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Everything posted by cnathanielrichardson

  1. MLC - I like the music before the opening...makes me think of my own scenes that I write...Grant has got Jack on his radar now for a target of destruction, but it ain't gonna be that easy. Carl - Thanks for the compliments Fellas - I got some great things coming up for Christy. You will find out how clever she is... Thank you both....
  2. LOL Carl about Felicia...Allen and Toni have some unresolved feelings I think...more so on Toni's part than Allen's. Allen wishes he could have been there to help Toni after she had been raped. Thanks Carl
  3. Esther vowing vengeance! doesn't seem like Esther. I don't think Scotty loves Rafe either...he's using the word Love because Rafe is the only person he can be himself around. Tucker is spitting out a lot of jokes these days...
  4. Janice is just getting started.... Allen and Toni are revisiting their past... THanks for reading MLC
  5. ANOTHER WORLD 121 Jack questions Grant HARBOR CLUB Amanda walks into the Harbor Club and looks around… Amanda: Allen! I got your message! Two men carrying violins and dressed in tuxedos come out and play tunes, then Allen walks up slowly to Amanda. Allen: Welcome back beautiful. Amanda (smiling): Where is everyone? Allen: It’s just the two of us tonight. Are ya hungry? Amanda: Starving actually. Allen: Dinner’s on the house. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSYCHIATRIC PRISON Frankie sits down with Christy Carson sitting across from her. Christy: I’m so glad you came to see me Mary-Frances. Nobody else has visited in the twenty plus years I’ve been here. Frankie: We were friends. I can’t ignore that. Christy: Maybe you should have ignored after everything I did to you and Cass. Frankie: My vibes were telling me to come see you. You know I don’t think you’re the person who did all of those things, and it seems like you’ve gotten better. Christy: How’s Charlie? You must be so proud of her. Frankie: I am. She’s grown up to be a fine young lady. Christy: When Douglas and I were married, he didn’t want to have any children. He was such a despicable man. He made life unbearable for me. That’s my toughest obstacle. I have to feel some type of remorse for killing him. The only guilt I feel is what I did to you and Cass, but it’s hard for me to drum up any compassion for killing Douglas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRANT’S HOUSE Jack arrives…and Grant “greets” him… Grant: I was counting down the minutes that you’d be coming here. Did you want to gloat? Jack: About what? Grant: I’m surprised that yours wasn’t the first place that Paulina ran to. Jack: What the hell are you talking about? Grant: Paulina and I are over. Jack: She hasn’t told me anything, but if that’s the case she made the right choice. Grant: You mean she didn’t go running straight to your open and waiting arms. I loved Paulina, but her heart is with you. Jack: I didn’t come to talk about Paulina. This is police business. Grant: Why? Jack: Where were you the night Reginald Love was murdered? Grant smiles and laughs. CAMERA PAN ON GRANT…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ----------------------------------------------------------- Christy: Douglas was a condescending, overbearing, controlling bastard. Frankie: Why didn’t you leave him? Why didn’t you file for divorce? Christy: Where was I gonna go? Frankie: You could’ve come to me or Cass. You didn’t have to kill him. Christy: You don’t understand, do you Mary Frances? I couldn’t just leave him. He was on oxygen. What if he had a situation where he couldn’t get to it? I wasn’t going to just leave him there, and I promised I’d take care of him. I owed him my life. He helped me out of a very dark place. The abyss is what he called it. But the more time went on, the more psychologically controlling he became. I couldn’t take it anymore. Frankie: So you poisoned him? Christy: I’m serving my time, and my parole is hearing is coming up. Frankie: That’s why I had to see you. I had to see if… Christy: You’re going to…recommend I be released? Frankie: I had to see if you were better, and you’ve been very honest about how you feel. Christy: Look, I’m sorry about hurting you and Cass. Dragging you two into my marital problems with Douglas. If you’re gonna make a positive recommendation, I’m sure Cass will contend that I should stay in prison. He can’t be too happy about you visiting me right? Frankie doesn’t say anything. Christy: Oh my God. Cass doesn’t know that you’ve been coming to visit me does he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amanda: This was wonderful. Thank you. Allen: No. Thank YOU. Amanda: How were you able to pull this off? Allen (smiling): Well, my aunt does own the place. Amanda: Right. I almost forgot. Allen: How was your trip? Amanda: It was like any other