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CBS soaps in 1965 - 60 years ago


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As some of you know, I try to collect scripts from CBS soaps in 1965. If I can't find any for EON and only have some for LOL (March-August) and TSS (all year but sporadically), I can find all of them for ATWT, TGL and SFT. I will try to do recaps if you are interested. It's a long work. Here are the 1st two weeks of January.



At the Metcalfs’, Alison admitted she made an appointment with Dr. Harris, the head of obstetrics. She wanted to find out if she could be pregnant or not. She thought it would be better to be sure before thinking more seriously about adoption. Fred promised he would think about adoption but didn’t want Alison to have too many expectations. He didn’t want his wife to get hurt in the process.

On her way to the doctor, Alison stopped at Jo’s for a coffee. They talked about Patti who returned to nursing since her wedding didn’t take place. Alison said Jo was probably relieved Patti didn’t marry Ev but Jo assured Alison the wedding was just postponed for the moment. Jo was sure Ev would keep on playing upon her guilt feelings.

At the hospital, Len was glad Patti was back. Patti knew Ev told Len they had postponed the wedding until she felt better. Len hoped she wouldn’t overdo herself at work. Patti was grateful for Len’s patience while she was hospitalized. Len and Patti chatted a bit and laughted together until they saw Ev had arrived and was watching them with an angry look. He said he hoped he was not interrupting them.


Jane was back at her apartment after spending the night out with George. She found Julie quite depressed. Julie reminded Jane she was a fool as George was not in love with her. He had a memory block and became dependent on Jane while on the hospital but things would be very different once he got his memory back. Julie apologized when she noticed she hurt Jane. Jane noticed Mike visited the apartment that night. Julie admitted she told Mike she was planning to remarry. Jane said she didn’t understand as she knew for sure that Julie was not in love with Alex. Julie added Mike didn’t agree with the fact they have a Mexican divorce. Julie said she didn’t mind and would marry Alex anyway, even if Mike contested the divorce. Jane didn’t understand why Julie wouldn’t get a divorce in California and wait for a year before getting married with Alex. After Jane went to bed, Julie took another pill.

At the Bauers’, Bert told Bill that Mike was not back home yet and she wished she knew what happened between him and Julie that night. Bert mentioned that when she was at Julie’s the other day, Julie had a headache and took a pill she said was aspirin. Bert was suspicious as she saw a doctor’s prescription – Henry Walters and as she told Bill, a presciption wasn’t needed for aspirin.


Doug visited Judge Lowell in his room upstairs and was worried he was doing too many things as he should rest since his attack. Judge Lowell wondered if it was Doug’s idea that he and Ellen go on a trip in February but Doug assured it was Ellen’s idea. Judge Lowell said he heard Neil had left medicine and he wondered what happened since Neil seemed very fond of medicine while he cared for the Judge. Doug admitted he was disappointed, so was probably Penny who wanted Neil to become a doctor.

David visited Penny who was about to phone Neil. He told her he saw Neil the previous week. Penny was anxious to know if he told Neil she was sorry about her mistake and wanted a 2nd chance with her husband. David said he pointed out to Neil that Doug Cassen pushed him more to become a doctor than Penny did. David couldn’ tell Penny if Neil still loved her. He just knew he was a very confused man.

Neil was working at the bookshop. Mr. Bundy felt Neil was relieved to be there but Neil noticed he couldn’t totally forget the incident at the hospital. Bundy assured Neil time would heal. Penny arrived just as Mr. Bundy was about to close the shop. He was not sure it was a good idea for Penny to talk to Neil but she insisted. Penny was hurt when Neil said he meant it when he told her he never wanted to see her again. He added she wasted her time sending David over to him. Neil said he used to love Penny very much, he lived with her memory of Jeff and was even willing to change himself to be loved by Penny, but he felt he had just died too. Penny assured she was in love with Neil even if he didn’t want to be a doctor any longer. Neil didn’t want to listen to Penny and he made her leave the bookshop.


In the waiting room, Amy was worried about her sick baby. Dr. Hadley told her there was no change. Kip arrived and Hadley told him that Lisa had virus pneumonia. Amy said she had an awful babysitter with her rock n roll boyfriend and they didn’t hear Lisa crying. Amy felt it was her fault but Kip said he was out too. Jerry insisted Kip tell Amy where he was and Kip had to admit he was in a bar with Janet but he said it was very innocent despite Jerry’s claims. Amy said it didn’t matter, only Lisa’s life mattered.

Jerry kept on ranting about Kip and Janet when Janet arrived and hurried towards Amy, saying how sorry she was for Lisa. Janet explained Amy that her husband Tor sent her cable : he wanted her back to Norway or he would come to Henderson. Janet said she felt bad and she met Kip and asked him to have a drink with her to talk about it. Jerry didn’t believe in Janet’s innocence because he said he was in Kip’s place and knew Janet’s antics. Dr. Hadley appeared and adviced Amy to go home and get some rest. Amy insisted she would sleep in her daughter’s room. Jerry, Kip and Janet all left.

Peter and Valerie arrived at the hospital. They said they came as soon as they heard about Lisa. Amy felt responsible for leaving Lisa with the babysitter, especially as Connie said she was not to be trusted. Amy asked Peter if it was God’s way to punish her but Peter assured it was not. When Amy mentioned Janet and Jerry were there with Kip earlier, Valerie assumed Janet and Jerry were on a date but Amy told her that Janet was spending the evening with Kip. Amy explained she was alone at the hospital and could only find Jerry by phone. He was the one who found Kip and Janet together.

Back home, Peter told Valerie it was a miracle Amy finally accepted her baby daughter. Valerie was toubled about Jerry finding Kip and Janet together.



Ev arrived at the nurses’ station while Patti and Len were talking. He insinuated Len came here to see Patti and Len excused himself. Patti didn’t like the way Ev acted even if everybody knew he didn’t like Len. Ev was offended Len suggested he go on a trip by himself to get some rest as his wedding with Patti had been postponed. Patti didn’t think it was such an absurd idea. Ev wanted to spend the evening with Patti but as this was her first day back at work, she was tired and asked to see Ev the following evening.

At the Tates’, Stu helped Jo with her groceries bag. Stu admitted he was worried about Marge as he didn’t know what was wrong with her. Something was eating her but he couldn’t find out what. He asked Jo if she could talk to Marge. Later, Jo phoned Marge. Jo told Marge about Patti going back to work and asked Marge to go to Meads with her for some shopping but Marge sounded moody. Marge assured Jo she would call her and see her later. She admitted she had things on her mind but wasn’t ready to talk about it with Jo yet. After she hung up, Jo told Stu she realized what he was saying about his wife.


In the Bannings’ kitchen, Papa told Meta that Julie planned to remarry and leave Los Angeles. She said that to Bert the other day and to Mike last evening. Meta was very surprised and wondered if Julie exagerated to get on Bert’s nerves.

At the Bauers’, Bill was ready to go to work but Bert asked him to wait because Mike might tell them more about Julie. Mike came downstairs and asked Bert why she didn’t tell him about Julie’s plans but Bert told him she thought he had to learn from her. Bert insisted Julie didn’t plan to tell her but she got angry and revealed it all to Bert and then Bert tried to reason her talking about Hope. Bert was sure Julie was marrying a man she met through her secretarial service but Mike denied and said she was going to marry Alex Bowden. Bill and Bert were very surprised. Mike reasoned that Julie probably cried a lot on Alex’s shoulder. He also added that Julie planned to have a Mexican divorce. Mike was very worried about what this would mean to Hope. Bill suggested Mike talk to his lawyer soon.


