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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. THIS is the BEEBS I know!!! So Nicole, talking to herself lol Let's get this DAYS show on the road!! LOL
  2. Very interesting stories developing with Hilary being added to the Nate/Roxanne/Devon triangle. Looking like a good move so far... More boardroom stories...very well done...looks like they really are at work...and I suppose this is Harmony's last episode I also like Jack and Keemo's conflict, as Keemo continues to help the enemy. I think Keemo is gonna regret joining forces with Tucker.
  3. ANOTHER WORLD 143 Agree to disagree Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 Special Guest Star: Maura West as Carly Tenney Snyder PART 1 Cass and Frankie walk into Frankie’s apartment. Frankie: I’m glad you and Charlie patched things up. Cass: Yes we did, but I can’t say that I’m on board with this wedding. Frankie: Cass, she’s a grown woman now. The more you oppose it, the more she’ll resist. Cass: Felicia was saying something along those lines. Frankie: You should listen to your best friend. Frankie puts her keys on a table, and sees a letter from Christy Carson. Cass: Anyway, you know we got Christy’s parole hearing in the next couple days. After what that woman did, I’m surprised they even granted her a chance at it. You and I gotta keep her right where she belongs. Frankie: Cass...there’s something I have to tell you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the institution, Christy walks up to Scooter… Christy: What’s on the news? Scooter: You mean you...are gonna watch the news with me? Christy: Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Scooter: It means so much to me. Christy: Looks like they’re talking about Kirkland Harrison dropping out of the mayoral race. Scooter: And that automatically makes his father Mayor of Bay City again. Christy: He came to see you didn’t he? Scooter: Yes he did. Christy: So just how well do you know the great and powerful Grant Harrison? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN OAKDALE… Grant is at the front door of Milltown and Carly Snyder opens it. Carly: What the hell are you doing here? Grant: If you want to keep Jack away from Paulina, you’ll let me in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT PAULINA’S HOUSE... Paulina is on her cell phone… Paulina: You’re not gonna make it? Oh...he’ll be disappointed that you couldn’t come, and I really wanted to see you, too. Oh you told him? Alright. Remy I don’t need to be told about Grant. I know who he is. I’ve forgiven him for what he did. Someone knocks on the door. Paulina: Look I gotta go. I love you honey. Paulina opens the door and there’s Jack. Jack: Hey...you got a minute? Paulina: Umm...yeah. Jack: Good, because I got a surprise for you. Jack steps aside… Paulina: Oh my God! CAMERA PAN ON PAULINA...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Carly: Oh you have all the answers now huh? Move over Dr. Phil. Grant: I want you to know that I’m working hard to save your marriage. Carly: You don’t give a damn about my family. You’re trying to hurt Jack. Grant: I’m the Mayor of Bay City. Carly: Again? Grant: So why would I want to hurt one of my employees? Carly: I dunno, because the object of your affection is not as chummy with you as she is with my husband? Carly takes a flask out of the living room drawer and takes a swig of it. Grant: Drinking again? Carly: What’s it to you? Grant: I need you to focus on mending fences with your husband. Sage comes to the top of the stairs, observes, and then sends a text on her cell phone. Carly: That’s not gonna happen any time soon. Jack has to be home for us to make things work. Grant: You don’t strike me as the type who gives up easily. Carly: Jack and I have been through this so many times. Whatever plan you have to get Paulina in your arms, count me out of it. Find another angle to get your blonde, beloved, ex-diet pill addict back! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paulina’s eyes well up… Paulina: Don’t just stand there, come give your mother a hug! Dante, in full police uniform, obliges, as Paulina notices something... Paulina: This patch says... Jack: Yep...he’s one of us. Paulina: Your sister is so proud of you, and so am I. Dante: Thanks mom. Remy told me she’s gonna send me something for my graduation ceremony since she’s not gonna be able to make it. Paulina: She really wanted to be here for you. Dante: I’m gonna be working with Detective Snyder and Lieutenant Burrell. Paulina: Throwing my son to the wolves already huh? Jack: We’re gonna take care of him. Paulina: Well you better, because there are all kinds of crazy people out there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scooter: That’s for me to know, and for you...well… Christy: Come on Scooter I thought we were friends. Scooter: You, pretty lady, should be worrying about your parole hearing coming up