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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. Was Robert Guza, Jr the Head Writer at that time? (I don't know exactly who wrote that scene)
  2. This episode was so SANTA BARBARA!!! Just like I remember it... I'm a BIT Late after all of these comments (LOL), but i absolutely LOVE it....The cigarette smashing as a nod to (the now late) Paul Rauch. Augusta shooting the characters created by Pam Long and Paul Rauch (especially the Walkers lol)... It was all a dream...absolutely looking forward to the real story.... Glad you are re-joining us bloggers (I'm the new kid on the block lol)
  3. Kirsten Storms....interesting cast choice... Looking forward to seeing how Drucilla and Sheila's stories play out...especially after everyone finds out that they're in GC
  4. ANOTHER WORLD 111 Rachel’s resolve grows CORY MANSION Rachel sits in the living room and Carl comes and kisses her on her cheek. Carl: Good morning my dear. Rachel: Morning. Carl: Did you have a good walk last night? Rachel: Yes it gave me some clarity. I had so much on my mind. Carl: You were thinking about Cory Publishing weren’t you? Rachel: A lot. Carl: Iris takes over today. Rachel: Yeah. She’d better enjoy it while it lasts, because she won’t be there for long. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CORY PUBLISHING A name tag is placed on the door of an office that reads: Iris Cory, C.E.O. Iris walks up to it and admires it. Iris: Iris Cory, C.E.O. Looks great. She walks into her office, runs and sits in the office chair, spins around and lets out a joyful scream. Iris: This office looks so drab, so gloomy, so Rachel. Someone familiar walks in… Iris: Well if it isn’t the famous Tucker McCall. I was just thinking how you should come down after I had this mausoleum redecorated. Tucker: Hey there beautiful… After they hug… Tucker: You’re finally the CEO huh? Iris: Yep and I couldn’t have done it without you. (credit – MLC Productions - Young and the Restless “Tucker goes after Katherine”) He looks around. Tucker: You’ve done well for your self. How is old Rachel taking this? Iris: At this point I really don’t care. Cory is in my hands, the rightful owner. Daddy would be proud. Tucker: Good old daddy Huh? You sure do love him a lot. Iris: Watch your mouth about daddy. So what brings you here you said you have a contract for me to sign? Tucker: I do. I have a proposition for you. This plan will benefit Cory P as well as myself and my business goals. Iris: I’m intrigued. Tucker: I’m looking to unseat Katherine Chancellor as CEO of Newman. Iris: Katharine Chancellor. Isn’t that your mother? Tucker: Sure is. Iris: Then why are you unseating her? Tucker: It’s my time. My time to shine. Its out with the old and in with the new. My mother is old and tired and I’m her son. I deserve to have Chancellor and I want Newman for myself. Iris: So selfish. But what about me and Cory. How will this help us out? Tucker hands her an envelope full of money. Tucker: Let’s start with that. A little incentive to sign on the dotted line. I’m looking to do a media campaign against Katherine. I’m going to make her look crazy to the world. I want to depress the value of Newman so I can take it over. This will give Cory exposure and new markets to dabble in. In fact I’m looking to have secret cameras installed in Kay’s office so we can turn it into a reality show. Iris: Wow. That’s low Tucker. How do you plan to make your mother go crazy? Tucker: You leave that to me. Iris: I’m game. Tucker smiles. He pulls out the contract so Iris can sign it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTHROPS Cass is on his cell phone. Cass: Hi there. I was hoping you’d pick up, but I’ll guess I’ll leave you a message, because I was thinking about you, and I had a great time last night. I was wondering when you were free again. Maybe we could…go get coffee or something. I hope to hear from you soon. Bye. Cass turns around and sees a smiling Charlie. Charlie: Hi daddy. Cass: Ooooh what are you grinning at? Charlie: You were leaving a message for mom weren’t you? Cass: I just wanted to say hello to her. I wonder where she might be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRISON Frankie walks up to a counter and talks to the front desk person. Frankie: I’m Mary Frances Frame. The person looks her up in the system. Person: Okay. I’ll call for an officer to escort you. CAMERA PAN ON FRANKIE…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Charlie: Hmm that’s interesting. Cass: Oh come on I’ve always thought about your mother. Charlie: Not this much. Cass: You’re making more of it than what it is. Charlie: It’s wonderful that you and mom are dating. Cass: It was funny leaving your mother last night in her own apartment. I mean we always came home together from a night out. It felt weird. Charlie: How so? Cass: Your mother was the love of my life before that whole thing with the Stalker split us up. I thought I would always have your mother and you as a family. Charlie: It’s different now. You got married to Lila and mom went into hiding. Cass: You’ll know when you get married my dear. The feeling of security, contentment, and happiness. I was with Cecile, Kathleen, Nicole. Charlie: So I’ve heard. Cass: But Frankie gave me a sense of family. The others didn’t. Charlie: And you hope she feels that way, too. Don’t you? Cass: Alright kiddo I know what you’re getting at. I’ll admit it. I’m falling in love with your mother again, and she hasn’t called back yet. Charlie: So anxious dad. She’ll call back. Cass: Maybe she’s busy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISITORS AREA Officer: You can wait here Ms. Frame. The inmate should be out shortly. Frankie: Thank you. Frankie stands up as the inmate is brought into the visitor’s area. Frankie: Christy? Christy: Mary Frances. It means so much that you come to see me. CORY PUBLISHING Iris: Daddy always admired Katherine Chancellor’s business savvy. I don’t know Tucker. This might hurt Cory. Tucker: I gave you cash to cushion any fall that might happen. I’m totally looking out for you here. Iris: We’ve never gotten into the television business. Tucker: That’s how your company is going to grow. You have to try new and innovative ventures. Nobody’s reading paper bound books these days, not to mention that it’s not cost effective. Iris: We do e-books, and people are reading Brava on their tablets and laptops. Tucker: This reality show can make CP bigger than it ever was, and isn’t that what your father would’ve wanted? He would want you to take this company to new heights. Besides you wouldn’t even be CEO if Judge Grayson wasn’t on my payroll. Iris: I know that I owe you one Tucker. You don’t have to remind me. Tucker: Don’t forget that fake will that my people drew up. Iris: If the real will surfaces somehow, then CP would go back to Rachel and I would lose everything. Tucker: I don’t want to blackmail you. That’s not my intention here. I want us both to do well. You helped me with my music career, and I want to help you now, all I need is your Jane Hancock darlin’! Iris signs on the dotted line. Tucker: Thank you. You won’t regret it. Iris: I better not. Tucker: How about it? For old times’ sake. Iris shuts the door and they kiss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Carl: Everything is going to work out Rachel. Rachel: From your lips. Carl: Look at the bright side. We get a chance to really enjoy each other. We haven’t since I’ve returned. Rachel: We’ve allowed other things to distract us. Carl: Things and people that are important to us. Cory and Cory Publishing. Rachel: Both caused by Iris. Carl: Are we gonna let Iris come between us after everything we’ve been through my dear. Rachel: Of course not, but she’s there. She’s trying to take the things that matter most to me, and she’s enlisting all the help she can get. I’m not gonna let her. I’m gonna take her down. Rachel checks on an alert online. Rachel: Oh my God. Carl: What is it? Rachel: I can’t believe this! BCSentinel.com says Reginald Love was found dead this morning in his suite. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 111 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  5. COMING PATTI D'ARBANVILLE - Christy Carson Serving time in a psychiatric hospital for murdering her husband Douglas Carson. Old college friend of Frankie Frame. HUNTER KING - Sage Snyder She video chats with Cory Hutchins, and will be on her way to Bay City in hopes of staying with her father Jack Snyder, and away from her mother, Carly. GOING Kim Johnston Ulrich - Nicole Love Nicole was taken by Peter to a Swiss clinic Ben Masters - Reginald Love Reginald's machinations have finally caught up to him. He was murdered.