In a phone booth, Penny called Doug after leaving the bookshop and asked to see him. She went back to her apartment thinking about the hard words Neil had for her at the shop. Doug arrived, he pretended he had a house call to make. Penny told Doug about David’s visit to Neil and how David tried to point Doug as the one who insisted on Neil pursuing a medicine career. Penny was afraid she had lost Neil but Doug assured her time could make Neil change his view.

The following morning in his office, Doug told David he knew about his visit to Neil and tried to understand why David put the blame on Doug. David assured he meant what he said : Neil wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and he didn’t think of what Neil, who didn’t know Doug was his father, would feel. David was sure Neil was mostly blaming Penny because he didn’t know Doug pushed him as he was his father. David didn’t like the fact that Neil was still seeing Doug as a great guy but was blaming Penny. Maybe the solution would be to tell Neil Doug was his father.

Penny had gone to the Cassens’ to see Judge Lowell. The Judge said he was surprised when he learned Neil left medicine. Penny admitted she wanted Neil to be a doctor and pushed him into this way. That’s why Neil left her when he nearly killed a patient. Judge Lowell was shocked, he didn’t know that part. He said he would like to talk with Neil.

Coming downstairs, Penny came upon Ellen who was still very cold to Penny. Ellen still blamed Penny for what could have cost Judge Lowell’s life. Penny said she was ready to accept Neil as he was but Ellen noticed it was a little too late. Ellen wondered how long Penny would have lied to her if Neil hadn’t come to apologize. Ellen was shocked to realize David knew but Penny insisted David tried to convince her she had to tell the truth about what happened. Ellen couldn’t understand why Doug would lie too. When Penny asked Ellen about their friendship, she said she needed time to think.



Fred arrived back home after his day of work and asked Alison how her appointment with Dr. Harris went. Alison said she was able to have children but she had to undergo a minor surgery before. Fred was very frightened about this surgery but Alison assured it was not dangerous according to Dr. Harris.

Later, Alison phones the Tates’ and Patti answered. Patti told Alison she was glad to be back at work but very tired. Alison asked her to tell Jo to call her once she was back and she left. Then, Ev arrived. Patti was upset as she told him she wanted to rest. He said he wanted to be sure of her love and kissed her but she acted coldly. Patti said he made her keep apologizing for postponing the wedding because she wanted to think things through but Ev wasn’t letting her do so. Ev put an ultimatum : he wanted Patti to marry him in the next few days or she would have to give him a good reason why not.

Jo arrived at home to find Patti and Ev. Ev said Jo that Patti might have gone back to the hospital too soon and he decided to let Patti get some rest. After Ev left, Patti told Jo she didn’t want to marry Ev anymore because they both had changed.


At the Fletchers’, Paul and Robin were back from vacation in San Francisco and Robin wished Johnny had come back with them. Robin wanted to ask Jane to come over but Paul thought his sister might be upset over what he said to George about how he felt for Jane before his accident and amnesia. Paul thought Jane was living in a fantasy and didn’t think of anybody but herself. The phone rang : Alex was calling and asked to see Paul. Paul said he would come to the studio by noon.

In Alex’s studio, Alex asked Paul about his Christmas holiday in San Francisco. Paul said he had a good time but Johnny didn’t consider coming back home yet. Alex revealed he called Paul to talk about George because George told him what Paul revealed about his feelings for Jane before the accident. Alex added that George didn’t plan to tell Jane he knew the truth because he didn’t believe Paul. George couldn’t accept Jane was anything but the generous woman he had been attracted to since his accident and he felt Paul was biased because Jane ruined his relationship with Johnny.

At the hospital, Jane was having a coffee with George. George said he remembered a bit about Mike and Julie and how they met. Jane helped him remember that Julie’s love for Mike was pretty one-sided at first and that Julie always felt that Mike married her because she was pregnant. George asked Jane if he met her when she was living with Julie before the wedding. Jane had to admit it was true and that she moved with her brother soon after Julie and Mike’s wedding. George was confused he remembered Julie well but not Jane. He assured her he was sure his memory would come back.


Judith visited her son at the bookshop. Neil was surprised to see his mother. Judith reminded Neil of how she and Jerry tried to discourage him into going back into medicine, how she knew that him marrying Penny would mean Neil being a doctor again. But despite all of this, Judith was sure Penny really loved Neil. She also reminded Neil of how he performed a tracheotomy on Grandpa Hughes – he had medical input but the one who really pushed him into medicine again was Doug Cassen. Neil was surprised : he had always felt Judith didn’t like Dr. Cassen even if she hadn’t met him. She didn’t like Dr. Cassen had become a father image to Neil. Judith wanted to realize Penny was not more to blame that Doug was.

Later in Penny’s living room, Judith told her daughter-in-law that Neil was very stubborn. Penny told Judith she already begged Neil for forgiveness as she was wrong pushing him into medicine. Penny felt she should have listened to Judith and Jerry. Judith insisted on the fact Doug Cassen offered Neil the possibility of being a resident at Memorial while Jerry, who had known Neil much more than Doug, discouraged Neil. Penny was relieved to realize Judith didn’t blame her.

In Doug’s office, David told Doug about his sons Dan and Paul when Judith arrived. David left. Doug was unconfortable but Judith was furious by how the incident on Judge Lowell’s had impact on Neil and his marriage with Penny.

Outside Doug’s office, Claire was waiting for her husband but David told her he had a last emergency patient to see as he tried to avoid her to know Judith was in her husband’s office. Claire told David that Ellen took a leave of absence from her kindergarten work and she was spending time home with Judge Lowell.

Judith told Doug she wanted him to accept the blame for pushing Neil into medicine and then he would get out of Neil’s life forever. Since Doug learned Neil was his son, Doug acted very egoistically. For once, she wanted him to think of Neil.



The following morning, Jo was cooking breakfast when Arthur came downstairs. He was sorry he was spending so much time at Tate. Sam Reynolds called. He told Arthur they had corporate problems to deal with and Sam said he would be in Henderson on the following Wednesday. Jo then told Arthur about Patti and the fact she didn’t want to marry Ev any longer. Patti arrived and confirmed. Arthur admitted he was relieved. Patti said the hardest part would be to tell Ev that evening. Arthur said she could phone him if she wanted her father home.

After Arthur left for work, Ev called the Tates. He wanted to apologize for the night before, but Patti assured it wasn’t necessary. She asked him to come over to the Tates’ that night. Patti later told Jo she wouldn’t go to the hospital that day because she didn’t want to meet Ev before he came home.


At the Bannings’, Meta was on the phone with Robin when Bert arrived. Robin had invited the Bannings and the Bauers for dinner. Meta told Bert how shocked she was when Papa told her about Julie’s plans to remarry. Bert revealed that Julie gave Mike the name of the man : she planned to marry Alex Bowden. Meta and Papa were surprised and Bert said it didn’t ring true. She had no idea what could attract Alex in Julie. Bert added that Mike was very worried about Hope as Julie was planning a Mexican divorce and Mike didn’t know what Julie and Alex would do after that. Bert hoped Michael wouldn’t accept the divorce.

