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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. Yeah this is a lot. Sheila and Dru's exchange remind me of exchanges that James Reilly used to write. Funny, but Sheila did check her. Katherine will be missed..
  2. That was a very graphic image...I'm about to throw up myself...lol Is Dru comic relief? That was funny. Sheila seems to like Sharon. So Iris already knows about Tucker's death...okay..I now have to work with that...
  3. Thanks for reading YRbiggestfan...yes trouble is abound in Bay City
  4. ANOTHER WORLD 147 Vicky issues a warning Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 GRANT’S MANSION - Grant opens the door and greets Kirkland. Grant: Hey son. Kirkland: You called? Grant: How do you feel about your upcoming nuptials? Kirkland: Feel great. Thank you for your blessing. I know I don’t deserve it after the way I’ve treated you. Grant: I love you son, no matter what, and I will always support you. Have you told Victoria? Kirkland: I haven’t gotten around to telling mom yet. Grant: I’m not just talking about the wedding. I’m concerned about you son. Kirkland: Dad I really don’t wanna talk about that! Grant: You can’t keep that bottled up. You have to tell your mother and Charlie, because you don’t want them finding out from someone else. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER - Vicky sits at a table flashing back to Donna telling her that if she doesn’t tell Jake about Lindsay being his daughter, her marriage will be over, then Jack approaches her. Jack (sitting down): This is where I found you last time, and you looked like something was on your mind then, too. Vicky: But it looks like you’re the one who could use a friend right now. Jack: Yeah...yeah you’re right. Vicky: What’s going on? Jack: Carly asked for a separation. Vicky: Oh no. I’m so sorry about that. Jack: I have to deal with that AND Grant Harrison. How did you do it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.I. OFFICE - Frankie walks in, turns the lights on, and sees Jake with his feet up on his desk. Frankie (startled): Whoa Jake. Why are you sitting in the dark? Jake: I came here to think, and since business has been slow lately, I suppose you did, too. Frankie (sighing): Maybe I’ll dig up some cold cases. Jake: Nope, first you gotta tell me what’s bothering you, and I bet it has something to do with Cass. Frankie: You think you’re so perceptive. I mean, not everything that bothers me involves Cass. Jake: Yeah suuuure. Frankie: Okay okay. Yes Cass and I are on opposite sides of the river. Jake: Well that can’t be good. I know Christy Carson’s parole hearing is close. You two need to be united in keeping her in prison. Frankie: That’s just it. I don’t think she deserves to stay there. Jake: But Cass does. Frankie: Right. He was furious when I told him that Christy and I were writing each other and that I was visiting her. Jake: Well understandably so after what she did to you and Cass. Frankie: Well after seeing her and talking to her, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. Jake: You sound like Vicky after Marley locked her up for weeks in a cold basement. I had to see for myself that Marley was sorry and that she changed. Frankie: I think Christy’s changed. Jake: Well, you can tell Cass that until your face turns royal blue, but he’s gonna have to see it for himself for him to believe you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENTAL INSTITUTION FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE - A guard is escorting Christy to the visitors area. Christy (elated): I’m so happy that Mary Frances came to see me. My parole hearing is this week you know. She’s gonna help me get out of here. They arrive at the visitors area, the guard opens the door, and Christy is shocked to see Cass. CAMERA PAN ON CASS….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KQ9WWkvoe0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Grant: Your secret’s safe with me, but you should tell Victoria and Charlie as soon as possible. Believe me, you don’t want to start a marriage with secrets. Kirkland: Mom doesn’t have to know that I was with Scott Granger back at school. Grant: Son if they find out another way, it will only end badly. Kirkland: Dad why is this so important to you? Grant (putting his hands on Kirkland’s shoulders): I don’t want you to live a lie. I want you to be better than I was when it came to women, or whomever you want to be with. Kirkland: I want to be with Charlie! I love her. I would never hurt her, and telling her about Scott would do just that. Grant: You’re walking a tightrope with two ton bricks in your pocket. Kirkland’s phone vibrates. Kirkland: I gotta take this. Grant: Is that him? Kirkland: See ya later dad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicky: Words can’t begin to