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The first week the blog began way back in December of 2005, Tony Dimera revealed to Billie and Bo that Chelsea was not the real Georgia Brady! After Billie sprung Tony from prison in an attempt to find the real Georgia, Tony blew up the Brady Pub during the Christmas Party and tragically killed Chelsea! Bo and Billie were heartbroken. It took months to grieve Chelsea, but they eventually began a search for their real daughter. Enter Peyton List. List was first co
One of the first things the blog did was replace Christopher Gerse with the exceptionally talented and equally handsome Taylor Handley! The blog promised Will would be taken in a new direction and offered a meaty storyline. When Will returned with Handley in the role, he was dark, edgey, and had a shocking secret! Will was gay! Will could not handle being in Salem with his secret so he ran away and found himself in Sunset Beach where he met another runaway, Paige. H
Addison "Addie" Bradford came to town in the form of PSNS star, Emily Harper, during the spring of 2007. She is a quirky, eccentric packrat who stumbled across an audiotape which freed Sami from prison and exonerated her from the kidnapping and murder charges. Addie had Annie Douglas’ taped confession for weeks before she realized what it was. After being a smalltime hero and freeing Andy’s cousin, Sami, from prison, Addie found herself growing increasingly attr
Andrew “Andy” Donovan is the son of 80’s supercouple, Shane Donovan and Kim Brady. Y&R star, Greg Rikaart, brought the young hunk to Salem in the winter. Andy returned to town in the winter to stay with his aunt Kayla, but after spending time with his Uncle Bo, he soon found he had a knack for investigation and police work just like his father, Shane. He attended an all-boys university on the outskirts of Salem where he studies Forensics. He had a new mysteriou
Sarah Horton is the youngest daughter of Mickey and Maggie and the sister of Melissa Horton! Susan Ward of “Sunset Beach” and movie fame brought Sarah to life on the blog. Sarah recently came to town because she landed a job at the Salem Spectator as the paper’s #1 trashy reporter! She immediately butted heads with Jack Devereaux who hated to see the paper go from a respected journal to a dirty gossip rag. She also clashed with Greta, whom she blamed for her sist
Miguel Marco is a secretive bad boy who was once married to Melissa Horton, daughter of Mickey and Maggie Horton! Miguel cheated on Melissa with her sister, Sarah. Although Melissa did – and does - not know the identity of her husband’s other woman, she divorced Miguel. Miguel was able to pay off a judge and acquire custody of Melissa’s children. Miguel is a very, very bad man. He is back in Salem threatening and blackmailing his ex-mistress, Sarah, to help him w
Melissa Horton returned to Salem last Spring in the form of her most popular portrayer, Lisa Trusel. Melissa is the daughter of Mickey and Maggie Horton. She came back to Salem, heartbroken and traumatized. She had just recently divorced her philandering husband, Miguel Marco, and he had taken her children from her in the divorce due to his being so well connected in the legal system. Melissa soon found herself to be the object of Frankie Brady’s affections, and he be
Here is a new promo!
It is dedicated to all of the love and romance going on in Salem right now on the blog!
There are a lot of couples floating around, and romance and love are two huge elements of the blog this summer! A new promo was definitely needed! The time for tortured couples is over.........for now!
Love is in the air!
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Episode #165 - Friday, May 18th, 2007:
Abby and Jennifer have a reunion during which Abby tells Jennifer about how she inherited the mental illness of the family. Abby shows Jen her cutting scars.
Evil Maggie realizes Billie does not know the truth and that there is no reason to kill her.
Greta and Eric realize they need to tell Frankie the truth about their sleeping together.
A teary Eric opens up to his uncle Frankie…little does Frankie know they are tears of guilt over sleeping with
The Blog is looking to bump up it's hunk-o-meter by two notches!
Casting Call #1: A casting call has gone out for a brooding, painfully sexy dirty blonde male in his late twenties. He is heroic, has chiseled good looks, looks devilish, but has a heart of gold. The actor's sexiness must only be matched the actor's talent to perform. The character will be one of the most important characters in DAYS/BLOG history, and he will change the course of the show forever. He MUST be i
Episode #164 - Thursday, May 17th, 2007:
Everyone stands in shock as they stare at Jennifer Rose Horton who is alive and well and standing in the back of the church.
A weak Billie falls into Jack’s arms. He helps her up. Abby runs into Jennifer’s arms. “Oh, baby girl. I’ve missed you so much.”...Jennifer says.
Jack approaches Jen and touches her face and her hair. He cannot believe what is in front of him right now. “Jen?”...Jack asks with tears in his eyes. “It’s me, Jack. It’s me.”...J
FURY PROMO! (click here)
The conclusion of The Fury Storyline is upon us!