soon. Christy: Two more days. Scooter: Are you nervous? Christy: No. Not at all. I know without a doubt that my best friend will be on my side. Scooter: What about Cass Winthrop? Is he gonna vouch for you? Christy: How could you ask me something like that? Of course he’s gonna vouch for me! Mary Frances will convince him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frankie shows Cass one of Christy’s letters. Cass: Christy’s been trying to contact you huh? You’d never respond to any of her letters. Frankie looks at Cass, and Cass figures it out. Cass: Please tell me you haven’t been communcating with Christy? Frankie: Yes. Cass: Are you kidding me?! Have you forgotten what that woman did to us? Frankie: It’s been over twenty years. Hasn’t she paid enough for her crimes? Besides she’s reminding me of the Christy McHale I befriended. Cass: It’s all an act! She wants you to think she’s better so you can recommend her release to the parole board. Frankie: You haven’t talked to her. Cass: And you have? Oh my God no. Not only have you been exchanging letters with that psychopath, you visited her, too. Unbelievable. She killed her own husband, and tried to frame you for it. Not to mention she tried to poison me, too. If she’s granted parole, who’s to say she won’t come after our daughter? Frankie: She won’t hurt Charlie. She’s not that person anymore. Cass: You can’t guarantee that. Her obsession with me drove her to commit crimes. I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure that crazy bitch stays locked up! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRISTY’S ROOM Christy takes out a scrapbook full of pictures and newspaper articles of Cass, and flips slowly from page to page. Christy: Oh Cass, I hope you’ve forgiven me for what I’ve done, and that you realize that everything I did was because I loved you, and I still do. When I get out of here, we’ll have a chance to be together. FREEZE FRAME ON A PICTURE OF CASS IN CHRISTY’S SCRAPBOOK….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 143
  4. Thank you Carl!! I didn't plan to have Matt and Donna meet up during Matt's stay, but it's something worth thinking about....
  5. Looks like the synopses I used to read in Soap Opera Digest. I would like to see more dialogue and interaction between the character which I know you are good at because I've read your other blogs..... That being said, I look forward to seeing what you are going to do with my current favorite soap.
  6. Good episode!! I like how you have introduced Hilary and her sudden fascination with Roxanne. Noxanne is the new supercouple. The office at Chancellor sounded like a meeting at an office. I liked that. Sounded like they were really at work. Great nod to history with Glo by Jabot and Gloria's relationship with John Abbott. The dialogue is great in this episode...keep it up!!
  7. THank you MLC....as I said above, you will see more friendship. I want to get to the heart of Another World.
  8. ANOTHER WORLD 142 The ties that bind Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 Michael is with Donna at the Love Mansion in their bedroom. Michael puts on his gray hooded sweatshirt and Donna lies in bed. Donna gets up, walks over to Michael, and places her arms on his shoulders. Donna: Where are you headed? You just got back. We have sooo much catching up to do. Donna starts kissing Michael on his neck. Michael: There’ll be plenty of time for us to do that dear. Donna: It’s killing me not to be able to tell the girls that you’ve returned. They still think you’re dead. And you haven’t met Bridget yet. She reminds of me somewhat of you, and Marley’s having a baby. Michael: Honey don’t worry. We will all be together okay. There’s just one more thing I have to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the hospital… Felicia: Are you kidding? He proposed to her? I guess that’s why he asked if I could let Charlie off early. Cass: Wait a minute. You knew about this? Felicia: Kirkland asked if he could have the terrace to himself, and if that Charlie could get off early. I thought he wanted to just have a nice dinner with her. It never occurred to me that he was gonna give her an engagement ring. Cass: Well he did, and I can’t get on board with it. Felicia: Oh Cass honey I knew this day would come. Cass: I’m not naive. I knew Charlie would one day want to get married and have a family of her own, but she’s just too young right now. Why is Kirkland rushing her into this? Felicia: I don’t think you know everything about it. Cass: And you do? Felicia: You act as though Charlie didn’t have a say in this. Kirkland asked her to marry him, and she said yes. Cass: She doesn’t know what she’s doing. Felicia (sighing): When Lorna was having an affair with Grant, I was certainly opposed to it, but I had to let her make her own mistakes. That is what you are going to have to do with Charlie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frankie: Come here honey. Charlie sits next to Frankie on the bed and lays her head on Frankie’s shoulder. Charlie: Dad is gonna have to realize that I’m a grown woman. I want to marry Kirkland and the sooner he accepts it, the better. Frankie: Your father loves you. He just wants what’s best for you, as I do. Charlie: I understand that but dad has to realize that Kirkland is nothing like his father. Frankie: Look I’ll talk to your dad, but you gotta realize that your dad only is looking out for your best interests. He loves you, and no matter how old you get, you’re always gonna be our little girl. You’ll understand that once you have children. