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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. Good use of flashbacks with Devon, Roxanne, and Nate I see you setting up Malcolm What is Murphy going to do now that he knows what Tucker is trying to do to Katherine?
  2. ANOTHER WORLD 137 Jake confronts Stacey Created by: Irna Phillips and William J. Bell Written and Directed by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and DRW50 PART 1 STACEY’S APARTMENT Stacey walks into her apartment with her suitcase on her cell phone, but does not shut the door all the way. Stacey: I just walked in. I had a great time with you, Brett and the kids. I will tell Lindsay that you wanna see her. Love you Morgan. Jake knocks on the door and walks in as Stacey hangs up. Stacey: Jake! You startled me. Jake: You should close your door. That was Morgan? Stacey: Yeah I went to see him. Jake: How is he? Stacey: He’s great. However, I don’t get the feeling that you came all they way over here to talk about my little brother. Jake: You’re right. I came to talk about Los Angeles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Cass, Charlie, and Kirkland are in Frankie’s room with Frankie, who is lying in a hospital bed. Charlie: How you feel? Frankie: Like I’ve been clocked over the head. Frankie tries to sit up and grabs her head. Frankie: Oh...my head. Charlie: Mom take it easy. Cass: You’ve had a concussion. You need to rest. Kirkland: How did this all happen? Frankie: The last thing I remember was...seeing Aunt Sharlene. Where is she? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARLENE’S ROOM John and Gregory receive a shock. They see Sharlene, but... Emma: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emma. Gregory: Where’s mom? Emma: Don’t worry about her. I will keep her safe. Jack walks in. Jack: John can I talk to you for a minute? John: What is it? Jack: I wanna ask Sharlene some questions about what happened at the Cory’s. John: She’s in no condition to answer any questions right now. “Emma” interrupts them. Emma: Hello? You’re talking as if I’m not in the room. I will tell Jack anything he needs to know. CAMERA PAN ON EMMA….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KQ9WWkvoe0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Stacey turns around facing away from Jake. Stacey: Los Angeles? What about it? Jake: Have you ever been there? Stacey: Derek and I lived there. Why? Jake: Do you know there was...a period of my life where I have little recollection about. Stacey: Maybe it was a dream you had or something. Jake: No this was no dream. This was very real. Specifically, I remember a shot glass, and a woman that I started an affair with that day. She was a beautiful brunette, and if I remember correctly, she just broke up with her on again, off again boyfriend. Stacey: Where is this woman now? Jake: I’m certain that she’s in Bay City. She used to live here. She’s a hot shot attorney, and so is her brother. Stacey turns around. Stacey: What are you getting at? Jake: It was you wasn’t it? You are the woman I was with in L.A. ------------------------------------------------------- Cass: Sharlene should be fine. Frankie: Did anything happen to her? Cass: She’s here. Frankie (trying to get up): I gotta go see….ow! Cass and Charlie: Take it easy. Frankie: I’m going to be alright. Nothing a little aspirin couldn’t cure. Kirkland: Head injuries are tricky. You should be careful. Frankie: Something is wrong, and I’ve gotta get to her. I know she hasn’t been herself. ---------------------------------------------------------- John: Emma, Sharlene is the only one who knows how this happened. Emma: Are you new to this? If I let Sharlene out, she will have no memory of what occurred at the Corys. Janice is the one who poisoned Reginald and Carl, knocked out Frankie, stabbed Mitch, and tried to kill Rachel. Gregory: Are you talking about Aunt Janice? She’s dead. John takes out his cell phone and scrolls to a specific number. John: Gregory step outside, and call this number. Gregory: I don’t wanna leave mom. John: She’s gonna be fine. Emma: There you go again talking about me when I’m right here. Jack: Who’s Janice? John: Janice was Sharlene’s sister, and so is Emma. Her personalities are named after her siblings. Emma: Janice had to be stopped. John: You’ve gotta let Sharlene out so she can get help. Emma: Sharlene is not ready to face what Janice did. Until I think she’s equipped, I will remain in control. FREEZE FRAME ON EMMA….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 137 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  3. YOu know I knew Michael and Iris knew each other, but never knew they were lovers...thanks Carl... Matt is not staying in town unfortunately... Gregory will take his unfounded suspicions a step further
