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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. Yes Rachel is not someone who gets emotionally bent out of shape...and you are so right about Kirkland...Thanks Carl!!
  2. ANOTHER WORLD 129 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel’s slippery slope continues KIRKLAND’S ROOM Charlie is at the mirror putting on her earrings as Kirkland watches from the bed. Charlie: I thought I heard you talking to someone while I was in the shower. Kirkland: No babe. I was on the phone. Charlie: Who were you talking to? Kirkland: My mom. Charlie: Is she asking you to move back home still? Kirkland: You know she’s not gonna stop. Charlie: She’s just being a mom. Well I’m off to work. They kiss. Charlie: Talk to ya later. After Charlie leaves, Kirkland makes a phone call. Kirkland: I’m on my way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUDSON’S HOUSE Gregory opens the door and sees Lindsay. Gregory: Hey. When did you get back? They hug. Lindsay: About an hour ago. I came here as soon as I could. Gregory: How’s Derek? Lindsay: He’s fine. It’s my mom who’s the problem. She keeps lying to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Rachel’s night is about to get worse… Toni: We got an anonymous tip to come here. Amanda: Well I can tell you that nobody here had anything to do with Reginald’s murder. Jack looks at Rachel… Jack: Are you sure about that? Carl: Why the hell are you looking at my wife like that? Jack: We have a dark haired woman matching Rachel’s description on hotel surveillance, pushing a cart. Amanda: There are a lot of room service attendants at that hotel. Jack: It was about an hour before Reginald died. Carl: That doesn’t mean anything. Rachel was here the whole night after we returned from the Harbor Club. As Rachel walks up to Carl, the vial that Janice planted in Rachel’s sweater falls out. Amanda picks it up, and Jack notices it. Amanda: Mom what is this? Rachel: I have no idea. Toni: Can I look at it? Toni puts rubber gloves on as she examines the vial. Toni: We might need to have this tested down at the station. Jack: Rachel, we’re gonna have to take you down there, too. Carl: On what charge? Jack: You should call a lawyer. CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9aCvuzKEjU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Kirkland knocks on a door, and Scott answers. Kirkland walks in and they hug. Scott: I’ve missed you. Kirkland: I’ve missed you, too. Scott: I’m sorry to just pop into town unannounced, but I didn’t know who else I could talk to about this. Kirkland: Bout what? Scott: Rafe. Kirkland: Oh…the guy you were dating? Scott: He broke up with me. Kirkland: Why? Scott: I…lied to him about who I was. He told me to get lost when he found out. Kirkland: Why did you lie? Scott: My mom and my stepdad are prominent citizens in G.C. I didn’t want anyone knowing that I like guys. Kirkland: How long did you think you were gonna keep up the lie? Did he make you happy? Scott: I had a good time with him. I wish he would take me back. Kirkland: But you played games with him. When are you gonna learn? You can’t toy with people’s emotions. Scott: Are we talking about Rafe’s, or yours? Kirkland: Both. Scott: Well Kirk I’m sorry but, isn’t that what you’re doing to Charlie right now? Kirkland: I’m in love with Charlie. In fact, I just called the jeweler. I’m on my way down there. Scott: Oh, so you’re about to ask her to marry you huh? And on your way to pick up your engagement ring, you decided to stop at your ex-lover’s hotel room. Kirkland: Because that’s what I wanted to tell you. Scott: That you’re gonna marry Charlie. I guess it’s gonna make you forget about what we had. Kirkland: I’ll…never forget what we had. Scott: You’re going through all of this because you can’t forgive me. When are you going to stop holding it against me that I slept with Van? I don’t even LOVE her. I love you. It’s always been you, and I know you feel the same way. Kirkland: You don’t understand. That part of my life is over. I’ve moved on. Scott walks slowly up to Kirkland… Scott: You know you can marry Charlie, have a bunch of children, a dog and a white picket fence, but you can’t escape… Scott is now face to face with Kirkland… Scott (whispering): Your desires, your feelings…they’re NEVER over. Scott kisses Kirkland and Kirkland kisses back, but Kirkland pulls away. Kirkland: NO! I can’t do this Scotty. I’m done with this! I’m marrying Charlie. Scott: Who are you trying to convince? Kirkland: Charlie has changed me for the better. I never wanna go back. Scott: You can’t hide from yourself. When you’re ready to stop running; when you’re ready to face who you are, you know where to find me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: My mom sent me on a wild goose chase. She made me think that something was wrong with my dad. Gregory walks up and puts his hands on Lindsay’s shoulders. Gregory: I don’t agree with your mother’s methods, but I can understand why she’s doing it. Lindsay: Wait a second. Did you know about this? Gregory: Of course I didn’t, but I think Stacey is trying to protect you. Lindsay: From what? From whom? I don’t understand this at all. Gregory: She doesn’t want you to get hurt, and neither do I. That’s why you shouldn’t say anything. Lindsay: Babe, nothing is gonna happen to me. Gregory: You don’t know that, and I can’t lose you Lindsay. I don’t see things ending well if you tell Jake that he’s your bio dad. Lindsay: I did have a great time with Derek. Gregory: I bet he told you the same thing. Lindsay: Actually he didn’t tell me anything. He asked if I was prepared for what could happen if I told the truth, and I…I don’t think I am. Gregory: You would be helping them by keeping quiet. I mean Jake already lost a daughter because of me. Lindsay: He’d be gaining another though... Gregory: You know what, I don’t think you should say anything, but whatever you decide, I’ll support you. I don’t want us fighting. Lindsay: I don’t either. They kiss and someone knocks on the door. Gregory (walking to the door): Who could that be? Gregory opens and Frankie walks in. Frankie: Hey you two. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. Gregory: It’s ok cuz. What’s up? Frankie: Is your father here? Gregory: No. He’s at the hospital. Frankie: I need to talk to him. Something is very wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amanda: This is ridiculous. Carl: Rachel was here all night. She could not have possibly gone down to Reginald’s hotel. Rachel: I can talk for myself. I did not kill Reginald Love. Toni: We’re going to need to continue this down at the station. Carl: There’s no reason for you to haul my wife down to the precinct. Jack: Rachel was at the hotel. We have proof. Amanda: Mom you don’t have to say anything. Rachel: It’s true, I did pay Reginald a visit at his room, but I didn’t kill him. Carl: You don’t have to go to the station. Rachel: It’s no problem. I have nothing to hide. Amanda: I’m going with you mom. Carl: I’ll call Cass. Meanwhile, outside in the back, Janice is watching and enjoying the goings-on in the Cory living room. FREEZE FRAME ON JANICE…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 129 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Thanks for that...I never even knew there was any connection between Derek and Felicia LOL