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 110 Reginald makes a shocking revelation to Donna GRANT’S HOUSE Grant is on the phone… Grant: Send a car around. There’s something I have to do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Cory is on video chat as Sculptorsson chatting with ILLfarmgirl. Cory: My mom went out for a walk. ILLfarmgirl: It’s like past midnight. Cory: Yeah I thought it was kind of weird. ILLfarmgirl: At least you can talk to your mom. I barely can stand the sight of mine. Cory: Wow what’s goin on? ILLfarmgirl: My mom is getting on mynerves and I wish my dad would move away from here. My mom is always leaving them alone or dropping her sister to her Aunt’s farm to watch while she goes out and throws back a few. Cory: I’m sorry your mom’s drinking. ILLFarmgirl: My sister’s crying. I gotta go. I’ll talk to you soon. Cory ends the conversation and Amanda walks in… Amanda: You’re up late. Cory: Yeah Mandy I’m eighteen now. Amanda: Who ya talkin’ to on the internet at this hour? You know nothing good happens after midnight. Cory: She’s a friend of mine, and she lives in Oakdale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HUDSONS HOUSE John and Gregory sit on the couch and Sharlene walks in. John gets up and hugs her. John: Where have you been? Gregory: We were worried about you mom. Sharlene: I went out for a drive. I told you that. What’s the problem? John: How did you get home? Sharlene: John what are you talking about? I drove home of course. John (gently): I went out after you because you were upset, and I found your car abandoned on the side of the road. Where did you go? Sharlene: I went to get gas. I ran out. John: There’s not a gas station close to that part of town. Sharlene: Well I found one. That’s where I went dear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky is on her cell phone… Vicky: I’m glad they let you go home and that the baby’s fine. (Beat) You know me so well don’t you? I’m worried sick about Jake and Donna. Neither one of them are picking up their cell phones. I’d go after them but I don’t wanna leave Bridget here alone. I think they might have gone after Reginald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald is on the floor with increasing chest pain. He’s sweating and taking labored breaths. While Donna stands over him. Reginald: Please…Donna call 9-1-1. Donna: You want me to help you now daddy. This is what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. Besides I left my cell phone in my car. Reginald: You…you don’t want anything to happen to me. Donna: Why not? Why shouldn’t I walk out that door and let you die? Reginald: Because I…I know where Michael is. Stable boy…is still alive. Donna flashes back to (episode 100) THE HOUSE PHONE RINGS AND DONNA ANSWERS IT. Donna: Hello? The person on the other line, sounds weary and tired… Person: Donna. Thank God. You’ve gotta help me. Donna (becoming furious): Who is this? Person: Please help… Donna: Listen I don’t know who you are, but this is a very sick joke and I don’t appreciate it. Don’t you EVER call this house again! Donna hangs up in disgust. Vicky: Who was that? Donna: Someone begging for help. He sounded just like Michael. Donna becomes angry as Reginald continues to have pain… Donna: This is part of your sick, little GAME and I’m tired of them daddy! Donna storms out and leaves Reginald to die… CAMERA PAN ON REGINALD…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 2 CORY MANSION Amanda: Oakdale? That’s not too far from here is it? Cory: I dunno. I’ve never been. Amanda: That’s where the new detective’s from. Jack Snyder. Cory: Oh. Well I’m goin to my room. Amanda: Goodnight. Amanda makes a call on her cell phone. Amanda: I’m calling to check on Allen Love. What do you mean? Okay. Amanda hangs up. Amanda: Oh my God. She calls Allen. Amanda: Dammit Allen I need you to answer your phone. Please call me ASAP! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS HOUSE John and Gregory are in the living room. Gregory: Dad that was weird. John: I know. Gregory: Mom hasn’t been herself since she came back from St. Croix. John: I wonder if she’s dealt with her kidnapping. God only knows what all that trauma might have done to her. Gregory: Oh no dad. You think she’s gonna split again? John: No…no she was integrated. I don’t think that’s gonna happen again. Meanwhile upstairs, Sharlene takes off her coat and her shoes. Sharlene: What a night. She goes to the mirror, lets down her hair, and shakes it around. Sharlene: Well I’m tired, but it was a productive night. Sharlene is in the mirror this time. Sharlene: Janice where did you go when you left the car? Janice (as Sharlene): Little sister you were always full of questions. Just know that I took care of a very big problem. Sharlene: Janice, stop it! Stop before you hurt John and my son. Janice: I would never do that to you. I love you Sharlene, but it’s my time now. You’ll see that letting me out was the best you could’ve done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald is on the floor, sweating and panting. He knocks over his room service plate of half eaten food, and crawls over to his night table where his touch screen cell phone is. Meanwhile, someone walks in and over Reginald as he dials 9-1-1. 911 Dispatcher: 9-1-1 what’s your emergency? Reginald suddenly finds himself staring down the barrel of a revolver. Reginald: No! Please don’t. The person pulls the trigger, striking Reginald in the chest, and he suddenly drops his cell phone as the dispatcher continues to call out for him. To no avail, Reginald dies. FREEZE FRAME ON REGINALD…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 110 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  7. Ok again lol..Nicole, Peter, and Donna are siblings...Reginald's children. So that makes Peter Vicky's uncle LOL....thanks for reading...