Alex visited Julie and asked her if she told Mike about them. She said she did and added that Mike disagreed with the idea of a Mexican divorce because he was afraid Hope wouldn’t be under California juridiction and Alex and Julie could leave Los Angeles then. Alex assured they didn’t plan to. Julie insisted they would go as planned with the Mexican divorce though. Alex disagreed and thought she should tell Mike the whole truth – that she was pregnant with Mike’s child. Julie was furious and assured that if Alex didn’t help her, she would take Hope and nobody would see her again.


At the Hugheses’, Chris, Nancy and Bob were having dinner as Pa Hughes was out with Mrs. Kopecki. Chris and Nancy talked with Bob about Dr. Suker leaving office furniture for Bob, especially a desk which was offered to Al by his wife and Helene. Bob would have dinner with him in the following days before he left the country. Nancy would like Bob to convince Penny to come back home but Bob insisted his sister wanted to stay in her apartment if Neil would be back.

The following day, Penny visited Lisa. She was surprised to realize Lisa already knew about Neil as Neil himself told Lisa of the situation. Penny told Lisa she realized she had misjudged her because Bob wanted Lisa to be someone else, just like she, Penny, used to act with Neil. Lisa didn’t think there was any hope left for she and Bob, neither for Penny and Neil but she wished Penny the best.

Later, Bob visited Penny who told her she came to see Lisa. Penny was sure Bob still loved Lisa and should give her a chance, the same way she was hoping Neil would come back to her. Bob assured his sister he didn’t love Lisa any more. He didn’t like that she was confusing her situation with Neil with Bob and Lisa’s.

Ken Bryant was at Lisa’s with a gift for Tom but the boy was already in bed. It was a stamp collection because Ken thought it was a good idea for Tom to pursue. Lisa seemed worried Tom might like Ken too much as he wanted to go to a book fair with him while he was supposed to spend the weekend with his father. Ken made it clear he didn’t want to take Bob’s place and he valued family unit very much. Ken noticed how Lisa was doing much to be an independent woman and a good mother for Tom. Lisa wondered if Ken advised her to remarry Bob.  



At the Bergmans’, Stu was ranting about Sam Reynolds finally coming to Henderson to straighten out Tate Enterprises. Stu would put together an annual statement of West Side Auto which would become part of the annual statement of Tate Enterprises to be submitted to Sam. He told Marge that Arthur was very worried after being wrong with managing. West Side Auto was in better shape than the rest of the company though. Marge looked worried and Stu wondered why she was acting sort of depressed lately. She promised she would go to the doctor.

At the Tates’, Patti was worried before Ev arrived. She told Jo she didn’t want to act cruelly. Jo reminded Patti that two years ago, he planned to marry her but on the eve of their wedding, he married Isabel. Patti said it was different – Isabel had little time to live. She admitted she felt pity for Ev, not love anymore. Jo left but promised to Patti she wouldn’t leave them alone for too long.

Ev arrived with flowers. Patti told Ev she didn’t have any rest for the day because she had wondered how to tell him all day long – there wouldn’t be any wedding.


Alex apologized for hurting Julie. He said he could talk to Mike and convince him that after the divorce they wouldn’t leave Los Angeles and that Alex didn’t plan to take Mike’s place in Hope’s life. Julie made Alex swear he wouldn’t tell Mike about Julie’s pregnancy.

Bert arrived at Paul’s office for a check up but she was very fine. After the checkup, Bert had to tell Paul something privately before they had dinner together that night : Julie was planning to remarry with Alex Bowden. Paul was astonished. Bert asked Paul if Alex could really be in love with Julie because she felt something was wrong in the whole marrying story, especially them wanting to marry very soon. Paul assured he had no idea and that Jane, who lived with Julie, didn’t mention anything but he wasn’t seeing his sister much these days. While Paul was on the phone, Bert remembered when she visited Julie and her taking a supposed aspirin from a prescription by Dr. Walters. After Paul hung up the phone, Bert asked him if he knew Dr. Henry Walters. Paul said he was an obstetrician. Bert’s face changed but she said Paul it was nothing to worry about.


In Doug’s office, Doug told David he was surprised Bob hadn’t found an office yet as he had known Dr. Suker was closing his since at least a month. David was sure Bob would be settled soon. David was surprised Doug didn’t tell him about his encounter with Judith Stevens, especially as David had to lie to Claire : he couldn’t tell her Doug’s son’s mother was in his office. David assured Doug Claire had no suspicion as she had never met Judith. Doug arrived and David excused himself.

Neil told Doug he was back at the bookshop and living with Mr. Bundy but Doug already knew. Neil talked about his weakness but Doug didn’t think Neil was weak before he freaked out before a medical emergency. Neil remembered when Doug told him to go back into medicine despite the traumatic experiences he had. Doug admitted he was wrong, not Penny. Neil got angry and refused to be told what he had to do with his wife.

Later, Neil talked with Mr. Bundy about his visit to Doug. Neil didn’t think Doug was sincere in taking all the blame. Neil insisted Penny made his return to medicine a condition for their wedding, whatever Doug did was after that. Neil asked Mr. Bundy to call Penny because he would like Bundy to come over and get some of Neil’s books.

Meanwhile, Doug was at Penny’s. He told her he had seen Neil and was convinced that Penny was not to blame for what happened. Doug was sure Neil would come to love Penny again. Mr. Bundy called and asked for coming over taking some of Neil’s belongings. Penny told Doug he was wrong but he assured her she had to keep hope.


Pauline visited her mother and told her and Maggie that Lisa was out of danger. Pauline was also very happy this ordeal made Amy realize how much she loved her baby. Grace and Pauline talked about Kip being with Janet the night Lisa was brought to the hospital. Pauline complained she didn’t have much talk with Kip despite being his step-mother and Grace suggested she phone him.

Pauline indeed invited Kip to Horse & Hounds. When Pauline told Kip she thought it was wonderful Amy seemed to get closer to her baby, Kip seemed not sure it would last. He also said Pauline he hadn’t made up his mind yet about Arthur’s job offer. Pauline questioned Kip about him being Janet the famous night but Kip gave her the explanation about Janet being upset by a cable from Tor.

Back at his apartment, Kip found Amy back from the hospital. She was happy Lisa was so much better. Amy showed Kip she had plans to help Lisa feel the best once she was back at home. Kip didn’t seem so impressed by Amy’s sudden interest in maternity. Amy tried to convince him she had a real epiphany when she realized she left her baby with that babysitter. The guilt made her a real mother but she thought there was no reason she was the only one to feel some guilt. Amy made it clear she was too much focused on Amy to think about his story with Janet but then, she didn’t think it sounded right.

Later, Kip was alone at the apartment and he phoned Janet. He told her Amy wasn’t really buying their explanations and they would need to be more careful. Janet said that if Amy was really ready to give their marriage a go, he should too but Kip said he tried enough. Kip said Janet he loved her and he wanted her. She said she did it too. Kip added they just needed to be more careful.