boring, tedious business trip. All I could think of was getting back here to you. Allen: You must be having a ball at Cory Publishing. Amanda: I guess so, if you think working with Iris is a good time. Allen: I wonder how Rachel took the news. Amanda: She actually encouraged me to take the position that Iris offered. Allen: Wow I didn’t expect Rachel to support that at all. Amanda: I didn’t take the offer at first. I flatly refused it, but after I thought about it, it would be the perfect way to get the company back. Allen: That’s what I was gonna tell you. Amanda: Great minds. Allen: Great girl. They lean in and kiss… -------------------------------------------------------------- Grant: Whatever would make you think that I saw Reginald Love on the night he was killed. Jack: The hotel surveillance camera caught you going up to his room, and a text when from his cell phone to your phone number asking you to meet him there. Grant: So did this said footage actually show me going into Reginald’s room. Jack: I don’t have to tell you that. I know you were there, because you both knew Evan Frame, and I’m sure you know that Reginald killed Evan in St. Croix. Grant: Oh let me guess, I went to avenge Evan’s death by killing Reginald right? Jack: You think this is funny? Grant: I had nothing to do with Evan Frame. Jack: He shot you on the day Bay City Center opened. Grant: And that means absolutely nothing. Jack: So you don’t know who Evan Frame is at all? Grant: I know that he was Sharlene’s nephew. Jack looks intently at Grant. Jack: You’re lying. You know more about this than you’re letting on. I’m not gonna stop digging until I find out what you’re hiding. Grant: What goes around. Listen if you see Paulina, which I'm sure you will make it a point to, tell her I said hello, and give her a kiss, which I'm sure you'll be more than happy to do. Jack: Don’t leave town Harrison. Jack leaves. Grant goes to the bar, pours himself a drink, and takes a sip… Grant: You’re so smug aren’t you Snyder…you won’t be for long. FREEZE FRAME ON GRANT….END OF EPISODE 121 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzkbZfg1EaM
  6. ANOTHER WORLD 120 Is Michael alive? LOVE MANSION Allen is with Vicky and Donna, and puts the gun in his pocket… Allen: Vicky you should stay with Donna. I’ll get rid of this. Donna: You should not put yourself in the middle of my situation. What happened to your face? Vicky: We’re all family, so this is our situation. I’m still shocked that you shot Reginald mom. Allen: He certainly deserved it after everything he’s done. Allen leaves and Vicky turns to Donna. Vicky: Are you okay? Donna: No not really. Vicky: What can I do for you? Donna: Sit down. There’s something else I have to tell you. Vicky: Another surprise? Donna: Reginald told me something the night that I shot him, and it seemed to make sense. Marley walks in. Donna: It’s about Michael. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAVESITE As three men dig up the site, John and Felicia wait…. John (putting his coat on Felicia‘s shoulders): Here put this on. Felicia: Thank you. John: It should keep you warm. One guy walks up to John as the casket is being lifted. Guy: Here he comes. John: Thank you. Felicia: We should know the truth real soon. The other guys open up the casket, and a man that looks like Michael lies in it, and they look at his neck… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKS Allen looks out onto the water, and Toni walks up beside him in uniform. Allen (smiling): Hey officer. Toni (smiling back): Hi. What are you doing out here this time of night? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAY CITY CENTER Carl sits at a table frustrated about his fight with Rachel. He looks up and sees “Sharlene” (Janice). Janice: Are you okay? CAMERA PAN ON CARL…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQFu9qJ88U ------------------------------------------------------------ Part 2 Allen and Toni trade friendly barbs again.. Allen: I suppose I could ask you the same thing. Toni: You still didn’t answer my question. Allen: Am I under investigation? Toni: I don’t know. Should you be? Allen: It’s not against the law to take a nice stroll out on the docks is it? Toni: Well I’m on patrol and I have to keep the city safe. Allen: You need to be careful out here. You better have some backup. Toni: The BCPD is all out here. Nothing’s gonna happen to me. Allen: I know what happened to you. Toni: What do you mean? Allen: And I feel terrible about it. I should have been here for you Toni. Toni: You’re talking about the rape aren’t you? Allen: I’m glad you had Etta Mae and my brother were here for you. Toni: They were, and there was nothing you could’ve done. Allen: Despite all we went through in our marriage, I never stopped caring about you. I see you ain’t changed witcha little attitude. I always liked your feistiness. Toni smiles