  4. Victor said hell about 500 times lol I like how Esther is getting a backbone and sticking up for her daughter...
  5. This reminds of an episode of PASSIONS... So are the Newman's good friends of Kay's? LOL You had Iris plant cameras in Katherine's office...I wonder how you are going to use that... What Murphy old ass gon' do? LOL
  6. This episode was funny....especially at the end. (Billy in the costume and a lying cheating pig) I like how Victor stopped Roxanne from slapping him....you captured Victor well in that scene
  7. ANOTHER WORLD 136 Donna warns Vicky PART 1 LOVE MANSION Donna opens the door and Vicky walks in. Donna: Victoria it’s so good to see you. Vicky doesn’t respond. Donna: Okay what’s wrong. Vicky: Stacey and Lindsay Winthrop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOSPITAL NURSE’S STATION Lindsay is pouring herself a cup of coffee when Bridget approaches her. Bridget: Hi Lindsay. I’m sorry to interrupt you. Lindsay: Oh it’s no problem at all. Where’s Jake? Bridget: He’s waiting for me downstairs. Lindsay: Okay. What can I do for you? Bridget: I had to come back and say thank you for helping my dad. Lindsay: It really is no problem. A labor of love. Bridget: I almost felt responsible. My dad hurt his knee moving my bedroom around. Lindsay: Don’t blame yourself. Jake was just being a good dad. He didn’t want you to do all that heavy lifting kiddo. Bridget: Wow my dad calls me that. He’s always been on my side, especially after my sister died. Lindsay: What happened? Bridget: My mom turned against me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORY MANSION The police and paramedics have all arrived. They have Carl on a gurney and hooked up to an IV. Toni approaches Rachel. Toni: What happened here? Rachel: I will give my statement, right now I’m terribly worried about my husband. Jack walks in, looks at the glass on the coffee table, and the liquor bottle at the bar. He tells the forensics guy to have the liquor tested for poison. Rachel approaches Jack. Rachel: Where are the others? Jack: Everyone’s been taken to the hospital. Rachel runs over to Carl, who looks up at her, but is unable to speak. Rachel: I’m gonna be right here honey. I’m not going anywhere. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFD1YV5VhM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 LOVE MANSION Donna: Stacey Winthrop. How could I forget her after what she did to us? She fought so hard to stop Michael and me from adopting Mikey. Vicky: And she’s at it again. This time it’s her daughter Lindsay. Donna: How? Vicky: Remember when Jake got in that accident. We all thought he was dead. Donna: He came back and had no memory of who he was. Vicky: Right. During the time he was gone, he ended up in Los Angeles and had an affair with Stacey. Donna: Oh wow. Do you think that Stacey came back to Bay City to get Jake? And what does Lindsay have to do with it? Vicky gives Donna a look and Donna figures it out. Donna: My God, does Jake know? If he doesn’t then you have to tell him. Vicky: No. ------------------------------------------------------- Bridget: You probably heard that my sister was hit by a car. Lindsay: I know that Gregory was driving the car, but it was just a terrible accident. Bridget: You don’t know the things I did to Michele. We got in a fight at the prom. She slipped and fell into the path of Gregory’s car. Lindsay: That still wasn’t your fault. What kind of mother turns against her own daughter? Bridget: She blamed me for killing her. She thought that I didn’t feel bad about it. Lindsay: Of course you did. She was your sister. Jake must have been devastated. Bridget: He was. We all were. It really tore our family apart. Lindsay: Well you all seem close now. Bridget: We’ve all gotten through it. As close as my dad and I are, I can still see that he misses Michele. Lindsay: It seems like you miss her, too. Bridget: All the time. So you don’t...look at me any differently? Lindsay: Absolutely not. Jake told me about it, but I appreciate you coming to me. Bridget: Lock my number in your phone. Lindsay: Sure, and don’t ever hesitate to call or text me if you need anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicky: Even Stacey agrees that Jake shouldn’t know, but Lindsay is hell bent on telling him the truth. Donna: Honey you should be the one who tells Jake that Lindsay is his daughter before he finds out from someone else. Vicky: Come on mother! After everything that’s happened, we just got our family back together, but this could tear us asunder all over again. Donna: If you don’t say anything, then your marriage will certainly be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOSPITAL WAITING AREA Toni is with Rachel. Toni: Thank you for your statement. I’ll make sure this gets to the station. Rachel: I’m terribly worried about Carl...and whoever else that was hurt. Jack walks in. Jack: I just got a call from the lab. The poison that Carl ingested was the same poison we found in the vial in your sweater. It was the poison used to kill Reginald. Rachel: I didn’t kill him. Toni: I believe her Jack. Rachel: That vial was planted. Jack: We’re gonna question Sharlene once she wakes up. Rachel: I’m worried about her, too. Sharlene is my friend. She would never do anything like that. Jack: Well we saw everything in your living room. Toni pulls Jack off to the side. Toni: Sharlene suffers from Disassociative Identity Disorder. Jack: So are you saying that Sharlene is some type of fugue state when she tried to kill Rachel? An ex-colleague of mine, Margo Hughes, went through something like that. Toni: No this is different. Sharlene may have had a relapse, and this other personality tried to kill Rachel. Jack: We’ll have to talk to her when she wakes up. Toni: The question is, will she be able to tell us anything? Jack: What are you saying? Toni: When Sharlene wakes up, it’s possible that she may have no recollection of what happened. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARLENE’S HOSPITAL ROOM John and Gregory are at her bedside as she hasn’t awakened yet. Gregory: I don’t know why that officer is standing outside. It’s not like mom did anything. John: There’s a lot that you don’t know Gregory. I’m just glad that she’s okay. Gregory: Mom could not possibly be responsible for stabbing Mitch, knocking out Frankie, and trying to kill Rachel and Carl. John: I’m afraid you might be right. John straddles Sharlene’s hair as he looks at her. John: Sharlene could never be responsible for all of that. Gregory: You think she split again? John: Yes. Gregory: If she did, it’s all your fault. John: This is not the time for this. All I’ve tried to do is protect your mother from something like this. She wakes up and looks at John. Sharlene: Where am I? John: You’re in the hospital, and you’re safe. Gregory: Mom! Mom are you okay? Sharlene: She’s fine. Have any of you seen my glasses? Gregory: Mom, since when did you start wearing bifocals? John: Right honey, you don’t…who are you? Gregory: Dad, of course it’s mom. Sharlene: I’m not your mom, although you can rest assured that she’s safe. John: Then who are you? Sharlene: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emma. FREEZE FRAME ON SHARLENE….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 137
  8. ANOTHER WORLD 135 Serious trouble TWO HOURS EARLIER… SECRET HOTEL ROOM Michael, wearing gray sweatpants and a gray hooded sweatshirt (with the hood on), walks into the dark room, and shuts the door. He turns on the light, and sees Matt Cory sitting at the table with a laptop. Michael: I just wanna say thank you for everything you’ve done. Matt: It’s no problem. Michael: It doesn’t seem that long ago that you were staking your claim to Donna. They laugh. Matt: That’s old news. You and Donna belong together. Michael: Well...what do you got? Matt (taking out a flash drive): It’s time for me to show you. --------------------------------------- HUDSON’S HOUSE Gregory paces back and forth worrying about Sharlene. He decides to go find out what is going on, and when he opens the door, John is there. John: Where are you going? Gregory: Haven’t you heard? John: Heard what? Gregory: It figures you don’t know. You’re too busy running around town with Felicia. John: Gregory we’ve been through this! I would not do that to your mother again. Gregory: If you weren’t spending time with your ex-mistress, you would know that mom could be in serious trouble. -------------------------------------- CORY MANSION LIVING ROOM Rachel tends to a paraylzed Carl, who is lying on the couch. Sharlene, as Janice, has a bloody letter opener. Rachel: I’m going to get Cass. Janice: I will finish your husband off if you run. It’s either gonna be you, or Carl. As Janice approaches, Rachel engages her and the two struggle for the letter opener. Janice pushes Rachel against the wall behind the couch, then Rachel returns the action. Janice then pushes Rachel off of her, causing Rachel to hit the back of the couch, but Rachel regains her balance as Janice approaches, and the two continue to struggle for the letter opener. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL AND JANICE...QUICK CUT TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KQ9WWkvoe0 ----------------------- PART 2 Matt takes the flash drive out of the computer. Michael: Are you sure that’s enough proof to get what you want? Matt: It should be more than enough to get Iris out of the company. Michael: I don’t think it is. I mean not without proof of authenticity. Matt: I’m expecting the hard copies any minute now. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Matt answers it, signs for an envelope, and shuts the door. Matt: This must be it. Matt and Michael take out the contents of the envelope and Michael notices something. Michael: This looks like… Matt: Dad’s will that gives control of Cory Publishing to his eldest child. This is what Iris used to get the company away from my mother. She and Tucker McCall thought it was fake, but it wasn’t. Michael (looking it over): Yes it...it definitely looks real. Matt: Iris thinks she is in the driver’s seat. Look at this. Michael is shocked at the next document. Michael: This...can’t be. Matt: It’s the original birth certificate where your mom delivered you and your twin brother. Michael: So this is the proof. It’s true. Matt: According to this, you are entitled to full ownership of Cory. They both look at the name on the line next to “Father’s Name”, which reads MacKenzie Cory. -------------------------------------- ABOUT AN HOUR LATER…. John: What kind of trouble is she in? Gregory: I’m so surprised that you don’t know. Where were you all this time? John flashes back: LOVE MANSION John: It’s nothing to do with that. We have reason to believe that Michael is alive. John flashes back to the present. John: Dammit Gregory just tell me what happened to your mother! Gregory: Mitch, Cass,and Rachel came here looking for her earlier. They think she’s in some kind of danger. John: I know she hasn’t been herself lately. I hope that… John gets a phone call on his cell phone and answers. John: Oh my God. Gregory: What is it? Is it about mom? -------------------------------------- ABOUT A HALF HOUR EARLIER AT THE CORY MANSION Sirens wail outside as Janice and Rachel continue to struggle, but Janice manages to push Rachel onto the floor, and Rachel grabs her right side, and Janice now has the upper hand, and the letter opener. Janice sees Rachel has been weakened. Janice: Say good-bye Rachel. ----------- FOYER The paramedics tend to Mitch, who is on a gurney. Jack and Toni approach Mitch. Jack: Mitch what happened here? Mitch: You...gotta get in..living room. Rachel’s in danger. Toni: I’m going in. Toni kicks the double doors open and points her gun at Janice. Toni (slowly approaching Janice): Put the weapon down! Put it down or I’ll be forced to shoot! Janice: If Rachel dies it’ll all be worth it. Janice approaches Rachel, and raises the letter opener to stab her, but Toni shoots Janice, causing Janice to drop the letter opener, and Janice hits her head when she hits the floor. FREEZE FRAME ON JANICE….SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 135
  9. Roxanne needs a therapist. SO much anger and bitterness inside of her. Ashley broke up and broke the hell out in record time...that was QUICK!!! Tucker being the good dad, but I wonder what Devon thinks when he finds out what Tucker is up to. Good one..
  10. OMG what a GREAT EPISODE...You captured the characters very well in the way that they talk to each other. And Victoria's reaction was how Heather Tom would play it, too.... WELCOME BACK!!!
