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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. You'll see Reginald's reasoning in the next few episodes...thanks for reading...
  2. Good...especially the part with Roxanne....I can see her and Devon having that conversation...and I notice the Nate/Drucilla/Sharon/Sheila thing slowing down a little..
  3. ANOTHER WORLD 105 Reginald’s life is spared REGINALD’S SUITE Allen is strangling Reginald…. Allen: I bet you want someone to come save your life now huh? This is how my mother’s feeling… Reginald tries to scream, but he cannot, as Allen squeezes harder. Meanwhile, Amanda bangs on the door. Amanda: Reginald! It’s Amanda Cory! Open up! Reginald tries to get her attention, but he is losing breath as Allen continues to choke him, suddenly two Bay City Police Officers kick the door in, and subdue Allen. Reginald coughs and quickly gets himself a glass of water. Reginald: Take him away! He tried to kill me! The officers slap handcuffs on Allen, who looks at Amanda with surprise, and they take him away. Reginald: I’m filing assault charges. Amanda: You’re lucky I got here when I did. After everything you’ve done, I should have let him finish the job. FRANKIE’S APARTMENT Cass and Frankie walk in… Cass: I have to admit, it’s weird for us to walk into a place together that I’m not going to stay. I always remembered us living and being together. Frankie: We were married. We had a family. Those are the times I remember. Cass: We went through a lot…before and after we were married. But we’re right here. Frankie: I had a great time with you tonight. Cass: So did I. There’s an awkward silence… Frankie: How’s uh…Nicole? Cass: She’s hanging in there. Not too good actually. Frankie: For what it’s worth I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things take a turn for the better for her. I admire the fact that you are giving her a second chance. Cass: Right. Well I’m gonna get home. Frankie: Okay. Uh...Cass? Cass: What is it? Frankie: Thank you. Cass: Anytime. After Cass leaves, Frankie’s house phone rings and she answers it… Frankie: Yes…I’ll accept the charges. (beat) Hi. I know what you’re calling about, and I haven’t forgotten. LOVE MANSION Vicky is standing in front of Donna in the doorway (Donna has a loaded gun in her purse)… Donna: What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital with Kirkland? Vicky: Kirkland’s gonna be fine. I wanted to come by and see how you were doing. You seemed very angry when you left the room. Donna: I’m still angry about daddy having controlling interest in the Club. Vicky: Why don’t we go in and talk about it…over some herbal tea. Come on. CAMERA PAN ON DONNA….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ JAIL Allen lies on the bed and Amanda walks up to the bars. Allen (looking at the ceiling): You called the cops didn’t you? Amanda: I was trying to protect you. Allen: How can you do that to me? Amanda: I knew you exactly where you were going when I couldn’t find you at the club. I had to stop you from making a huge mistake. Allen: This had nothing to do with you. You should’ve stayed out of it. Amanda: I love you, and so it has everything to do with me. Allen gets up and faces Amanda at the bars… Allen: This wasn’t your call. Amanda (lowering her voice): I heard you threaten Reginald’s life more than once. What was I supposed to do? When you disappeared, I knew exactly where to find you…and there you were. Your hands were around Reginald’s throat. Allen: I begged him to help Nicole, and he flat turned me down. He deserves to die. LOVE MANSION LIVING ROOM Vicky and Donna are sipping tea... Donna: I’m gonna go to the kitchen. Vicky: I’ll help you. Donna: I don’t need a baby sitter. What’s going on? Vicky: Well Marley and I were concerned when you stormed out of her room. You were very angry. Donna: That’s because Marley thinks that Tyrone and I were having an affair. Vicky: What? Wherever would she get that idea? Donna: Marley said she saw slides on Reginald’s computer. Vicky: Are you having an affair with Tyrone? Donna: Absolutely not! I would never do that to Marley or Tyrone. Vicky: So you think Reginald had pictures taken to make it look like it. Donna: What do you think Vicky? He has spent our whole lives trying to ruin them, and control them. Vicky: But why would Reginald need to have a stash of pictures making it look like you and Tyrone were messing around? Donna: Because he’s a sadistic, evil bastard. I wish Bridget would see that. Vicky gets a phone call…. Vicky: Jake. Jake: Vicky you gotta get home. Something’s wrong. Vicky: What happened? Jake: Bridget’s not here. Vicky: Where could possibly be this at this time