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Episode 66

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: The Lair) ---Gina walks into the surprisingly crowded bar. She looks around and finally spots Lily, sitting at a small round table toward the far end of the bar. She approaches her daughter and takes her seat with her, ordering a gin & tonic from the waiter. "I can't believe the business in this place- I didn't even realize it was still open....." Gina muses. "It wasn't, actually. It had closed




RTSB returns with 5 brand new episodes this week, beginning TONIGHT!!!!! Lots is going to be happening this week- by week's end, expect to have seen most of the cast appear!!!! Here's some previews of what I have in store for RTSB this week! ----Two unexpected pairs make love! ----Kirk returns to Santa Barbara! ----Augusta re-appears.......and she AIN'T in London! ----Maureen has some SHOCKING information for Mary that will directly effect Mason ----CC & Ashton have a revealing c



Episode 65

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico- HOTEL) ----Eden sits on the phone while Julia, Adriana, and Steve sit around the room, all with solemn looks on their faces. Eden hangs up and informs everyone that it was the investigators on the line. The DNA test is underway as they speak and should be done in about an hour. Julia asks if they gave any indication as to whether it's a match, but Eden tells her that they have no way of knowing



Episode 64

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: West Palm Beach Airport) ---Mary is completely stunned when she realizes that Maureen is very much alive. She explains that Mark had always told her that he had no family, that both of his parents died in a tragic accident when he was young and that he had no siblings. Maureen tells her that this is partially true- Mark doesn't have any siblings and his father died when he was very young. But she's always



SONBC Interview w/Judith McConnell

Is she Loretta? Is she Sophia? Just what is going on with RTSB's matriarch, Sophia Capwell, and will she ever return home to her loved ones? We sat down with Judith McConnell and got into all of this, including her SONBC Award pre-nom. SONBC: Welcome Judith. It's such an honor to get to meet you like this. Judith: Thank you very much. What a nice thing to say? SONBC: You've been a very busy lady over on RTSB since its inception. Judith: I sure have and I couldn't be more pleased b




His name is Greg and he's had an extremely rough couple of days at work. Many of you know that I wait tables. For the past two days, I've had a manager berate me, personally attack me, and send me home because of extremely small and questionable instances. Both times, she deliberately pushed my buttons in an attempt to get a rise out of me and cause me to lose control. Both days, I somehow was able to maintain my composure, which of course, only infuriated her more. In 10 years in the



February Episode Counts

Total RTSB Episodes in February: 12 Total RTSB Episodes to Date: (63) 1. Lane Davies (Mason)- 6 (43) 1. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana)- 6 (28) 1. Gina Gallego (Santana)- 6 (13) 1. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 6 (40) 1. Harley Jane Kozak (Mary)- 6 (28) 1. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 6 (37) 7. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 5 (6) 7. Renee Jones (Sherri)- 5 (5) 7. Charles Keating (Edmund)- 5 (17) 7. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 5 (36) 7. Robert Thaler (Pearl)- 5 (12) 12. Jed Allan (CC)- 4 (41) 12. Heather Lin



Episode 63

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC sits at his desk, thinking about the conversation he had with Kelly at breakfast. He vows that Edmund Lavery will not destroy his family like he did his own. Kathleen buzzes him and informs him that Elizabeth is there for their meeting. He says to send her in and Elizabeth enters the office. "Well, Mrs. Timmons. Good morning....." "Good morning CC. I'm so sorry about that



Episode 62

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ----CC lays in his bed, tossing & turning, apparently having a nightmare. He dreams about Sophia confronting Elizabeth about their affair. He looks into Elizabeth's eyes, seeing the pain on her face. He then glances toward their father, angrily looking down at his youngest daughter. Elizabeth tries to defend herself but Sophia slaps her across the face. Suddenly, the dream shifts



Episode 61

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB BACK ON TV!!!! (EXT: New York City, NY) ---Ted opens up the door to his hotel room and throws his briefcase down on the table. He sees that the red light on his phone is blinking and calls the front desk to check his messages. The clerk informs him that his wife called and a Laken Lockridge had called as well. She gives him the phone number that Laken left. He hangs up the phone and looks at his cell phone and contemplate




Sorry for last week's unnanounced hiatus guys, but I've been sick and had family in town over the weekend. Plus, the hours at my job were cranked up a bit this week. But THIS WEEK, RTSB is back for 4 brand new episodes! See the updated schedule for details. It's a week you definitely won't want to miss! And of course, don't miss an all-new edition of Talkin Santa Barbara! this Wednesday at 10 PM on BlogTalkRadio. The link is on the right side of the blog!!!!



Episode 60

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Baja Mexico- Highway) ---Santana drives down the highway, nervously. She remembers back to going off on the speedboat looking for Cruz and seeing the yacht he was on explode. She then flashes back to greeting a distraught Eden as a body was pulled up from the water. She continues driving, then thinks back to the conversation with Det. Torres and Kirk. She continues driving again, checking her rear view m



SONBC Pre-Noms Submissions DECIDED!!!

