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IT'S WAR!!!!

Episode #182 - Tuesday, June 5th, 2007: Shane, Kim, Kayla, and Marlena try to get to the root of Steve's missing years. Kayla tells Marlena Steve shot her...and her kidnapped Stephanie, and she needs to know why! Marlena suggests Steve is under the control of Stefano like John and Hope were at one time. Shawn apologizes to the man who resembles his father. Unbeknownst to Shawn, the man's name is Duncan, and he has a shocking connection to Salem. Mike reveals to all that Billie will be OK in




Episode #180 - Monday, June 4th, 2007: Georgia arrives to complete her community service. She arrives at the site of a Habitat for Humanity building site. The site adviser is rough on her and puts her to work immediately, carrying some very heavy lumber. A gunshot flies through the window as Frankie, Greta, Eric, and Kristen all duck for cover. Glass flies through and nails Frankie in the face. He cries out in pain. When the smoke clears, all four lay on the ground...there is blood trickling




BONUS EPISODE #5! Shane, Kim, and Kayla tell Steve they won’t give up on him, despite his begging them to do so. Jennifer runs into Peter in downtown Salem and begs him to leave Sami alone. She says Peter has already hurt enough people. Peter says he loved Jennifer and never wanted to hurt her…Jennifer reminds Peter despite his intentions, he did hurt her and that is all that matters. Peter says that shouldn’t be all that matters. His love should matter. He vows to always stand by Sami. Mi




BONUS EPISODE #4! Belle tells Shawn she wants him back. Shawn says he’ll never be able to forgive her for letting J.T. run out in front of Georgia’s car. Frankie tells Greta he wants a divorce as soon as possible so he suggests going to the Dominican Republic for a quickie divorce. Greta agrees. Melissa and Sarah visit Maggie in prison. Maggie is remorseful and begs her daughters for their forgiveness. They ask why she has done this. Maggie says she does not know. Shane and Kim arrive



Chloe's got a secret!

BONUS EPISODE #3! Chloe meets with someone mysterious while in Shawn's loft. Chloe hides her mysterious friend when Shawn, Belle, and Philip return home suddenly from Lucas' funeral. Kayla stands over an unconscious Steve. Kayla flashes back to Steve remembering he was the one who kidnapped Stephanie and shot Kayla. Kayla remembers knocking Steve out in order to protect them...both. Jan is sentenced to jail until she can get a hearing. Bo vows to do whatever it takes to get her out since




SUMMER PREVIEWS: "The theme of the summer is secrets and lies! Everyone storyline will be affected by one or the other!"...previews King. "It will all wreak of old school 'DAYS! At least, I hope! And I don't mean 80's DAYS...I mean 90's DAYS. There will be a lot of intrigue, manipulation, and betrayal. There have been a lot of pay offs lately because that is what the plan was for the blog to end, but this summer will be a mix of more pay-offs and building some great, new storylines." Th




Roman, John, Marlena, and Eric arrive at Sami's to help her and Will get ready for the funeral. Jennifer tells Abby she needs to get to Lucas' funeral. Abby tells Jennifer she's gathered her here to say goodbye. Carrie arrives at Sami's. Abby and Max say goodbye to Jen, Jack, Frankie, and Caroline. It is a very sad, tearful goodbye, but Jennifer knows Abby will find happiness outside of Salem that she cannot find her. Carrie sits down with Sami. Carrie tells Sami how horrible she feels. Sh




BONUS EPISODE! Kate is shocked to see her sister, Jenna (Laura Leighton) standing before her. Jenna explains she knows Kate asked her and their parents to stay far away from Salem, but Jenna says she heard about Lucas, and she had to come and be there for her sister. Kate is appreciative of Jenna being there...but Kate says if she wanted the support of her or her parents, she would have called them herself. Andy wonders where his roommate, E.C., could have transfered to. Andy flashes back to