Ev was puzzled after Patti told him she wasn’t going to marry him. He tried to assure Patti they would have children someday but Patti told him she didn’t love him any longer. In disbelief, Ev asked to talk to Jo for a minute. He said goodbye to Jo and when she mentioned she was sorry too, Ev was sure it was not true. He added he would accept Patti’s decision and admitted he had realized Patti’s feelings had changed but refused to face the truth. Ev remembered Isabel’s death, Patti’s miscarriage. He hoped it would have brought them closer but he didn’t. He left and Jo comforted Patti.

At the Metcalfs’, Fred was back from an errand and told Alison he called Dr. Harris. He thought Alison only heard what she wanted to hear as the surgery wasn’t really minor and Dr. Harris couldn’t assure she would have children. There was only 25% success rate. Alison wanted the baby and begged Fred to keep thinking about it.


The morning after the family diner at the Fletchers’, Paul told Robin about Julie’s plans to marry Alex. He didn’t mention it the previous night because Bert had asked him not to. Robin said that even if she used to be married to Alex, she couldn’t understand what was going on more than the others. Robin remembered Julie told her she was really happy the day she mentioned she wouldn’t leave Los Angeles after all. Paul and Robin agreed it seemed weird though.

In a coffee shop in the campus, Alex had been waiting for a while. He remembered when Julie told him she would never tell Mike of her pregnancy until after the divorce so he could not have any claim on the baby. He also remembered he recently swore he wouldn’t tell Mike about the baby. Mike finally arrived at the coffee shop. Alex told Mike he could totally understand how surprised Mike was because of Julie and Alex’s plans to marry. Mike assured he didn’t care, his only interest was Hope. Alex tried to assure he wouldn’t leave Los Angeles even if the divorce took place in Mexico but Mike refused to hear about it. Mike said he didn’t trust Julie anymore and that Alex’s word of honor wouldn’t be enough for him.


Neil and Mr. Bundy were finishing a day of work at the bookshop. Bundy asked Neil if he was happy working there as it was more than a week he came back. Neil said it helped forgetting medicine and Penny but he couldn’t say he felt happy.

At Penny’s, she was thinking about Mr. Bundy taking Neil’s belongings. She was afraid to be left with only memories of Neil. Meanwhile, Mr. Bundy would like to wait for a few days if Neil would ever change his mind. As Neil was firm, Bundy agreed to go to Penny’s. Alone, Neil told to himself he wanted to hurt Penny the way she hurt him.

Mr. Bundy arrived at Penny’s. He told Penny he was uncomfortable with the situation. He thought Neil still cared for her because he was not indifferent. Penny told Mr. Bundy she would bring all the items Neil wanted directly.

At the Hugheses’, Chris thought Nancy should try to convince Penny to come back home. Chris left for his office and was surprised to see Penny waiting for him. She told her father of Mr. Bundy’s visit and that she didn’t see Neil. Penny asked her father to bring Neil’s books to him. Chris realized his daughter wanted him to talk to Neil but Chris was not sure : he interfered with Bob and Lisa and the result was not good. Penny begged her father : she felt like a little girl who really needed his help. 



At the Bergmans’, Stu reminded Marge she had to see Dr. Halstead that day. Arthur phoned and Stu assured he was ready for the meeting with Sam Reynolds. After hanging up, Stu told Marge that Patti broke up with Ev and there wouldn’t be any wedding.

At the hospital cafeteria, Patti approached Len who was eating. Len was worried she didn’t come to work the day before. Ev arrived and Len told him about a diabetic patient doing well. Len told Patti and Ev he was resigning from the hospital. Len was surprised but Ev told him he and Patti broke up and insinuated Len was free to make a move.

In Dr. Halstead’s office, Marge asked the doctor if he had found anything wrong with her. He assured he didn’t but told her she was six-week pregnant. Marge was shocked. After all, she was already a grandmother : how could she have a baby again ? She didn’t know how she could tell Stu about the pregnancy.


In the girls’ apartment, Julie was nervously waiting for news from Alex when Jane came home. Jane told Julie she had lunch with George at the hospital and that George remembered part of his past. Jane realized George would end up remembering everything that happened and her world would be crushed. Julie was not very compassionate as she said Jane always knew George’s memory would come back but she chose to spend time with him. Jane had to realize her little fantasy would soon be over. Conversation turned to Julie’s situation with Mike. Jane couldn’t understand why Julie was so upset over the divorce because she was not in the rush to marry Alex. She said Alex was trying to convince Mike to agree to a Mexican divorce at the moment.

At the coffee shop, Mike insisted he refused the Mexican divorce. Alex said that if Julie wanted to leave Los Angeles, she could do it without asking Mike and Alex assured he realized how much Hope would need to remain part of the Bauer family. Alex insisted that if he could marry  Julie right away, Julie could remain at home and be a full-time mother to Hope. Alex convinced Mike to think about it. Mike agreed to talk with his lawyer but he assured Alex he thought there was something weird.


At the Hugheses’, Nancy tried to phone Penny quite a few times but she never answered. Nancy was worried about where her daughter could be early in the morning but Pa tried to reassure her. Nancy asked Pa if he thought Penny was responsible for driving Neil back into medicine. Pa made Nancy realized that even herself was craving for Chris to have a better situation and Nancy admitted she sometimes wondered if Chris would have been made a senior partner in the firm if Jim Lowell hadn’t died. Pa suggested Nancy should go and see the Judge and maybe learn how Don was doing too.

In David’s office, David and Bob talked about the space Bob chose for his office : it was far from the center but quite cheap and Bob thought he would have patients as there was not many doctors there. When Bob mentioned he needed staff, David was surprised he didn’t ask Sylvia. Bob said he couldn’t sell the idea on Sylvia but he was taking her out for dinner that night and would give it another go.

Chris came back home and Nancy told him she could only reach Penny late afternoon. Chris said he was with Penny the morning. He explained to Nancy that Penny wanted him to talk to Neil.

Sylvia made Bob visit the new apartment she was living in since she left Mary’s. Bob questioned Sylvia about her job at the hospital and she appeared to be very happy with it. Bob asked her again to come working with him but she explained she didn’t want to. They used to make a good team when they worked for Dr. Suker, but things changed when Dr. Fields saw her in Bob’s arms. She didn’t want to be too much involved as there was still Lisa in the picture.



Len entered Ev’s office. He tried to convince Ev that leaving the hospital was not a good idea just because he broke up with Patti. Len proved to be very convincing when he talked about Ev’s patients and his love for the hospital.

Alison arrived at the Tates’ and Jo told her how relieved she was Patti broke up with Ev. Alison told Jo about her visit to Dr. Harris and how she was happy to learn she could be pregnant if she underwent a surgery but Fred found out the surgery was not always successful. Alison was upset Fred wasn’t considering the surgery as an option. Adoption seemed the last option for Alison.

Sam Reynolds arrived at Jo’s and he introduced himself to her. Jo was surprised as Arthur had gone to the airport to meet and greet Mr. Reynolds but Sam said he waited for 30 minutes but didn’t see anybody. Jo called Stu but he didn’t know where Arthur was. Sam was about to go to his hotel but Jo heard Arthur’s car parking.