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael is at a door when Matt joins him holding an envelope full of documents. Matt: Are you ready? Michael: As ready as I’ll ever be. Matt: You’re only doing what dad would want. Iris opens the door. Iris: Come in. I’ve been expecting you. CAMERA PAN ON IRIS….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KQ9WWkvoe0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Cass: Wouldn’t you want to do something if you thought Lorna or Jenna was making a bad decision? Felicia: Of course. Protecting our children is a parental instinct, even when they become adults. Cass: I have to convince her that this is not a good choice. Felicia: I know you don’t want to hear this but there’s nothing you can do about it. All you can do is be there for her when she needs you. You’re going to have to let go. Charlie walks up to within earshot of Cass and Felicia around the corner. Cass: It seems like yesterday when Frankie and I were holding this beautiful little baby. Since then, all I wanted to do as her father was to protect her, and never let anything or anyone hurt her. Felicia: But we can’t shield our children forever honey. IF marrying Kirkland is a mistake, it’s Charlie’s to make. Cass: I love her so much. I just don’t want anything to happen to her. Charlie emerges as her eyes well up with tears... Charlie: I love you, too dad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Someone rings the doorbell at the Love Mansion and Donna opens it. Donna: Marley. Come on in. How are you? Marley: I just came to visit. Haven’t heard from you. Donna: I’ve just been a little...preoccupied. Marley: Oh come on Donna, you’re never too busy for me or Vicky. That’s my next stop. Donna: You should be getting as much rest as possible instead of being out. I’m surprised Tyrone hasn’t locked you in the house. Marley: Are you suggesting I should be imprisoned? We’ve had enough of that in our family haven’t we? Donna: You must be talking about daddy. Keeping Nicole locked up at Pinehaven; trying to kidnap Bridget. Yes I’d say this family is tired of imprisonments. Someone rings the doorbell and Marley opens the door, looks down, sees an envelope, and picks it up. Donna: What’s that? Marley (looking over the envelope): I dunno, someone left this at the door. Doesn’t even say who it’s from. Donna opens the envelope and drops its contents in horror. Marley is equally as shocked as she and Donna stare at a gun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: You have? Iris: Not much gets by me Mike. Matt: So then you know why we came. Michael: We’re giving you a chance to do it here. Matt (taking out a paper): All you have to do is sign this. Iris (reading the paper): My resignation? You want me to leave my post as CEO of Cory Productions. Michael: Better to do it now. Iris: What’s in the envelope? Matt: It’s dad’s will. You and Tucker McCall thought it was fake, but it’s every bit as real as you and I. Look at this. Iris (looking over the papers and laughing): THIS is what you came to tell me? Matt: You knew? Iris: Everything. Daddy told me a long time ago that I was adopted. That doesn’t change ANYTHING! I am entitled to Cory Productions just as much as you, Paulina, Amanda, and Sandy are. You think you and Michael are just gonna come over to my suite and kick me out of the company because I’m not related to Mac by blood? Iris turns to Michael. Iris: And that YOU are now the sole owner of Cory because you are daddy’s firstborn son. Michael: You can make this easier on everyone by resigning. Iris: I will NEVER quit! Michael: I only want to do what our father wanted. Iris: And what is it that you think daddy desired for all of his children? For everyone to have equal ownership? Matt: YOU want to keep the company for yourself and we’re not gonna let that happen. Michael: You’re gonna have to give up your stake. Iris: I don’t have to do a damned thing. How dare you come here trying to force me to resign! I will have this tied up in court for years. When I’m through, there will be no Cory Productions for any of us. FREEZE FRAME ON IRIS….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 142
  9. Yes Carl, you will be seeing more friendships. Old and new. I think Another World was the soap that it was because of them. Thanks for reading.