CASTING NEWS! Thank you to everyone who voted in the casting poll! You, the readers, the fans, have spoken! Milo Ventimiglia of "Heroes" and "Gilmore Girls" fame will be joining the blog this week in the mysterious role of Aidan, who will be revealed to be the long-lost son of supercouple, John and Marlena. "Deidre Hall left the show in 1987 for about five years. They have been referred to on the show as her missing years during which Marlena gave birth to Cassie and Rex...but she also g




Episode #175 - Friday, June 1st, 2007: Victor attempts to console Kae over Lucas' death, but she pushes him away. Greta confronts Maggie and demands an answer as to why Maggie would do this to her or Alice or anyone! Maggie has a fire in her eyes, and she lashes out at Greta calling her a whore! Bo and Roman realize whoever is standing in front of them is NOT Maggie! Georgia helps Will grieve. Bo leaves the station to comfort Hope over her cousin's loss. Mike and Billie share a special




DAYS' CASTING NEWS! Dylan Walsh (Sean, Nip/Tuck) will be joining DAYS in a mysterious role. The character is named Duncan, who will be very involved with Bo and Hope's summer storyline. Duncan is going to bear a very striking resemblance to Bo Brady. "It's going to be a fun story, but it will, of course, mean some trouble for Bope!" The blog will be doing two special bonus episodes this weekend. "There will be a special Saturday AND Sunday episode this weekend."...previews King. "There is




"MELROSE PLACE" STAR JOINS CAST! Laura Leighton, who played Sydney Andrews on Aaron Spelling's "Melrose Place" will join the blog in June. Leighton will be playing the role of Jenna, who will interact very heavily with Mike Horton and Kate Roberts. "Jenna is going to cause a stir right from the get-go. She'll hopefully be a lovable bad girl. The blog needs a new baddie to come in and vamp things up a bit."...previews King. "She also will have a few connections to people in Salem."




WHO IS AIDAN!? Thank you to all SON-ers who voted in the casting poll! After 18 votes, Chad Michael Murray, Scott Speedman, and Milo Ventimiglia are the final three in the running to play the mysterious role of Aidan. For the first time ever, the blog reveals details about the character of Aidan. “Aidan is going to change the course of Salem forever.”…King, writer and creator, says. “There have been a lot of MISSING YEARS storylines on DAYS in the past. Hope, John, Marlena, Steve…they’




Episode #174 - Thursday, May 31, 2007: Billie, Austin, Carrie, Mike, Jennifer, Philip, Nicole, Jan, Peter, Alice, Melissa, Sarah, Jeremy, Bo, Hope, and Shawn look on into the hospital room as Sami, Will, and Kate say goodbye to Lucas, and he flatlines. Roman accompanies Maggie to the station house. He books her. He asks her why she has done this. Maggie says she has no idea. Roman is so confused. Lucas passes away. Sami, Will, and Kate emerge from the room to see their families. John a




Episode #173 - Wednesday, May 30th, 2007: Billie calls Victor and Philip to tell them about Lucas. Everyone in Salem reacts to the horrible news that Maggie is the Fury. John and Marlena board a plane to return home. Billie arrives at Kate’s room and sits her down. Kate panics. Billie tells Kate there has been another Fury attack. Kate gets jumpy and asks Billie what has happened. Kate knows. She asks which of her children was hurt…Billie responds that it’s Lucas. Kate begins to cry.



The Fall Out Continues!

Tuesday, Episode #172 - May 29th, 2007: Bo calls for an ambulance. Sami holds Lucas tight. Maggie backs away from the body as she looks on in horror. Shawn holds Jan to the side. Jan cries, wishing she had the strength to break free. Shawn comforts her. Hope and Jennifer approach Maggie. Hope demands Maggie tell her what has happened here with a fierce attitude. Maggie confesses she killed Lucas. She is devastated. Hope grabs Maggie’s blouse and pins her against the wall. Hope shouts, askin