  11. Remember the inner turmoil that Kirkland is going through. Jenifer Lewis is playing Tyrone's mother... Thanks Carl
  12. ANOTHER WORLD 134 Vicky makes a vow TOPS Kirkland arrives and spots Charlie walking with a tray. Charlie: Kirkland what are you doing here? Kirkland: What time are you off? Charlie: My shift isn’t over for another for another couple of hours. I got a lunch break soon though. I’m gonna bring this to the kitchen. Kirkland: Put that down. Come with me to the terrace. TERRACE… Kirkland and Charlie observe a table for two, then someone brings a bag out to them. Kirkland: I want you to put that on. ------------------------------------------------------------ HARBOR CLUB Tyrone, Marley, Priscilla and Etta Mae sit at their table, and Priscilla goes on... Priscilla: I still think you should try and get your judge’s seat back. Marley: Tyrone already said that he didn’t feel good about that idea, and quite frankly neither do I. Priscilla: What kinda wife wants to hold her husband back from doing better in his career? I can’t believe this! Etta Mae: Tyrone, Marley, would you at least think about it? Priscilla: Any GOOD wife would want better for her husband! Tyrone: Mom that’s enough! I’m tired of all of this bickering. Marley are you ready to go? Marley: I thought you’d never ask. Priscilla: Stop holdin’ yo husband back Marley. Tyrone: Ma STOP! Priscilla: Who you talkin’ to like dat? I’m yo mother! Tyrone: After all these years, you STILL don’t get it. ANY decision that I make, I WILL consult my WIFE about it. I don’t give a damn if you don’t like it. Priscilla gets up. Priscilla: Boy I’ll knock yo ass in the middle of next week. Etta Mae (Holding Priscilla): Priscilla you know he’s right. It’s his life. Priscilla: You supposed to be my friend. Tyrone: Let’s go Marley. AT THE DOOR… Tyrone and Marley walk to the door as Allen walks in. Priscilla walks up.. Priscilla: Well look what da cat drug in! My husband slept with your mother and out you came! The affair that almost destroyed my family. Tyrone: Ma this is not the time for this! Allen: That’s right. Getcha mother! Tyrone: We’re going out to the car. Priscilla: Allen can I talk to you for a minute? --------------------------------------------------------- AT THE HOSPITAL...Jake and Lindsay are finishing up... Lindsay: And that's it. Jake: Another session in the books huh? Lindsay: You've down to a cane now. Jake: Guess I got some fast healing bones. Lindsay: That does help, along with your positive attitude. Jake: I get it from my family. VICKY, WHO IS OUTSIDE THE ROOM, WALKS UP AND LISTENS IN... Jake: My family's everything to me. My wife, my daughter. Lindsay: The support of family is very important in recovery. Jake: I hurt my knee moving Bridget's room around. She tried to do it herself but I wouldn't let her. Lindsay: What a protective dad you are. Jake: Where's your mom? Lindsay: She's out of town on a conference. Why do you ask? Jake: Legal matter. Lindsay: I'm...sure you could ask my Uncle Cass for that. Jake: Cass has got the parole hearing coming up. I...I didn't wanna bother him. OUTSIDE THE ROOM....Bridget confronts Vicky Bridget: Mom what are you doing? CAMERA PAN ON VICKY...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5JWnXUOrzc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 TOPS - TERRACE Kirkland and Charlie are out on the terrace eating. Charlie: I have to go back to work. Kirkland: No you don’t. You have the rest of the night off. Charlie: How did you pull that off? Kirkland: I know people in high places. Besides, I do know the boss. Charlie chews her food and notices Kirkland gazing at her. Kirkland: You looks so beautiful. Charlie: Thank you handsome. Kirkland: I think you’ve got something on the side of your mouth. Might wanna wipe that. Charlie unwraps her handkerchief and a ring falls onto the table. Charlie: Oh...my God. Kirkland: Put it on. Charlie (putting it on her left ring finger): This...this is… Kirkland gets up, walks slowly toward Charlie, and gets down on one knee. Kirkland: Charlotte Frame Winthrop, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Charlie’s mouth is open in amazement, and a co worker brings a cordless phone out onto the terrace. Kirkland: Don’t you see we’re in the middle of something here?! Co-worker: I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t interrupt if this wasn’t important. Charlie it’s for you. It’s your dad. He says it’s urgent. Charlie takes the phone. Charlie: Dad (beat). I’ll…I’ll be right there. Kirkland: What was that? Charlie: Dad says mom has been hurt; to come to the hospital. I’m so sorry. I gotta make sure my mom’s okay. Kirkland: I’ll...I’ll come with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ HARBOR CLUB Priscilla: How is your mother? Allen: She’s fine. Why? Priscilla: This ain’t easy for me, and I’ve been prayin’ about this for a lonnng time now, and I know it ain’t your fault that my husband slept with Nicole. Allen: Hell must be freezing over. Priscilla: For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for the way I treated you when Clayton brought you home. Allen: I don’t know what to say. Priscilla: There really ain’t nothing for you to tell me. My anger was misguided, and I did not treat you right. I hope that one day you’ll forgive me for it. Um...well have a good night. Priscilla leaves and Allen is speechless, then he answers a call on his cell phone. Allen: Hey beautiful. What time you gettin’ here? (beat) Alright I’ll be right there. ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Bridget confronts Vicky Vicky: I'm waiting for your father's PT session to be over. Bridget: Yeah right you were listening to their conversation. Vicky: Don't be silly Bridget. I am waiting for Jake's therapy session to be over. Bridget: Why would you want to listen to anything they had to say? Jake limps out with a cane, and Lindsay is right behind him. Bridget: Dad how you feelin? Jake: Much better. Vicky: Lindsay's been a very big help. Bridget puts her arm around Jake's shoulder. Bridget: Thank you for taking care of my dad. Lindsay: Oh I'm...just doing my job. Jake: Lindsay's not easy. Bridget: No, but she's bringing my dad back. Bridget kisses Jake on his cheek, and Lindsay looks at them with envy, and Vicky notices. Jake: We're gonna go to the car. Vicky: Alright I'll see you guys down there. As Jake and Bridget walk away, Vicky approaches Lindsay... Vicky: So you’re still Jake’s therapist? Lindsay: Yeah why? I want to see him through the completion of his therapy. Vicky: I thought that you were going to be gone for a while, at least that’s what Stacey told me. Lindsay: My mom? You guys hate each other. Why would you two be discussing...you know don’t you? Vicky: Know what? Lindsay: That Jake is my biological father. Vicky: Yes. Lindsay: So everybody knows the truth but him. Vicky: And he must never know. Lindsay: I deserve to have a relationship with my father! Vicky: Keep your voice down! We lost Bridget’s twin sister and things are just getting back to normal. Lindsay: Really Vicky? You care more about Jake finding out that you’re a liar. Vicky: You watch your mouth! Lindsay: You’re not gonna keep me from getting know my father. Vicky: And I’m not gonna let you and Stacey destroy my family. FREEZE FRAME ON VICKY...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 134 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghWQ1JaPtMQ
