out the nursery colors....and a crib. You're gonna need a crib for the baby. I'm gonna buy clothes and babysit. Marley: I'm so glad I got you two. Donna: You're gonna start thinking of some names. Marley: We were discusssing that one night. If it's a girl we're gonna name her after Tyrone's grandmother. Vicky: And if it's a boy? Marley: We'll name him after daddy. Donna: You know I wish your father was here to see his girls finally happy. I've decided to re-name the Harbor Club. It's...the M and M Harbor Club. Marley: After candy? Donna: No Marley. M and M stands for Michael...and Michele. Vicky: I miss them so much. Marley: We all do. Donna: That's why we have to stick together. Reginald walks in unseen and sees Donna, Vicky and Marley. Donna: We can't let anyone break our bond. Vicky: And we got a little one to look out for now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Stacey: I left for Los Angeles over twenty years ago. Jake: Los Angeles. You know Ive never been there. Cass and Stacey are silent, as they realize Jake has no memory of being with Stacey. Stacey: Hey I gotta get going. Jake: Good to see you again Stacey. Stacey: Back atcha Jake. Cass I'll call you. Cass: Alright sis. Stacey walks off and Jake notices Stacey's coffee cup with lipstick on it. He then has a flashback of a drinking glass at a bar, with that similar color of lipstick. Cass: Jake you okay? Jake: I think so. Cass: Why do you keep looking at Stacey's coffee cup? Jake: I wasn't looking at the cup. It's the lipstick. It's almost like I've seen that lipstick before. Cass: Maybe you were a drag queen? Jake: I'm serious man. Cass: Come on lots of ladies wear that color lipstick. Jake: It's that shade of lipstick that I've seen before...it was on a glass. I just can't put my finger on where. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION - FOYER Cory: What makes you think something's wrong dad? Maybe I just need to go study. Carl: I sense a little distance between us. Maybe I can help us get closer. Cory: I don't need your help dad. Carl: I'm not oblivious that I've had a checkered past, and it's affecting you. Makes me regret even more the things I've done to your mother, and Mackenzie. Amanda and Iris may never forgive me for it. Rachel and Elizabeth approach them. Elizabeth: Well all of that happened years ago before we were even born Cory. Dad is not that person anymore. Rachel: He's changed honey. You two might not be here if I didn't think that. Cory: Have you changed dad? Can you prove it? You can start by telling us where you were the other day. Mom was sick with worry that you had just left and didn't tell her where you were going. Rachel: I'd like to know that, too Carl. Carl: I was....out getting some air. Cory: Tell us dad. You were out there plotting and carrying out some plan of yours weren't you? Rachel: Cory that's enough. Cory: You're defending him again mom? Elizabeth: Cory why do you hate dad so much? He has done nothing but love us. Cory: It's the secrecy and the lies that I hate. I don't think you've changed at all dad. You're the monster that people say you are. Cory leaves. Rachel: Cory you get back here! Carl: No Rachel...let him go. Rachel hugs Carl, but Rachel has somewhat of a doubtful look on her face. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL...SLOW FADE OUT....END OF AW 93 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBjyPjH2-mE
  17. Carl D2 knows...Janice is an old character....she's dead...she tried to kill Mac Cory, and her son Evan tried to avenge her death, but now he's dead...
  18. Christine Jones returns as Janice Frame....(not in the way that you might think).... ANother major character will be making a shocking exit...
  19. I LOVE your soap....I wonder if Trista has an ulterior motive. I don't fully trust her. ANd Jeffrey needs to get off that neanderthal attitude...he's gonna squeeze so tightly to Reva that he's gonna lose her to Josh...like a whole lot of other men have lol
  20. Hmmm nice build to this Leslie secret...and you got Sheila down pat....Good episode
  21. Drucilla is funny...And a blind and paralyzed Phyllis is still a bitch...guess she ain't learned yet...
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