  4. Thanks Carl....I knew you would like Derek Dane...you remembered him from the last time I mentioned him....
  5. So she can defect to Santa Barbara....Not a chance!! LOL...And Anne Heche is bad luck....Cynthia does not wish to come back to soap operas LOL
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 128 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 From bad to worse for Rachel HOTEL ROOM... Kirkland opens the door and turns the light on. He sees Charlie, dressed in a teddy, surrounded by scattered rose petals, lying on the bed with her legs crossed. Kirkland: Wow. Charlie: What are you waiting for? Come and get it. Kirkland puts his coat and cell phone on the desk and goes to Charlie. As he goes to Charlie, his cell phone vibrates as he receives a text from 262-555-0987. It says "I'm on my way to Bay City, I need to see you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAY CITY CENTER "Janice" sits alone at a table and Frankie approaches her. Frankie: Aunt Sharlene hi. Janice: Hi Frankie. Frankie: I was on my way to my office. What are you doing here? Janice: I'm...just sitting, as it looks. Frankie: I'm so glad to see you. I've been calling you. Is everything okay? Janice: They're fine. Frankie: I haven't heard from you. What have you been up to? Janice flashes back to placing a vial of poison into Rachel's brown sweater at the Cory Mansion... Janice: A little of this...a little of that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Carl walks into the living room and sees Rachel's brown sweater on the desk chair, then Rachelwalks in. Rachel: Honey have you seen my brown sweater? Carl looks down at the sweater, and Rachel finally notices... Rachel (grabbing the sweater): There it is. You knew where it was didn't you? Carl: Maybe you left it there. Rachel: You're trying to drive me crazy. Carl: What kind of husband would I be if I didn't? Amanda walks in... Carl: Amanda. Amanda (ignoring Carl): I need to speak to mom in private. Rachel: No Amanda, whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of Carl. Carl: It's about Cory Publishing isn't it? Amanda: That's the thing. Iris made some changes. Rachel: What changes? Amanda: She changed the name of the company. It's not called Cory Publishing anymore. Rachel: The beginning of the end of Mac's company. Amanda: It's called Cory Productions, and I consented to it. Rachel: You what? How could you co-sign with anything that Iris is doing? CAMERA PAN ON RACHEL....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Kirkland and Charlie are in bed...lying side by side...looking at the ceiling... Kirkland: Wow...I didn't expect this at all. Charlie: I'm full of surprises. Kirkland: I love surprises. Charlie: Hmm. They kiss... Charlie: Why do I have to go to work? Kirkland: Because you're money hungry... Charlie: Well I'm gonna go get a shower. Kirkland: Save some hot water for me. Charlie: You should join me. Charlie goes to the bathroom and runs the shower, and a shirtless Kirkland goes to his cell phone, and sees the text. He calls the number back. Kirkland: Scott it's me. You can't come here now. Let me meet you later. Then someone knocks on the door, and Kirkland opens it...it's Scott Granger from Genoa City... Kirkland: I see you didn't get my message. I just left it. Scott walks in.. Scott: I'm so glad to see you. I didn't know who else to turn to. They hug... Kirkland: Scott... Scott looks around and sees the rose petals and hears the shower running.... Charlie (from the shower): Baaaabe are you joining me? Kirkland and Scott look at each other as if to find what the next move is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frankie (smiling): What's that mean? Janice: What do you expect me to do? Sit at home, watch soap operas and wait on John and Gregory? It's 2013. Frankie: It was just a question. I didn't mean anything by it. Janice: Look I'm...I'm sorry. I've just been under a lot of stress. Frankie: Is there anything I can do to help? Janice: You're so sweet, but I'm gonna be fine. Frankie: You know you can call me if you need anything. I'm here for you. Frankie puts her hand on "Janice's" arm and takes a quick breath... Janice: Is something wrong? Frankie: Ummm...I just felt a bit of a chill, but I'll be okay. Janice: Well I'm going home. Frankie: I mean it Aunt Sharlene. You can call me anytime. Janice leaves... Frankie (to herself): Something is wrong. She's definitely not herself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amanda: What Iris did made sense mom. It's gonna make the company more marketable. Rachel: So you just went along with it without consulting me right? Amanda: I'm trying to help here, but you insist on trying to control everything anyway. Rachel: Your judgment is questionable Amanda. Amanda: Last I looked you're not running Cory anymore, and you don't have a say in the day to day operations. Rachel: I ran your father's company for years... Amanda: And you ran it into the ground! Rachel: How dare you talk to me like that? Carl interjects... Carl: Ladies! Are you going to let Cory Publishing, Productions, pig sty, or whatever it is, to come between us? It is tearing this family apart. Amanda: No Carl, that's something YOU did. Carl grabs his coat. Rachel: Carl where are you going? Carl: You two can squabble about that bloody company, but you won't do it in front of me. Carl opens the living room double doors and Jack and Toni are there. Carl: What are you two doing here? Toni: We came to see Rachel. Amanda: For what? Jack: About the night Reginald Love was murdered. FREEZE FRAME ON RACHEL...