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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Janelle won that HoH fair and square. She didnt raise her answer after Julie called out. She had her board already raised when she was writing her answer. She decided to change it so she flipped it over. Obviously the other answer was on the other side but she had it upside down (I guess to void it). She obviously wasnt submitting her original number as she was clearly writing her intended answer on the other side. Here's the video clip. I cant see how people called foul for that one.


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I'm with you 100%. Kaysar is a class act, and I was SAD to see him go. It's going to be sad to see Queen Janie go next week. Howie was robbed! They should have redone the question if his buzzer wasn't working. Now with ERICa being HOH, Janelle will probably go, and whatashame is it. Am I the only one that probably won't watch if Janielle and Howie get voted off? I really can't stand anyone else.

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Nope, I am not freaking blind. My co-workers brother in law is a producer on the show. They have these challanges set up before the season starts and have everything in place.

So being rigged is NOT possible.

Thanks for playing, have fun!

Sponsors pull out of shows all the time, people on a website complaining about a show doesn't matter to the people in charge and geez, I could go on and on. If this show is going to get you this wound up....yikes!

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I knew something was going to happen after the BLATANTLY UNFAIR mistake that was made on the live show with Howie and his malfunctioning button.

I am glad BB did a re-do and I am just sitting here LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY at all the Dani/Erika/Marci fans who were gloating like no tomorrow when Erika "won" the first HOH comp (unfairly).

I don't feel bad about anything and Skeletor (don't get me started on how sick to death I am of this !@#$%^&*], ugh she makes me sick) and Danwhore can rot in hell, I hope to see their asses walk out the front door, 1 after the other. Regardless of what happenes (with Coup d'etat) at lease Janie CAN'T get evicted this week.

As for the 2nd competition, it was done fairly and everything was manual so if you made a mistake IT WAS UR OWN FAULT and not because of something you couldn't control. Janie got all the questiosn right, and Erika's alliance DID NOT, plus Boogie threw the last question so Janelle would win.

As for the ratings, they aren't THAT BAD and lasts nights show was 2nd highest this season so I do NOT think for one minute that BB won't get renewed.

Here to Janie/Howie ruling the house to the end and getting rid of that nasty VD in the house (the FH)

If you guys think the show is rigged, well then it has been rigged right from the start, when ERIKA was "chosen" by America to come back in the house (hah yah right)....:rolleyes:

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I hate they had to redo the HOH comp. I can't remember them ever doing that before - no matter how many people fussed. And last year there were quite a few contested contests - not just HOH ones. They should have left things alone or protected Erika. Because now if Janie does nominate Erika, and Erika leaves - then Erika's fans will be forever mad over it. BB could not have done this right either way they went.

It's funny that people were excited about the Coup when Erika was HOH, but now are worried that Janie has HOH. Kind of weird.

And BB will face the same discrimination if someone overthrows Janelle, and Janelle ends up leaving over it. They will forever say BB did it on purpose. But those same people last night were posting on boards here and other places that they wished Janie would get the Coup and overthrow Erika, nominate her and send Erika packing.

But now the shoe is on the other foot. Will be weird if karma bites the other way.

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oh no. The food competition had to do with the HG cooking up different dishes made out of slops and the past HGs were bought in as special judges. They are actually in the backyard with the house communicating with them from the screen in the living area

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