Alex arrived at the girls’ apartment where Julie waited for him with much excitement. Alex told her he couldn’t convince Mike to agree to a Mexican divorce but Mike would talk to his lawyer about it. Alex added that Mike couldn’t understand why Alex and Julie were in such a rush to marry and Alex thought Julie should tell Mike about the pregnancy. Julie refused. She remembered Mike drank so much the night she told him she would leave him, he would probably don’t even remember they had sex one last time. Alex was convinced Mike wouldn’t make demands on Julie or the baby but Julie said that even if Mike wouldn’t, Bert would. Alex couldn’t understand why Julie disliked Bert so much but Julie assured Bert was meddling all the time and wanted her family to act like she had decided.

Bert arrived at the Bannings’. She wanted to talk to Meta privately and waited until Papa went for gardening to be alone with her sister-in-law. Bert told Meta about the time she went to Julie to convince her to come to the Christmas dinner and how Julie took pills that were supposed to be aspirin. Bert was suspicious because the pills were prescribed by a Dr. Walters and this Dr. Walters was recognized by Paul to be an obstetrician. Bert was sure something was wrong with Julie. Meta tried to reason her but doubts were strong in Bert’s mind.


At the Cassens’, Claire asked Doug if he had seen Neil since he came back home. Doug finally admitted he had a visit from Neil. Claire made Doug admit that Neil blamed Penny. Claire said that Ellen did too and Claire couldn’t tell anyone that Doug and Penny were conspirators in driving Neil back to medicine because Neil was Doug’s son. Claire assured that if Doug messed up with Neil’s life again, she would leave for California.

Later in Doug’s office, David told Doug that Miss Saunders would leave them as she was to get married on Valentine’s Day but Miss Saunders already found a replacement for her job as a receptionist and technician : a young widow called Mrs. Marion Lake. Doug would interview her the following week. Doug and David then talked about Bob’s new office and what they would get for him and that Sylvia refused to work for him. Doug thought he would have liked to offer Sylvia Miss Saunders’ job if she hadn’t already found someone. Neil phoned : he had found a book that could interest Doug.

At the bookshop, Doug was very interested in the book about heart surgery : a very rare edition. Doug asked Neil how he was and Neil answered he was grateful to Mr. Bundy. He remembered hoping for his own business when Chris arrived. Doug left.

Chris questioned Neil about how he felt. Neil admitted he still cared for the Hughes family but didn’t love Penny any more and she didn’t love him when they married, she only wanted a man with a career. Chris gave Neil the books Penny asked him to bring but he assured Neil he was wrong thinking this way of Penny.



Arthur entered his home to find Sam with Jo. He told them he was in Sommerville trying to renegotiate the loan on Chalmers lease but got struck in the traffic. Sam was not pleased. He said they would get rid of the Chalmers lease. Sam went to this hotel and asked Arthur to meet him after dinner to talk about business because he thought business talking would bother Jo. Jo asked if it bothered Mrs. Reynolds but Sam answered there was no Mrs. Reynolds.

While Arthur and Jo were having dinner,  Jo noticed Arthur really resented Sam’s presence in Henderson even if he admired the successful businessman he was. No wife and spending time in hotels wasn’t the definition of a sucessful life for Jo.

After Arthur went to meet Sam, Marge arrived at the Tates’. She noticed Jo was worried about Sam and Arthur working together. Marge told Jo Dr. Halstead gave her a clean bill of health. Jo noticed she was worried and Marge finally told her she was pregnant.


In his apartment, George was struggling with flashbacks from his fuzzing memory. He remembered when Julie told him she wanted to leave her job as his secretary. Then, he had realized it was because of Mike and he also remembered when Bert told him that Julie was pregnant with Mike’s baby but Mike didn’t love Julie and wanted her to give the baby up for adoption. After all theses flashes, George phoned Julie and told her he wanted to see her.

George arrived at Julie’s and he told her he thought her marrying plans with Alex were a mistake. He said he remembered how in love Julie was with Mike but Julie assured it was long gone. George insisted Mike would have married Julie even if George wouldn’t have talked him into it. When Julie said a marriage with no love couldn’t work, George wondered why she wanted to do the same thing with Alex then and he left. Alone, Julie flashbacked to the time she told Mike she was ready to leave him and he asked her to give their marriage another go because she used to love him. Julie felt very confused.


At the Hugheses’, Nancy heard Bob whistling in his room and she remembered the time he was a child. Bob told Nancy that Greg Morgan, the young attorney at Chris’ office had a date and asked Bob to find one to make it a foursome. Nancy didn’t seem to like Greg that much. She asked Bob if he asked Sylvia for the date and Bob confirmed. Nancy wondered if it was too late for Lisa but Bob didn’t answer.

Later, after the evening, Bob was at Sylvia’s. She was happy to have her own apartment instead of living with Mary Mitchell and her husband. Sylvia said she enjoyed the evening and was happy meeting Greg and his date, Carol Dunn. Sylvia learned from Carol that she was a technician at laboratories for years : she might be a good fit for Bob’s new office. She gave Bob Carol’s number.

At Carol’s, she and Greg were talking about the evening. Carol told Greg she might be considering Sylvia’s idea to go working for Bob. She admitted she thought Bob was good looking. Greg told Carol that Bob was a divorcee and his ex-wife, Lisa, was very attractive too.

At Lisa’s, Lisa told Ken about how her mother came up with the name Lisa for her. Alma found it in a storybook she liked. Ken said the name Lisa made him think of Mona Lisa and it suited Lisa just fine. Ken realized Lisa had something on her mind – probably Bob and Lisa said she didn’t want to be unfair to Ken.



Jo thought Marge’s pregnancy was wonderful news but Marge said she felt like a freak. She was already a grandmother, she felt too old to be pregnant. She wondered what Stu or Janet would think when they learned. Jo thought she had to get used to the idea as she was sure Stu would be delighted.

At the Meltcalfs’, Fred received a phone call from a motel. He was told that Arthur was there to meet Sam Reynolds. Alison worried that would mean trouble for Arthur. Fred didn’t want Alison to categorize Sam as a villain while she didn’t know him at all yet. Fred assured Alison should care more about the money problems and conversation turned to the possible baby. Fred had thought about it and was clearly not ready to risk Alison’s life for a baby. Alison asked him to think about it again.

In Sam’s hotel room, Sam and Fred were going through some papers. Sam tried to understand how they had got there financially speaking. Arthur tried to justify but he felt uncomfortable with Sam.


At the Bannings’, Meta was waiting for Papa to go to bed to talk with Bruce. She told her husband about Bert’s suspicions over Julie’s visit to an obstetrician but Bruce assured Meta it was not Bert’s business.  Meta said it was not curiosity only but Bert was worried Julie might have a medical issue. Bruce advised his wife to forget about it.

At the Bauers’, Bert was anxious for Mike to come back home to know how happened his meeting with Alex. Mike arrived and told his parents he passed his exams and that he would graduate at the mid-term. Bert grilled Mike about Alex but Mike told her nothing had been decided but there was a possibility he might change his mind about the Mexican divorce. Mike explained  to his parents Alex’s reasoning that Julie could stop working if she was married to Alex and spend more time with Hope. Bert didn’t think it was the true reason for the quick wedding. After all, Julie didn’t think much of Hope when she left Mike. Mike insisted he would see his lawyer before taking a decision. After Bill and Mike went up to bed, Bert thought of the Dr. Walters Julie had been  consulting.