Whew. It took me a while but I've finally picked out the submissions for each of the actors and the best show submission. Without further adieu, here they are. Feel free to comment, and let me know how I did on my choice for YOUR favorite!!!! Best Younger Actress Alisa Reyes (Marta)- Episode 30 Heather Lindell (Samantha)- Episode 20 Best Supporting Actor Tuc Watkins (Keith)- Episode 19 Michael Brainard (Ted)- Episode 22 Best Supporting Actress Carmen Duncan (Pamela



Episode 59

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!! (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Castle) ----Edmund stares into Sophia's eyes, trying to figure out for sure whether his techniques have brought back his beloved Loretta. "Edmund..........darling, why are you looking at me like that?" "Like what?" (she laughs) "It's as though you're seeing a ghost....." "Am I?" (she laughs again) "Of course not. What's gotten into you this morning for Heaven's sake



INTERVIEW......with MYSELF!!!!

Cruz Castillo- DEAD?!? Sophia Capwell- PRESUMED Dead!?!? Mary Duvall- Back From The DEAD?? All in a day's work on SONBC's highest rated blog serial, Return to Santa Barbara. Once again, SONBC sits down with 'RTSB's (re-)creator, juniorz (he insists we call him this, though those in the know may refer to him as 'Greg') SONBC: Let's get down to business. Do you hate the supercouples of 'Santa Barbara'? juniorz: (laughs) Good God, no, quite the opposite- I care very deeply about t



Episode 58

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT:London, England Edmund's Castle) ---Edmund sits in his study, taking down notes. He stops for a moment and remembers Loretta, thinking back on when they were newlyweds. Suddenly, CC begins invading his memories and all he is able to see is CC walking off with his wife. He shakes himself out of it, standing up from behind the desk. He remembers implanting Sophia's mind with Loretta's memories of CC,



Episode 57

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: Baja Mexico- DAWN) ----Eden sits on the dock alone, with an afghan from the car wrapped around her, dangling her legs over the water. She looks at the empty B6 slot and watches as another team of divers jump into the water. Julia watches her from afar, holding two paper cups filled with steaming coffee. She walks up to her friend and takes a seat next to her, handing her the coffee. Eden wipes



Episode 56

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden and Julia continue driving down the road, heading toward what they think is the marina that Cruz is at. Eden is troubled when she sees emergency vehicles and police cars speeding in the other direction. "Julia, something's not right.......why would all these police cars be heading away from the marina?" "I'm not sure.....maybe it's unrelated...." Eden notices a cop car in an




Since Episode 55 OH-SO-OBVIOUSLY was meant to be a cliffhanger Friday, I'm being a poop and making you all wait another day for the next one. That, and I have the day off tomorrow and no car. I'll adjust the schedule accordingly. In the meantime, time for some NEWS!!!! Drew Hamilton, an SON member and SONBC enthusiast (that's the nickname of our blog network), has kicked off the 2007 SONBC Awards, just in time for Emmy season. Basically, he's doing it like the Emmys, where each blog



Episode 55

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: BAJA, Mexico) ---Cruz is shown driving down the off-road, looking down at the map. He slows down, thinking he may have missed a turn. He looks over the map closely, once again. "Where the hell am I? If I'm headin to a dock, I should see water by now..." Meanwhile, Kirk stops behind him, staying far enough behind to remain out of sight. He opens up his laptop and types that Castillo ha



RTSB Pre-Empted Today

UPDATE: Haha, so I worked 16 hours Saturday (meeting at 8, shift started at 10:45 AM, ended 12 AM). Then, I woke up Sunday for another shift, got home early (3 PM) and slept from then until 2 AM! U wanna talk about beat...... In any event, 'RTSB' will return tomorrow (Monday) with no loss in story!



Episode 54

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!!! (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ----Eden is frantic after realizing that Adriana was indeed the attempted kidnapping victim and feared the worst for Cruz. She grabs her keys and says she's going down there. Julia tells her she doesn't think it's safe and they should contact the authorities immediately. Eden looks outside and sees the sun beginning to set. "There isn't any time Julia, I've got



Episode 53

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: West Palm Beach, Florida- Upscale Hotel) ---Mason and Mary dine in the hotel restaurant, waiting for Pearl to get there with Sherri. Mary says she's exhausted from all of the traveling and delays they experienced the day before. She thanks Mason for coming along with she and Pearl on the trip and admits to being nervous about meeting Sherri for the first time. Mason asks if she remembers Sherri at all,



Episode 52

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND Edmund's Castle (Dungeon)) ----Edmund watches Sophia while she sleeps peacefully in her room. He thinks back to the night before and her response to the hypnosis. He remembers feeding her more of Loretta's memories, that of her childhood and marriage to Edmund. Only one part of her memories hasn't been implanted: the affair with CC and birth of Ashton. Edmund realizes that while implanti



SON Outage!!!

As all of you know, SON had yet another outage yesterday, causing RTSB to be pre-empted. I had lots I was building to this week which is why I kept re-scheduling to make it a 5 episode week. Unfortunately, now, that won't be happening. With the way I have everything paced (and you all know I'm a stickler for pacing), everything works out better if I do 3 episodes this week instead of 4. So I'm keeping Friday as an 'off' day for 'RTSB' and will post this week's final episode tomorrow, as



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