  13. ANOTHER WORLD 133 Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 Painful pasts are re-visited Special appearances by Jenifer Lewis and Elain R. Graham PART 1 Tyrone and Marley are riding in Tyrone’s car. Marley looks out of the passenger’s side window. Tyrone: Whatcha thinking bout baby? Marley: I can’t believe your mother wants to meet with us. Are you sure she said ‘us’ and not just you? Tyrone: She wants to talk to both of us. I think she wants to try and make things right. Marley: I dunno Ty. Something doesn’t sit right with me about this. There’s something else going on. ------------------------------------------------ DOCKS Allen looks out at the water as he answers his cell phone. Allen: Hey beautiful. Amanda : Hey I‘ll be free in about an hour, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the Harbor Club. Allen: Yeah that would be perfect. Amanda: Sounds like you’re outside. Where are you? Allen: On the docks…taking in the evening air. Amanda: Oh I see, well the sooner I get this work done, the sooner I can come see you. Allen: See ya later. Allen hangs up, takes a deep breath, and continues his watch over the water, and Toni walks up beside him, and stands the opposite way. Toni: I knew I’d find you here. I know what you’re thinking about. ------------------------------------------------------- HARBOR CLUB Tyrone and Marley sit at their table. Marley: Where’s Priscilla? Tyrone: I don’t know. My mom’s not usually late. Marley: I’m going to the ladies’ room. Tyrone: Okay. Marley leaves and a woman wearing a red fitted dress, black heels, bright red lipstick, and a big matching hat with the initials P.I.M. written on the right side of it, approaches Tyrone. Tyrone: I recognize that hat anywhere mom. Priscilla : Sorry baby, you know yo mama is never late. That valet was kinda cute though. Tyrone pecks his mother on her right cheek with a kiss. Tyrone: Flirtin’? Priscilla: Oh come on baby I might as well have some fun. Priscilla curls her lips and asks Tyrone “You talk to yo daddy?” Tyrone: No mama I haven’t. Priscilla: Where’s Marley? She decided not to come? Tyrone: She’s in the ladies’ room. She’ll be out in a second. Priscilla: Cuz I got a surprise for you. Another woman walks up to the table, and Tyrone is shocked. Tyrone: Etta Mae? Look I can’t handle a fight between you two. Priscilla: No baby, we’re as good of friends as we’ve always been. Etta Mae sits across from Tyrone. Etta Mae: I forgive you. ---------------------------------------------------------------- BACK OF THE CORY MANSION Cass and Rachel approach the back double doors. Rachel: I hope Sharlene didn’t see us. Oh my God. They notice an unconscious Frankie , and Cass tends to her and says he’s going to call 9-1-1. Rachel looks inside through the glass and notices Carl lying on the couch. She runs to him. Rachel: Carl? Honey? Carl looks at Rachel but can’t talk because of the neurotoxin, and notices the empty glass on the table. Rachel: Who did this? ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE FRONT OF THE CORY MANSION Janice walks up to the door… Janice: Did I use all of it? How could I be so stupid? Suddenly Mitch appears behind Janice. Mitch: Janice! Stop! Janice looks back at Mitch and walks into the foyer of the mansion, with Mitch close behind. She grabs the letter opener on the center table, and opens the double doors of the living room. Rachel…and Janice….face to face. Rachel sees Janice with the letter opener, and is shocked. Rachel: My God…it’s happening again. (flashback) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XueINajXDxk CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKS Allen: Shouldn't you be trying to find my grandfather's killer? Toni: Even cops need a break. Allen: He got what he gave out you know. Karma came back to bite him in the ass in a big way. Toni: He did a lot of horrible things to a lot of people. Allen: He separated me and my mother. I grew up in boarding schools. I never got a chance to have a relationship with my real parents. By the time I came to Bay City I was already a teenager, and Priscilla treated me like the stepchild that I was. Toni: I'm sorry that you went through that. Allen: I always said that when I have a child, I'm gonna be the BEST father, just like I would have been to our daughter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARBOR CLUB Tyrone: I didn't know. Etta Mae: After I thought about some more, I realized I couldn't even be mad atchu about it. Priscilla: Baby I was gon' talk to you about maybe getting yo' judge status back. Tyrone: Well you forgot the reason I had to resign. Etta Mae: If we can forget about it, I'm sure everybody else has. Marley walks up to them and sits in her seat. Priscilla: Marley. Marley: Hi Priscilla. Etta Mae? I'm surprised to see you here. Etta Mae: We're just burying the hatchet. Priscilla: Have you talked to him about maybe getting his judge status back? Marley: No I haven't mentioned it to him. Why? Priscilla: So that's whatchu want? You want him to be stuck all his life as a lawyer when he can be a judge. Marley: I haven't mentioned it to him because it was a painful time in our marriage. Priscilla: Me and his daddy's marriage survived an affair, and so can y'alls. Marley: With a due respect, Priscilla, I'd rather not bring that up. Etta Mae: You know Tyrone, maybe it's all blown over. The public can be more forgiving than you realize. Tyrone: I'll never forget it. I can't take a judge's seat knowing what I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toni: I didn't know that you...thought about our daughter. Allen (sighs): You told me after we separated. Toni: Allen I would never have kept something like that from you. Allen: I was just...wondering what it would have been like to have been her father. Watch her utter her first words, take her first steps, send her off to the prom, knowin' me I probably woulda followed them, graduate college. Give her away to a man who will take care of her. I never got that chance. Toni: Me neither. Allen: Sometimes I wish I could...get another chance to be a father. I'm sorry I'm not trying to bring up bad memories. You lost a baby, too. Toni gets a phone call.... Toni: What is it? I'll be right there Allen: What is it? Toni: I gotta go. An ambulance has been dispatched to the Cory Mansion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Janice and Rachel face each other, Mitch whispers in Janice's right ear as she holds a letter opener in her right hand. Mitch: Put it down. Janice turns around, faces Mitch, and stabs him. Janice: You've been here before haven't you? Rachel: I'm going outside to get Cass. Janice: I think you know what will happen if you run. I've gotten Carl, now I gotta get you. Janice walks up to Rachel and they struggle for the letter opener. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL AND JANICE...END OF EPISODE 133 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  14. ANOTHER WORLD 132 Danger reaches a climax at the Corys Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 PART 1 SCENE 1 AT THE BLAKE'S Mitch signs for a box and shuts the door. Felicia walks out of the bedroom. Felicia: Is that your new phone? Mitch: Finally. Activated and everything. I had no idea when it was gonna come. Felicia: Well next time you'll be more careful around puddles next time. I gotta get out of here so I'll see you later? Mitch: Of course hun. They kiss and Felicia leaves. Mitch listens to his voice mail and hears Sharlene's message about Janice getting stronger and stronger. Mitch becomes concerned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION HOLDING CELL Rachel paces back and forth. Rachel: Who would want to frame me for Reginald's murder? Who else knew where my sweater was besides Carl and the kids? Neither of them would have planted a vial of poison in it. Then Rachel comes a startling realization... Rachel: Oh my God. Rachel flashes back to (Episode 102) the Harbor Club Ladies' room... Sharlene frantically grabs her purse, turns around and sees Rachel. Rachel: Sharlene? Are you alright? Sharlene (running by Rachel): I’m fine. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Then Rachel flashes back again to the Cory living room. Janice: What the hell did you just do to him? Rachel: I beg your pardon? Janice: Carl just stormed out of here like a bat out of hell. Rachel: We just had a disagreement that’s all. Janice: That looked more than just a difference of opinion. He looked really pissed off. Rachel: Carl and I will work it out. Janice: I’m sorry, I overstepped. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel flashes back to the present... Rachel: It couldn't have been Sharlene. She would never have done this to me unless...she wasn't herself. Oh no. Cass and a guard walk up to the cell. Cass: The judge granted bail. Amanda put it up. Guard (unlocking the cell): You're free to go. Rachel: Cass I know who framed me. ------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION FOYER Carl grabs a letter opener, opens a piece of mail, places the letter opener on the table in the center of the foyer, and walks into the living room. He gets a call on his cell phone. Carl: Amanda....I was about to...okay thank you. Carl walks over to the liquor on the far table, and pours himself a drink of the poisoned liquor. Meanwhile, out back, Janice watches closely, with a unconscious Frankie next to her, through the glass double doors. CAMERA PAN ON JANICE THROUGH THE GLASS...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY -------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Carl sits on the couch with an empty glass of liquor he just drank on the coffee table. He places his cell phone on the coffee table next to the glass. Cory walks into the living room. Cory: Wow dad you don't look so hot. Carl: Yeah suddenly I'm feeling a little ill. Cory: Any word on mom? Carl: Amanda called and told me she got her out of jail. Cory: Oh cool. Well I'm going out... Carl: Son? Have you given any consideration for us forging some kind of relationship? Cory: I dunno dad. As soon as I'm sure that something or someone from your past is not gonna hurt us at some point, then I might give it a try, and it seems like something can crop up any day. See ya. Carl: Remember your curfew. Cory leaves the mansion, as Carl continues to sweat and feel weaker. He lies down with his head on the arm of the couch, then Janice walks up to him slowly, and faces him. Carl: I...can't move... He looks up and sees her.... Carl: Shar...Sharlene...what are you doing here? Call 9-1-1. Please. Janice bends down closer to Carl... Janice: You see, two things you got wrong right there. I'm not calling 9-1-1, and I'm not Sharlene. One thing I CAN tell you, is that this has been a long time coming. Carl's breathing becomes labored... Carl: What...did you do? Janice: What do you THINK I did? I gave you exactly what you deserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSONS HOUSE Gregory answers the door and Mitch walks in. Mitch: Hey Greg. Sorry...is your mother here? Gregory: No...why? What's going on? Mitch: Do you know where she might be? I tried calling her cell phone and I get voice mail. Gregory: No. Cousin Frankie came earlier looking for dad, and she said something was wrong. Is it my mom? Is she alright? Rachel and Cass arrive. Rachel: No...I'm afraid not Gregory, and we've got to find her before something bad happens. Mitch flashes back to seeing Sharlene staring at Carl and Rachel at Bay City Center together, and he realizes where Sharlene might be. Mitch: Come on. We've got to get the Cory Mansion. Cass: Is that where you think she is? Rachel: Why would Sharlene go there? Mitch: Carl could be in danger. Cass: Let's go. Mitch: I'll follow you guys. Gregory: I'm coming, too. Rachel: Gregory honey you should stay here, in case Sharlene comes back. You should call your father. Gregory: I will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl: I...can't move. Janice: I wish you would shut up, because I have a lot to say to you. You will soon though. Neurotoxins have that effect on people. Carl's cell phone vibrates, and Janice looks at it. Janice: What do ya know? It's Rachel. Guess you won't be answering that call. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASS'S CAR Rachel: Carl please if you see Sharlene call John immediately. I'm on my way home. I love you. Cass: Voicemail? Rachel: Yeah. Cass: I got voicemail when I called Frankie, too. Rachel: I'm getting worried Cass. Something could be very wrong. Suddenly railroad track alarms ring and Rachel looks back. Cass: Glad we got past that. Rachel: I don't see Mitch behind us. I think he's stuck. He's gonna have to wait for the trains to pass. Cass: We can't. We gotta get to the mansion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janice: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Good, it's taking effect, seems like you're having trouble breathing. Janice stands up, and looks toward the window. Janice: I wonder how...Evan felt when he had trouble breathing. I saw him. We saw him pressing that pipe against Evan's neck so he couldn't breathe. Sharlene couldn't handle it. That's why I came along, because I was the one who would get revenge for her nephew's death, and that I did. How can someone with the last name 'Love' be so damned evil? Reginald had it coming, too, he had no idea that the room service meal would be his last, and it was so easy to frame your beloved Rachel, and she's gonna go away for his murder. I had to figure out a way to get rid of her, so I could get to YOU. Carl Hutchins, the deadbeat dad. You left her with Evan and Frankie, while you went off in the world doing God knows what! How could you? I bet you wish you stayed and fulfilled your responsibility. Did you really think I was gonna let you play doting dad to Cory and Elizabeth and husband to Rachel? Not a chance. I'll be back. Maybe you should think of some, last thoughts, because when I return, I will ensure that my plan will be complete. FREEZE FRAME ON JANICE...SLOW FADE OUT....END OF EPISODE 132 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  15. The Janice storyline is about to wrap up, not to worry...I think Grant has always loved Kirkland but has had a funny way of showing it...thanks Carl
  16. ANOTHER WORLD 131 Forgiveness…and danger Created by William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 GRANT’S HOUSE Grant is reading an article on his laptop when Kirkland walks in. Grant: I see I need to have those locks changed. I don’t want you stealing all my secrets for the election. Kirkland: No. Grant: You know the debate is coming up. I don’t think you should be here. Kirkland: I’m right where I need to be dad. Grant: Are you sending someone in your place? Kirkland: I’m not sending anyone. Grant: So you mean to tell me you’re just gonna skip out on it. Kirkland: Yep…I’m dropping out of the race. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION Carl is outside of Rachel’s holding cell. Rachel is inside. They are both at the bars clenching hands… Carl: I’m gonna get you out of here. Rachel: I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you about going to Reginald’s suite. Carl: We can deal with that later. We need to focus on getting you out of here. Rachel: Who would have wanted to frame me for this? Carl: I will find out and get to the bottom of it. I’m going to go home and arrange bail. Rachel: We don’t know if I’m going to even make bail. Carl: Darling don’t think like that. We’re gonna get you out of here okay. I love you. Rachel: I love you. Carl leaves and Rachel turns and walks slowly toward her cot. Rachel: Who would want me to take the fall for Reginald’s murder? Suddenly, Rachel hears a clacking of heels walking toward her cell, and Rachel turns around…and sees Iris. Iris: Well well well. Some people do get what they deserve. Rachel: You! I should’ve known you would do something like this. Iris: Do what? Rachel: You know exactly what I’m talking about. You set me up. Iris: Oh my God…you think I set you up to take the fall for Reginald’s murder? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRONT OF THE CORY MANSION Frankie approaches the front door and gets a phone call from Cass on her cell phone. Frankie: Cass? I’ve been meaning to call you. Where are you? Cass: I’m at the police station. Frankie: Rachel? Cass: Yes. I’m trying to arrange her bail. Where are you? Frankie: I just came to the Cory Mansion. I…I wanted to see Carl. I know he must be worried sick about Rachel. Cass: Last I saw him he was with Rachel down in her cell. Frankie turns her back to the door. Frankie: My God. Cass: Clearly Rachel’s being framed. Frankie: Who would want to do something like that? Janiceopens the front door and sees Frankie on her cell phone. CAMERA PAN ON FRANKIE…with JANICE IN B.G. FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 2 Grant: Are you sure? Kirkland: Never been more sure of anything in my life. Grant: Wait a minute. Who put you up to this? Charlie? Victoria? Jake? Kirkland: No dad it was my decision. Grant: I want you to follow your dreams son. Don’t let anyone deter you. Kirkland: I get it, but I don’t want to be part of this anymore. I don’t wanna be in the political game. Grant: Would it have anything to do with that flash drive I obtained? Kirkland: I’m not dropping out of the race because of that. I want to marry Charlie. Grant: Even after what I saw on that flash drive. Does she know? Kirkland: No she doesn’t know, and nobody is going to tell her. Grant: You can still be married and pursue the mayor’s seat. Kirkland: Charlie makes me a better man. I love her so much. Grant: If you love her son, then you’ll tell her what you did in Genoa City…and you’ll also tell her about Scott Granger. Kirkland: Yeah because you know how to have a great marriage. Grant: Son I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did. Kirkland: Charlie is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Grant makes a phone call. Grant: Has Kirkland Harrison conceded his votes? Okay thank you. Grant turns to Kirkland. Grant (sighs): Well…If this is really what you want, then I won’t stand in your way. Grant goes over to the safe, gets the flash drive, and gives it to Kirkland. Kirkland: This is everything? Grant: This is all I’ve got. Kirkland: Thank you. Kirkland walks toward the front door…and stops. Kirkland: I forgive you. Grant (shocked): What did you say? Kirkland (turning around): I forgive you…for everything that happened when I was younger. Grant: You…you don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that from you. They embrace. Grant: I love you son. No politics will ever change that. Kirkland: I love you, too dad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iris: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Rachel: Did you kill him? Iris: I don’t know what you’re saying. You’re getting crazy in your old age. I had nothing to do with Reginald’s murder. Rachel: He did help you take over Cory Publishing. Maybe you wanted him out of the way because he knows something. Iris: It’s not Cory Publishing anymore. It’s Cory Productions. Rachel: You really think you’ve won haven’t you? Iris: I’ve got the prize. Why would I have wanted Reginald to die? Rachel: Only you can answer that question. Iris: I didn’t kill Reginald, but you…you are the perfect suspect. You have all the motive in the world, and you deserve to be locked up like the animal you are. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janice has her right hand in her jacket pocket and sees Frankie on her cell phone with Cass. Cass: I wanted to know if you wanted to ride together to Christy's parole hearing tomorrow. Frankie: Sure. Why not? Cass: I'm gonna need someone to drive. I'm gonna be up for most of the night arranging Rachel's bail. Frankie: Of course. I'll take the wheel. Cass: Thank you. Frankie: Of course. Janice tries to duck back inside but as Frankie hangs up her cell phone, she turns around catches Janice, and confronts her. Frankie: Aunt Sharlene? It’s good to see you. I’ve been looking all over for you. Have you gotten any of my messages? Janice: I’m sorry I…haven’t checked them. Frankie: What are you doing here? Janice flashes back to injecting poison in the liquor bottle in the living room, and then she puts the needle in her right pocket. Janice: I came to see…if your brother needed anything. Frankie: Cory? Janice: Yes, but he’s not here. Frankie: You know why don’t you come with me down to the station. I’m sure Rachel could use your support. We could ride down together. Janice: You know what I left something inside. Frankie: I’ll wait out here. Suddenly, Janice cracks a vase over Frankie’s head and knocks her unconscious. FREEZE FRAME ON JANICE…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 131 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  17. LOL about John and Felicia...Clara has been pivotal to this storyline with Michael.. Yes Matthew Cory is returning to Bay City.... Thanks Carl
  18. ANOTHER WORLD 130 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 Shocking turns of events in this episode… PART 1 LOVE MANSION Donna paces back and forth in the living room, and she flashes back to Michael asking her not to tell anyone that he’s in Bay City…then someone knocks on the door, and Donna opens it. It’s John and Felicia, who both walk in. John: Is anyone here? Donna: No. Felicia: We have to talk to you Donna. It’s important. Donna: Are you working for the police? John: Of course not. This is much…better than law enforcement. Felicia and John look at each other. Felicia: Maybe you should sit down. Donna does so… Donna: Oh my God, you two are having an affair again. It really is none of my business what you two do. John: It’s nothing to do with that. We have reason to believe that Michael is alive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Clara Hudson is lying in a bed and Michael, wearing a sweatshirt, walks up to her. Clara looks up at Michael and smiles. Clara: I knew you’d come. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLICE STATION Officers are walking around, while Rachel sits at a desk, and Amanda and Carl are with her. Amanda: This is so ludicrous. Mom didn’t kill Reginald. Rachel: I went up there Amanda. Cass walks in as Jack approaches… Cass: What’s going on here? Jack: We’re awaiting the lab results on the vial we found in Rachel’s sweater. Carl: Did it ever occur to you detective that someone may be framing my wife? Jack: We have to go by the evidence. Amanda: To hell with the evidence! My mother has been an upstanding citizen in this town for years. She is no killer. Cass: Amanda’s right, so what are you holding her for? Jack: Suspicion of first degree murder. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Donna: Um…what do you mean? Felicia: John and I have found proof that Michael is still alive. Donna: Proof? You’ve got proof. John: Gregory and I went to see my mother a few weeks ago. She told me about a letter, and she had pictures. John gives Donna the pictures and the letter. Donna (reading the letter): Who’s Marty? Felicia: He’s Michael’s twin brother. Donna: Are you kidding me? Michael never mentioned that he had a twin, and for that matter neither have you John. John: Mom gave up Marty for adoption. Donna scrutinizes the letter… Donna: This was dated in 1996. John: If you look on the pictures, there’s a birthmark on baby Martin’s neck. Donna: He must have been the one that came back to Bay City. I never saw a birthmark on his neck. Felicia: He must have had it covered up. Donna flashes back to Michael telling her that Reginald had been holding him prisoner for almost twenty years. Donna: This is it. This is the proof that I needed. John: You needed? Donna: He was here. Felicia: Michael? He was here? Donna: Yes. I’ve seen him. He didn’t want me to tell anyone. Donna smiles… Donna: It’s really my Michael. Felicia: If he was here, where did he go? John: I know exactly where he went….mom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Of course I came to see you. Clara: Did anyone see you? Michael: No. Clara puts her right hand on Michael’s left cheek… Clara: I know how difficult it must have been for you. Michael: A little bit, but I’m here now, and I needed to see you. Clara: I look forward to the time we spend together. Michael realizes that Clara is not lucid and is flashing back to moment in the past… Clara: Sylvia must have given you such a hard time. Michael: Sylvia? Clara: I know that you want to be with her. I hope you didn’t tell her that I had your twins. Michael: Mom it’s me. It’s Michael. Clara (snapping out of it): Michael? Baby? Oh my God. How long have you been here? A nurse walks in… Nurse: I’m sorry sir. It’s time for her meds. She needs to rest. Michael: Mom. I’m gonna come back. Michael leaves the room and gets a phone call from a mystery person… Michael: Hey…you have it? Mystery Person: Yep. I’ve been able to confirm everything, and I’m bringing it to Bay City. Michael: Can I ask you something? I just saw my mother, and she was having one of her episodes. She mentioned Sylvia. Would you happen to know who that is? Mystery Person: Iris’s mother’s name was Sylvia. Michael: Oh ok. Well let me know when you get here. CAMERA PAN ON a man hanging his cell phone...Matthew Cory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cass: That’s suspicion. It’s not a charge. If you’re not gonna charge my client you need to let her go. Jack: We have evidence that Rachel was in Reginald’s hotel suite the night he was killed, and we’re testing a vial we found in Rachel’s sweater. Carl: Someone planted it. Someone is trying to frame her. Toni walks out with the lab results and gives them to Jack. He looks them over and looks at Cass and Rachel. Cass: What is that? Jack: The substance in the vial matches the poison that killed Reginald Love. Rachel I have to place you under arrest for the murder of Reginald Love. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 130 Appearances by: Peg Small (Clara Hudson) and Matt Crane (Matthew Cory) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
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