and pauses…. Toni: So…um…how’s Amanda? Allen: We’re good. Toni: That’s…good. I hope she makes you happy. ---------------------------------------------------------- Janice keeps Carl company Janice: May I sit down? Carl: Sure, Sharlene, sure. How have you been? Janice: I’ve been great, but I guess the real question is how are you? Especially after the way you left the mansion. Carl: I’m fine. Rachel and I just had a little disagreement. Janice: Well that looked like more than a difference of opinion. Carl: Maybe you can talk to your friend about not letting Cory Publishing take over our lives. Janice: Was Cory Publishing what the…disagreement was about? Carl: I’m worried about Rachel becoming obsessed with getting Cory Publishing back. I feel like I’m competing with Mac. Janice: Rachel will always have a place in her heart for Mac. You should ask her where her heart really is. Is she still carrying a torch for Mac? Carl: I’m surprised you would say that about Rachel. Janice puts her hand on Carl’s hand Janice: You deserve a woman who loves you completely. If Rachel’s heart is with someone else, then you might have a decision to make. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John and Felicia brace themselves. Felicia: Are you ready? John (sighs): As ready as I’m going to get. We’re gonna find out if Michael’s alive. look on the neck of the corpse to determine if Michael or Martin Hudson is still alive. John: Oh my God… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION Marley: Michael? What about dad? Donna: Maybe you should sit down, too. Especially with you being pregnant. Marley: What happened? Donna: Reginald told me something the night he died. Vicky: What did he say Donna? Donna: He asked if I wanted to know where Michael was. Marley: Oh my God. Donna: I didn’t believe him, but when I thought back to the time I got that phone call. You were here Victoria. Vicky: Yes, but why did he wait to ask you that? Donna: He was in serious pain. It was like a deathbed confession. Marley: Donna you can’t possibly be feeding into what Reginald said. Vicky: Marley’s right. Reginald probably had someone call you to mess with you. Donna: The person sounded just like Michael. Marley: That’s what Reginald would have wanted you to think. Vicky: Mom it was a prank. Dad is dead. He died in a car crash. Reginald lied to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felicia: That's it. John: It’s the birthmark. This body’s is Martin’s. Michael’s alive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside a side window at the Love Mansion, through a bush…Michael is watching Donna, Vicky, and Marley… FREEZE FRAME ON MICHAEL…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF ANOTHER WORLD 120 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
  7. Liked the ER scene when Chloe was being rushed in... The end is classic soap cliffhanger... I like Billy's remark to Ronan. Ronan could use some Restylane (lip collagen injections lol).. Good one
  8. Grant should have been more careful, and he could have lied to Paulina, but he didn't. I think he wants to move on, because he knows that he will never have Paulina's heart. Thanks for the words on Reginald's killer Carl
  9. LOL @the Jake comment Carl... I'm still bandying about how I'm going to introduce Tyrone's mom... Thanks Carl
  10. Donna shot him, but she didn't kill him... This is Allen's way of atoning for taking those pictures...he really feels bad about that... Grant and Paulina needed to have that conversation. Thanks for reading
  11. Is Fenmore still little? LOL Poor Roxanne...and Victor's expose of Leslie... I didn't know Iris set up all the cameras in Katherine's office. Jack ain't gon let his son marry Gloria...LOL
  12. I had to infuse some humor with Carl and Iris... That Jake/Bridget bonding moment is poignant, especially to Lindsay... Stacey needs to be called out on her motives...I think she wants to protect Lindsay as well as herself... Thanks Carl
  13. LOL Carl.... Janice has got more up her sleeve...you'll see....and so does Christy..thanks Carl
  14. Yes you will see more on Toni Burrell... I think Carl is worried about Rachel more so than trying to control the situation... thanks Carl
