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Follow the lives of the residents of Salem. This blog begins with events following the February 14, 2014 episode of the TV series, taking it on a new course based on events prior to that date.


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Entries in this blog

DAYS #57: Don't Spill The Beans, Kate!

EPISODE 57 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Will walks into Club TBD, wearing his best (and only) suit. He looks around the room before spotting Tyler in the corner of the room. Tyler looks up from the drink menu and flags Will down. Will acknowledges Tyler, then heads his way. Before sitting down, the two shake hands firmly. WILL: Mr. Houston is it? TYLER: Indeed it is. How are you doing, Will? WILL: I...umm...I'm...



DAYS #56: John visits Aiden, EJ and Stefano bump heads

EPISODE 56 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Outside Aiden Jennings' office, John Black makes his way down the hallway. Stopping to check the unit number, he sighs deeply as he steps in. The secretary looks up, smiling at John as he steps in. SECRETARY: Good morning, what can I do for you? JOHN: I've, uh...got an appointment with Mr. Jennings for 10am. It's John Black. SECRETARY: Just a moment, Mr. Black, I'll let him



DAYS #55: Strange Bedfellows

EPISODE 55 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Anne storms into the airport waiting room, hankderchief tied over her head and sunglasses on to obscure her identity. She wheels her suitcase up to the front desk at the gate, where the flight attendant is typing away at her computer. ANNE: Excuse me. How long until we board? The flight attendant barely looks up from her computer, trying to hold in her exasperation.



DAYS #54: Are you convinced, Abby?

EPISODE 54 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson John tosses and turns in his bed at the Salem Inn. Unable to fall asleep, he looks up at the ceiling, thinking about Brady, and the opportunity he's lost to try to win his son back. He sighs heavily. JOHN: I gotta take a long walk. Clear my mind. John pulls back the covers and jumps out of bed. Getting dressed, he checks his back pocket of his pants for his wallet. As he p



DAYS #53: Kim & Billie go head-to-head over Theresa

EPISODE 53 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Nicole, at the Brady Pub with Eric looks at Caroline, surprised to simply hear that Caroline agrees with her regarding Brady's just-rechristened 'memorial service'. NICOLE: You agree with that? CAROLINE: Well, of course I do! A good idea is a good idea, regardless of what I think of the source. Nicole rolls her eyes at Caroline's dig. NICOLE: Well, then I guess you're



DAYS #52: Showdowns

EPISODE 52 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson At the Brady Pub, Eric sits down with photo albums, rifling through them. Caroline spots him and walks over, a pot of coffee in hand. CAROLINE: What's all this for? Eric looks up, as though snapped out of a dream. ERIC: Oh, well...you did hear about Brady and Theresa's accident, right? Caroline sighs heavily, a saddened look crosses her face. CAROLINE: I did



DAYS #51: EJ confronts Abigail about her pregnancy

EPISODE 51 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Gabi guides a drunk Nick through the door to the loft. They stumble in, with Nick's arm around her shoulder, though Gabi's the one lifting his wobbly body down to the living room. Once they reach the sofa, Gabi flops Nick down on it, nearly falling on top of him in the process. After an awkward moment, which surely could be taken for sexual tension, Nick looks at Gabi and asks her



DAYS #50: The Plans Are In Motion

EPISODE 50 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Gabi sips awkwardly on a glass of wine as she sits across the table from Nick at Club TBD. Nick can sense the tension, and breaks the silence. NICK: So....are Will and Sonny looking after Ari tonight? Gabi smiles and puts her glass of wine down, stopping herself from choking on her wine as she tries to speak. GABI: Mm! Yeah...sorry, yeah, Will and Sonny are at home tonig



DAYS #49: EJ Overhears The Truth

EPISODE 49 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson A knock is heard on Kate's office door. Kate looks up from her computer. KATE: Come in! Billie and Lucas step in, a look of worry across both their faces. KATE: Ah! Billie! Lucas! Excellent. BILLIE: Okay, Mom. You sounded urgent on the phone...what's going on? KATE: Well...have a seat, and we'll discuss it. Billie and Lucas obey their mother's command and sit do



DAYS #48: A Series of Unfortunate Events

EPISODE 48 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson EJ sits on the edge of Abigail's desk. She seems visibly uncomfortable with EJ's intensity, which is unrelenting. His eyes are piercing, and it intimidates her. ABBY: I...was just...I'm tired. That's all, EJ. Please just...don't worry about me. EJ: Abigail, you've been like this for weeks now. You're getting your work done and it's pleasing Samantha but...I know something's off.



DAYS #47: Anne draws the wrong conclusion

EPISODE 47 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie sits at her desk at MadWorld, when a call comes in for her. After a second, Billie picks up. BILLIE (into phone): Yes, Paul? Excellent, send him in. A moment later, Paul, her secretary, ushers Roman Brady into her office. A smile is on his face. ROMAN: Billie! I got some news for you. And I think you will be really happy with the results. Billie smiles widely



DAYS #46: Aftermath

EPISODE 46 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson     Abigail steps into the Horton living room, feeling groggy from the previous night's sleep. She looks in the mirror, studying the bags under her eyes, and thinks back to her tryst with EJ.   She snaps herself out of it as Jenn walks in.   JENNIFER: Hey, Honey. You heading for work soon? ABBY: Uh...yeah. Soon.   Jenn's a bit concerned by Abby's drowsiness. She walks over to her, as



DAYS #45: Brady Goes Down (Part 3): Crash & Burn

EPISODE 45 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Sami steps off the elevator at University Hospital, and grabs her cell phone, she makes a quick call to her secretary at Countess W. SAMI: (into phone) Yes, Jessica? It's Sami. Look, if you can cancel my appointments for the morning, I'll be in an important meeting...Thanks. I'll let you know when I'm heading back. Bye. Sami hangs up as she approaches Dr. Laura Horton's door.