At the Hugheses’, Chris and Nancy noticed that Pa had left to see Mrs. Kopecki for the third time that week. Nancy told Chris she questioned Bob about his relationship with Sylvia and asked him if it was too late for Lisa to change her mind and remarry Bob as he had asked. Chris thought Nancy shouldn’t interfere. When discussion turned to Penny and Neil, Chris said he should go to Penny’s even if it was late.

Chris arrived at his daughter’s. He told Penny he had seen Neil and he was very different from the man he used to know. Chris thought that Neil needed time to think. Chis was also convinced that Neil was not interested in the books he brought him, he only wanted to hurt Penny and he succeeded. Penny admitted she sold herself on the idea that Neil wanted to be a doctor again. Chris said that for the moment Neil didn’t seem to care any more.

Pa came home and Nancy told him Chris went to see Penny. Pa also mentionned Bob’s date with Sylvia and noticed it didn’t make Nancy happy. She decided to call Alma.

The following day, Ellen visited Lisa who was happy to learn Judge Lowell was going fine. Ellen assured Lisa she didn’t blame Neil and she even half-forgave Penny for what happened. Lisa thought they should all have a clean state, which impressed Ellen very much. Lisa added that Neil was going to visit her so maybe she could do something to help Penny.

Later, Neil and Lisa chatted at her apartment. She admitted she missed the Hughes family. She said she needed time to realize how much she cared about Bob, and it might be the same for Neil about Penny. Neil assured Lisa she was wrong about him.

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At the hospital, Brad and Len commented on Patti and Ev’s breakup. Brad was relieved Patti didn’t marry Ev who didn’t bring anything good for her. Brad thought Len was not honest when he was sorry over Ev’s misfortunes but Len made Brad admit he loved Patti. Brad couldn’t be sorry for Ev when Patti broke their own engagement to marry Ev.

Ev arrived to talk with Len. Ev told Len he thought about what he told him and Ev decided to stay at the hospital but he asked to be transferred to another wing. Ev thanked Len and left. Brad thought Len was out of his mind to convince Ev not to leave the hospital. Len insisted Ev was a good doctor and it was a nice decision for the hospital and they wouldn’t see Ev any more as he wouldn’t work in the same wing.

At Sam’s hotel, Arthur explained Sam how Aunt Cornelia organized Tate Enterprises and put him in charge as Alison’s guardian. Sam wondered if Arthur was really made for the job. He assured he was not here to oppose Arthur but he was representing stockholders and he would do as if Arthur and Alison were strangers to each other. Sam asked Arthur to organize a meeting with Alison.


In the morning, Paul visited Alex at his studio. Alex told Paul that Jane and George were still seeing each other but Paul said he made it clear to his sister it was her own business. Alex was sure George would remember Jane very soon and he knew exactly how she behaved. Paul then asked Alex if it was true he was to marry Julie. After Alex confirmed it, Paul told his friend he found it very uncanny that Alex wanted to marry Mike Bauer’s wife. Alex assured Julie and Mike’s marriage had never been a real one, that Mike only married Julie because she was pregnant of Hope. Paul assured he would mind his own business but wondered if Alex really loved Julie. Alex assured there was more than love as a motive for marriage.

In the Bauer kitchen, Bert kept thinking of her visit at Julie’s and the pills she was taking. After remembering Bill’s words to mind her own business, Bert finally phoned Dr. Walters’ office. She said she was Mrs. Bauer and wanted to be reminded of what the pills Dr. Walters prescribed her were for. The nurse on the phone, thinking she was talking to Julie Bauer, told her the pills were for the nausea she was experiencing with her pregnancy. Bert couldn’t believe it.


It was breakfast at the Hugheses’. Bob told Nancy he had to be ready to open his office on Friday. He said that Sylvia turned down his offer to work with him but he had to interview the girl Greg dated as Sylvia thought she would be interested in the job. Bob left when Chris came down for breakfast. Nancy told Chris that Alma was coming that day but she didn’t mention she was the phone who phoned her.

Later, Alma and Nancy had lunch together. Alma said Nancy’s phone call prompted her to visit her daughter. Alma was shocked to learn from Nancy that Bob asked Lisa to remarry him while saying to her he didn’t love her. Nancy was sure Bob didn’t mean it. The only thing was he couldn’t forget abour Bruce Elliott. Even if Alma was sure Lisa had forgotten about Bruce, she said her daughter wanted her to meet Ken Bryandt, a name Nancy often heard from Tom.

Pa came back home after Alma left as he had been instructed by Nancy not to bother them. Nancy told Pa she was surprised Lisa didn’t mention Bob’s offer to remarry to Alma. Pa was sure Bob was only thinking of his new office at the moment.

In his office, Bob welcomed Carol. She mentioned she once worked for a Dr. Jeffrey. Bob was surprised Carol was interested in the job as he didn’t have a practice yet especailly when Carol said she was ready to accept the job no matter how much Bob would be able to pay her. 



In his hotel room, Sam was thinking about him coming to Henderson : wasn’t it the biggest mistake of his life ? Sam received a phone call from his associate Ted. He told him he was quite sure Arthur Tate was an honest man but had bad business judgement for Tate Enterprises. After the call, Sam phoned the hospital but he changed his mind and hung up.

At breakfast, Jo told Arthur that Ev asked to be transfered in another wing at the hospital but Arthur was upset that Len convinced Ev not to leave Henderson. Jo was convinced that this time Patty had moved on. Arthur had to meet Sam again at his hotel. Jo tried to make Arthur believe that Sam had anything against him and was only there to help the company but Arthur didn’t like the way Sam behaved. Jo thought it could be good to invite Sam for dinner maybe but Arthur didn’t think the same way. Jo also told Arthur of Marge’s pregnancy. Arthur wondered how Stu would react but Jo was sure he would be happy and Marge and Stu would be perfect parents even if they were a bit old. 


George arrived in Alex’s studio after his class. He told Alex he visited Julie the day before and she was pretty angry with him. George explained he remembered the time Julie and Mike got married and he tried to convince Julie that he didn’t force Mike to propose to Julie. She left Mike because she felt their marriage was not made of love but George was sure that Mike grew to love Julie. Alex told George that Julie made up her mind and George couldn’t understand why Alex would marry her because it was obvious he was not in love with Julie. Alex assured he was doing the best he could given some circumstances.

On the phone with Dr. Walters’ nurse, Bert was very shocked to learn Julie was pregnant. When the nurse told Bert that « she » hadn’t come to the doctor’s for a while, Bert assured she would call back. Papa arrived and found Bert quite confused. Papa was very proud that Mike passed his exams. He then questioned Bert about Alex and Julie’s wedding. Bert was so distracted that Papa wondered if she was sick. Bert assured she was fine and would tell him more very soon. 


Soaps pre-empted for President Johnson’s 2nd inauguration.



Arthur arrived at Sam’s motel room as he was exploring the view of Henderson. Two buildings emerged : Tate Enterprises and the Henderson hospital. Sam was upset Arthur didn’t plan the meeting with Alison yet so he decided to call her himself. He planned a meeting for that evening. Sam tried to make it sure with Arthur he wasn’t trying to humiliate him. They had to cooperate for Tate Enterprises.

At the Bergmans’, Marge told Stu she had something to tell him and he should sit down. She said she went to Dr. Halstead and learned she was pregnant. Stu couldn’t believe it at first. Marge was sure Stu would resent her. Stu assured he didn’t and just needed time to adjust to the idea of being a father again. Marge felt angry and ordered Stu to go to work while she slammed the kitchen door shut.