describe it. He pulled every stunt he probably could think of to get full custody of Kirkland. Jack: Shooting himself and framing you for it takes the cake. Vicky: Why are you asking me about Grant? Jack: He’s trying to keep me and Paulina apart. Vicky: They got back together right? Jack: No, not according to her. Vicky: He must think there’s a chance between them, and he views you as a threat. Jack: Clearly he’s no good for her. Vicky: There’s nothing Grant won’t do to get what he wants. I’ve seen it and lived it. You better be ready for him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grant is on his cell phone. Grant: I will be there to get it. Thanks. He hangs up. Grant (smiling): Oh Detective Snyder, you’re gonna learn that you shouldn’t stand in the way of what I want. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christy: I’m...I don’t know what to say. Cass: Were you expecting someone else? Christy: Not really no. Cass: I know that Frankie has been here to see you, and that you two have been sending letters to each other. Christy: She told you that? Cass: Why wouldn’t she? Christy: Well I know you two aren’t married anymore. Cass: That has nothing to do with it. She seems to think that you’ve changed. Christy: I’ve gotten help since I’ve been here, and I can assure you that I’m not the same woman who did all those horrible things to you and Mary Frances. Cass: I had to come out here, and see for myself what Frankie was talking about, and I don’t believe it for one second. What’s your angle Christy? Christy: I’ve paid the price for Douglas’s murder. I deserve a second chance just like anyone else. Cass: Not you. You forgot about your Oscar winning performance at the hospital when Douglas died, framing Frankie for his death, and trying to poison me. Christy: I’m truly truly sorry for what I did. I don’t know what else to tell you. Cass: You calculated and planned to get Douglas and Frankie out of the way so you can get to me. Christy: I...I hope someday you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me as Mary Frances has. I mean isn’t that what you want to teach Charlie? That people can change? Cass: YOU don’t utter my daughter’s name of your mouth! You haven’t changed at all! Cass gets up… Christy: You don’t mean that Cass. You should follow Frankie’s example. She’s the sweetest, kindest person I know, and I’m sure Charlie is, too, and it will be better for all of you if you gave me another chance. Cass: You SHUT UP! I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure you stay locked up for the rest of your life. FREEZE FRAME ON CASS...SLOW FADE OUT..END OF EPISODE 147
  5. Thanks MLC...Joy will be causing pain, but for whom? Stay tuned..
  6. More great dialogue. I WOULD, however,love to see Maxine get a story. You got Victor Kiriakis down pat, and all the others...
  7. Like the suspense at the end. You capture the characters very well... And Gabi continues to be stupid...
  8. Bye Tucker.. Dialogue is great... I wonder what Lily is going to find when she returns and finds out her husband is a junkie
  9. It's all Murphy's fault...great suspense though...
  10. Sorry Carl, Dana is not coming lol but an old fave might be, albeit for a short time ...Thanks Carl
  11. ANOTHER WORLD 146 Unpleasant surprises Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 Jack is in his office when Toni Burrell walks in with an envelope. Toni (giving it to Jack): This came for you at the desk. Jack opens and reads the envelope contents… Toni: K.C. is coming to town and I was wondering if I could get some time off. Jack doesn’t respond as he continues to read the envelope contents… Toni: She’s gonna look at enrolling in school here and I just wanted to take her around. I also saw a blue pig flying over the station. Jack: Oh. What did you say? Toni: Hmm whatever you’re reading has got your attention doesn’t it? Jack (taking out his cell phone): Carly wants a separation. Before Jack can dial, he sees a text from Sage that reads “Why is Grant Harrison talking to mom?” Jack: I’ll be back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION-Donna opens the door and Allen walks in. Donna: We have to talk. Allen: Is everything alright? Donna walks over to a drawer, unlocks it and shows Allen the gun... Donna: This. Allen: What the… Donna: Someone sent this to me. Allen (shaking his head): Who possibly could have done that? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYRONE’S OFFICE Tyrone is at his desk when he gets a phone call on his desk phone. Tyrone: The three o’ clock’s here? Okay send Ms. Harper in. Tyrone gets up and goes to his cabinet, turning his back to the door, and hears the person walk in. Tyrone (gathering papers): Just give me a minute. I’ll be right with you Ms. Harper. Tyrone turns around and is shocked as he faces the client. Tyrone: My God. Joy? Joy (smiling): I’ll wait. CAMERA PAN ON TYRONE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… PART 2 GRANT’S HOUSE - Grant opens the door and Jack walks in. Grant: I don’t believe I invited you in. Jack: Why the hell did you go to Milltown? Grant: Is that any way to talk to your future boss? Jack: You haven’t been officially named mayor yet and you’re avoiding my question. Grant: I’m concerned about Carly and the state of your marriage, apparently more than you are. Jack: My marriage is none of your business, and you stay away from my wife. Grant: Let me ask you something, detective. Do you really think it’s right for you to be getting close to Paulina while your marriage is falling apart? Jack: I don’t have to explain the nature of my relationship with Paulina to you. Grant: So it IS a relationship. Jack: I will protect Paulina from you. Grant: You think you’re so perfect, so righteous, so upstanding. EVERYONE’S got secrets, even you. I care about Paulina, and I don’t want to see her get hurt. Jack: The only person that’s gonna hurt her is you, and I’m gonna make sure that you don’t. Grant: YOU are the one that Paulina needs to be protected from! Jack: You better stay away from my family, and Paulina, because you don’t want to deal with me. I learned a few things when I worked for James Stenbeck, and I have no problem applying them when it comes to you. Grant: And that’s supposed to intimidate me? Jack walks out and Grant smiles. Grant: You have no idea what I have in store for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tyrone: What are you doing back in Bay City? Joy: It’s a free country. Tyrone: What are you doing here Joy? Joy notices a picture of Tyrone and Marley on his desk. Tyrone sits down back at his desk. Joy: How are you and Marley doing? Tyrone: Stronger than ever. Joy: I know it wasn’t always that way, especially when you and I were together. Tyrone: It’s in the past...ancient history. Joy: It’s a shame that you look at it that way. That time was the most...eye opening experience I ever had. Joy slowly walks behind Tyrone, and bends down... Joy (whispering in Tyrone’s right ear): And I’m sure it was the same for you. Don’t you miss it? I’ll never forget what we had. Joy straddles Tyrone’s ear gently with one of her fingers. Joy: I want to continue where we left off. Tyrone grabs her wrist. Tyrone: We never had anything. It was just… Joy (taken aback): Sex? That’s all it was to you? It was so much more than that for me. Tyrone: I was wrong, Joy. I should never have gotten involved with you. Joy: You regret being with me? Is that what you’re saying? I never meant to cause any trouble for you. Tyrone: I’m sorry, but I love the life I have with my wife, and I’m not gonna put that on the line again. Joy: You told me you were thinking about leaving her! You had me thinking we had a future together. Tyrone: I made a mistake! I’m not going through that again. I don’t know what you came back here for, but you gotta stay away from me. Joy: Who do you think you are? You think you’re just gonna brush me off like that? What we had meant nothing to you? Tyrone: You gotta go, okay. Whatever you’re in Bay City for, good luck. Joy (eyes welling up): How could be so cavalier about this? If you’re trying to hurt me, it worked. Tyrone: Good-bye Joy. Joy: I’m gonna make you feel the same pain you are making me feel now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allen: This is weird. That gun should be at the bottom of the river by now. Donna: And you’re sure that nobody saw you? Allen: Of course not. Donna: I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with an idea of who might be doing this, and I can’t. Allen: So you’re telling me that someone actually went into the river, got the gun, and sent it to you. Why? Who could be after you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy is in her hotel room making a call on her cell phone, and she looks across the room at a set of scuba diving equipment. Joy: It’s me boss, phase one is complete. Time for phase two. FREEZE FRAME ON SPLIT SCREEN with JOY on the left side, DONNA on the right….END OF EPISODE 146
  12. Bye Harmony, Billy and Chloe Malcolm is a mess I think Murphy's plan is gonna backfire