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 128 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  7. ANOTHER WORLD 127 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 Directed by: C. Nathaniel Richardson Jake is closer to the truth than he realizes THE HUDSONS... John is on his cell phone... John: We need to meet. It's time we tell Donna. John hangs up and Gregory is behind him. Gregory: Who was that? John: It...was the hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTEL ROOM Kirkland answers the door and Vicky walks in. Vicky: You can have your old bedroom back. I've prepared the space for you. Vicky looks around. Vicky: Why aren't you packed? Kirkland we agreed that you were gonna move back home. Kirkland: No mom, YOU agreed. I didn't consent to it. Vicky: Honey I'm concerned for your safety. You would be better off living with Jake, me, and your sister. Did you call the police? Kirkland: I didn't get a good look at who did it. They had masks on. Vicky paces and comes to a realization... Vicky: No...no you're lying. You know who was behind it don't you? It was your father wasn't it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN LOS ANGELES...AT DEREK DANE'S APARTMENT Lindsay knocks on the door and Derek opens it. Derek: Lindsay...honey what are you doing here? Lindsay (walks in): Mom told me something was wrong. I got here as soon as I could. Are you alright? Derek: I'm fine. I wasn't expecting you, but I'm sure happy to see you. Lindsay: Oh my God. Mom lied to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAY CITY CENTER Jake sits at a table with his knee propped up on a chair next to him, and Stacey walks up to the seat across from him. Stacey: Is this seat taken? CAMERA PAN ON JAKE....SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirkland: Dad is capable of a lot of things, but I can assure he didn't set it up for me to get beat up. Vicky: How can you be so certain? Grant will do anything to get that mayor's seat. You know you really need to think about dropping out of the running. I don't want anything bad to happen to you honey. Kirkland: Mom you don't have to worry. I'm gonna be fine. Vicky: Sorry, but as long as I'm your mom I'm going to worry about you, and I don't want you living in a neighborhood that's not safe. Kirkland kisses Vicky on her forehead...and they put their arm around each other side by side. Kirkland: I can't convince you to stop worrying about me huh? Vicky: Nope. You'll never be able to do that. Kirkland: I'm not five anymore mom, and I'm not moving back home. Vicky: I don't care if you're EIGHTY-five, you're always gonna be my little boy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FELICIA sits at a table at Bay City Center and Gregory sits across from her. Felicia: Gregory. Hi. Gregory: Hi. I'm just gonna get to the point. Felicia: What could that be? Gregory: Are you having an affair with my father? Felicia: Excuse me? Gregory: It's a simple question. Are you and my dad messing around? Felicia: Young man I resent that you would even ASK me something like that. I am happily married and I would never cheat on my husband. Gregory: That still doesn't answer my question. Felicia: Gregory you're being very disrespectful right now, and I don't appreciate this at all. John walks up to the two of them. John: Gregory that's enough! It's time for you to leave. Gregory (looking back and forth at John and Felicia): I'm not gonna let you two hurt my mom again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: Mom lied to me AGAIN! Derek: Honey maybe your mom's right. Maybe you shouldn't tell Jake the truth. Lindsay: Oh God. You, too? Derek: Look what the news did to our family. This information could hurt his family, too, and I know you're not the kind of person who wants to hurt others. Your mother and I didn't raise you that way. Lindsay: It doesn't mean that YOU'RE not my dad. I will always consider you as my dad. Derek and Lindsay hug... Derek: I love you more than anything in this world, and so does your mother. Neither one of us wants to see you get hurt. You're Stacey's miracle...OUR miracle. You changed our lives, and I will do anything to protect you. So will your mother. Lindsay: I watched Jake and...my sister as it turns out...have a bonding moment, and I asked myself why couldn't I have that? Jake is my father, too. Derek: But baby you could hurt Bridget. You could hurt Jake, and ultimately yourself, by telling the truth. I'm actually afraid of what could happen if the truth came out, and that's why your mother has been trying to stop you. Lindsay's eyes well up with tears... Lindsay: So...dad...what do you think I should do? Derek: It seems like yesterday you were our little girl, but you're not anymore. You're all grown up. I can't tell you what to do, because it seems like you're resolute about telling Jake. I have to ask, though, if you're prepared if things don't go the way you want them to, because that's a strong possibility. Lindsay's phone vibrates...it's a text from Gregory that reads: Your mom is here @ BCC with Jake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stacey: How is your knee? Jake: It's coming along. Your daughter's a great therapist. Stacey: Lindsay's gonna be otherwise occupied. Jake: What happened? Stacey: She went to L.A. to see her dad. Jake: Is Derek okay? Stacey: He's fine. She just needed to go visit him. It'll be good for her. Well I gotta get going. Stacey drops her cell phone, which lands next to Jake. They both go to retrieve it, but Stacey gets it, and ends up face to face with Jake as she picks it up, creating a moment... Stacey: Um...I'm gonna go...I'll see you around. Jake stares at Stacey and has a flashback of being face to face with a woman, and kissing her. He then has another flashback of making love to this same woman. He then flashes back to the Los Angeles Dodgers shot glass, and the woman drinking out of it. Jake: Oh my God...it was Stacey. FREEZE FRAME ON JAKE....SLOW FADE OUT...END OF EPISODE 127 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc Kevin Carrigan makes an appearance as Derek Dane
  8. Uh oh...the meddling mama is returning to a drunk Michelle LOL
  9. Thanks for the history consult...but that wasn't Michael..(I changed history lol)...that was Martin Hudson...Michael was being held prisoner. Hey I also gave love to As The World Turns. We're one big P&G family lol. Thanks Carl