George and Jane were having dinner in a restaurant and George was surprised Julie didn’t tell Jane he visited her. George said he tried to convince Julie that he didn’t puch Michael to marry her back in the day. Jane mentioned Alex’s talk with Mike to convince him to agree to a Mexican divorce. George said that Alex didn’t love Julie and Jane added she didn’t feel like Julie loved Alex either.

In the early evening at the Bauers’, Bert was suffering from a headache. Bill said she had to rest because the following day was the big day of Mike’s graduation. Bill said how proud he was of his son. He kept questioning Bert about her health but she finally admitted what was bothering her : she had found the truth about Julie. Bill was furious when Bert said she called Dr. Walters’ office and asked him what the pills were, letting the nurse thinking she was the Mrs. Bauer the pills were prescribed for. Bill was horrified when Bert told him that Julie was pregnant and that’s why Alex wanted to marry her – she was expecting his child.


At the Hugheses’, Penny had come to have lunch with her parents and Nancy told her how excited Bob was to have his office. Penny was upset over talking about medicine. Nancy still though Penny should come back living with her family. Penny agreed to think about it and Nancy said patience could be the key. Penny mentioned to her mother her visit to Lisa and how she changed her mind about her since her own ordeal with Neil.

At Lisa’s, Lisa told Alma she had an appointment with Dr. Field but Alma wanted to talk to her daughter. She wanted to know why Lisa didn’t tell her or her father that Bob offered to remarry her. Lisa said she didn’t because she wasn’t interested in marrying a man who didn’t love her. Alma couldn’t believe Bob only proposed because of Tom and thought Lisa should think about it twice before becoming too much involved with Ken Bryant.

Later, Lisa told Dr. Field about the talk with her mother. She admitted her mother could make sense but she felt Bob was interested in another woman, the nurse who worked for Bob and Dr. Suker. Lisa was confused as her mother was about to meet Ken that evening and she wished Bob would still love her.

After dinner, Ken noticed Lisa didn’t seem alright and he wondered if it was because of Alma’s presence. After Lisa excused herself to get some cake, Alma questioned Ken. She said she liked him but she wanted to know if he thought Bob and Lisa might end up together again. Ken said they would have to wait and see.



Patti and Len met at the cafeteria. She said she learned from Brad that Ev wanted to leave the hospital but Len convinced him to stay and be transferred to another wing. Patti was thankful because she thought it was the right thing to do and if she had asked Ev not to leave, he would have misinterpreted things about their relationship.

At the Metcalfs’, Alison told Fred she heard from Jo that Marge was pregnant. Fred realized the irony of the situation : Marge being devastated about being pregnant while Alison was desperate about having a child. Fred told Alison that Dr. Harris phoned him and he learned about a new technic which could provide Alison with the surgery she needed with less risk. Dr. Harris would phone Alison soon. She was very happy but her joy faded when she told Fred that she had an appointment with Sam Reynolds that night.

Stu brought champagne home but Marge was still cold after she felt Stu was unhappy with her pregnancy. Stu took Marge into his arms and told her he was surprised but happy and proud, trying to make her feel better.


The following morning at the Bauers, Bill told Bert he couldn’t sleep much at night. He said he hoped Bert had misunderstood what Dr. Walters’ nurse said on the phone but Bert assured she heard right. Bill said that maybe Mike was the father of Julie’s baby. Bert said it was impossible as Julie and Mike hadn’t lived as husband and wife for months before she left him. Bill asked his wife to forget about to focus on Mike’s day.

Later that day, Papa arrived at the Bauers’ while Bert was cooking dinner. He was very proud Mike was graduating from law school but felt sad that Julie and Hope weren’t part of it.

After the graduation, Bert, Bill, Papa, Mike, Bruce, Meta, Jane and George celebrated on the Bauer patio. They were all happy with Mike being a lawyer. After the Bannings and Papa left, alongside Jane and George, Bill had some time alone with Mike. He told him how proud he was and Mike thanked his dad for everything he did for him.


Lisa had brought Tom over to the Cassens for a visit to ailing Judge Lowell. Ellen wished she could give her grandfather a great grandchild. Lisa assured she would meet someone. Ellen questionned Lisa about how things were going on with Bob.

In the Judge’s room, Tom talked about his grandmother Alma being in town. Judge wished he could have met her. Tom also talked about the fact he spent some days at his dad’s, some at his mom’s and asked the Judge what his parents meant when they said they couldn’t fix up the divorce. Judge Lowell thought Tom should ask his parents but Tom said he had come up with the fact that his parents wouldn’t want to remarry. Judge admitted Tom had found out the truth but he shouldn’t say his parents he did.

Lisa told Ellen she was going to bring Tom to his father’s new office. Ellen was sure it was a very good idea and Bob would be very happy to see both Tom and Lisa.

In Bob’s office, Carol welcome Mrs. Brando, a first patient who wanted to see Bob. Mrs. Brando was very happy Bob had opened his office as Dr. Suker had left. While Bob was with Mrs. Brando, David arrived to see Bob and introduced himself to Carol. After Mrs. Brando left, David congratulated Bob on his office and his choice of receptionist. Bob wanted to thank David and Doug for the examining table they offered him. Meanwhile, Lisa and Tom arrived in the waiting room and asked Carol to tell Bob they were here to see him.

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Both SFT and TGL were still 15 minutes at this time , so very tightly written.

The half hour of ATWT and SS allowed for just that little bit more story and extra characters w/o getting too unwieldy. Probably the perfect format.

Although the hour is fine, it coincided pretty much with the 80's and a new direction in storytelling that veered from the core themes of the shows.

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I love doing so ! But it takes much time and when I work, I can't find much time to do this. If some of you want to write some recaps out of scripts, please feel free to message me

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And here is the end of January.



At the Tates’, Marge told Jo how Stu reacted to the news of her pregnancy and Jo was convinced it was great but Marge still felt Stu thought she forced this pregnancy on him. Jo told Marge she needed to give him time to realize the baby was real. Jo would like Marge to realize this pregnancy was a gift. Alison arrived and congratulated Marge and Marge felt bad. She told Jo and Alison that Janet, Dan and the kids didn’t know about the pregnancy yet. She would let Stu do the announcement. Alison told Jo she wanted to talk with Arthur about Sam Reynolds as he had asked to meet her. Alison was worried about Arthur.

Arthur joined. He appreciated Alison wanting to talk with him first. Arthur advised Alison to cooperate with Sam because Tate was her enterprise and he didn’t do good work lately. He added Alison’s loyalty might have been a mistake since she never questioned Arthur’s decisions as she should have. After Alison left, Jo tried to tell Arthur she and Alison had faith in him but Arthur didn’t think he had much faith left in himself.



The following morning in George’s office, George said Mike he would be honored to have him as an associate and change the name of the office to « Hayes & Bauer ». George said he remembered quite a lot about the time he worked there with Julie as a secretary and how Julie and Mike felt in love. Mike said Julie’s pregnancy was what changed everything and that Julie wanted to marry Alex. George added he didn’t understand the reason why Julie and Alex wanted to marry so quickly.