  15. ANOTHER WORLD 119 Reginald’s killer is revealed!!! POLICE STATION Toni walks into Jack’s office with a three page report. Jack sits at his desk…. Jack: Whatcha got? Toni (giving the report to Jack): The coroner’s report. Jack (skimming it over): Wow. Not at all what I expected. Toni: It was surprising to me, too. -------------------------------------------------------- GRANT’S HOUSE Grant is on the phone… Grant: I’ll make sure the driver gets you to the police station. In your drunken state, it wouldn’t be smart for you to drive. When you see Jack, ask about Paulina. Grant hangs up his cell phone, turns around, and is startled by Paulina, who has heard everything. Grant: Paulina. Paulina: Who was that? Why would they ask about me? Grant: Listen, I’m just gonna tell you the truth. I was talking to Carly Snyder. --------------------------------------------------------------- CORY MANSION Rachel and “Janice” have a conversation… Rachel: I’m glad you came. Janice: Why? Rachel: I was concerned about you after I saw you at the Harbor Club. You seemed really bothered. Janice: Well like I told you it was the makeup. Rachel: It seemed as if it was more than that. Janice: What else could it have possibly been? Rachel: I don’t know. We’ve been friends for a long time Sharlene. You know you can talk to me about anything. I’ve seen you go through so much. Gregory’s all grown up now. Josie’s living her life. If there’s anything that you need, you can come to me. Janice: I appreciate that. I’m gonna tell what’s really on my mind. Rachel: What is it? Janice: I was thinking about my sister Janice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION Donna goes into her living room safe, and takes out her gun. Vicky walks in and sees Donna with the gun. Vicky: Donna? What are you doing? CAMERA PAN ON VICKY…SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Paulina: Carly is Jack’s wife. Why are you contacting her? Grant: Because Carly needs to know what her husband is doing. Paulina: How is that any of your business? Grant: Because you’re involved Paulina. Paulina: What does this have to do with me? Grant: You have feelings for Jack that’s what. Paulina: It sounds like you’re up to your old tricks again…just like you used to be. Grant: I don’t want to lose you Paulina. Paulina: You never had me. Grant: Is this what you’ve waited for? Paulina: What are you talking about? Grant: An excuse to end things with me. Paulina: Don’t be ridiculous. Grant: I’ve seen the way you look at Jack, the same way you used to look at Joe Carlino. I’ll never have your heart. Paulina: Because there has always been something keeping me from giving it to you. All those years ago when we were involved. Then I saw who you really were, and you’re still that person. You haven’t changed at all. The only reason you’ve called Carly is to make trouble for Jack. Grant: I’m trying to protect you. Paulina: The only person you’ve EVER tried to protect is YOURSELF! Paulina walks out. ------------------------------------------------------ Jack: The report says Reginald Love was shot in the chest. Toni: But the shot missed major arteries and organs. The shot didn’t kill him. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Donna: I’m getting rid of it. Vicky: Donna why would you have a gun in the first place? Oh my God, did you shoot Reginald? Allen walks in… Allen (to himself): I gotta make up for what I’ve done to Marley. Donna: You’re damned right I did! Vicky: Mom, my God you go to jail for that. Allen: Not if they don’t have a murder weapon. It will be very difficult to connect her with the shooting. I’ll help her get rid of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Rachel: I’m sorry about your sister, but my memories of Janice aren’t pleasant. Janice: I remember her being a protective older sister. Rachel: Janice poisoned Mac slowly. She stabbed Mitch and tried to do the same to me in the pool. The only reason Janice tried to kill Mac was because she wanted his money. Janice: And YOU were the one who rescued him from big bad Janice? Rachel: I told Evan before that Janice had become very sick. Are you done with your tea? Janice: Yes I am. Rachel takes the tea tray away… --------------------------------------------------------- Toni: Forensics also found something in the food that was on the floor. Jack: It says there was a high level of poison in the food. Toni: They found the same poison in Reginald’s body. Jack (reading down the report): It says Reginald went into cardiac arrest and died. The gunshot didn’t kill him. Toni: He was poisoned to death. Jack: Don’t take this the wrong way, but that’s the M.O. of a woman killer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel walks into the Cory Living room and notices “Sharlene” is gone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CAR Janice pulls down the vanity mirror while the car stationary, and Sharlene appears in the mirror. Sharlene: What did you do? Janice flashes back to putting a vial into Rachel’s sweater pocket… Sharlene: Rachel is my friend! Janice: Well she sure isn’t mine. Do you know what she said about me? Rachel’s gonna be carted off to prison for murder. Sharlene: A murder YOU committed! Janice: Carl’s gonna need me, and I’m gonna be right there for him. FREEZE FRAME ON JANICE…SLOW FADE OUT…END OF 119 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXHKdHrKsZI&noredirect=1
  16. I think Vicky Wyndham would be proud of me...giving her STORY and not just SCENES (I'm sure you remember her saying that) LOL...thanks Carl...