  10. ANOTHER WORLD 126 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 Will Donna help Michael? PART 1 - FADE IN: INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Paulina is with Jack in his office...and Carly has just shown up... Jack: Carly what are you doing here? Carly ignores Jack and goes straight to Paulina. Carly: Hi we haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Carly...Jack’s wife. Paulina: I’m Paulina. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Carly then gives Jack a look... Carly: I’m sure you have. Paulina: I will leave you two alone to talk. Carly: That would be a good idea. Paulina leaves... Carly: Were you two in the middle of something? Far be it from me to interrupt. Jack: You don’t have to be a smart ass Carly. There’s nothing going on between Paulina and me. Did Grant send you here? Carly: That doesn’t matter. Jack: Where are the girls? Carly: They’re at Rosanna’s. Jack: Is that the latest place you’ve pawned my daughters off to? Carly: You don’t know what’s going on at home since you’re hardly ever there! Jack: Sage told me what’s been going on, and you need to get some help Carly. I know you’ve been drinking again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE MONTGOMERY’S... Marley lies in Tyrone’s arms as they sit on the couch, looking toward the ceiling. Tyrone: My mom’s coming. Marley: I hope you two have fun together. Tyrone: You know I would really like you and my mom to start getting along. Tyrone touches Marley’s stomach... Tyrone: For the little one’s sake. Marley: That sounds good in theory, but to think that Priscilla and I are going to be friends is a bit unrealistic right now. Tyrone: Can you at least try? Marley (smiling): I’ll think about it. I’ve got another pressing matter on my mind. Tyrone: What’s that babe? Marley: Donna. I’m worried about her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE LOVE MANSION... Donna is lying on the couch as Michael blots a cold cloth to Donna’s forehead... Donna: Was I dreaming? Michael: This was no fantasy. The man you love is here. CAMERA PAN ON MICHAEL...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PART 2 Carly: Is that what Sage told you? It’s not as bad as you think. I can control my drinking. I can quit any time I want. Jack: It’s not that simple. Carly: If you were home more often you would see that I’m not a drunk. Jack: I’m getting tired of you blaming me for doing what is necessary to take care of my family. Carly: Why did you take a job all the way in Bay City? You could have gone to work with Frank Cooper in Springfield. Jack: I was devastated when the Oakdale P.D. laid me off. This job came up and I had to take it, and the Springfield P.D. job wasn’t Chief of Detectives. Carly: I could have gotten us help. Jack: From whom Carly? Craig Montgomery? I wasn’t going to take any loans from the devil. You really forgot about all the bills we have. Parker and JJ’s tuition and books, the mortgage on Milltown. The bank threatened foreclosure. Carly: Why do you feel like you have to do things alone? Jack: Because I couldn’t be sure when you were gonna pick up a bottle again, and lo and behold, that’s exactly what you did, and I had to be prepared for that. Carly: Parker, J.J. and the girls are my family, too. Seems like something slipped your memory as well. Jack: Carly I can’t do this right now. I’ve got to work this case. You should get home. Carly: So should you, but it seems as if your work is more important. Jack: Before you leave, promise me you will end all communication with Grant Harrison. Carly: You don’t get to dictate who I talk to especially when you’re all chummy with Paulina Cory. Jack: Carly you gotta go. Toni walks in with her cell phone... Toni: Jack you gotta look at this. I got this text while I was at the Love Mansion. Jack: It wasn’t Donna...go to the Corys? Toni: I ran a trace to see what phone it was sent from, but it was a burner. Jack: Why is someone leading us to the Corys? Toni: I think we need to go check it out. Carly leaves in disgust... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marley: Donna’s been acting strangely since Reginald died. Tyrone: That’s understandable. Marley: Even after everything he did to her? Tyrone: Babe he was still her father. Marley: One moment she’s happy, the next she’s angry. Tyrone: Has she gotten any counseling? Marley: Not that I know of, but I’ll definitely suggest it. Tyrone: We’ll do whatever we can to help her. Marley: Of course we will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donna backs away from Michael... Donna: Reginald sent you didn’t he? Who are you? Michael: It’s the real me Donna. Reginald’s been holding me prisoner since after I left town. Donna: You came back in 1996 and you died two years later. You’re an impostor! Michael: That was my twin brother Martin. Donna: This doesn’t make any sense. You mean to tell me that Reginald has been holding you captive for almost twenty years. Michael: You know your father hated me, and would have done anything to keep us apart. Donna: Were you the one that...called the other night? Michael: I managed to get one of the guard’s cell phones. The number is still the same here. Donna: I need evidence. I need proof that you’re the real Michael. Michael: There’s another reason that your evil father was keeping me prisoner, but I need to get more proof. That’s the other reason I’m back in Bay City. Donna: What’s that? Michael: I can’t say anything about it until I’m absolutely sure, that’s why I need your help. You can’t tell anyone that I’ve returned. Not Vicky, Marley, no-one, not until I find the truth. Donna: How do I even know you’re telling me the truth? Michael: Please Donna. You’ve gotta trust me. Please don’t say anything until I find the proof I need. CAMERA PAN ON DONNA...SLOW FADE OUT....END OF EPISODE 126 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  11. Is that Carmen Santos that John Hu is nursing back to health?