of night? Jake: I don’t know, but this house is a mess. She didn’t leave here voluntarily. PLANE A man is on the phone...with Reginald. Reginald: Did you do it? Man: Yes it’s all done. We’re on our way to. Reginald: You just make sure my great granddaughter has everything she needs. I will join you both soon. Bridget appears… Bridget: Where are we going? Man: To Paris. Bridget: I wanna call my parents. Man: I can’t let you do that. Bridget: Why? Man: Your great-grandfather would be very unhappy. Bridget: He wouldn’t take me away from my family. Not grandpa Reginald. He would never do this. REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald hangs up his cell phone and Grant walks in. Reginald: Grant Harrison. Grant: I should beat the hell out of you for what you did to Kirkland! Reginald: Oh Kirkland’s gonna be fine, and we have some important things to discuss. Grant: Is it your departure, because Bay City isn’t big enough for the both of us. Reginald: I’m gonna have Bay City under my thumb, and you, too. Grant: What is that supposed to mean? Reginald: It means that I am willing to make a sizable donation to your campaign. Grant: Why would I take any of your money? Reginald: Because my funding will all but assure your election as mayor. Grant: And if I don’t win? Reginald: Let’s just say you’ll be in a place where you’ll be wary of picking up the soap. CAMERA PAN ON A SHOCKED GRANT…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 105 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  4. ANOTHER WORLD 104 The drama continues!! HARBOR CLUB Mitch sips on his drink and Felicia sips on her club soda… Felicia: This has turned out to be a great evening. I’m happy for Donna. Mitch: As great as can be expected. Ready for a nightcap. Felicia (smiling): Absolutely! Mitch: I’ll get our coats. Rachel walks up to Felicia… Felicia: Rachel! Rachel: How have you been? They hug… Rachel: It’s been a while. Felicia: I know you’ve been busy with the Cory Publishing mess. Rachel: I’m never too busy for my friends. You look so happy. Felicia: I am. How are things with Carl? Rachel: As well as can be expected. We’re dealing with Cory, and Iris poisoning his mind against Carl. Felicia: She just doesn’t stop does she? Rachel: No she doesn’t, but I will. Listen I saw Mitch the other day in the Center with Sharlene. Felicia: Sharlene? What’s he doing with her? Rachel: They looked like they were just having a chat. I saw her earlier and she seemed troubled. Felicia: He said he was going to KBAY. Rachel: Speaking of which, have you seen Donna? Felicia: She…left with Tyrone. HOSPITAL – Kirkland’s room Jake, Vicky, Charlie, and Grant pay vigil to Kirkland Vicky: Honey what happened? Kirkland: I was robbed…outside the hotel. Charlie: How did you get back to your room? Kirkland: I must have stumbled back there, and I passed out when I got in. Vicky: That’s it. You’re moving out of that hotel room and back to the house. Jake: This was only a random act. I think Kirkland knows how to keep himself safe. Grant: I agree. The area around the hotel is generally safe. Vicky: I don’t care if it was Fort Knox…I want my son home! And first thing in the morning you’re checking out of that hotel and coming home. Vicky walks out and Jake follows. Kirkland: Charlie can you let me have some time alone with my dad? Charlie: Are you gonna be alright? Kirkland: I’ll be fine babe. Charlie: I’m gonna go call my parents. Charlie leaves Grant and Kirkland alone. Kirkland: I lied to my mom and my girlfriend to protect you. It’s me and you now… Grant: Son, did you see the person who did this? Kirkland: Why dad? Are you afraid that they’ll incriminate you? Grant: I would never have sent anyone to hurt you. Kirkland: Are you really gonna stand there and lie? They came to my door asking for the folder with the information I had on you. When I refused they beat me up and took it. Grant: I swear to you son, I didn’t send anyone to get the information from you. Kirkland: Then who would’ve? HOSPITAL – Marley’s room Donna: YOU’RE the one we want to see. What happened Marley? Marley: I think you know the answer to that Donna. Tyrone: Are you feeling okay? You should’ve called me if you were feeling up to driving. Marley: I saw it. Donna: Saw what? Marley: The little slideshow. You and my husband. Tyrone: What….what are you talking about? Marley: You think you can fool me? You two are having an affair. Donna: You’ve gotta be kidding me. I would never do that to you Marley. And what slideshow. Marley: I went to Reginald’s suite...to see if I could talk him into relinquishing his controlling interest in the Club. Marley flashes back to walking up to Reginald’s suite. The maid has