  13. ANOTHER WORLD 145 Rachel catches up Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 Felicia is in the Center, walking and on her cell phone…. Felicia: Mitch I’m not sure why I’m leaving you a voicemail because you probably won’t check it, but I’ll be home in about twenty minutes. I just stopped at the center to get something, and I’m not going to forget your soup. I love you, bye. Felicia presses ‘end call’ on her phone and bumps into a woman … Felicia: Oh I’m sorry. Woman: Wait a minute. You look familiar. Felicia Gallant? Felicia: You must have read one of my books. Woman: Embers In The Snow. Yes I read it. Felicia: Thank you. I really appreciate that. Woman: That’s not how I know you, though. Felicia: You don’t know me. Woman: No, but my father does...Marshall Edward Kramer III. Felicia: Oh my, that was a long time ago, but I definitely remember him. What’s your name? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE HOSPITAL... Tyrone and Marley are walking together slowly down the 6th floor hall, while nurses and doctors pass them in the opposite direction. Marley: I’m nervous. Tyrone: I think I know why. Marley: You do? Tyrone: The gel they’re gonna put on your stomach is gonna be too cold. Marley: Come on honey I’m serious. I don’t know what they’re gonna say about the baby. Tyrone: We’ve been very cautious. You’ve done everything that the doctors have told us to do. Marley: I’ve taken my prenatal vitamins and getting my rest, but what if something’s still wrong with our child? Tyrone: Hey hey, we’re not even gonna entertain that. Positive thoughts only. Marley (smiling): You’re right. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A SIGN OUTSIDE READS: CAVANAUGH CLINIC Rachel walks into Carl’s room and sees the doctor tending to Carl. Rachel: How is he? The doctor, whose ID says ‘Lisa McCleary’, turns around and faces Rachel. Lisa: So far so good. CAMERA PAN ON LISA...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Tyrone: See I told you not to worry. Marley: This little guy is defying all the odds. Tyrone: Our warrior. Marley: Seeing his little hands and feet, and his heartbeat. Tyrone: See you were all worried for nothing. Positive thoughts. Remember. Tyrone gets a text on his cell phone. Tyrone: Oh that’s a reminder for my next appointment at the office. Marley: Henrietta Harper? Tyrone: Yep. Let’s get you home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE BLAKE’S… Felicia walks in with two bags while Mitch struggles to get up from the couch so he can help her. Felicia: No you stay right there mister. Did you get my voicemail? Mitch: No. Let me help you with those...ow! Felicia: If your wound opens back up, I’m gonna make you get yourself to the hospital. Mitch: Okay boss lady. Felicia: Hey I ran into someone at the Center. Do you remember when I told you about Marshall Edward Kramer? Mitch: Yep Felicia: I just met his daughter. The funny thing is that he never mentioned having a child. Mitch: What’s her name? Felicia: Joy Kramer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy is at the Center and she gets a phone call, looks at her phone, and answers. Joy: Hello? Yes this is Henrietta. I will be there. Joy flashes back to kissing Tyrone, flashes back to the present, and smiles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel and Lisa sit in Lisa’s office. Lisa: So you stayed at the Whitney/Saxon hotel last night? Rachel: Yes. Very comfortable. Lisa: I know the owner. Rachel: Raven Whitney? Lisa: Yep she’s still going strong after all these years, especially after everything that’s happened. Rachel: Yes I read some years ago about Schuyler Whitney’s passing. Lisa: Her children help her. These days she’s taking care of her grandkids. Her some Jamey runs the hotel mostly. So what’s new in Bay City? It’s been over twenty five years. Rachel: Well your Aunt Felicia is re-married. Lisa: Yes I knooowww. I just couldn’t make the wedding. Rachel: It’s a good thing you didn’t after what happened to Mitch. Lisa: I heard that Evan Frame shot him? Wow. Rachel: Yes. Lisa: And Cory and Elizabeth? Rachel (smiles): Yes, my wonderful babies. They were nothing short of a miracle. Lisa: But your mom had a baby late in life right? Rachel: My sister Nancy. So how are you? Lisa: I’m great you know. Work and my boys. Rachel: Are you still living in Henderson? Lisa: No. I moved here with the kids. Rachel: You and Quinn? Lisa: We have shared custody. They’re living with Quinn for the remainder of the school year. Rachel: I appreciate you helping my husband. Lisa: Carl is making excellent progress. The antidote is really helping. Rachel: Only Matthew and Paulina know that Carl is here. I would appreciate if you didn’t tell anyone. Lisa: Of course Rachel. Rachel: I wouldn’t want your boss to do anything to hurt my husband. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 145 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  14. This dialogue is very very realistic...you got the characters down pat...I wonder what Nick and Percy have up their sleeves (Greetings) LOL
  15. I like it!! Every scene I can see them talking and, as I expected, great dialogue... I like that you have Hope actually talk to Bo rather than communication via messengers and letters... I wonder what's in that envelope that Nicole has... I'm starting to see how clever it was for you to pick up where DAYS left off a couple weeks ago...and I DO like the Thelma and Louise story....but I'm wondering if that's a bigger story for you...