  10. Thanks Carl... A different side of Iris is coming... Matt and Mitch were just having a normal conversation about Jasmine Grant was just defending his son..
  11. ANOTHER WORLD 141 John enlists help for Sharlene Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 BAY CITY CENTER Cory sits at a table on his cell phone. Cory: Good I guess. (beat) You're gonna have to ask mom. Didn't you talk to her? (beat) Look I gotta go Lizzie. Cory hangs up and Bridget walks up to him. Bridget: You look like you could use a friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------ HOSPITAL Cass, Frankie and Charlie have it out in Frankie’s hospital room. Frankie: Okay so Charlie you...you accepted Kirkland’s proposal? Charlie: You heard it. Cass: I don’t know why you would even consider marriage? It is not some fairy tale you see in the movies. Charlie: I LOVE Kirkland dad. Cass: Do you REALLY love him? Do you even KNOW him? Frankie: Cass--- Cass: She’s got to see the reality of the situation. How much do you really know about Kirkland? He is Grant’s son. Frankie: Come on Cass. Heredity has nothing to do with it. Frankie pulls Cass to the side. Cass: Don’t tell me you’re on board with this Frankie! Frankie: Can you leave Charlie and me alone for a minute? Cass: There’s no way in hell I’m gonna support this marriage. Frankie: We know how you feel. Just let me talk to our daughter. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SHARLENE’S ROOM Jack and John talk wait for what “Emma” is going to say. John: Emma? What did Sharlene see in St. Croix? Emma: That’s something Sharlene has to tell you. Jack: This could be important. Emma: There’s no “could be” about it. It IS important, but I’m not the gatekeeper for nothing. I will decide when Sharlene is ready to deal with what she saw. That’s why I’m here. John: So you get to make decisions on what Sharlene can face and what she can’t. Sounds like you’re playing a game. Jack: Listen, we need to know what happened so Sharlene can recover. Emma: Now who’s playing a game? I really don’t trust you Jack or, for that matter you John. I don’t think you have Sharlene’s best interests. John shoves Jack aside and grabs “Emma’s” shoulders. John: I’m tired of this. You let me wife out now! Gregory bursts in. Gregory: You take your hands off my mother! CAMERA PAN ON JOHN...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 HOSPITAL - Cass/Felicia. Cass is sitting on a bench, and Felicia sits next to him. Cass: Hey. Felicia: Hi honey. Cass: Man what a night. I just wanna lie down and go to sleep for hours and hours. Felicia: I know the feeling. Mitch is being discharged. He told me what happened at the Corys. Cass: I found Frankie out back of the mansion unconscious. That dreaded feeling I had before came over me. Felicia: The night she was attacked by Fax Newman? Cass: Yeah. Felicia: We’d all like to forget about that. Cass: I don’t want to lose her again...ever. But it seems like when I get one thing back, I lose another. Felicia: What are you talking about? Cass: Charlie. She’s engaged to Kirkland Harrison, and I don’t agree with it one bit. -------------------------------------------------- Frankie/Charlie Charlie: Why is dad attacking me about this? Frankie: He has his reasons. Only he knows. Charlie: What do you think? Frankie: I think he’s scared of losing you. He still thinks of you as his little girl, as I do. Charlie: So you’re against this, too? Frankie: Honey, have you weighed all the possibilities? Charlie: Of course I have mom. I’ve given this some thought way before he even proposed. Frankie: I know you love him. I don’t doubt that. You just don’t want any surprises coming up that could affect the two of you. Charlie: Did anything unexpected between you and dad? Frankie: Kathleen McKinnon his ex-wife? Charlie: That wasn’t your fault mom. Frankie: It’s not the situation, it’s the strength of the love that you have for each other that gets you through it. If you and Kirkland are that strong, then obstacles won’t tear you apart, and you’re ready to be married. Charlie: We ARE strong mom. I am ready to be with him. Dad talks about school and him being Grant’s son. Frankie: I’ll talk to your father about that. Charlie: Kirkland and I are in love, and I’m gonna marry him. I don’t care what dad says. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cory/Bridget Bridget: Can I sit down? Cory: Yeah...yeah sure. Bridget: Was that Elizabeth on the phone? Cory: Yeah. Bridget: Everything okay? Cory: She talked to my mom. My dad is in critical condition. Bridget: Oh my God. What happened? Cory: He was poisoned. Bridget: I’m so sorry. Cory: My mom took him away to Springfield for treatment. Bridget: Well that’s good right? He’s gonna recover. Cory: I hope so. I was such an ass to him. Bridget: It was because of what he did in the past. Cory: I shouldn’t have held it against him. If I can’t make amends with my father, I’ll never forgive myself. Bridget: Well you’re not gonna get the chance. He’s gonna make it. Your dad’s strong. Cory: Whoever did this to him should be thrown in jail for the rest of their miserable lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jack/John/Gregory/Sharlene Jack subdues Gregory… Jack: Alright! This is not getting us anywhere! I’m gonna ask you both to leave. Emma: Do you think your little tirade is gonna get me to tell you what Sharlene saw in the Caribbean? This is why I protect her. Nobody cares about her but me. You all want to control her. John: That’s exactly what you’re doing isn’t it? Jack: Is there anything else you can tell us? Emma: No. I’m tired. I’d like all of you to leave. John: Please. Give us some answers. Gregory: You heard her. Let’s go. Jack: We’ll continue this? Emma: Maybe. Maybe not. John shakes his head as Gregory and Jack leave. John is the last to walk out of the room and encounters someone. John: Steven. Thank God you’re here. You’re probably the only one who can get through to her. FREEZE FRAME ON STEVEN….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 141
  12. Thanks Carl... I think Cass is being a little selfish though...
  13. Roxanne and Nate....yaaaayyy!!! My breakout YR couple.... You got Tucker down...I could see him saying these things to Jack. Like I asked before, what Murphy old ass gon' do? LOL I see Billy and Chloe are trying to leave....quick.... I wonder how the Murphy/Tucker thing is going to end up....
  14. Iris is not a total bitch. lol I think Cass is being selfish.. No more P&G characters from other soaps....sorry lol Thanks MLC
  15. ANOTHER WORLD 140 Rachel makes a request Created by William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 HOSPITAL Iris is walking down the hall on her cell phone. Iris: I thought you had it all covered Tucker. This can’t be happening now. They weren’t supposed to find out. Don’t worry, I’m going to handle it. I considered this scenario long before I approved the funding for your reality show. Goodbye. Iris hangs up her cell phone, and notices Cory in the chapel, and walks in unnoticed. Cory: God I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have fed into what Iris was telling me about dad. Please give me a chance to make amends with him. He said he changed; that he wasn’t the man who terrorized mom and Mac. I was so mean to him. I held it against him and I shouldn’t have. Please don’t let my father die. Iris touches Cory on his right shoulder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grant and Paulina are with Cass, Charlie and Kirkland. Paulina: I’m gonna go see Rachel. Cass: Maybe Grant should go with you. He needs to stay out of it. This is between me and Charlie. Grant: My son is also involved, so that involves me. Cass: Well your son and my daughter are NOT getting married. Frankie walks up to them. Frankie: I could hear you guys all the way down the hall. Did I hear right Charlie? Charlie: Yes mom, and dad is having a hissy fit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt walks into Mitch’s hospital room, where Felicia sits at his bedside with Mitch there. Felicia: It’s good to see you! How have you been? Matt: Been great. Mitch: Jasmine texted me the other day. Then when I called her back, she didn’t answer. Matt: She’s a texter. Our conversations never last more than two minutes. What did she want? Mitch: The usual. Some money; a new pair of shoes; some clothes. Matt: She’s got more than enough of that. Mitch: I wired her something. I take great pleasure in spoiling my granddaughter. Felicia: I will be doing the same thing when Jenna and Lorna have their babies. Mitch: How long you in town for? Matt: I heard about what happened at home, so I came to see you, but I really need to see my mother. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel is at Carl’s bedside as he continues to breathe through a ventilator. Rachel: I’m not going to lose you again. I won’t let it happen. We just got you back. Paulina opens the door quietly. Rachel gets up and hugs her. Rachel: Good to see you. Paulina: My God. What happened at the house? Rachel: Carl was poisoned with a neurotoxin. He’s not even breathing on his own. If we don’t get him treatment soon, he could die. Paulina: Is there anything I can do? Rachel: As a matter of fact...there is. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Cass/Charlie/Grant/Kirkland/Frankie Cass: This wedding is NOT happening. Not right now! Grant: And just how do you think you’re going to stop it? Charlie: Yeah dad that’s what I’d like to know. Frankie: Let’s go back to my room and talk about it. Kirkland: I love Charlie, and I am not going to hurt her. Cass: You can’t guarantee that! Grant: Just like you can’t ensure that Charlie isn’t going to hurt my son! Frankie: Cass, Charlie...let’s go please. Charlie turns to Kirkland. Charlie: Don’t leave babe. As they leave, Grant turns to Kirkland. Grant: I know you said you were going to ask Charlie to marry you, but I didn’t know you were going to do it so soon. Kirkland: I love her dad. Grant: I don’t doubt that at all, but it does seem like you’re rushing a bit. Would it have anything to do with what’s on that flash drive? Kirkland: NO! That’s behind me dad. I have not even LOOKED at another guy since then. I love Charlie, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iris/Cory Iris sits at a pew behind Cory Cory: What are you doing here? Iris: I heard you...and I can’t but feel that I might be partly responsible. Cory: You didn’t poison dad. Iris: No, but I caused your animosity toward Carl. I heard you praying. Cory: You were listening? How could you? Iris: What I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry. I should not have made you doubt him. No matter what he did to me or my father, he’s still your father, and you love him. Cory: I shouldn’t have been so mean to him. All he was trying to do was reach out to me. He had been in a coma for years. Iris: For what it’s worth, I know what it’s like to lose a father. Cory: From what I heard, you...loved Mac very much. Iris: And before he died, we weren’t on good terms. I did something terrible, but he never hated me for it. He said he loved me, and it meant everything in the world. I heard you pray about your dad and...I really should not have told you all about his past. I was so bitter when I got released from prison. I wanted to turn you against him and Rachel, and I was wrong for that. Cory: I may never get a chance to make amends with him. Iris: Don’t say that. Cory: It’s going to take a miracle for dad to recover. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel/Paulina/Matt Matt walks in. Paulina: Anything. Rachel: Matthew. Matt: Mom, Paulina. Paulina (hugging Matt): Back in town? Matt: For a little while. I had to come see mom. Rachel: Did you see Mitch? Matt: Yes I did. It looks like he’s gonna be fine. Rachel: I’m glad the both of you are here. There’s something I need you both to do for me, because I trust you. Iris walks by, notices the three talking, and listens. Rachel: You can’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you two; nobody. Paulina: Of course Rachel what is it? Matt: I have an idea. I made all the arrangements. Rachel: Carl has been registered at Cedar’s Hospital in Springfield. Iris takes a mental note and walks away. Paulina: And you don’t want anyone to know about that? Matt: There’s more to it than that. Rachel: Where I’m really taking him is to the Cavanaugh Clinic in Monticello. Matt: The Cavanaugh Clinic is a cover for something else. Paulina: You’re almost scaring me Rachel. What kind of facility is the Cavanaugh Clinic. Rachel: I’m about to tell you, but you must promise me that you will not tell anyone. If anyone finds out, Carl could die. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 140 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  16. DRW thanks i will look at that again...i made another grammatical error also. I think u might be wrong about Mrs. Blake though... Rachel is desperate not to lose Carl again Thanks again DRW
  17. ANOTHER WORLD 139 Surprises Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Philliips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 BAY CITY CENTER Paulina is walking with a cup of coffee and Grant is walking toward her. The two stop in front of each other. Paulina: Grant. Grant: Good evening. Paulina: How are you? Grant: I’m...pretty good. How about you? Paulina: I’m good...I...I have to go… Paulina walks past Grant and suddenly... Grant: You know Kirkland forgave me. Paulina turns back around… Paulina: That’s...that’s wonderful. Grant: It meant a lot for me to hear those words from my son, after everything I did to take him from Vicky, and I put you and Dante in danger in the process. Paulina: If Kirkland, Vicky and you could give me another chance I almost ran him over while I was high, then it’s not that big of a surprise that he’d forgive you, too. He’s grown up to be a fine young man, Grant. You should be proud of him. Grant: Mind me asking where you’re headed? Paulina: I’m going to the hospital to be with Rachel. Grant: May I come? Paulina: Um...sure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE OF FRANKIE’S ROOM Charlie: Mom can be very stubborn. Cass: You’re right. Frankie needs to take it easy. Kirkland: I see where Charlie gets it from. Charlie: Hey I’m not like that. Kirkland: Sure you are. Cass: You two look like you just went to an elegant restaurant. Kirkland and Charlie look at each other. Kirkland: Uh we did. Cass: Hmm...did something else happen? Kirkland: Yes I...proposed to Charlie. Cass: You what? Charlie and Kirkland put their arms around each other, and Charlie looks up at Kirkland. Charlie: We were interrupted at the restaurant, but my answer is yes. Cass: Charlie you can’t be serious. You marrying Kirkland right now would be a big mistake. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MITCH’S ROOM Felicia: How could you have kept all of this from John? Mitch: Sharlene swore me to secrecy, Felicia: She needed professional help, and needed her husband. I can’t believe you took it upon yourself to try and help her. You may have to take some responsibility for what Sharlene’s alter did. Mitch: Don’t blame me if Sharlene didn’t trust her husband enough to tell him what was going on. That sounds like a marital problem, and I’ve got nothing to do with that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARLENE’S ROOM John: Emma please. Sharlene needs help. Let her out so she can get the treatment that she needs. Emma: Johnny you need to clean the wax out of your ears. I told you that Sharlene is not going to be handle it when she finds out what Janice did. Jack approaches Emma and sit at her bedside. Jack: What did Janice do? Emma: Where should I start? Jack: From the beginning. I want to know everything that she did. CAMERA PAN ON EMMA….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM PART 2 Felicia: So Sharlene trusted you instead. You’re MY husband! Mitch: I was being a friend to her. Felicia: You should have said something to John because you might not be lying here if you did. I don’t want to lose you again. Someone walks in to Mitch and Felicia’s surprise... Felicia: Matthew? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie: How could you say that dad? Cass: You haven’t even finished college yet. Charlie: I love Kirkland, and he loves me, so why not? Cass: Because you’re too young to be married Charlie. I don’t think you’ve thought this through. Neither one of you have. Kirkland: I know I can make your daughter happy, and she makes feel the same way. Grant and Paulina approach Cass, Charlie and Kirkland. Cass: I don’t want my little girl getting married. Charlie: I’m not five years old anymore. I capable of making my own choices. Grant: You should listen to Charlotte, counselor. My son and your daughter are full grown adults, and they certainly have MY blessing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emma: Are you sure you want to hear the story? Jack: Yes. Emma: Okay, once upon a time… Jack: I don’t need a book to be read. Just tell me what happened. Emma: Don’t be like that. Don’t all stories begin with that phrase? Sharlene has been through a lot. Sexual abuse, divorce, infidelity. She was hurt when Mitch told her what Janice had done. Jack: What did Janice do? John: She tried to kill Mac Cory. Jack: I wanna hear it from Emma. Emma: John I don’t need your overprotection like some porcelain trinket. Shall I continue Jack? Jack: Yes…please. Emma: Janice was slowly poisoning Mac, and Rachel found out about it. Sharlene was very disappointed by all of this, but then she met John Hudson. Emma then looks at John. Emma: He was a flawed veteran of the Armed Forces. They fell in love, had a son, then he CHEATED on her with Felicia Gallant. However, they found their way back to each other, and everything was hunky dory until the day Bay City Center opened. She suppressed the memory of who shot Grant and killed Joe Carlino. Jack: Evan Frame? Emma: Bingo! But I haven’t even started yet. Sharlene’s troubles REALLY began after she was kidnapped by her beloved nephew. Jack: You’re talking about St. Croix. Emma (smiling): You’re getting warrrrrmmm. What Sharlene saw down there sent her careening straight to the edge. John: What was it? What did she see? FREEZE FRAME ON JOHN...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 139 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  18. Malcolm seems to be spiraling downward Esther and Katherine's scene was very mature. They are on opposite sides but they are not hating each other. I wonder what Keemo's angle is in partnering with Tucker. I think this is just a stepping stone to something bigger. And Leslie still doesn't get it. She has no relationship with her daughter and she's admiring her toughness....she should be trying to find out how she can get through to Roxanne first lol I see a bit of a slower pace....
  19. You guessed it Carl...Emma is the gatekeeper...I love your comments because you catch all the little things I put in the episodes such as Morgan and Brett...thanks again....