Episode #171 - Monday, May 28th, 2007: Maggie clutches Lucas tight and rocks back and forth, crying. Will tells Sami he has a bad feeling about Lucas running off to find the Fury. Jennifer and Shawn continue searching all over Salem for Maggie. Jennifer has a look of horror when she comes fact to face with her past - Peter Blake! Peter says Jennifer's name, softly. She tells him to get away. Sami puts herself in between Peter and Jennifer, and she asks Jen if she's seen Lucas. Jennifer say




MIKE HORTON SWITCHEROO! This just in! 'LOST' and 'Party of Five' star, Matthew Fox will be replacing Roark Critchlow as Dr. Michael "Mike" Horton effective immediately. "Mike was only supposed to be back for a few episodes concerning Lucas' death, but there is now a long-term storyline in place for Mike. And no, it does not involve Carrie or Austin. Some readers have been telling me they wanted Michael T. Weiss back in the role, but it's just too hard for me, as a writer, to write for




LUCAS IS THE LAST SHOCKING VICTIM! Last week, King’s DAYS revealed that Lucas Roberts was the final – and most shocking – victim of Maggie Horton’s reign of terror. This, of course, means that Bryan Dattilo has been released from the blog. “This was the most difficult casting decision I’ve ever had to make so far in the 18 months the blog has been going. Dattilo is amazing, and Lucas is a great character. LUMI is one of DAYS’ biggest couples so it was a big move. I have written our halv




Episode #170 - Friday, May 25th, 2007: Lucas is taken aback when Evil Maggie orders a drink with dinner. She changes her mind and says she doesn’t know what she was thinking. Maggie listens as Lucas informs her he went to the alley where he thought he saw Maggie put on the scary mask. Maggie insists it wasn’t her. Lucas says he believes her. Maggie is nervous. She excuses herself from dinner. Abby tells Max she thinks Maggie is the one who stalked them on Smith Island! Max says it can’t b




Episode # 169, Thursday, May 24th, 2007: Lucas, Hope, Jen, and Abby each individually continue to have strange moments with their loved ones as they inform their lovers that their lives just flashed before their eyes. Jeremy, Jan, Addie, Andy, and Sarah wait for The Fury to try and kill Caroline. They sit in her hospital room and wait. Celeste continues to sleep in the car on her ay back to Salem to expose Maggie. Maggie arrives at Caroline’s hospital room. She sneaks into the room to dr




Episode #168 - Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007: Celeste cannot wait until she and the man who picked her up on the side of the road get to the rest stop so she can call Salem and tell them Maggie is the killer. Will urges Sami to reunite with Lucas, but she says she is with Peter now. Andy says the key to solving the Fury murders is to make sure his Grandma Caroline is safe in her hospital room. Maggie flashes back to attacking Caroline and then drugging her to make sure she is in her coma. Ma




Episode #167 - Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007: Maggie sits in the confessional church and cries. She rocks back and forth. She cannot believe Jennifer is alive! Maggie cries that this whole thing has been because of nothing! Frankie and Greta mourn the death…of their marriage. Outside Frankie’s house, Eric runs into Melissa and Sarah. Eric informs Melissa she shouldn’t go inside…but Melissa says she know who sent the pictures to Frankie – SARAH! Celeste manages to escape the ditch she’s been str




HUGE SALEM COUPLE O-U-T OUT! King Reilly, the headwriter and creator, has announced today that mini-supercouple, Max and Abby, will be leaving the blog later this month. Darrin Brooks and Ashley Benson have both been released from their contracts. "It's really sad. Over the past 18 months, Mabby have had a lot of readers who were and are big fans of theirs. The blog put Max and Abby together in December of 2005 - LONG before the Mabby buzz began. They were the center of the blog for a lon




Episode #166 - Monday, May 21st, 2007: Sarah, Melissa, Eric, and Greta enter Frankie’s house to see Frankie is holding pictures of Eric and Greta making love in the park in the rain! He asks Greta and Eric what the hell these pictures are of. Greta tells Frankie they were on their way to speak with Frankie about this. Frankie is appalled. He sweeps everything from the dinner table in rage. Eric, Greta, Melissa, and Sarah are scared and jumpy at his outburst. Frankie demands to know what the



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