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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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Anyone else think Julie came off as a !@#$%^&*] tonight? She didnt even seem to care much about Kaysar or his gameplay. She couldnt wait to tell him how James played him and then showed him the tapes to prove it.. I felt so bad for Kaysar. She made a birthday comment after and that rubbed it in more

Here's an article on the scandal. I hope people complain to CBS. I think the best thing to do is have another HoH competition and have there be 2 HoHs this week with the same rules from week 1.


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I was just looking at the Love Em and Leave Em Results and Grand Prize Winner Results at CBS.com. James went up on both polls. Will did too - esp. on the Grand Prize Winner prediction poll. Janelle dropped a little on the Love Em and Leave Em poll but really lost alot on the Grand Prize Winner poll. I think she is still in second place there but she lost a big percentage on that one. I think everybody is beginning to see Will as the winner now. Sickening. I just hate to see him win again, but he is charming everyone. And everyone seems to not want to nominate him. Even James only put him up as a pawn. It just seems like everyone of them are stupid.

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LOL! Love it, Worldturns!!!

Cheap, Julie definitely come off as very forthright, but I loved it. She's been pretty stern with everyone this season. I think it's a good change of pace.

I really do love Julie Chen. I did not like her the first few seasons, but she's awesome. She totally has a good personality too when people bust her about being a Chenbot and stuff.

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Here are the titles:

Class Clown

Best Looking

Most Likely To Take Over The World

Most Lilkely To Succeed

Most likely To Go To Heaven

Most Intelligent

Best Dressed

Life Of The Party

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize

Biggest Flirt

Most Annoying

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards

Most Likely To Die Alone

Most Likely To Break Hearts

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll

Worst Dressed

Most Gullible

Most Stuck Up

Biggest Whiner

Voting closes 8pm ET Saturday

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lol...are you guys voting in the Prom poll? One of the questions is Who is most likely to be mistaken for furniture? I went with Erika with that one bc she's so boring and does nothing in her scenes but lay there like furniture. Too funny. I voted Marcellas most annoying and I hope he wins that bc that would not make him happy

Class Clown - Howie

Best Looking - Janelle

Most Likely To Take Over The World - Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed - Janelle

Most likely To Go To Heaven - George

Most Intelligent - Janelle/Will

Best Dressed - Janelle

Life Of The Party - Howie

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize - George

Biggest Flirt - Janie

Most Annoying - MarSellout

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards - MarSellout

Most Likely To Die Alone - Boogie

Most Likely To Break Hearts - Will

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture - Erika

Most likely to use a voodoo doll - Danielle

Worst Dressed - George

Most Gullible - Janelle. I hope she wins this bc this would be America's way of letting her realize how naive and gullible she's playing. Maybe it would give her a clue not to trust James, Will and Marcellas

Most Stuck Up - MarSELLOut

Biggest Whiner - ditto

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Class Clown- Will

Best Looking- Janelle

Most Likely To Take Over The World- Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed- Will

Most likely To Go To Heaven- No one :| George

Most Intelligent: Danielle

Best Dressed: Will

Life Of The Party: Will

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize: Will

Biggest Flirt: Erika

Most Annoying: Janelle

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards: Janelle (Or more likely to steal from a department store :P )

Most Likely To Die Alone: Boogie

Most Likely To Break Hearts: Will

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture: George

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll: Danielle

Worst Dressed: Janelle

Most Gullible: Janelle

Most Stuck Up: Janelle

Biggest Whiner: Howie

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Clown: Howie

Best looking: Janelle

Take over world: Will

Most Likely To Succeed: Danielle

Heaven: George

Smartest: Janelle

Best Dressed: Janelle (i seriously do love her little outfits.)

Life of the Party: Howie

Nobel Prize: Erika

Flirt: Howie

Annoying: Toss up b/w James and Marcie, but I voted Marcie.

Credit Cards: Janelle

Die Alone: Marcie

Break Hearts: Janelle

Furniture: George

VooDoo Doll: Danielle

Worst Dressed: Boogie

Gullible: George

Most Stuck Up: ERIKA!!!!!!!!!

Whiner: Again, a toss up between James and Marcie, but I will go with Marcie.

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My picks

Class Clown: Will

Best Looking: Danielle

Most Likely To Take Over The World: Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed: Will

Most likely To Go To Heaven: George

Most Intelligent: Will

Best Dressed: Janelle

Life Of The Party: Will

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize: George (this was a tough pick! LOL)

Biggest Flirt: Will

Most Annoying: Marcy

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards: Janelle

Most Likely To Die Alone: Marcy

Most Likely To Break Hearts: Will

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture: Erika

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll: Mike

Worst Dressed: George

Most Gullible: George

Most Stuck Up: Marcy

Biggest Whiner: Marcy

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Class Clown - Howie

Best Looking - Erika

Most Likely To Take Over The World - Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed - Danielle

Most likely To Go To Heaven - George

Most Intelligent - Will

Best Dressed - Will

Life Of The Party - Howie

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize - George

Biggest Flirt - Erika

Most Annoying - Boogie

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards - Janelle

Most Likely To Die Alone - Boogie

Most Likely To Break Hearts - Will

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture - George

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll - Danielle

Worst Dressed - Boogie

Most Gullible - Janelle (for believing Will & Boogie too much)

Most Stuck Up - Janelle

Biggest Whiner - James

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Here are the titles:

Class Clown: Howie

Best Looking: Danielle

Most Likely To Take Over The World: Will

Most Lilkely To Succeed: Danielle

Most likely To Go To Heaven: Georgie

Most Intelligent: Danielle

Best Dressed: Janelle (sans the track suits)

Life Of The Party: Janelle

Most Likely To Win The Nobel Peace Prize: Georgie

Biggest Flirt: Janelle

Most Annoying: Booger

Most Likely To Max Out Their Credit Cards: Will

Most Likely To Die Alone: Booger

Most Likely To Break Hearts: Janelle

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For Furniture: Erika

Most Likely To Use A Voodoo Doll: Marcellas

Worst Dressed: Marcellas

Most Gullible: Georgie

Most Stuck Up: Will

Biggest Whiner: Marcellas

You mean you don't like big mop-hair? :lol:

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