  8. Cool...the battle begins...I will write Iris and Tucker's meeting in AW 111... Newman is up for grabs!! Let the battle begin.. It seems Roxanne and Devon are not as close as she and Nate are
  9. ANOTHER WORLD 109 Love family drama climaxes MCKINNONS HOUSE Jake: I can’t sit here anymore. I’m gonna go out there and look for Bridget. Vicky: Where are you gonna start Jake? We have no idea where Reginald has taken her. Jake: We have already lost one child, and I’m not gonna stand by and watch Reginald take my other child away. Vicky: We have to let the police handle it, once we’re able to file a report. Jake: I’m not gonna wait around for Jack Snyder and the Keystone Cops try and look for Bridget, while Reginald takes her away to parts unknown. Vicky: Why would my grandfather do this? Jake: Because he’s a cold hearted son of a bitch. He deserves to rot in hell. Bridget comes downstairs. Vicky: Oh my God. Bridget honey. Jake: Baby come here. The three embrace. Vicky: Are you okay honey? Jake: Did anyone try to hurt you? Bridget: That man who kidnapped me tried to knock me out with chloroform, but Uncle Peter knocked him out. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Nicole is lying in her room, and as she wakes up she sees someone… Nicole: Cass? Cass: Someone’s here to see you. Peter Love walks up to Nicole and sits by her bed. Peter? When did you get here? Peter: Not too long ago. Nicole: Did daddy send you? Peter (sighs): For once I’m not doing dad’s bidding. I’m gonna do something good for a change. Nicole: You’re gonna take the cancer away? Peter: Not quite, but damn close to it. Nicole: Have…have you met my son? Allen walks up behind Peter. Allen: Yes mom. How are you feeling? Nicole: As well as a cancer patient could feel. Cass: We’ve gotta focus on what’s happen next. Peter: We’re gonna get you away from dad, once and for all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Donna is there with Reginald…. Reginald: Donna what do you want? Donna: Is that any way to greet your daughter? Reginald blots his face with a handkerchief… Donna: Are you hot, or are you nervous? Reginald: I don’t think you’re in a position to make jokes. I can pull my investment from the Harbor Club at any time. Donna: How did I know you were gonna throw that in my face? Reginald: Because you’re ungrateful and you have to be reminded that I am in control. Donna: Oh but you won’t be, not after tonight. CAMERA PAN ON DONNA…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Nicole: What do you mean? Peter, Cass, and Allen look at each other. Nicole: Tell me what’s going on. Peter: I came to Bay City…to take you away. Nicole: Where? Cass: Peter told us about a clinic in Switzerland. He’s gonna take you there. Allen: You’re going to get state of the art advanced treatment. Peter: And the best part about it is that we won’t be anywhere near dad. Nicole: Will I have a chance to say goodbye to Donna, Marley and Vicky? Peter: You’re gonna have to send them an email. We’ve gotta get you outta here as quick as possible…before dad finds out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS… Vicky: When did you get back? How did Peter save you? Bridget: I don’t know how he even got on the plane. Jake: You must have been so scared. I’m sorry honey. Bridget: For what dad? There’s nothing you could’ve done. Vicky: Are you hungry? You must be starving. Bridget: No mom, I just wanted to tell you guys that I was here. Jake: Are you sure you’re not hurt? Bridget: Dad I’m fine. Vicky: Your dad’s right we need to have John check you out. Bridget: He wouldn’t let me call you. He let me call Grandpa Reginald though. Uncle Peter told me that Grandpa Reginald had me kidnapped. Vicky: Did he? Bridget: Yeah. I didn’t believe him. Grandpa Reginald would never do that to me. Jake and Vicky look at each other. Bridget: Mom, dad what’s going on? Vicky: Honey, Reginald is the one who ordered your kidnapping. Bridget: That’s a lie! Jake: The man who kidnapped was working for your great grandfather. Vicky: Why do you think he wouldn’t let you call us? Bridget (shaking her head): No…no…not Grandpa Reginald. He loves me. Don’t talk about him like that! Bridget runs upstairs… Jake: Damn him! Vicky: Look what Reginald’s done. Jake: And I’m not gonna give him a chance to do it again. Jake puts his coat on… Vicky: Please tell me you’re not headed to Reginald’s suite. Jake: Stay here with Bridget. When I