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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I love these!!! Here are my votes...

Class Clown: Howie

Best Looking: Um, Will my TV husband

Most Likely To Take Over The World: Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed: Danielle

Most likely To Go To Heaven: Georgie

Most Intelligent: Will

Best Dressed: I really like how James dresses

Life Of The Party: Howie

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize: Will

Biggest Flirt: Janelle

Most Annoying: Marjealous

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards: Boogie (check out thesmokinggun.com and type in his name in the search. He has a record)

Most Likely To Die Alone: Boogie

Most Likely To Break Hearts: Janelle

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture: Erika

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll: Danielle

Worst Dressed: Marjealous

Most Gullible: Janelle

Most Stuck Up: Erika

Biggest Whiner: Marjames, I can't distinquish between the two.

I want Will to win Prom King

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Class Clown - Howie

Best Looking - Danielle

Most Likely To Take Over The World - Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed - Danielle

Most likely To Go To Heaven - George

Most Intelligent - Danielle

Best Dressed - Janelle

Life Of The Party - Janelle

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize - George

Biggest Flirt - Janelle

Most Annoying - James

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards - Janelle

Most Likely To Die Alone - Boogie

Most Likely To Break Hearts - Janelle

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture - Erika

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll - Danielle

Worst Dressed - George

Most Gullible - Janelle

Most Stuck Up - Janelle

Biggest Whiner - Marcellas

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Yeah she just screams "Personality Disorder" :o

Speaking of Kirby family hair -- What is up with Will's girly mop? It looked like both he and Boogie curled their bangs but Will's hair is out of control. I think he should spend less time shaving his armpits and more time dealing with the hair on his head.

Damn, poor Kaysar. :( That was so sad, he really didn't have any idea. I thought it was interesting that Julie told him straight out -- does that mean no one's going back in? It would be awesome Kaysar returned to the house and took out James.

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Class Clown: Will

Best Looking: Janelle

Most Likely To Take Over The World: Will

Most Likely To Succeed: Will

Most likely To Go To Heaven: Chicken George

Most Intelligent: Danielle

Best Dressed: Janelle

Life Of The Party: Howie

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize: Chicken George

Biggest Flirt: Howie

Most Annoying: Marcellas

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards: Erika

Most Likely To Die Alone: Marcellas

Most Likely To Break Hearts: Erika

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture: Chicken George

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll: Danielle

Worst Dressed: Chicken George

Most Gullible: Janelle

Most Stuck Up: Erika

Biggest Whiner: Marcellas

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The only thing about DO NOT ASSUME and PULL THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES is they are not commonly used BB phrases. DNA was only used during one season - two years ago!

I am looking forward to reading the unspoiled's opinions/thoughts on the HOH re-do!

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Do Not Assume was first started in season 5 but its been used several times since. Julie defiently said it in the season premiere of this one. Chicken George's guess actually sounded like it could make sense but not the way he worded it. I thought they were all dumb for guessing so soon bc Julie said there would be more clues. Oh well, that gives Janie and Howie a better chance at getting it.

I LOVED Janelle's nomination ceremony. I loved her words she used to start it and how she told Dani its war. I was also laughing when she told Erika she despised her gameplay. I will be laughing again if she is evicted. I see her romance with Boogie finally made it to air. What was up with them putting it at teh very end of the credits. Looked like they were going for some type of cliffhanger there.

Marcellas is a !@#$%^&*]. I cant stand him. Just the other day he told Janelle he has never badmouthed her behind her back yet today he's trashing her in teh DR. I really want someone to call him out and shut him down good. He needs to be evicted soon.

Janelle and Will have chemistry and I like watching them together. I liked the sink bath scene. I wouldnt mind seeing a final 2 here.

I loved seeing Jun, Nicole and Marvin too. I wish they had been in the house instead of Nakomis, Erika and Boogie

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I think after tonight's episode that Janelle and Marcellas rank up there as my all time most hated BB houseguests ever.

Sorry for the Janelle fans - of which I used to be one. But I just don't like her anymore. This season has ruined any love I ever had for her. She is not as great a player as I once made her out to be and felt she was. And she is very arrogant.

Back last year I hated the nerd herd so much that I felt many of her antics were deserved and well intentioned. But this year I don't think some of the other house guest have been as bad to her as the Nerd Herd was but yet she treats them the same way she did them.

She and Howie (another one of my all time faves until this season) are very poor sports. I have never seen any other houseguests who act the way they do when their alliance wins. Tonight's outpouring was very bad especially considering it was an HOH redo.

I am one that is sorry for all the excuses I made for Janelle last year. I still don't like the Nerd Herd but I truly don't see Janelle in the same light as I did last year. And I don't Howie either.

I am truly at this point rooting for Will or James or Danielle - and I never thought I could root for Will. But he is the only one at this point who even deserves to win.

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I agree with basically everything you said.

I hate Marcellas, but I think this week can really be good for Janelle/Marcellas. With Erika or Dani gone, I think Marcie will look to Janey and be like "Damn. Maybe I should stand by her." Marcie is due for an HOH win. I think he will go after CT. I hope he will.

Janelle and Will do have a good chemistry.

Janelle's nomination speech was one of the BEST ever. I loved it.

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Someone shoot Marcellas! The !@#$%^&*] badmouths Janelle behind her back but turns around and has his big fat nose stuck up her ass so much it's not even funny...

Besides there is no REASON for the hate. She hasn't targeted him...

This is turning into quite a boring season. It's reaching such PAINFUL levels of predictability as Survivor: All Stars (Ew!).

James is a hypocrit, and I LOVE THAT!!!!

Go Danielle!!! She's the only one that has the balls (or should I say ovaries :lol: ) to go up against Janelle openly.

IMO, they should've shown them another video and quizzed them on that.

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I can't help but root for Dani, as well. She's a good person. She has a family. She's a good player. She's a fighter. I really enjoy her as well. I wish they loved each other in the game and didn't hate each other!

I think the last week has been very interesting.

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