  12. lol about Cass and Stacey...I think they are closer in age than Cass was with Morgan... Plenty of action coming up...thanks CarlD2
  13. ANOTHER WORLD 125 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Written and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 "Saved by a text." PART 1 INSTITUTION Christy is with Scooter… Christy: Hey… Scooter: Hey there beautiful. Christy: I was wondering what was on the news tonight. Scooter: Really? Christy: Yes. In fact, we should go to your room. Scooter smiles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRANT’S HOUSE Grant opens the door, and Carly walks in with a glass of wine, and a limo driver at the door. Carly: Your limo was really nice. Why am I even here? I thought I was going to be taken to the station. Grant: There are some things you need to know. Some things I need to warn you about. Carly (taking a swig of her wine): And what could THAT be? Grant: What else? Your husband. Carly: So you brought me all the way over here, to warn me about Jack? Grant: You might not like what you see when you get to the precinct. Carly: Well I don’t like the long hours he’s been working. Grant: That’s not all you’ll find. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION Paulina walks into Jack’s office with a plastic bowl… Jack: Hey. What’s that? Paulina: Thought I’d make you something. I know you’re working hard on the Reginald Love case. Jack: I have been. Thanks. Paulina: You’re welcome. I bet Grant had his hand in this somehow. Jack: Now you know I can’t discuss police business with you, but no…Grant had nothing to do with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINTHROP HOUSE Cass and Stacey are sitting on the living room couch. Cass comes in with a tray of tea and sets it on the coffee table. Stacey: Hmm why aren’t you going out with Frankie tonight? Cass: Frankie’s busy. Besides there’s no rush, and I don’t want to smother her. Stacey: Frankie’s the love of your life. You should try to nail it down. Cass: You make her sound like something I should hammer. Stacey: You know what I mean come on. It’s obvious you two still love each other. You don’t want to miss out on love. Cass: Oooooh no we’re definitely not talking about ME this time. What love did you miss out on? I mean you and Derek spent years together. Oh no…Stace…please tell me you’re not in love with Jake McKinnon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION Donna opens the door…and there stands Toni Burrell… Toni: Donna. Just the person I wanted to see. May we talk for a minute? Donna: I actually was headed out. Can we do this another time? Toni: Oh where are you headed? Donna: I’m going to Tyrone and Marley’s to check on her and the baby. Toni: Well we can stop at the station on the way. Donna: What do you want Toni? Toni: I just need to ask you some questions. I need you to account for your whereabouts the night your father was murdered. CAMERA PAN ON DONNA…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 Cass: He’s a married man. Stacey: Thanks Cass. I didn’t know that. Cass: You only spent a few weeks with him in the early 90s and you fell in love? Stacey: He gave me something that I’ve always wanted. Cass: Lindsay. Stacey: She’s my miracle baby. I love with all of my heart. Losing Megan was the most heartbreaking thing I probably ever experienced, but Lindsay filled that hole, and Jake gave her to me. I will do anything to protect her. Cass: You fell in love with an amnesiac. He didn’t know who he was, and you were rebounding. Weren’t you and Derek broken up? Stacey: I know how I feel Cass. . I had gone back to Derek, thinking HE was the love of my life but in the back of my mind, I always wondered what life would have been like if Jake and I raised Lindsay together. Cass: This doesn’t make any sense. Why are you so hell bent on Jake not knowing that Lindsay is his daughter? Stacey: Because he doesn’t remember any of it. He HAS a family, and even though I thought she couldn’t make anyone happy, he seems really great with Vicky. I don’t want to take that from him, and I don’t want Lindsay to either. Stacey gets a text that reads “I’ve landed safely.” Cass: Who was that? Stacey: That was Lindsay. Her plane landed in L.A. Cass: She went back to L.A. Stacey: I told her that Derek was in trouble. Cass: Is he alright? Stacey: He’s…fine. Cass: Stacey? You lied to get Lindsay to leave town? Boy you’re just turning up the heat aren’t you. There’s no telling what she’s gonna do when she finds out you lied. Cass responds to a knock on the door, and the guy at the door gives him an envelope. Cass reads it and is horrified. Stacey: What’s that? Cass: It’s a notification. It’s about Christy Carson. Damn time flies. Stacey: That’s the woman who tried to poison you right? Cass: Her parole hearing is coming up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scooter and Christy are in Scooter’s room… Christy: Did I tell you how handsome you are? Scooter: Me? Thank you. Christy: Why don’t you go get us something to drink? I’m pretty thirsty. Scooter: Okay I’ll…I’ll get us some water. Scooter leaves…and Christy says “Let’s find that proof that Grant wants.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paulina: That is a shock. Jack: Yeah but there was no evidence to indicate that Grant killed Reginald. Paulina: I don’t even know what I was thinking. He hadn’t changed at all. This is the same man who had me hooked on diet pills, and nearly killed Dante and me when he burned our house down. Jack: At least you see for what he is now. Paulina: Actually that’s why I came down here. Jack (smiling): So you didn’t come to feed me? Paulina: I would never let you starve but…I have to tell you something. I overheard Grant talking to your wife. Jack: What? Carly shows up… Carly: That’s right G-Man. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donna: Am I gonna need my attorney? Toni: Why would you need an attorney? Donna: You’ve come into my home basically accusing me of murder. Toni: Well you had plenty of motive…AND opportunity. The surveillance camera showed that you went to the room twice. Donna: I’m glad he’s dead. He sure had it coming. Toni: Are you saying you’re the one who gave him what you thought he deserved? Suddenly Toni gets and reads a text that shocks her. It says “It wasn’t Donna…go to the Corys.” Toni: Who sent this? Donna: Sent what? Toni: I gotta head to the station. We’re not done. Donna follows Toni and shuts the front door. As Donna walks away, someone rings the doorbell. Donna (walking to the door): I’m not answering anymore questions without my lawyer present! Donna opens the door, and finds Michael staring back at her. Donna: My God! Can’t be! Meanwhile, “Janice” is standing next to a dumpster with a disposable cell phone, with a long, dark-haired wig, and a matchbook. She places the phone in her purse, lights the wig, and tosses the burning hair in the dumpster. She smiles as she watches it burn. FREEZE FRAME ON “JANICE”…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 125 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=fmCG8J7Icwc&NR=1
  14. I sent Elizabeth away to school lol... I saw a little of Toni on the original Another World, but I did know she wanted to nail Grant more than anything. THanks Carl
  15. Bridget McKinnon - LEXI AINSWORTH Mary Frances "Frankie" Frame - ALICE BARRETT MITCHELL Cory Hutchins - DREW TYLER BELL Allen Love - SEAN BLAKEMORE Michael Hudson - KALE BROWNE Victoria Hudson McKinnon - JENSEN BUCHANAN Felicia Gallant Blake - LINDA DANO Jake McKinnon - TOM EPLIN Mitch Blake - WILLIAM GREY ESPY Paulina Cory Carlino - JUDI EVANS Amanda Cory - SANDRA FERGUSON John Hudson - DAVID FORSYTH Gregory Hudson - ADAM GREGORY Iris Cory - CATHERINE HICKLAND Sharlene Frame/Janice - ANNA HOLBROOK Stacey Winthrop - LESLI KAY Carl Hutchins - CHARLES KEATING Kirkland Harrison - JOSH KELLY Lindsay Winthrop - KATE MANSI Jack Snyder - MICHAEL PARK Grant Harrison - MARK PINTER Toni Burrell - RHONDA ROSS KENDRICK Cass Winthrop - STEPHEN SCHNETZER Tyrone Montgomery - HENRY SIMMONS Charlotte "Charlie" Winthrop - BRITTANY UNDERWOOD Marley Hudson Montgomery - ELLEN WHEELER AND VICTORIA WYNDHAM as Rachel Cory Hutchins