get back, Reginald will never be able to kidnap our daughter again. ----------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald: And just how do you plan on stopping me? Donna looks at her purse, and then looks back up at Reginald. Donna: I have my ways. Reginald: Sure you do, which is no way at all. Donna: You underestimate me daddy. Reginald: No my dear child. I know you better than you know yourself, and you’re a screw up; just like your sister; just like your brother. Donna: You’ve toyed with our lives long enough. Reginald: Of all my children, you’ve lead the way with questionable choices. You need me to save you from yourself. Donna: You still can’t get over the fact that I dated Michael against your wishes. Reginald: Stable boy was by far your WORST choice. Donna: We have two thriving, beautiful daughters. Reginald: Thriving? Victoria is a schemer, and Marley always seems to be one step away from insanity! Donna: That’s because of YOU. You tried to keep us apart, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t keep me from loving Michael. You couldn’t keep me from my girls. You never will. Reginald blots his forehead again… Reginald: You’re useless! You, Nicole, Peter. You're all...useless.... Reginald suddenly collapses and begins to breathe heavily, and Donna bends down to face Reginald, while he pants and grabs his chest.. Donna: Who’s got the upper hand now daddy? FREEZE FRAME ON DONNA…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 109 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  10. ANOTHER WORLD 108 Some important evidence surfaces PART 1 JAIL A guard comes up to Allen’s cell… Guard: You’re free to go. Allen: What happened? Guard: You were bailed out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION - desk Jack sits there on the computer when Jake and Vicky approach him… Vicky: Jack thank God you’re here. Jack: Hey Vicky, Jake what’s goin’ on? Vicky: You’ve gotta help us. Jake: Bridget’s been kidnapped. Jack: What? Vicky: I called a number from Reginald’s phone and I heard her screaming in the background. Jack: Why would her own great-grandfather kidnap her? Jake: You gotta go question him. He knows where Bridget is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGINALD’S ROOM Reginald opens the door, and Rachel walks in. Reginald: Rachel what are you doing here? Seems I’m getting a lot of visitors tonight. Rachel: I’ve got some questions for you Mr. Love. Reginald: Shoot. Rachel: Interesting choice of words, because that’s exactly what I should do. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROAD On a foggy, dimly lit road, John walks up to an abandoned car on the side. John recognizes the car and looks around. John: My God…Sharlene? Sharlene! Where the hell is she? CAMERA PAN ON JOHN…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ------------------------------------------------------------------ POLICE STATION Jack: I know what it’s like dealing with a teenage daughter. Vicky: Bridget’s eighteen. Jack: Eighteen? Jake: You gotta go pick up Reginald. Jack: I’m sorry Jake. I would love to help but I can’t do anything right now. Vicky: What do you mean? My daughter is out there and we need to find her! Jack: If she was a minor I could do something right now, but since she’s eighteen, she’s technically an adult. Jake: What does that have to do anything? Jack: You have to wait twenty-four hours to file a missing person’s report. Vicky: That’s too long Jack! God only knows where Reginald is going to take her! Jake: Wow the Bay City Police to the rescue again. I sure can count on you guys. Jake walks away. Vicky: Jake! Jack: I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t do much without a missing person’s report. We have to wait twenty hours to start a search. Vicky: To hell with your department procedures! My daughter has been kidnapped! I thought we were friends. Vicky storms out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald: Another threat? Ha! Rachel: You walked into my living room knowing that you were working on Iris’s behalf the whole time. How could you do that? Reginald: For what it’s worth Rachel, it wasn’t personal. Rachel: Mac built that company from the ground up, and Iris is gonna run it right back into the ground. On top of that, you placed your own grandson as a mole. Reginald: Is that what he told you? He needs to take responsibility for what he’s done. Rachel: YOU are