the door open because she left to get fresh linens. She calls out for Reginald, and realizes he’s not there. As she leaves, she notices Reginald’s laptop…and the pictures of Donna and Tyrone…and she runs out upset… BACK TO THE PRESENT… Marley: And you were both hugging in the Love Mansion…and one picture in the Center. And…and I remember seeing you hug in the mansion also. You two are having an affair. Tyrone: You got to calm down Marley. We are NOT having an affair. Donna: Reginald set this all up didn’t he? Marley: Blame it on grandfather! It’s all his fault that you can’t control yourselves. Why would Reginald have pictures? Donna (becoming angry): Because he wants to control our lives. THAT’S why he bought controlling interest in the Harbor Club; that’s why he passed you off as my sister; that’s why he took Nicole’s baby from her. He took Victoria away from us! Tyrone and Marley become concerned… Tyrone: Donna…what are you gonna do? Donna: I’m…I’m going to cool off for a minute. Tyrone: I’m staying with Marley. Marley: No Tyrone, why don’t you go with her? You’re both hot in the pants anyway. Donna walks outside the room and Tyrone stops her. Tyrone: Donna? Donna: I’m gonna put a stop to this madness. REGINALD’S SUITE Allen confronts Reginald Reginald: I didn’t invite you here. Allen: I don’t give a damn! You’re gonna help me. Reginald: I’ve done enough for you. It’s time to stand on your own two feet. Allen: No…you’re gonna help me help my mother. CAMERA PAN ON ALLEN….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ HOSPITAL – Marley’s room Tyrone is with Marley… Marley: I’ve never seen Donna like that. Tyrone: Me neither. Marley: It’s almost as if she’s at the height of her anger. Tyrone: It’s your grandfather. She’s tired of his games. Marley: I’m surprised you didn’t go after her. Tyrone: Do you really I am having an affair with your mother? Marley: I believe that you didn’t sleep with her. I do believe you were confiding in her when we were having problems. Tyrone: You know what I’m sorry about that. Marley: I would tell you to come to me, but I wasn’t making it easy was I? Tyrone: We got past that. We’re having a baby now, and you gotta take it easy. Marley: Why would Reginald take pictures of you and my mother? Tyrone: We could have lost our baby behind this. Vicky walks in. Marley: I’m concerned about Donna. Vicky: Marley are you alright? Marley: I’m fine. Vicky: How’s the baby? Marley: We’re fine. Where’s Jake? Vicky: He’s calling to check on Bridget. You mentioned Donna. What’s going on with mom? Marley: She left here in a fit of anger…over grandfather. Vicky: She’s still steaming about him having controlling interest in the Harbor Club. Tyrone: Legally she can still get control. Vicky: He bought out all the other investors. Tyrone: The Club and all its investments…if Reginald dies. Marley and Vicky’s eyes widen. Marley: Vicky you’ve gotta go after her. Vicky: I’ll check the mansion. Tyrone: You think Donna’s gonna try to kill him? Jake walks in. Jake: Hey everybody. Vicky… Vicky: There’s no time. I’ve gotta go check on Donna. Jake: Bridget isn’t answering her phone. She hasn’t returned any of my text messages. Vicky: What the hell is going on tonight? You go home and check on Bridget. I’ll check on Donna. REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald: And why should I do that now? You all told me you didn’t want my help. Allen: She’s giving up. She doesn’t want to fight anymore. Reginald: If only you two had let me help her, then she wouldn’t be in this situation. Allen: If you hadn’t locked her up and had her drugged out of her mind, she probably wouldn’t have cancer. Reginald: I’ve tried to make amends for what happened, and all you did was turn your noses up. You were too good for my help…and now all of a sudden you need me. Reginald turns and sends a text message… Allen: You can call a specialist in here. Please I’m begging you. Please help my mother. Reginald: What’s that song? Too much…too little…too LATE! Allen suddenly grabs Reginald by the collar, shoves him against the wall, and puts his right hand around Reginald’s neck... Allen (squeezing Reginald’s neck): How does it feel you cold hearted son of a bitch? I bet you want somebody to save your life right now huh. Allen squeezes harder and Reginald starts coughing and grasping for air. Allen: I should kill you right now. Everything you did to me, my mother, and the rest of the family. I’m sure they’ll thank me. Suddenly, BANG BANG BANG on the door! Amanda: REGINALD! Open the door it’s Amanda Cory! It’s important! HOSPITAL – Kirkland’s room..Grant has just received a text message…. Grant (looking at his cell phone): He did this? Kirkland: Who? Did they just text you or something? Grant: Your great grandfather Reginald. He wants to meet with me. LOVE MANSION Donna moves off the living room wall, opens up a safe, and takes out a gun. She flashes back to a conversation with Cass (in episode 97) …. Cass: The laws state that the next of kin gets all of Reginald's estate... Donna (interrupting): In case of his death. Cass: That's probably the only way you're going to get control of the Harbor Club. Everyone looks at each other, and all are silent and Cass breaks it. Cass: Donna? What are you thinking about it? Donna: Umm....Nothing. Just that the world will be a better place without daddy in it. Cass: You shouldn't be talking like that. Donna: It's the truth! He has been tormenting us from the beginning. He separated Marley and me from Victoria. He also separated Allen from Nicole, and is the cause of her cancer. Now he wants to control the Harbor Club. Don't you think he's done enough? SOMEBODY has to put a stop to it, and if it's me, then so be it. Donna flashes back to the present, her eyes welled up with angry tears, sniffles, and starts loading the chambers on her gun…puts in her purse...closes the safe, and puts the portrait back over it. Donna walks to the front door, opens it, and Vicky appears. Vicky: Donna…where are you going? FREEZE FRAME ON DONNA…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF EPISODE 104 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  5. Thanks Carl...I hope Reginald isn't going to cause trouble for Marley either...
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 103 Confrontations HARBOR CLUB All the guests at the Harbor Club are clapping at Donna’s announcement, and she looks around smiling, but her smile quickly turns to a frown when she locks eyes with Reginald, who is at the entrance giving his round of applause. Meanwhile, Allen notices the change of expression on Donna’s face. He looks back and also notices Reginald at the door. Allen flashes back to when Nicole said that she wanted to let go. Donna turns her attention back to the crows and smiles again. Amanda, who is sitting next to Allen, also notices that Allen sees Reginald…and she tries to distract him. Amanda: Maybe we should leave. Allen (turning to Amanda): You ready to go home? Amanda: Yes. Allen: It’s still early. Amanda: I’m feeling tired. Allen looks back at the entrance and notices that Reginald is gone. Amanda: I want some alone time with my man. Allen: You’re so sweet. I’ll get our coats. Grant and Paulina walk in, are escorted to their table, and are served a glass of red wine each. Carl Hutchins walks up to them. Carl: Paulina my dear. Paulina: Carl hi. Carl: Tell me that you didn’t come here with Grant. Paulina: I did. Carl: Is this a date or something? Iris walks up to them, and she’s wearing the same dress as Paulina. Iris: It is Carl. After everything Grant has done, she goes out on a date with him. Paulina’s always been desperate, especially when it comes to being a Cory. Oh, your dress looks better on me. Paulina gets up and approaches Iris face to face. Paulina: You could wear the most elegant dress and you’d still look like garbage you selfish, greedy bitch. Tyrone approaches Donna… Tyrone: Congratulations. Donna: Thank you. What time’s Marley getting here? I haven’t seen her or Kirkland. Tyrone: I was busy getting the charges dropped against Allen so I ran late. Marley was gonna meet me here. I don’t know what’s taking her so long. Tyrone leaves Donna and runs into Allen. Tyrone: You seen Marley? Allen (hurriedly): No. Tyrone answers his cell phone. Tyrone: Montgomery. Oh no. I’ll be right there. Donna runs up to Tyrone. Donna: What’s wrong? Is it Marley? Tyrone: She’s in the hospital. She was in a car accident. Meanwhile, Vicky and Jake sit at their table. Jake: I can’t get that image out of my head Vick. Vicky: You really need to let it go. Stacey said she’s never been to LA, and you’ve never been there. Jake: Maybe LA wasn’t the place I saw her. Vicky: That’s because you didn’t see her at all. Vicky answers her cell phone. Vicky: Oh my God. Jake: What is it? Vicky: Kirkland’s in the hospital. CAMERA PAN ON VICKY….