Don't miss the Death of a Horton!
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Episode #163 - Wednesday, May 16th, 2007:
The wedding begins.
Bo walks Billie down the aisle.
Evil Maggie flashes back to Billie being on air saying how she knew the identity of the Fury. Maggie realizes she must kill Billie.
Lucas and Sami exchange looks during the ceremony...but she is there with Peter.
Bo and Hope also exchange looks of passion and love during the ceremony, but she cannot forgive him for what he has done.
Carrie and Austin smile at each other as they stand on eac
Episode #162 - May 15, 2007:
Billie and Jack’s wedding day arrives.
In the bridal room, Billie prepares for the ceremony. Kate, Georgia, Austin, Lucas, and Philip arrive to be with her. She is very weak from her cancer treatment, but she is grateful to have her family with her.
When alone, Georgia and Kate breakdown together over Billie, her cancer, and how she will be soon lose her life. They cry and comfort each other.
While alone, Billie and Austin talk about how long the road to ha
Episode #261 - May 14th, 2007:
Lucas begs Sami not to forgive Peter. He tells her Peter is a lying criminal, but Sami insists she loves him.
While immobilized outside of town, Celeste has a premonition Maggie’s downfall is forthcoming.
Melissa very sternly and flat out tells Frankie that she loves him more than Greta ever could dream of loving him. Melissa says to Frankie that he broke her heart. He chose Greta over her, and Melissa can stand by him and recognize when she needs to forgiv
Click here to see the new cast of DAYS!
The blog has brought back tons of fan favorites for exciting storylines this summer!
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“Well, it hasn’t been an easy couple of months, but I survived!”…the headwriter of the blog says with a smile, referencing the fact that the blog was to go off the “air” only to have it receive a last minute reprieve last week. “When I made the decision, I was expecting the months of April through June to be much more hectic than they appear to be so far. I haven’t been able to update the blog as often as I would like to (daily), but that will chang
Episode #260 - Friday, May 11th, 2007:
Sami reveals to everyone that she would be no where if those in her life did not forgive her…so she says she does indeed forgive Peter. Nicole is disappointed…as is Lucas.
Celeste predicts Maggie will kill again soon.
Horton daughters, Sarah and Melissa, team up with Alice to try and figure out if Maggie is drinking again.
Sami tells Carrie she is going to have to try a lot harder than that if she wants to ruin her life. Carrie once again tells Sam
Celeste has revealed Maggie's final victim will be the most shocking yet - and a Horton! Vote on who you THINK will be murdered next week!
Episode #259 - Thursday, May 10th, 2007:
Sami slaps Peter across the face, saying she knows Carrie is telling the truth because of the look on his face. Peter says he did sleep with Annie, but it’s not what she thinks. Sami does not want to hear it. She walks to Nicole, who has a grin on her face, and decks her! Nicole falls to the ground.
Austin finds a note from Carrie…saying she has returned to Salem to take care of business.
Sami vows to Nicole she will get her revenge on her for thi
Episode #258 - Wednesday, May 9th, 2007:
Carrie enters the apartment where Nicole, Peter, and Lucas are waiting. Sami is shocked to see her sister and asks her what the hell she is doing here. Carrie tells Sami she has something big to tell her.
Maggie appears to be having an internal struggle. She tries to fight for control of herself, but it appears something else is winning out.
Belle fears Shawn will never be able to forgive her for taking her eye off of J.T. while she was babysittin
Episode #257 - Tuesday, May 8th, 2007:
Nicole returns to Salem angry that her plan to have Carrie return and expose Sami did not work. Little does she know Carrie is on a plane to expose Peter and Annie’s affair right now!
Peter is kind of relieved Annie was murdered and that his affair will never come out.
Marlena and John head for Madrid on Tony’s private jet.
Alice confides in Melissa, Sarah, and Hope that she believes Maggie is drinking once again.
Addie (as E.C.), Andy, Jan, and Jer
The blog is very excited to announce the return of three more fan favorites! In addition to Tonya Boyd (Celeste), John Ingle (Mickey), John De Lancie (Eugene), Arleen Sorkin (Calliope), Austin Peck (Austin), Christie Clark (Carrie), Wayne Northrop (Roman), Leanne Hunley (Anna), and Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton), the blog is announcing even more returns for the months of May and June!
Jamie Lynn Bauer (Laura Horton) and the beloved supercouple of Shane and Kim
There is some breaking news happening on SONBC! King has now announced that his blog will not be going off the air in July as originally planned! "It's true. The blog will NOT be ending in July!"...exclaims the headwriter/creator. "When I made the decision to end the blog, I was anticipating a lot going on this summer on a personal level, and it was unclear whether I could handle it all. But now that the summer is upon us, I am realizing I can handle it while s