the one responsible for having his mother drugged. You used that to get Allen to do your bidding. How do you even live with yourself Mr. Love? Reginald: I would be happy to complete this interview, but I have a plane to catch. Rachel: Where are you going? Reginald: Ancient Reginald secret. Goodnight Rachel. Rachel: Before I leave, rest assured that I WILL take Iris down, and if you are associated with her, you’ll go down, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JACK’S OFFICE Jack is in his office when Toni Burrell arrives. Jack: Welcome back Lieutenant. How’s your mother doing? Toni: She’s fine. Always has been. Jack: You said your mother wasn’t doing well. Toni: I…I lied. Jack: Well where did you…? Oh no…Toni what did you do? Tell me you didn’t…. Toni: I had to go back to St. Croix. Jack: You were supposed to let the St. Croix police handle the Evan Frame case. Toni: I wasn’t there on police business. Jack: Obviously. Toni: I couldn’t trust that. I was so sure that Grant Harrison had something to do with Evan’s murder. He’s gotten away with a number of crimes, but I wasn’t letting him get away with this one. Jack: You still shouldn’t have gone down there and conducted your own investigation. So what did you find? Toni: I found out who Evan’s killer is…and it wasn’t Grant. ----------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald opens the door…and faces Donna. FREEZE FRAME ON DONNA…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 108 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  11. Was Chloe trying to be mean to Billy? I didn't know they cursed on daytime TV lol How touching with Jack and Nikki...
  12. ANOTHER WORLD 107 The tension builds Vicky is on her cell phone at the LOVE MANSION with Donna... Vicky: Jake what are you talking about? Jake: Bridget's not here. I don't have a good feeling about this. Vicky: I'll be right there. Donna: What's wrong? Vicky: I'll tell you later. Don't go anywhere. I'll be back. Vicky leaves and Donna looks at the gun in her purse. Donna: There's something I have to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE CORY MANSION Rachel walks downstairs to the foyer, with her coat on, and she has a flashback of her conversation earlier with Allen (episode 100) Rachel: It’s time I paid Reginald Love a visit. He caused me to lose my company. Rachel walks toward the door, but Cory calls out for her from the living room doors. Cory: Mom? Rachel: Cory. You're up late. Cory: And you're going OUT at this hour. Where? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vicky arrives at the McKinnons and calls out for Jake...but no answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------ REGINALD'S SUITE - Reginald opens the door and Jake walks in. Jake: Where's my daughter? CAMERA PAN ON JAKE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 CORY MANSION Rachel: I just...feel like a walk on the grounds tonight. Cory: Mom, it's cold, and it's almost twelve o'clock. Dad must be getting on your nerves. Rachel: Son, with everything that's happened this week with Cory Publishing, and with Iris, I need to take a walk and clear my head. Cory: I owe you an apology mom. Rachel: What are you sorry about? Cory: I know I've...given dad a hard time since he came back. Rachel: He is very hurt by the way you've behaved toward him. Cory: I don't mean to be like that. I just...I just gotta make sense of everything. Rachel: Honey, your father has done questionable things in the past, as have I, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. He loves you and Elizabeth unconditionally, and that's what you need to hold on to. Rachel pecks Cory on his cheek. Rachel: I'll be right back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLANE Bridget is there with one of Reginald's hired men. Bridget: So you're not gonna let me call my parents? Man: Nope. Bridget: Why not? Man: Sometimes the answer's just no. Bridget: They're probably worried sick about me. Do you have kids? Man: Is this an interview? Are you working on a school project or something? Bridget: Well if I can't call my mom and dad, can I at least call my great-grandfather? Man: Why do you want to call him? Bridget: He's probably worried about me, too. They're gonna come looking for me you know. Man: Oh I'm sure they will look, but will they find you? THAT'S the question. Bridget: Well then since you're so confident that I'll never be found, can