  20. http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/50084-another-world-fanfic-casting-news/
  21. ANOTHER WORLD 138 Rachel makes a mysterious phone call Created by: Irna Phillips and William J. Bell Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 Jake and Stacey... Jake: Do you need me to repeat the question? Stacey: No Jake I heard it loud and clear, and I think we shouldn’t travel down this road. Jake: You are so adamant about avoiding the subject. What are you hiding? Stacey: What about Vicky and Bridget? You should focus on them. They are your family. Jake: You are the woman I had an affair in Los Angeles. Stacey: What do you want me to say? Jake: The truth! Stacey: Are you sure you can handle it? Jake: Don’t patronize me! Stacey: You want the truth! Well here it is! Yes I’m the woman you’re talking about. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL - MITCH’S ROOM Felicia sits at Mitch’s bedside.. Felicia: Thank God you’re okay. How did this happen? Mitch: I was trying to stop Janice. Felicia: Just like in St. Croix over thirty years ago. Mitch: It was like I was re-living it all over again. It was a letter opener this time. Felicia: Wow. I thought Sharlene had been integrated. MItch: She had a relapse. Felicia: Something really traumatic must have happened for this to occur again. Mitch: All I know is that this alter had an ax to grind with Carl and Rachel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL - WAITING AREA Rachel, Amanda, and Cory await Carl’s prognosis. Amanda: I’m going to call Elizabeth. Rachel: Wait. I don’t want her to worry. Cory: Dad’s gotta pull through. We’ve had our differences but I don’t want him to die. I love him. Rachel: He knows that honey. He never doubted that for a second. A doctor walks in and approaches Rachel. Rachel: What is it? How’s my husband? CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM PART 2 Stacey: Are you happy now? You got what you wanted! I’m the woman you were with in L.A. Jake: Did you know who I was at the time? Stacey: Not at first. Jake: When did you find out? Stacey: Right before I got back together with Derek. He told who you were, and I broke things off with you and sent you back to Bay City. Jake: You never bothered to call anyone here. Cass? Morgan? Stacey: You had no recollection of who you were Jake. Jake: Why did you keep it going? Why did you continue to see me? Stacey: Derek and I had broken up, and you were there. Look you have a family. You need to turn your attention to that. Jake: I’m not talking about my family right now. I’m talking about you and me. There’s more to this story. Stacey: For God’s sake leave it alone! Jake: You stayed away from Bay City for more than twenty years and all of a sudden you return? Stacey: I wanted to be closer to my daughter. Jake: Stacey dammit will you stop lying! Why….did you come back to Bay City? Stacey: Jake… Jake: It has something to do with me doesn’t it? Stacey: Stop it! Go home to your wife! Jake: Why did you come back here? Stacey: Because I’m still in love with you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felicia: What score did Sharlene’s alter have to settle with Carl and Rachel? Mitch: I have no clue, all I know is that I’m really concerned about Sharlene. She couldn’t hold off Janice anymore. Felicia: What does that mean? You knew about it? Mitch: It...it makes sense. Felicia: It doesn’t seem that anyone told John. Mitch: I don’t think she wanted anyone to know. Felicia: Sharlene was confiding in you about it? That seems odd. You should have told John. He’s Sharlene’s wife. He could’ve gotten her help. Mitch: You’re awfully indignant about Sharlene not telling John that a new personality was trying to emerge. Felicia: She told you about and didn’t even tell her husband. That’s not right. How could you do this? Why would Sharlene trust you and not her own husband? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doctor: We’ve managed to stabilize him and slow the effects of the neurotoxin. Cory: Is he gonna recover from this? Doctor: He’s gonna need additional treatment. Meanwhile, Rachel slips off to the side while listening to the doctor, as if to think about what her next move might be. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL AS THE DOCTOR IS TALKING… Amanda: What can you do? Doctor: Unfortunately we don’t have the necessary medicine to help him completely get rid of the poison in his system. Cory: What do you suggest? He can’t walk or talk. He’s like a vegetable. He can’t live the rest of his life like that. Rachel approaches them. Rachel: He won’t Cory. I’m not gonna lose Carl again. Rachel walks out of the waiting area and to a private corner on the hospital floor… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE CORNER… Rachel takes out her cell phone and places a call… Rachel: I need your help. Carl needs your help. (beat) No? If you don’t help my husband I will blow your whole operation sky high. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 138 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
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