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DAYS: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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Their relationship is what truly makes Chad feel like he’s part of the Horton clan now. Billy and SSH just have amazing familial chemistry together. It’s one of my favorite relationships on the show. And Susan showed she doesn’t always do camp. The grief was right there all over her. Maybe even moreso than the death episodes.

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This was her best work, I think. It was raw, real, and genuine. I'm on record as not liking her performance in the death episodes, having found her mannered. I saw the acting. To me, this stuff with Billy is the Emmy material.

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I was 2 days behind & I probably made an error in reading everyone's comments before catching up. I suspect I had a bad case of elevated expectations. Knowing DAYS as we do, can you imagine a less promising perspective to have! Yes, I found Friday underwhelming. Oh, blast. So, anyway, not even in my top 25 Julie current moments. 

But, I did love one thing & that is Cat Green seeking out Marlena, although she said she was trying to get in touch with John. But, I love the tale she told, that it makes John a hero, that any even hint of villainy was erased. It was well grounded that she didn't know this family history before & just found it out from her mother, in Vancouver in the visit she just returned from. Perfect storytelling! Why can't they do this with every story?

I hate Sophia's complacency in accepting her mother micro-managing her life & it's not even that her mother has her interests always at the forefront, no, it's ideological.

Tate is goofy saying not to thank him for things. It's manners, it's habit, don't jump on her for saying it, dude! 

Why would Holly keep Doug3's secret? 

Why does Philip think there's any chance Stephanie will keep his secret? And, wasn't it too fast for the forgery to get found out?



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I forgot to say how good I think it is that Corday brought Drake up to speed on their plans for John Black & had him sign off on it. Such respect for the actor & any feelings he might have about the final story they give him! I saw Steve Nichols in an interview say that at first he bristled at the idea that they were going forward with whatever it is they're doing but then he found out Drake had given it his blessing, so he's good with anything that Drake is good with!  Absolutely! I read we'd be seeing this 

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All this talk of John is not gonna get any easier, isn’t it?

The Marlena/Steve scenes were good, despite everything. I liked the way Steve used his own past with Kayla as a way of comforting Marlena. And I wonder if Steve calling Shane at the end is going to play into something in the future. 

But I gotta say that Kate/Lauren Koslow was the MVP today. Kate finally seemed to have some of her spark back. She’s another one that’s been ruined by this Body&Soul nonsense and seeing her go head to head with Sarah really put her back in her element and that was really refreshing. 

Speaking of Sarah, I have no problem with her keeping the secret from Xander, even though that Jamey crap from when she was paralyzed sort of messes this up. I like the conflict for them as a couple, and for all the other characters involved in this storyline. This is how umbrella storylines should be and I hope more characters get weaved into it somehow. 

Xander and Maggie were good too.

I enjoy their relationship almost as much as Chad and Julie’s, even though Xander was a bit of a dick today. I’m glad that she’s such a big part of this storyline and I hope she continues to do so.

Btw, according to Wikipedia, Suzanne Rogers has officially surpassed Helen Wagner as the longest running actor on an American soap. 

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This John story is difficult to get through even as a huge John fan.  I know it's inevitable with the taping schedule, but I just want it to end.  I want a great celebration of John's life as soon as possible-not months of Marlena/Steve/everyone wondering where he is.  I understand the show was in a hard place with the entire situation, but, man it's depressing watching knowing how it ends.  


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I know hindsight is 20/20, but I wish they'd just had John be away on a mission, and Marlena's in Salem but occasionally offscreen visiting him. Later on, we can find out he died during the mission or suffered a stroke or whatever they land on, but months of this when they knew the actor was terminally ill feels like very poor planning.

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