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eruh6Hd4QsI&feature=results_video PART 2 HARBOR CLUB Paulina and Iris face off Iris: You are so jealous. You want everything that I’ve got. You’ve been trying for so many to make yourself belong with the Corys and anyone with money, but you never will. Paulina (smiles): Oh you may have gotten control of Cory Publishing, but I somehow think your house of cards is gonna come crashing to the ground, and when you’re down, I’m gonna be there kicking you. Iris: My daddy’s company is where it belongs, and nobody is going to take it from me. You might go out with people like Grant, but you’re always gonna be trailer park trash. Paulina takes her glass of red wine and splashes it on Iris. Iris: You ruined my dress you bitch! Paulina: Now it’s as ugly as you are. Carl smiles but steps between them. Carl: Alright that’s enough ladies. Grant (to Paulina): I gotta get to the hospital. Kirkland’s been hurt. Paulina: I’m coming with you. HOSPITAL Jake and Vicky arrive and Charlie approaches them. Charlie: Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon. Jake: What happened? Vicky: Were you with Kirkland? Charlie: He was supposed to pick me up, but I went to his hotel room and I found him unconscious. Looks like somebody beat him up. Grant arrives with Paulina, and Jake approaches Grant. Jake: I ought to beat the hell out of you. Come on Grant. All this for a mayor’s seat. Your own son? Grant: What happened to Kirkland? Vicky: Charlie found him beaten in his hotel room. Did you have something to do with this? Grant: Of course not. I would never do this to my son! Jake: You’re capable of anything when it comes to politics. Vicky: If you had something to do with this, I will make you pay. What room is he in Charlie? Charlie: Over here. Charlie directs Vicky, Jake, Grant and Paulina to Kirkland’s room. Meanwhile, Marley is resting in her room, and Tyrone and Donna arrive. Marley: I’m glad you two got here. Just the people I wanna see. BACK AT THE HARBOR CLUB Amanda runs into Rachel. Rachel: Amanda honey what’s going on? Amanda: Have you seen Allen? He went to get our coats about twenty minutes ago. Rachel: Maybe he just went to the bathroom. Amanda: Oh my God. I gotta stop him. REGINALD’S SUITE Reginald walks in and notices something… Reginald: Someone’s been in here. Reginald calls the front desk with his back to the open door. Reginald: Who the hell has been in my room? I don’t give a damn WHO was cleaning! Don’t you know I could buy this damn hotel and have you fired! Reginald notices his laptop with the slideshow of the pictures of Tyrone and Donna. He then looks at the dossier on Grant, and he picks up his cell phone. Reginald: Time for me to make some calls. Allen arrives and slams the door. Allen: Put that damn phone down! FREEZE FRAME ON REGINALD…SLOW FADE OUT….END OF EPISODE 103
  7. Nice twist..>Vandalynn is Mary....so Sheila's using her to get at Lauren, too I presume...I liked the Nate/Roxanne scene too...Very natural... Good episode...
  8. Jack is a dull boy...all that work in Bay City and no play in Oakdale LOL... Jake and Vicky's marriage may be in big trouble once Jake finally remembers... I wonder when Rachel finds out, that she'll be facing off with Janice again... Stay tuned...thanks for reading..
  9. Yes Carl...Rachel is not going down so easily...stay tuned!!! Seems like you guys like Cindy Brooke...Thanks for reading...
  10. Are there other reasons why Ashley is leaving Tucker besides suspecting Tucker still has feelings for Harmony? I wonder who Sheila is nursing back to health...hmmm...I can't even think of who it might be...good mystery there... Ronan is getting hot on Sheila's trail, although he has no idea that it's Sheila and Drucilla responsible for what happened.... I wonder what's going to happen when Ronan finds out that Sheila and Dru are alive..
  11. Reginald had his own great grandson attacked just to get the goods on Grant...what a bastard!! Reginald wants to hold all the cards...The Harbor Club re-opening is on the horizon and there will be a lot happening....Thanks for reading...
  12. Thank you both for reading. I think Donna is just sick and tired of being sick and tired of Reginald at this point...
  13. Thanks dude...but is it Michael? John and Felicia have to find out first
  14. I forgot Ted was the alias that Scotty is using. Rafe seems clingy lol...and it seems that Scotty only wants sex from Rafe (we know Scott's heart is with Kirkland Harrison lol) I hope you play out the Leslie is Roxanne's mother story...it's got a lot of potential to affect many characters And Poor Nate Hastings. The guilt is eating him alive... GOOD ONE!! You've got some foundations for some great stories....KEEP IT UP!!
  15. Yeah I've got some decisions to make with Nicole...they may affect the Love family more than I probably know. I got a nice story planned for Cass and Frankie...tests are coming..thanks for reading..
  16. Thanks MLC...Stories are being set up here...lots more to come!! Thanks for reading...
  17. Reginald and Donna are long overdue for an explosive confrontation...and you know Rachel thinks of Paulina like a daughter...
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