  16. ANOTHER WORLD 124 Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips Fanfic Written by and Directed By: C. Nathaniel Richardson Story and History Consultants: aMLCproduction and CarlD2 Jack and Toni move on to their next suspect PART 1 CORY MANSION Cory answers the door… Cory: Frankie? Frankie: Cory. Hi…is Carl here? Cory: You came all the way over here to see our dad? Frankie: Yeah something like that. I haven’t been here since we all returned from St. Croix. Cory: You didn’t miss anything. He’s still the same old Carl Hutchins he’s always been. Frankie and Cory walk into the living room… Frankie: Come on sit down. Tell me what you mean. Cory: Aw you don’t wanna listen to my rants about dad. Frankie: It looks it bothers you. Are you talking about all the things he’s done in the past? Cory: Well doesn’t that bother YOU? He hasn’t changed Frankie. He’s still the monster he used to be. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT THE MENTAL INSTITUTION/PRISON Grant sits across Scooter Carruthers in the visitors lounge… Scooter: Grant Harrison? You’re the…you’re the senator right? Grant: I used to be. You’re Edgar Carruthers aren’t you? Scooter: I don’t go by that name anymore. Grant: Why not? Scooter: Because Edgar was a bad person. I’ve been in this institution for years for what I did. Meanwhile, Christy is unseen by Grant and Scooter nearby, listening. Christy (to herself): Grant Harrison. Why would he be visiting Scooter? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION…JACK’S OFFICE Jack and Toni discuss Reginald’s murder case… Jack: I questioned Grant Harrison. Toni: And? Why isn’t he in here? Don’t tell me… Jack: As surprised as I am to say this, I don’t believe Grant had anything to do with Reginald’s murder. Toni walks up to the easel with the possible suspects listed… Toni: Do you really wanna cross his name off this list? Jack: As much it pains me, I have nothing to nail Grant with. Toni: He was at Reginald’s suite wasn’t he? I mean there’s got to be something we can get him with. Jack: I pulled Reginald’s cell phone records. He texted Grant five minutes after the poisoned food was ordered. Grant couldn’t have gotten there in time to taint the meal. Toni: What about Grant’s cell phone records? He has connections. Grant: The only calls placed that night were to his driver, Paulina, and the hospital. None were made to any of the room service attendants, or any the hotel staff. He had no opportunity. We can’t pin this murder on Grant. CAMERA PAN ON JACK…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Frankie: I know everything that Carl has done. Cory: So you wanna still see him? Frankie: No matter what has happened in the past, he’s still your father. He’s still OUR father. Cory: I don’t think you understand. It makes me sick that he tried to kill mom, and them mom turned around and married him. I can’t wrap my head around that. Frankie: And your mother got a lot of flack for that. From Amanda; from Iris, Matthew. She got criticized by her friends about it. She went through a lot to be with Carl, and hey you might even be here if she didn’t follow her heart. Cory: Don’t get me wrong, I love dad, and that’s why it hurts. The day after he came back, he had gone out, and he didn’t even tell mom. She was so worried about him. I don’t think he’s changed. Carl walks in… Carl: You’re right son. I’m still the same old person you’ve read and heard about. Frankie: Hi Carl. Carl (smiling): Frankie. So good to see you. Frankie: Likewise. It seems like you two needs to have a talk. Carl: You don’t have to leave. You’re family. Your younger brother here has had trouble dealing with the fact that I have done some horrible things in the past. Frankie: I need to go and meet Charlie for lunch anyway. Carl: We have to catch up. Frankie: Definitely. Bye Cory. Cory: Bye sis. Frankie leaves… Cory: I’m going upstairs. Carl: Shut the doors. You’re not going anywhere until we talk about this. Cory: Dad there’s nothing to talk about. Carl: I’m tired of you walking around here as if someone did something to you. If you can’t come to terms with what I’ve done; the kind of man I used to be, then you need to get some help, because I’m not going to stand for it anymore. Cory: What are you gonna do dad? You’re gonna kill me, too. Just like you did Mac Cory, or Kathleen McKinnon. Carl: How did you know about Kathleen? Cory: You can find anything on the internet almost. Maybe I should go into witness protection like she did. Carl: You STOP it Cory! Stop this nonsense! I didn’t fight through a brain tumor to come back to you for this disrespectful attitude. You better fix it, and fix it soon because you don’t wanna see the ugly side of me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Grant: You have what I want Scooter. Scooter: And what’s that? Grant: What are you in here for? Scooter: I bought a baby from that blonde girl. Grant: Wasn’t someone else with her? Scooter: Why are you asking me? Grant: I want to see justice done. Why should you pay for something he did? Scooter: I said I’d never tell. Grant: Why are you protecting this guy? The blonde girl has been wondering where her baby is. Did he threaten you? Scooter: No. Grant: Then stop letting him have this power over you. Scooter: He promised he’d help me. Grant: He didn’t help you at all because you’re in here. Scooter: I might have something. The blonde girl dropped it. It’s in my room. Grant: When can you get it for me? Scooter: Come back tomorrow. Christy sees a guard coming and leaves… Guard: Time’s up! Grant: I’ll be back tomorrow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toni: Reginald was blackmailing Grant. Jack: I guess he thought he could send Grant to prison, but what was in that dossier meant nothing. Toni: Please don’t tell me that Grant’s gonna weasel out of this one, too. Jack: Toni you know the rules. As much as we don’t like Grant, we can’t just pick him up on circumstantial evidence. We can’t link him to any crimes that Evan committed in the United States. Toni: That evidence supposedly links Grant to Evan. Jack: It does not prove that Grant did not help Evan kidnap Amanda and shoot Mitch Blake. Toni: So he gets away with crimes again. Jack walks up to the easel and grabs a marker. Jack: Grant may have the means and motive to kill Reginald, but he didn’t have the opportunity. Toni: You don’t understand. We’ve been waitin’ for years to nail that son of a bitch. Jack: Lieutenant you gotta focus on catching Reginald’s killer, not personal vendettas. Jack crosses Grant’s name off the list. Toni: So who’s next? Who is the next person we question. At the same time, Jack and Toni look at Donna Love’s name on the list. FREEZE FRAME ON THE NAME “DONNA LOVE”…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 124http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn53K1NIghc
  17. Very nice...you've been missed.... I particularly enjoyed the Olivia/Jeffrey O'Neill conversation. Very real...and very true...it's a nod to history, and I love historical references LOL
  18. Rachel doesn't own the company anymore, so Amanda didn't consult Rachel...that could be a twist. And Vicky and Stacey are gonna try their best to keep this under wraps...lol.. @Carl and MLC you both have been very instrumental in helping me construct this AW fanfic. It has been fun to write so far...it's only fair you both get credit... Now I need an Executive Producer of one of the current soaps to see what I can do for them LOL