  17. Yes Carl I did forget a word when Kirkland was taking us through his family tree. I also think is some weird way, Iris does have a place in her heart for her sibs... Thanks Carl...
  18. Grant is being Grant...he only contacted Carly to make trouble for Jack...and he's going to find out Jack and Paulina's secret....and thanks for reading MLC
  19. Victoria's return is A PLUS....with a BANG!! Ashley is being messy....she must be drunk lol Uh Oh Scotty...is the jig up? Ol' hoe lol DANG!!! Leslie just told it all!!! BOMBSHELL!!! THE VIOLENCE!! Viewer discretion advised!!! Victoria and Chloe!! I LOVED THIS EPISODE!! GREAT ACTION AND TRUTHS COMING OUT!!!
  20. More of Carl and Iris coming soon...and I'm glad Stacey is being called out on her true motives why she doesn't want Lindsay to tell the truth
  21. THe Commissioner made him do it...He didn't want to lol...You'll see what Janice is up to coming soon...Thanks for reading MLC
  22. I don't think Allen was hostile to Toni...I think Toni was being standoffish (or hard to get)...Carl's being insecure...thanks MLC
  23. Thanks MLC...Paulina is gonna have other matters to attend to...Cory Publishing is close to Rachel's heart
  24. ANOTHER WORLD 118 Allen confesses HOSPITAL (Creative consult MLCProduction) Lindsay is outside a hospital room watching Jake and Bridget and Gregory catches her. Gregory: What are you doing? You really shouldn’t be doing this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSIDE THE ROOM Jake: I’ll do anything for my little girl. Bridget: I’m not little anymore. Jake: Don’t remind me. You’ve grown up so fast. Vicky walks in. Vicky: What happened? Jake: John told me I twisted my knee. Bridget: He was moving my bed when he hurt himself. Vicky: I can’t remember any other time I’ve been to the hospital more than I’ve been in the past few days. Jake: This is a far less serious situation. It’s only a twisted knee. John walks in and gives him a paper… John: I’ve made your first appointment for physical therapy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTGOMERYS Tyrone sits on the couch on his cell phone when Marley walks in. Tyrone: Yeah ma, you’re gonna be a grandmother. (beat) We don’t know yet. (beat) Let me know. Tyrone hangs up. Tyrone: Hey baby. Marley: Hey. Was that your mother on the phone? Tyrone: Yeah she wants to come for a visit. Marley: Oh. Tyrone: Come on Marley. Mom has softened up over the years. Marley: She likes me just as much as Etta Mae. Remember that? Tyrone: Mom doesn’t think you’re crazy. Marley: Yeah especially now that I’m carrying her grandchild. Tyrone: Well if ma hasn’t accepted our marriage after all this time then I don’t know what to tell her. You have nothing to worry about. I’m gonna go take a shower. Tyrone kisses Marley and goes upstairs, while Marley answers the door. Marley: Allen. Hi. Allen: Can I come in? Marley: Yeah sure of course. You look…like something’s on your mind. Allen: There is. Marley: Is it about Nicole? Allen: No. There’s something I have to tell you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE STATION Jack is questioning Sage. Jack: How did you get here? Sage: That’s not important. I had to get away from mom. Jack: What the hell is going on between you two? Sage: Mom is hardly around, and when she is, she complains all the time. I want to go live with Aunt Emma. Jack: I know you and your sister are spending a lot of time at the farm. Sage: Mom drops us off there when she doesn’t wanna be bothered. Jack: Watch your mouth Sage. Your mother loves you and your sister. Sage: Are you sure? Jack: Your mom is working long hours. Sage: Yeah she’s putting in a lot of time at the Lakeview hotel bar. Jack: What are you talking about? Sage: Don’t you get it dad? Mom is drinking again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE, IN OAKDALE, ILLINOIS at the LAKEVIEW HOTEL BAR… The bartender slides a napkin and a short glass of a brown drink with ice to a lady…Carly Snyder… Carly: You must be like, brand new. Bartender: Sort of. Carly: Because you can’t tell the difference between neat and on the rocks. I want my scotch NEAT! Bartender: I’m sorry ma’am. He slips her a scotch with no ice… Carly: Thank you! Carly lifts the glass to her lips about to take a sip when Grant grabs her wrist. Grant: You should hold off on that. CAMERA PAN ON GRANT….SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m446umzSExQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 Jack: You and your mother are fighting again. I’ll talk to her. Sage: You’ve said that before dad. Jack: You know I’ve had cases to work on honey. Sage: What about us dad? What about home? Have you forgotten about us? Jack: How can you ask me that question? It’s why I’m here. It’s why I work long hours. We’re not rich like Lucinda Walsh. The bills aren’t gonna pay themselves. I work here to support you and your sister, and Parker and JJ are away at school. Tuition isn’t free. I’d like to think you’d be a bit more grateful. Sage: I’m sorry dad, but we just miss you. If you were home more often, maybe mom wouldn’t drink. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carly: Grant Harrison. You worked with Craig Montgomery. I know who you are. Grant: I know that you are an alcoholic. Carly (mockingly): And I shouldn’t be drinking blah blah blah. I’ve heard it all before now if you’ll excuse me, I really could use this…neat…scotch. Grant: I can’t let you do that. You have to come to Bay City. Something’s happened to your husband. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL Gregory and Lindsay are in an empty room. Gregory: It’s not healthy for you to be watching Jake and Bridget. Lindsay: Why? Do you think I’m gonna get jealous over their relationship? Gregory: It could happen. Look I care about you, and I don’t want you get hurt. Let them have their life. The McKinnons are better off not knowing the truth. Lindsay: I know what this is about. This is about you easing your conscience because of Michele McKinnon’s death. Look I’m sorry. Gregory: I will have to live with that for the rest of my life, and their family almost got torn apart because of it. Lindsay: I understand how you feel, but can you try to understand how I feel? I don’t want to come between Jake and Bridget’s relationship, but I have a right to have one, too. Gregory: Lindsay--- Lindsay: Derek is always gonna be my dad, and I’m not trying to hurt anyone. Gregory: But that is exactly what you’re going to do if you tell Jake that he’s your biological father. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE… Jake is on crutches, while Vicky looks at Jake’s appointment sheet, and walks toward the door. Jake: I can’t get used to these. Vicky (mumbling quietly): Lindsay Winthrop is gonna be Jake’s therapist? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTGOMERYS Marley: What’s bothering you? Allen: You’ve been so good to me. Marley: Of course. You’re family. Allen: When I came to Bay City I didn’t expect that I would feel a part of the Love family. I was so hell bent on getting Nicole out of Pinehaven, that I didn’t consider any collateral damage. I wish I hadn’t done it. Marley: What did you do Allen? Allen: I know for a fact that Tyrone and Donna weren’t having an affair. Marley: How? Allen: Because I took the pictures. Marley: What pictures? Marley flashes back to seeing the pictures on Reginald’s laptop… Marley: You took those pictures that Reginald had on his computer? How could you do that? Why did you do it? Allen: I wanted to get some leverage on Tyrone. I’m so sorry. Tyrone rushes downstairs, punches Allen in the face, and Allen falls to the floor. Tyrone: You son of a bitch! You almost cost me my marriage and my baby. Marley: Tyrone--- Tyrone: Get your ass up! Get up! Allen (touching his lip): I deserved that. Tyrone: You’re damned right! Now get the hell outta my house before I REALLY kick your ass! FREEZE FRAME ON TYRONE…SLOW FADE OUT..END OF 114 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpVHZcZc9U
  25. ANOTHER WORLD 117 Carl confronts Iris WINTHROPS HOUSE Cass and Stacey have a conversation while they sit on the couch, eating breakfast... Cass: I sure miss the good cooking. Stacey: Judging from what was in the fridge, you haven't had a good home cooked meal in a while. Cass: I left all the kitchen to duties to Frankie and Lila. Stacey: You mean Lila the liar. Cass: Stace, don't even start. Lila and I mostly had a great marriage. Stacey: What about Frankie? Cass: Frankie and I had Charlie. Stacey: You also had a date the other night. How did that go? Cass: It went very well actually. Stacey: That's...good. Cass: Frankie taught me how to be a family man. Stacey: What about Kathleen? Cass: Kathleen and I never got a chance because of her going into witness protection. Stacey: Are you discounting what she meant to you? Cass: No, of course not. I loved Kathleen with all my heart. Stacey: And Nicole? Cass: Nicole has been through a lot in her life, and I hope she recovers. I loved Nicole, too, and then I found out that she let Felicia take the rap for Jason Frame's death. Stacey: And then there's lying Lila. Cass: Lila and I had a great marriage, and a wonderful family. She helped me raise Charlie and I think of Jasmine as my own daughter, but