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Tumbling Down

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S3 Episode 100

Christmas continues in Springfield... Bauer Home: Mel and Rick sit in the living room. There is a knock at the door. Mel walks over and opens the door. Clayton and Felicia walk in. Mel smiles, "Merry Christmas!" Clayton hugs his daughter, "Merry Christmas Baby." Felicia smiles, "Merry Christmas Melissande." They take off their coats. Rick stands, "Good to see you guys." Mel rubs her Mom's back, "You okay?" Felicia sighs, "I'm dealing. Christmas w



S4 Episode 8

Life changing moments happen in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: The whole family is now together. Mallet and Dinah stand in the living room. Belinda and RJ stand in the middle. Cyrus and Marina are walking inside. Belinda looks at her mother, "No. Stop it. This isn't funny." Dinah sighs, "I know." Cyrus looks at Belinda, "I've waited so long to talk to you abo



S4 Episode 7

HUGE shocks and surprises are in store for Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: RJ and Belinda walk up to the front door. Belinda looks at him, "It's so sweet of you to walk me to the door." He sighs, "Actually is it okay if I come in?" She stares, "Okay... sure." She can tell he's acting weird. Belinda opens the door. The two walk inside. Dinah and Mallet are sitting in the living room. Belinda looks at them, "What's up?" Mallet stands, "Hey



FTL: Tumbling Down Continues!

We left on a huge hiatus but now it's time to come back to the light. Finding the Light only has one season left, and the first chapter is almost over. I will soon be posting the second half of Tumbling Down which consists of 8 more episodes and ends on the date of February 29th 2012 at the Masquerade Ball where everything will come Tumbling Down! Previously on Finding the Light: Tumbling Down Annie has been manipulating everyone around her. Reva is being pulled away from her rel



S4 Episode 6

Bad behavior catches up with people in Springfield... Cedars: Ashlee is lying on a hospital bed. Lillian is with her. Ashlee opens her eyes, "What is going on?" Lillian looks at her, "You okay? You took a hard hit to your head after you fainted?" Ashlee stares, "Fainted?" Lillian sits by her, "What do you remember sweetheart?" Ashlee sits up, "I was scrubbing in to go into surgery. I was standing next to Dr. Bauer and it was freezing. I started to get a l



S4 Episode 5

People make risky decisions in Springfield... Cedars: Inside the stall of the restroom, Ashlee is purging. The flushes and walks out with her hair up. She wipes her face and washes her hands. She throws in a breath mint as she walks to the staff changing room. Ashlee walks over to her locker. She stares at herself in the mirror. She's a bit light headed but just drinks her water. As she stares at her face, she wonders if she'll ever be as thin as she w



S4 Episode 1

The new year has begun in Springfield... Lewis Enterprises: Edmund is moving his stuff into the CEO office. Marah follows him. He smiles, "Can you believe it Marah? Things are finally looking up for us." She shakes her head, "I don't know about that." He stares, "Are you still bitter that we had to knock your family down a peg? I really thought you would be over that by now. I sure am." She turns to him, "Did you see the looks on their faces when I voted for you? The



Episode 117

Decisions are made in Springfield....... Beacon: Gus walks into his room. He has bandages on his shoulder He was offered to stay with Natalia and Alan. Also an offer from Harley, and from Buzz. But he refuses. Gus walks over to the bed and lays down. There is a knock at the door. Gus shouts, "Who is it?" Olivia opens, "The owner of this hotel. I just wanted to see how you were doing?" Gus sighs, "I didn't expect to see you here." She looks at him, "Well as I said this is my hotel." He turns



S3 Episode 101

New Years Eve is celebrated in Springfield... Beacon: Lewis Enterprises is hosting their company New Years Eve party. Josh stands with Billy and Vanessa. He nods, "Tonight I will be announcing that I'm handing over the CEO spot. I will also finally be announcing my illness officially. So I'm incredibly nervous." Billy looks at him, "We are going to be with you every step of the way." Vanessa nods, "These people have been working with us since the beginning of Lewi



S4 Episode 2

The beginning of the new year continues in Springfield... Police Station: Annie sits in her cell. She looks around. Annie shouts, "I'm going crazy in here!" Edmund and Marah walk in. Edmund smiles, "You passed crazy a long time ago Annie." She stares, "Well look who it is." Marah stares back at her. Annie smirks, "You here to confess? They'll go easier if you turn yourself in but either way you're still going down Marah. We're about to trade spots."



S4 Episode 3

Nothing and no one is perfect in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: Mallet and Dinah sit in their living room. They are going over wedding plans. She looks at him, "I just don't know. I mean technically this is our 3rd wedding. Our first was spur of the moment. But our second was a real wedding." Mallet looks at her, "Yeah but now your Dad is here. You always wanted him to walk you down the aisle." She sighs, "I know..." He rubs her back, "Don't feel guil



Episode 176

The Spaulding Board Meeting Begins in Springfield... Spaulding Enterprises: Annie, Olivia, and Dinah are sitting at the table. Annie grins, "Get ready ladies. Today is the day we have been waiting for and it will be a sweet victory for sure." Alan walks in, "Well if it isn't Annie Dutton and her little henchman. Don't you girls look pretty." Olivia grins, "Hello Alan. Don't get your hopes up for today." Alan sighs, "Well I was hoping for another one of your



Episode 124

Surprises all over the place in Springfield..... Marina's House: Rocky walks into the livingroom. Shayne is on the couch. Rocky sits with him, "Can I talk with you for a minute." Shayne smiles, "Yeah. What's up?" Rocky sighs, "I didn't want to tell you until I was sure but now I am. I know this is right." Shayne is confused, "What is?" Rocky looks at him, "Well... okay you have your new job at Lewis Enterprises. You like it right. I mean it's a job you can see yourself doing for a long ti