  19. Yes MLC the truth is going to come out soon...thanks for reading.
  20. I should've asked you first huh lol...but you have consulted on history before for this blog.... Yes Iris and Amanda both agree it's time for a change... And Rachel and Paulina were long overdue for a talk... Thanks for reading...
  21. ANOTHER WORLD 123 Iris makes a proposal to Amanda Written by: C.Nathaniel Richardson Creative Consultant: aMLCproduction History Consultant: CarlD2 CORY PUBLISHING Amanda walks into Iris’s office with her tablet… Amanda: I’m getting the final numbers together. Iris: I’m glad you’re here. How was your evening? Amanda: As if you’re really concerned. Iris: Amanda, we’re working together, so can we at least be cordial. We don’t have to be mean to each other. Amanda: Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to be back here at daddy’s company, but working with you is not going to be easy. Iris: I’m not stupid. I know you don’t trust me after what happened at the hearing, but somewhere deep down, you want what’s best for Cory Publishing, and so do I. That’s why I need to talk to you. Amanda: About what? Iris: I’ve been thinking about some changes here at Cory Publishing. In fact, I don’t want it to be called Cory Publishing anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Rachel is sipping her coffee and looking at her tablet, and Paulina walks up to her. Rachel (getting up): Paulina honey. It’s great to see you. Paulina (sitting down): It’s been a while for us. Rachel: Yes it has, and it is long overdue. So glad you called me. Paulina: I know you’ve been a little preoccupied after what happened with Cory Publishing. Rachel: That was difficult, but no matter what is going on in my life, I always have time for you. So what’s goin’ on? Tell me. Paulina: I called you because we need to put our heads together. Rachel: And do what? Paulina: And find a way to get Iris out of Cory Publishing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STACEY’S APARTMENT Stacey opens the door, and Vicky walks in. Vicky: We have to talk about Lindsay. Stacey (shutting the door): I’m not discussing my daughter with you. Vicky: I’m sorry but this has to be discussed. Did you know that Jake hurt his knee and Lindsay is his physical therapist? Stacey: I’m aware of that. Vicky: Well that can’t happen. You’ve got to convince Lindsay to give Jake’s care to another therapist. Stacey: I don’t appreciate you coming to my apartment telling me how to handle my daughter. Vicky: Do you want the truth to come out? Do you want see how much this might hurt Lindsay? Stacey: Of course not. Vicky: Then do something! CAMERA PAN ON VICKY…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Amanda: What do you mean? Iris: It’s time to move the company into a new era. The company can’t do what it did in the past and expect to be successful. Amanda: That’s obvious. Iris: Times have changed and the company has to change with it. That being said, I would like to take the company into new ventures, like television shows. Amanda: That’s very risky. Networks are not as patient as they used to be with shows. If they cancel the shows after a couple of airings, then we lose money. I’m not sure if we should be taking chances like that. Iris: Why not? Didn’t daddy have to take chances in order for his company to grow? I want this company to do more than just print. I want people to watch our programs on their tablets and laptops anytime. There is money to be made in those markets. That’s why I want to change our name. Amanda: Change our name? You mean the company’s name. Iris: That’s right. I want Cory Publishing to now be called Cory Productions. Are you with me? Amanda: Hmmm…I think you’re right. I’ll go with it. Cory Productions it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rachel: Paulina I… Paulina: Iris doesn’t deserve to be in control of Cory. Rachel: That company belongs to all of you. That’s what Mac wanted. Paulina: It’s yours, too Rachel. Dad loved you. Rachel: Yes and I loved him, too, but I probably can’t help you. Paulina: Why not? Rachel: It’s Carl. He’s afraid that if I fight for Cory Publishing, that it will consume me and I’ll put it before our marriage. Paulina: Oh come Rachel I don’t think he truly believes that, not after all you two have been through to be together. Rachel: For some reason, Carl thinks he’s in competition with Mac. He couldn’t be further from the truth. Paulina: Of course he is. He’s your husband, and he loves you. He has to understand that you will always be part of Cory Publishing. Rachel: A part of me will always love Mac, but I love Carl with all my heart. That being said, I have an idea of how we can start the process of taking Iris down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vicky: Look I didn’t come to fight about this. We both have our reasons for not wanting Jake to know that he’s Lindsay’s father. Stacey: We both agree that Jake can’t know the truth. Lindsay could be devastated if Jake can’t a feel a bond with her because he doesn’t remember anything about how we… Vicky: And who knows what’s going to happen if Jake has all those memories rushing back to him? Stacey: We’re trying to protect the people we love. Vicky: That’s why you’ve got to get Lindsay away from Jake. Stacey: You worry about Jake, and I’ll handle Lindsay. Vicky leaves and Stacey makes a phone call… Stacey: It’s your mother. Can you come to my apartment? It’s very important. FREEZE FRAME ON STACEY…SLOW FADE OUT …END OF EPISODE 123 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  22. ANOTHER WORLD 122 Vicky gets a special visitor BAY CITY CENTER Kirkland is sitting at the table when Bridget sits across from him. Kirkland: Hey kid. Bridget: To what do I owe the pleasure of breakfast? Kirkland: What’s the matter? I can’t spend time with my little sister? You’re the only one I got left. Bridget: Don’t remind me. Kirkland: Come on cheer up. Bridget: How could I? I am responsible for our sister’s death. Kirkland: Look I know the anniversary is coming up, but I’m not gonna sit here and watch you blame yourself for it anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky sits up on her bed, looks to her right, and sees a girl wearing a white dress… Vicky: Michele. Michele: Hi mom. They hug… Vicky: I miss you so much. How are you doing? Are you well? Michele: I am so at peace now. Vicky: You were taken from us way too soon. Michele: You shouldn’t focus on that mom. Vicky: I wonder if you saw your grandpa Reginald. Michele: I know he was murdered mom. Vicky: He kidnapped your sister. I know you loved him but he belongs in hell. Michele: Those decisions aren’t for me to make. All I know is that I’m enjoying where I am, and that I came because Bridget sent me. Vicky: Bridget huh? Do you talk to her? And Ryan? Michele: Bridget told me so much about you, and she wants you to do the right thing. You’ve got to tell dad the truth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Jake is sitting on a bench with his leg propped up when Stacey walks by. Stacey: Jake hi. Jake: Hey Stace. Stacey: What happened to your leg? Jake: Moving Bridget’s bed. Stacey: Being the dutiful father huh? Jake: Yeah I guess. Stacey: You know Derek helped Lindsay with everything. He was so overprotective of her. He wouldn’t let her lift anything heavy, not even a bag of groceries. Jake: That’s what daddies do for their little girls. What did you come in for? Stacey: My yearly exam. Jake: Oh that one. Stacey: Yep. I got a clean bill of health. Jake: That’s great. Stacey: You must be here for a follow up. Jake: No I’m actually here for physical therapy. Stacey: Well I have somewhere to go, so I’ll see you around. Jake: Of course. After Stacey leaves, Jake has a flashback about something Stacey saying “His name is Derek.” Just as begins to remember more, Lindsay walks up to him. Lindsay: Jake. Jake: Hi Lindsay. Lindsay: Are you ready? CAMERA PAN ON JAKE…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ------------------------------------------------------- Bridget: How can you say that? It IS my fault. Kirkland: No wonder we don’t see each other that much. You’re a downer. Bridget: Wow…I’m sorry. Kirkland: Stop apologizing. For the last time, you are not responsible for Michele’s death. It was an accident. Bridget: What about everything else that I did? Kirkland: So what. Everybody has done things that they regret, and it won’t be the last time for you, but you can’t keep beating yourself over it. Bridget: I’m NOT okay! Kirkland: You didn’t push Michele into the street. Bridget: Of course I didn’t. I would never kill my sister. Kirkland: Exactly, so stop blaming yourself. Bridget: Look I miss my sister, okay? Kirkland: I miss Michele, but I miss you, too. Where’s that smiling face I used to video chat with when I was away at school? You telling me about your cheerleader practices while Michele would tell me about her debate club tournaments. You two were always laughing and playing when we chatted. You were almost inseparable. We can’t get Michele back, but I hope we can get you. Bridget wipes her tears. Bridget: I think of her every day. It’s like a part of me is gone. Kirkland: Mom used to always talk about this bond she and Aunt Marley have because they’re twins, and you probably had that with Michele, but you still have got to move on. Our sister wouldn’t want you to be sad all the time right? Bridget gives a half smile. Kirkland: Theeeeere’s a smile. Come here kid. Bridget goes to Kirkland and leans into Kirkland’s chest. Kirkland puts his arm around her, and kisses Bridget on her forehead. Kirkland: I love you. If you need anything, you just call me alright. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vicky: My God you’re talking about Lindsay Winthrop. No offense. Bridget knew me so well. Even when she’s not around, she knows when something is wrong with me. The funny thing is that your grandpa Reginald paid Bridget to take me away and raise me, but it ended up being a blessing. Your father and I named your sister after her. Michele: Bridget’s been watching over you, and we pray for you all the time. Vicky smiles and her eyes well up. Vicky: I sure need them. Michele: That’s why you have to tell dad what you know about Lindsay. He’s gaining another daughter. Vicky: Honey you have to understand why I can’t tell him. Jake got in an accident and lost his memory. If they come flooding back, who knows what could happen to him. Michele: Well he’s gonna find out one way or the other. You don’t want to be the one who cheats dad out of getting to know Lindsay. Vicky: I just want to protect your father. Michele: It’s more than that. You’ve got to examine your heart and find out the real reason mom. You always have to because you have to be ready. Vicky: For the fallout? Michele: Not always for bad things. There are good things to come for you, too. It’ll be like a miracle, but your heart has to be ready to receive it. Prepare your heart mom. Michele begins to disappear… Vicky: Michele honey don’t go. Tell me what you mean. Vicky wakes up puzzled… Vicky: Prepare my heart? Why Michele? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay has her hand under Jake’s calf and they raise it slowly. Lindsay: Okay one more. Jake screams in pain. Lindsay: Okay it’s break time. It’s only the first session. It gets easier. Jake: I probably wasn’t feeling much up to it anyway. Lindsay: May I ask why? Jake: You don’t wanna hear about my problems. Lindsay: You’re having problems? Jake: Not really it’s just….it’s almost the first anniversary of Michele’s death. Lindsay: Who’s Michele? Jake: That was my daughter. Lindsay: Oh…Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Jake: I miss her. Every day. Lindsay: Sounds like she was special to you. Jake: She was really smart you know. She had gotten accepted to Harvard. Lindsay: I heard about what happened to her. So tragic. Jake: It was. We’ll never forget her. I’m sorry. I’m just missing my little girl. Lindsay: Stay as positive as you can. You never know what miracles await you. Sounds like you loved her very much. Jake: I did, and she knew that. Lindsay: And that’s the most important thing. Stacey is watching them from outside the glass. FREEZE FRAME ON JAKE AND LINDSAY, WITH STACEY IN THE B.G. (BACKGROUND) FROM OUTSIDE THE GLASS…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 122 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
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