Frankie seems to trump them all. She made me a better man back then, and she's making me one all over again. I'm falling in love with her again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS HOUSE Jake and Bridget are in Bridget's bedroom. Jake drags a dresser from one end of the room to the other. Bridget (sitting at her desk watching Jake): You're doing a great job dad. Thanks for helping me move my room around. It needed a new look. Jake: From the looks of things, I'M the only one rearranging things. Bridget: Have the police found anything about Grandpa Reginald? Jake: They made an announcement about that on the news. Are you still salty about what your mom and I said about him? Bridget: That's not the person I saw. I know he loved me. Jake: I'm sorry honey. Your mother and I wouldn't lie to you about that. Jake suddenly falls to the floor in pain grabbing his leg... Bridget: Dad? Jake: I think I hurt my knee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY PUBLISHING Iris walks into her newly painted and re-arranged office. With her back to the door, is in her office pouring a cup of coffee. Suddenly Carl touches her shoulder... Iris (startled): Ahh!! What the hell are you doing here? Carl: You need to give up Cory Publishing. CAMERA PAN ON CARL...SLOW FADE TO THEME SONG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnv5iGKbwY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cass: What about you sis? Stacey: What about me? Cass: Since you've recounted my love life, it's time we take inventory of yours. Stacey: I've had love. I mean I lost Jamie's baby, and Derek and I have been on and off again. Having Lindsay was the best that ever happened to me. I thought after losing my first child, I thought I never could have children. Cass: Miracles do happen. Stacey: The circumstances for which Lindsay was conceived may have been questionable, but I love Lindsay with all my heart, and I will do anything to protect her. Cass: Do you think that you are protecting Lindsay by keeping her from revealing the truth about Jake being her father. Stacey: Derek is her father in every way that counts. It's no different than you and Charlie. I don't want Lindsay ruining their family. Jake is happy with Vicky and Bridget. Cass: It sounds like you're trying to protect someones else besides Lindsay and the McKinnons. Stacey: Who could that possibly be Cass? Cass: Yourself...your heart? I think you have feelings for Jake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSPITAL John examines Jake's knee in an exam area. John: Seems like you strained some ligaments. What were you doing? Jake: I was re-arranging Bridget's room for her. Bridget: He was pushing my bed. He must have hurt his knee doing that. Jake: Am I gonna need surgery? John: No. Physical therapy should put you on the road to recovery. I'm going to go set up an appointment for you. John leaves Jake and Bridget alone. Bridget: I'm so sorry dad. Jake: For what? Bridget: I should have helped you move the bed. Lindsay walks by, notices Jake and Bridget, and listens... Jake: Why in the world are you apologizing? I'll do anything for you. You're my little girl. Lindsay observes Jake and Bridget hugging... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iris: You came all the way up here to tell me that Carl. You have way too much time on her hands. Then again, you are married to Rachel. Carl: This office looks like one...big...orange. Iris: It's a new day at Cory Publishing. I wanted all traces of Rachel out of here. Carl: This is affecting my marriage. Iris: I'm sorry, but your marriage is not my problem. Carl: You should reconsider splitting the company up equally to Mac's children. Iris: Don't you utter my father's name. Since when did you ever care about what Mac wanted? You hated him. Carl: Old grudges die hard don't they? Iris: Yes they do. I will NEVER forgive you for trying to kill daddy. Carl: Perhaps I should take the same approach with you. You shot me at my wedding after Evan put real bullets in the gun you used. I want this war between you and Rachel to stop. Iris: Clearly my former stepmommy isn't capable of making sound decisions. She married YOU didn't she? Carl: What's the matter? Are you jealous? Iris (laughing): Are you serious? Rachel is jealous because she can't be here running the company. Carl: Why did I think I could ever reason with you? Carl walks out... Iris (yelling out): Maybe the old bitch should retire! FREEZE FRAME ON IRIS SMILING...SLOW FADE OUT...END OF 117 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmCG8J7Icwc
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