I at least call my great-grandfather. Man: Sure go ahead. Bridget dials Reginald's number under the man's watchful eye. Bridget tries to leave a message, but he snatches the phone from her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINALD'S SUITE Reginald: And why would I know where Bridget is? Jake: Because unfortunately she likes you. Reginald: Well Bridget is neither here, nor has she come here. Jake: We came home from the Harbor Club and she was gone. Reginald: Maybe she went out. She is eighteen now. Vicky shows up. Jake: You're awfully cavalier about this. You know something don't you? Vicky: I thought I'd find you here. Grandfather you know something about where Bridget might be? Reginald: Well both of the keystone parents are here. If you were any kind of mom and dad you would know where your daughter at this time of night. Bridget needs to be away from the both of you. Vicky: Wow funny to hear you talk about parenting Reginald, especially after what you've done to my mother, Nicole, and Peter. Reginald: Michele is dead because you both are unfit. Vicky: Where's Bridget? Reginald: IF I knew where Bridget was, do you think I'd tell you? Jake: You're going down for kidnapping. Reginald: You don't have any evidence Mr. Private Investigator. Vicky notices a missed call on Reginald's cell phone on the table. She runs over and picks it up. Reginald tries to stop her, but Jake holds him back. Vicky calls the last number dialed... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man: Yeah. Bridget screams for help in the background. Vicky: Bridget? The man quickly hangs up. Man: You shouldn't have done that. The man pours chloroform on a cloth. Bridget: No. Please... The man goes to apply the cloth to Bridget, but suddenly he is knocked unconscious with a lamp post, and Bridget is shocked. Bridget: Uncle Peter? How did you? Peter : Don't ask. Just know I'm gonna get you back home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicky: Oh my God. Where is my daughter?! Reginald: I'm gonna be raising her from now on. You both are unfit. Vicky: A jumpsuit is gonna fit you. Let's go to the police Jake. Jake: If anything happens to my daughter, you're gonna pay...with your life! FREEZE FRAME ON JAKE....SLOW FADE OUT....END OF EPISODE 107 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  13. Nate is hurting. I hope Roxanne doesn't make a mistake. Is Avery still trying to stick it to Phyllis? Like the business aspect in this episode...I want to see that unfold.
  14. Thank you, and yes the Grand reopening of the Harbor Club is over...this is the beginning of people coming home from the event
  15. ANOTHER WORLD 106 Disagreements PART 1 WINTHROPS Lindsay answers the door... Lindsay (icily): Hi mom. Stacey: May I come in? Lindsay: I guess so. Stacey: Where were you tonight? Lindsay: I was with Greg. Stacey: Gregory Hudson? Lindsay (rolling her eyes and sighing): Yes mom. Stacey: I was worried about you so I came to check on you. Lindsay: I'm a big girl. I don't need a babysitter. Stacey: You know what I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude. Lindsay: Really mom? I'm getting tired of you trying to control my life. Stacey: What happened to us? We used to be so close. It's like you can't even stand the sight of me. Every time we talk it turns into an argument. Lindsay: Maybe it's because the two ton elephant in the room is the fact that you don't want me to tell Jake McKinnon that he's my biological father. Stacey: We've been over this. Lindsay: This is all about you and your stupid self-preservation. Cass enters the living room... Cass: Will you two stop?! I'm absolutely tired of the both of you constantly arguing. I'm taking Nicole to the hospital. She's not doing well. AT THE BLAKES Felicia and Mitch walk in... Mitch (hanging up their coats, then pulls Felicia in close): It's time for our...nightcap. He kisses Felicia but she doesn't kiss back... Felicia: I'm tired. Mitch: But you promised when we left the Harbor Club. Felicia: May I ask you something? Mitch: What is it dear? Felicia: Did you go to KBAY the other day? Mitch: Of course I did. Felicia: Did you go anywhere else? Mitch: I stopped at the Center to get a bite to eat. Why do you ask? Felicia: How's Sharlene doing? Mitch: Where is this coming from? We had a nice evening tonight and now you wanna pick a fight. Felicia: Well forgive me for not being in the mood, especially