Episode 108

Tragic day in Springfield..... Cedars: Michelle and her children sit with Danny in his room. They are trying to find a way to say goodbye to him. Michelle hugs her children, "Just talk to him for a little bit. Just tell him how you feel." Robbie walks over. He is fighting tears, "I promise I'll take care of Mom and Hope. I won't let anything happen to them. I love you!" Robbie cries. Hope has tears in her eyes, "i'm sorry for when I was a bad girl." Michelle shushes her, "No. Don't be sorry




Emotional day in Springfield after the storm...... Cedars: Michelle stares at Marina, "I thought Danny was with you last night?" Marina shakes her head, "No." Michelle worries, "What? Then where is he?" Just then Danny is rushed in. They realize he was the car crash victim. They stare in shock. They go running over. Rick comes over and grabs Michelle. Marina walks over to him, "Danny? Danny talk to me! Danny please answer me! Danny!!!" Danny looks at her, "Marina....." She nods, "Danny! I



S3 Episode 102

The 2011 year concludes in Springfield... Beacon: All of Lewis Enterprises is celebrating New Year. Edmund stands with his new fiance Marah. All eyes are on them. Josh stands with Vanessa and Billy. Reva stands with Shayne and Ava. Edmund looks around, "This company has been building and thriving for three years now thanks to the Lewis family. Lewis Enterprises has given Spaulding Enterprises a huge competition for success here in the Midwest. The real heart



S4 Episode 4

People end up in compromising positions in Springfield... Mallet and Dinah's House: Mallet, Dinah, Cyrus and Marina walk into the living room. Cyrus looks at Dinah, "Okay, what is going on?" Dinah sighs, "Annie Dutton is behind bars. And now she's lashing out at anyone who's ever pissed her off or anyone who she's ever been close to, which is usually the same." He stares, "So your little friend is coming after our daughter?" Dinah looks at him, "My daughter. An



S3 Episode 94

Thanksgiving continues in Springfield... Bauer Home: The Bauer family is together. J is helping Michelle set the table. She smiles, "You are the guest. You shouldn't be helping." He laughs, "It's fine. It makes me feel like I'm contributing. Besides everyone knows doctors have the cleanest hands or at least they should." Michelle nods, "You won't get an argument out of anyone here." He looks at her, "In all seriousness, thank you for inviting me. I do think I woul



S3 Episode 99

It's Christmas in Springfield... Bauer Home: The Bauers are all together. Ed sits in his chair. Everyone is dressed nice. Rick is trying to figure out his new video camera. Mel sits next to him, "Honey just let me give you a hand with it." He shakes his head, "No. I can figure it out. Just be patient." Everyone laughs. Ed looks around, "Some things never change." Leah is texting on the couch. Mel looks at her, "Young lady. It's a holiday." She nods



Episode 125

An informative afternoon in Springfield.... Mall: Rocky's walking around thinking. He finds a place where no one is around. He sits on the bench and thinks. Rocky sighs, "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. If someone could just give me a sign...." Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around. Kevin is standing behind him, "Hey Rocky. Long time no see." Rocky looks around, "Uh... hey. How have you been?" He sighs, "Uh fine. What's going on with you?" Rocky looks down, "Well



Episode 126

An eventful day in Springfield.... Beacon: Olivia knocks on Gus's door. Gus shouts, "Who is it?" Olivia stands at the door, "It's Olivia open up." He opens, "What do you want?" She is holding a pack of cards, "Well I was wondering if you weren't busy, you might want a rematch." He scoffs, "You bothered me for that crap? Don't you have a job to do?" She shakes her head, "I'm not busy right now. You seemed to have fun last time." He stares at her, "God you are just so annoying. I mean I hang



Episode 155

Life Changing Decisions Are Made in Springfield... Country Club: Vi walks to Coop. She confesses everything, "I'm in love with you!" Coop shakes his head, "I don't understand. Vi what is the joke? I don't even get it." She cries, "I've been in love with you for so long Coop!" He backs away, "I'm still Mr. Bradshaw." She shakes her head, "Somewhere along the line you stopped being my teacher. You became my one true love. All of the time we were spending together. Every moment we share meant



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P3

Welcome to New York... Streets: Beth and Phillip approach the runaway teens. Phillip shakes his head, "What the hell?" Zach sighs, "Dad..." Phillip looks at them, "What the hell do you four think you're doing?" Zach looks at him, "I'm 18! You have no right to be angry with me!" Phillip nods, "You stole the Spaulding Jet. That right there gives everyone a right to be angry with you. You can't just take it off to kidnap your girlfriend." Marti stares, "No h



FTL Movie: Welcome to New York P4

Welcome to New York... Marti's Bedroom: An emotional Leah goes into the bedroom. The teens follow her. She is crying, "I'm so tired of this!" Marti sighs, "I'm sorry Leah." Leah shakes her head, "They aren't kids anymore. My parents can't just keep fighting and breaking up and getting back together over and over again. It's so messed up." Zach nods, "I know how you feel. I had no memories of my parents ever liking each other. I never understood how they could h



S3 Episode 93

Thanksgiving is celebrated in Springfield... Bauer Home: Ed is in the kitchen with Rick and Mel. Rick smiles, "Thanksgiving is probably my second favorite holiday of the year. Of course the fourth being my favorite. I wouldn't be a Bauer otherwise." Mel laughs, "Any holiday where you're allowed to pig out is a good holiday for Rick Bauer." Ed laughs, "That's my son." The three of them are getting the food together. Michelle walks in, "We aren't letting Rick eat



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