DAYS #44: Brady Goes Down (Part 2): Brady Makes The Connection

EPISODE 44 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Eric stands in Nicole's hotel room, studying the newspaper she just handed him. Eric is in disbelief at the headline. TITAN'S BRADY BLACK DRUG SCANDAL Nicole hesitates to reach out for Eric, looking at the pained expression on Eric's face. She finally steps to his side, putting her hands on Eric's shoulders. ERIC: This is all my fault. NICOLE: What?! No! How c



DAYS #43: Brady Goes Down (Part 1): The Titan Board Meets

EPISODE 43 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson The morning edition of the Salem Spectator falls in front of Nicole's door at the hotel. Shortly thereafter, Nicole opens the door and picks it up, while clutching her morning coffee. Upon opening the rolled-up paper and seeing the headline, she drops her mug. The headline: TITAN'S BRADY BLACK DRUG SCANDAL --- Brady's alarm goes off to the sound of the ra



DAYS #42: Kim & Theresa share a moment, Gabi overhears something terrifying

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 42 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Theresa steps onto the elevator at her building, having just paid the cabbie that drove her back to Salem with Brady's credit card. She's still somewhat intoxicated, very tired, and looks disheveled. She presses the button up to her floor and leans back against the back wall of the elevator car. She closes her eyes, thinking back to the night's events. ***



DAYS #41: Theresa takes revenge on Brady

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 41 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Stefano walks over to EJ, putting a hand on his shoulder. A self-satisfied smile is across his face, as he revels in his son's misfortune. STEFANO: Our trusty staff have informed me of your troubles with your beloved Samantha. EJ: I do not want to discuss this with you, Father. EJ walks away, pushing Stefano's hand off his shoulder as he breaks away, heading f



DAYS #40: Maggie isn't behind Victor, and Theresa contemplates a major decision

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 40 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Nadia Bjorlin guest stars in this episode as Chloe Lane JJ is sitting on the sofa at home, watching TV. The doorbell rings, and JJ ignores it. The doorbell rings again, and JJ calls out, eyes never leaving the TV. JJ: Abs! Get the door? The doorbell rings a third time and Abigail reluctantly descends the stairs, glaring at a lazy JJ in the living room befo



DAYS #39: The Late Anne Milbauer?

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 39 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Nadia Bjorlin guest stars in this episode as Chloe Lane Marlena steps out of Roman's office, a worried look across her face. Billie looks over to Marlena, who smiles half-heartedly. BILLIE: So...? MARLENA: We're all done, but before you go back in, I wanted to ask you something. BILLIE: Okay, shoot. MARLENA: Before I came in, you both seemed rather alarmed



DAYS #38: Brady & Theresa Step Out!

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 38 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Nadia Bjorlin guest stars in this episode as Chloe Lane Brady and Theresa step out of the long black car at the red carpet at a luxurious club. A young man helps Theresa, dressed in a slutry black dress, from the car. Brady meets her as she exits the car and they enter the venue together. Flash bulbs go off as many pictures are taken. This is clearly a big event in the



DAYS #37: EJ makes a threat

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 37 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie walks into Roman's office at the Salem PD with the mini-flash drive in hand. She places it on his desk before him. BILLIE: You're gonna want to run this by your computer experts ASAP. Roman looks up, a little confused by Billie's request. --- Anne looks up at EJ, who's barged angrily into her office without fear. She holds out her arms, pretending



DAYS #36: Hope & Aiden cool off, Sheryl & Nick seal the deal

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 36 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Theresa looks, slightly annoyed at Billie, as they sit at their table together at Club TBD. THERESA: Look, Brady is a good guy. BILLIE: I know that. Theresa, I just think that maybe you spending all this time with Brady isn't such a... Billie stops speaking mid-sentence, noticing Brady step in behind her. BRADY: Isn't what, Billie? A good idea? Billie l



DAYS #35: Marlena & Will's Heart-to-Heart

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 35 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Ciara, Johnny and Chase walk together down the path toward the Brady Pub, Hope not far behind as they walk. Hope is on the phone to someone and stops near the door of the pub, as the kids talk a bit further away. CHASE: My dad says that he fought a bear once and won. JOHNNY: COOL! Ciara looks at Chase, unimpressed. CIARA: So? No one cares what lame fights yo



DAYS #34: The Blackmail Continues

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 34 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Marlena is in her office, on the phone to Laura Horton. The old friends are chatting happily as Marlena sits at her desk, having a chuckle. MARLENA: (into phone) Alright, so I'll expect you in a few days then? Excellent. Thank you ever so much, Laura! Bye bye. As Marlena finishes her call, Will steps into her office. Marlena's smile widens upon seeing her grandson.



DAYS #33: Sami wants to move out + Victor, Brady & Tyler's secret meeting

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 33 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie looks over at Daniel, who has stopped her at Horton Town Square, concerned with the company she's keeping. Billie is not impressed. BILLIE: I'm sorry? DANIEL: What were you doing talking with Theresa Donovan? Billie leans back, arms folded, floored by Daniel's audacity. BILLIE: She happens to be a very good friend of mine, thank you. DANIEL: Well, I



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