since you conveniently didn't tell me that you were with Sharlene at the Center. AT THE HUDSONS John and Gregory are on the living room couch... Gregory: Lindsay and I patched things up. John: I guess your making up session was the reason why you didn't show up to the Harbor Club. You're all smiles. It seems like she makes you happy. Gregory: She does. John: So you...still want to be with her despite your doubts? Gregory: Seems like you're the one with reservations dad, and what happens between Lindsay and me is not your concern. John: I'm your father, and your well being will always be my concern. Sharlene comes to the top of the stairs and listens.... John: I'll be honest with you, son. I don't think she's right for you. She was evasive about Stacey, and goodness knows what else she's hiding from you. Gregory: You're one to talk. Weren't you lying to mom when you were having an affair with Felicia? Sharlene walks back into her bedroom a bit upset...and walks up to the mirror. Sharlene sees Janice again. Janice: Hi sis. CAMERA PAN ON SHARLENE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ PART 2 HUDSONS... John: That was a long time ago. Your mother and I have gotten past it. That's a different situation than yours and Lindsay's. Gregory: Lindsay came clean. She told me everything. John: I've been around the block a lot longer than you have. Girls like Lindsay don't volunteer the truth. They only come clean after they're caught. I don't know what her objective is, but don't think that your love is going to stop her from getting what she wants. Gregory: Lindsay and I love each other, and I'm gonna continue to see her, no matter how you feel about it. In the bedroom, Sharlene is talking to "Janice" in the mirror... Janice: Felicia broke up your marriage all those years ago, didn't she? Sharlene: Those are the key words...'years ago'. Meaning it's in the past. Janice: Seems like it's still affecting my nephew. You know all I want is what's best for you. I want you to be happy. Sharlene: You want Carl Hutchins. Janice: I'm your big sister. I want to make sure that you're happy. I can take care of Felicia if you want. I can make your life better. All you have to do is let me out. There are things that have to be done. Sharlene (covering her head): No! Stop it! Downstairs, Sharlene grabs her coat... John: Honey are you alright? Where are you going at this time of night? Sharlene: I'll be right back. Outside, a flustered Sharlene makes a call on her cell phone... Sharlene: It's me. She's getting stronger. I don't know how much longer I can hold her off. Please call me when you get this. AT THE BLAKE'S. Mitch and Felicia talk as Mitch's cell phone on the coffee table says he has a voicemail. Mitch: Honey it's not that big a deal. You're overreacting. Felicia: Oh my God. You think I'm blowing this out of proportion or something? You didn't tell me you were going to have lunch with Sharlene. Mitch: I ran into her, and we just had a cup of coffee. I never planned to meet her. Wait a second, Rachel told you. Felicia: So what Rachel told me, that's not the point. YOU didn't tell me. Felicia walks toward the bedroom in disgust. Mitch: Come on we're not gonna end our evening like this, are we? This wasn't the nightcap we talked about at the Club, Felicia throws a blanket and a pillow at Mitch. Felicia: There's your nightcap, and you can have it on the sofa. Sweet dreams! Felicia slams the bedroom door... AT THE HOSPITAL... Cass and Stacey are waiting for the prognosis on Nicole... Stacey: Did you call Donna? Cass: I get voicemail. I tried to give her a glass of water, and she couldn't even hold it. She just dropped it. A doctor walks up to them... Cass: What happened? Doctor: Nicole had a stroke. Cass: When can she come back home. Doctor: We've notified a family member. I don't recommend she go home. Stacey: Are you suggesting a hospice? Doctor: I've studied her records, and her cancer has progressed. She just needs to made comfortable. Cass: What are you saying doctor? Doctor: She's got a few weeks left. FREEZE FRAME ON A SHOCKED CASS...SLOW FADE OUT....END OF AW 106 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  16. Thanks Carl... Jake is getting pieces of his memory back, but he will be distracted by a more important issue... You both are making me consider bringing Cindy back on a permanent basis...we'll see
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