  16. ANOTHER WORLD 144 Loved ones return Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 Written and Directed by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Cass is in his office when Stacey walks in. Cass: Hey sis. Stacey: What’s going on? Cass: You never told me about your visit with Morgan and Brett. Stacey: Our little brother, wife, nephew and niece are doing fine. Cass: What about my other niece? Lindsay. Have you talked to her? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory is sitting at a table at the Center when Lindsay approaches him. Lindsay: I came as soon as I could. Is everything alright? Gregory (grabbing Lindsay’s hand): I need you. Lindsay (sitting down): What’s wrong? Gregory: I’m concerned about my mom. I think she’s in danger. Lindsay: I heard about what happened at the Cory’s. Who is your mom in danger from? Gregory: My father. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the McKinnons... Jake sits on the couch looking on his tablet at an article that reads: “Rumors of a possible shakeup at Cory Productions”, then he flashes back to Stacey saying to Jake that she’s still in love with him, then Vicky walks in from upstairs. Vicky: Hey, what’s on your mind? It looks like you’re a million miles away. Come back because I’m expecting a very special visitor. Someone rings the doorbell. Vicky goes and opens the door to Steven. Vicky: Oh! Come here! Vicky and Steven embrace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the hospital… Sharlene/Emma is sleeping while she dreams… SHARLENE/EMMA’S DREAM Sharlene, Emma, and Janice are in the same room together. Sharlene: Emma I need to come back to my family. You can’t keep me locked away forever. Emma: Don’t underestimate what I can do. You are not ready to suffer the repercussions of what Janice did. Janice: You both should be THANKING me! CAMERA PAN ON JANICE...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… PART 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stacey: Lindsay’s fine, but I don’t think you made me come down here to talk about my daughter. Cass: Oh come on, I can’t ask about my family? Stacey: Christy Carson’s parole hearing is fast approaching isn’t it? Cass gets up and grabs another law book, sits back down and starts flipping through it. Stacey: You’re working very hard. Cass: You’re damned right. There’s no way she should be granted parole after what she did to us. Stacey: You and Frankie’s testimony should be enough right? Cass: That’s the problem. Stacey: I don’t understand. Cass: Frankie told me that she’s been visiting Christy and corresponding with her through letters. She thinks Christy’s changed. Stacey: Oh no. Cass: That’s exactly how I feel. There’s gotta be something I can find to keep that whack job in prison. Stacey: Well if Christy is considered a well behaved inmate, then she could go up for parole. The fact that she’s having a hearing means that she’s probably changed somewhat. Cass: She’s very clever. Christy’s got everybody fooled, including Frankie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake: Come here buddy! Jake and Steven hug. Vicky: You must be hungry. I’m gonna fix you something to eat. Steven (watching Vicky go to the kitchen): When did mom start cooking? Jake: About when the girls turned two. Steven: I’m sorry I missed Michele’s memorial. We skyped all the time. I miss her. Jake: We all do, so how long you in town for? Steven: I’m on an assignment. Jake: You sound like a spy. Steven (chuckling): No. Cousin Gregory called me from John’s phone. They need my medical expertise. Jake: Are you saying that you’re gonna be Sharlene’s therapist? Steven nods his head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lindsay: Why would your father ever hurt your mother? Gregory: I don’t trust him. He thinks he can get away with... Lindsay: Get away with what? Gregory: I think he’s having an affair with Felicia again. Lindsay: Are you sure about that? Gregory: Every time I turn around it seems like I see them together. Lindsay: That doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re sleeping around. You need concrete evidence. Gregory: Yeah like you did with that water cup to get Jake’s DNA. Lindsay: What? Gregory: You don’t believe me about my dad and Felicia do you? Lindsay: That’s not it at all. I just don’t want you to make a mistake. Gregory: It really sucks that my own girlfriend can’t even support me! Gregory gets up and walks away and ignores Lindsay’s calls for him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janice: Sharlene didn’t have the guts to do what I did. Reginald and Carl got exactly what they deserved! I am the REAL gatekeeper. Sharlene: That was not the right way to handle things. Emma: How’s that for a gross misunderstatement? Janice: Did you have a better idea? Emma: QUIET! I need to think here. Sharlene: I’m ready to return Emma. To John, Gregory, Frankie, my friends. Emma: And I don’t believe you, and I don’t agree with this at all. Sharlene: I’m taking over Emma. Emma: Who am I to stop you? We’re all part of you anyway, but I must warn you...be wary of John. Sharlene: I love him, and he loves me. Emma: Those are usually the ones… Sharlene: What do you mean? Emma and Janice start to disappear… Sharlene: Emma? Come back! Tell me what you meant by that! Sharlene moans as she begins to wake up and John is right there... John: Sharlene? Is that you? FREEZE FRAME ON SHARLENE...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 144
  17. Bye Harmony...the pariah Yes I want to see what Kay's plan is...and what it's going to lead to. And what business do Malcolm and Cane have? I can't wait to see Victor being the ubervillain that he should be... ***A very packed and fast paced episode***
  18. Thanks Carl...I'm really trying to get back to the heart of matters for these characters to drive the stories...as i promised...
  19. Roxanne lied to Devon...just the beginning... I wonder what Hilary's angle is...her ultimate goal... Keemo is going to regret this alliance... Bye Billy..
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