At the Bauers’, Bill told Bert they had to tell Mike the truth about Julie’s pregnancy. Mike came back home. He told Bill and Bert about George’s offer. Bert asked her son to sit down. They talked about the Mexican divorce and Mike said he had an appointment with his lawyer the following morning to talk about it. Bert finally told her son there was a reason for Julie wanting a quick wedding with Alex : she was expecting his child.


Alma was at Nancy’s. She told her of her talk with Lisa and how Lisa realized it was Nancy who told Alma that Bob offered her to remarry. Alma also told Nancy that she met Ken Bryant and that she liked the man. He was a widower who was very much in love with his first wife and Tom really enjoyed Ken as a friend.

Bob had finished his first day in his office. Carol told him Mrs. Brando being the first patient was a good sign and Bob explained Carol he came a long way with Mrs. Brandon. He won her over with time. Bob also mentioned he was happy Tom visited him for his first day. He was grateful to Lisa but Carol wondered if it was not Tom who insisted to come. Bob offered Carol to drive her back home.

Back at the Hugheses’, Bob told Pa he was happy for his first day but expected to get more patients soon as he would need them to pay his office’s rent on 121 Briar Place. After dinner, Chris apologized for not coming for the 1st day but Bob said Chris and Pa helped very much with all the furnishings already. Bob mentionned to Nancy that Lisa brought Tom to the office and Nancy added it was very considerate of Lisa.

Later, Chris and Nancy were alone near the fireplace. Chris thought Penny would finally come back living with them. He also mentioned he dropped a line to Don at the law office he was working to give him news about Bob and saying they hadn’t heard from him in a long time. Nancy admitted she was the one who asked Alma to come to Oakdale. Chris was upset as it seemed Nancy couldn’t understand she shouldn’t be interfering in her children’s lives.



Arthur had a nap but he was still under much stress because of Tate Enterprises and Sam Reynolds. Jo thought maybe they should have a vacation with Patti. Arthur was not opposed but didn’t think the timing was right. Jo told Arthur that Stu would tell Janet about the pregnancy today. Arthur laughed at how Stu would handle it and he agreed to eat something with Jo.

At the Metcalfs’, Alison and Fred were waiting for Sam who was late. Alison told Fred about her meeting with Arthur and how he advised her not to mix her friendship to him and Tate Enterprises business. She also tried to talk about the surgery which could enable her to have children but Fred was still worried. Sam finally arrived. Alison was not very welcoming, telling Sam how his presence in Henderson hurt Arthur but Sam reminded Alison he was there to save her enterprise. Sam wanted the name « Tate » to be changed because of bad press but Alison was absolutely opposed.


At the girls’ apartment, Jane told Julie about Mike’s graduation night but Julie seemed uninteresed. Jane thought Julie should wish Mike the best in his life as he was still Hope’s father. Julie insisted she only wanted a quick divorce and marry Alex as soon as possible.

At the Bauers’, Mike was still shocked by Bert’s revelation that Julie was pregnant. Bert explained the whole process leading to how she learned about the pregnancy. Bill assured he didn’t approve of what Bert did but Mike was glad he knew the truth. He was ready to let Julie have the Mexican divorce she was hoping for but this changed everything. Mike said he shouldn’t have guessed for Alex and Julie’s relationship. He reminded his parents of the time Alex offered a very expensive gift for Hope’s birth. Bill thought he was wrong to imply Julie already wanted to marry Alex while married to Mike. Mike said he was going to sue Julie for divorce and would ask to get custody of Hope.


At the bookshop, Neil was booking a flight on the phone. He told Mr. Bundy he would be absent for a day or two as he was going to New York. Neil wanted to ask his mother and step-father for a loan because he would like to buy Mr. Spencer’s bookshop. Neil was even thinking of a new name for the bookshop. He told Mr. Bundy he wanted to pay Bob a visit in his new office but he was afraid he would run into Penny.

Penny had stopped at the Cassens’ and told Ellen she didn’t go to see Bob for his first day in his office. Ellen thought it was a bit selfish of Penny because even Lisa went : Bob told Ellen the previous evening when he came for a visit for the Judge before going home. Penny felt ashamed but she couldn’t go through for the moment. She said Ellen she still hadn’t had news from Neil. Penny still hoped he would forgive her.

Doug arrived at the bookshop and Mr. Bundy told him that Neil was in New York. He didn’t know how to react when Mr. Bundy told him that Neil used to be very close to his father and Bundy wished Neil’s father would still be alive. When Bundy mentioned Neil went to his mother and step-father’s to ask for a loan, Doug said he would have been happy to help but Bundy was sure Neil knew that and didn’t want to accept. It was more natural to ask from his family first as Bundy mentioned.

Neil had arrived to his mother’s. He was very upset as Jerry had refused to give him the loan he expected. Judith said Neil was ready to give Neil the money if he bought a bookshop in New York, not in Oakdale because Judith and Jerry felt Neil was very unhappy in Oakdale. Neil tried to say he had many contacts in Oakdale thanks to Doug Cassen but Judith begged her son to come back to New York.



At breakfast, Fred read in the newspaper that Tate stocks were going up, probably because people knew that Sam Reynolds was taking care of the situation. Fred reminded Alison that Sam’s fundation had around 30% of the stock and that he could force an election and liquidate the company. Fred thought Alison should listen to Fred and do what was best for the company and not thinking only of Arthur.

Later, Stu was at the paper and told Fred he dropped some copy on a West Side Auto ad. Fred congratulated Stu on Marge’s pregnancy. Stu was sure Fred and Alison shouldn’t lose hope. Fred and Stu then talked about Sam. Fred found him firm but reasonable and Stu was curious as he hadn’t met him yet. Fred would like to say apart from the Tate business.

Alison visited Jo who told her about Ev being transferred to another wing of the hospital and Patti being happy about it. They talked about Sam and Alison admitted Fred was pretty impressed by him. Alison told Jo that Sam suggested she change the name of the enterprise. Jo was shocked and Arthur arrived.


As Julie and Alex were having dinner, Julie was worried that Mike hadn’t told them yet if he would agree to have a Mexican divorce. Alex told Julie they had to wait for Mike’s answers but he still felt that Mike should be told Julie was expecting his child.

At the Bauers’, Bill was waiting for Mike before going to bed. They talked about Julie and Bill still thought Bert was wrong they way she unconvered the truth about Julie’s pregnancy. Mike said he didn’t care. He was angry at Alex for making him believe he was only interested in Hope’s welfare while Julie was pregnant with his child, but he thought Julie was really the one responsible. She tricked Alex with a pregnancy, the same way she tricked Mike two years ago. It was the same story over again. Bill asked Mike if there was a chance the baby could be his. Mike assured he and Julie didn’t share intimacy for months before she left him. Mike remembered a time he tried to save his marriage. He said his father he realized how wrong he was.


Greg was in Chris’ office and Chris told him Judge Lowell wondered why Greg hadn’t visited him yet. Greg told Chris he was waiting for him to give the green light so Chris adviced Greg to go.

In Judge Lowell’s room, Ellen told her grandfather she didn’t understand why her mother was no longer working at the gift shop at Memorial HospitaL Judge Lowell noticed Claire was often out these days and he hoped she didn’t worry about him anymore. Ellen reminded the Judge they would leave for a trip under the sun quite soon.

Greg arrived and Judge Lowell told him that Ellen wanted to be a lawyer when she was younger. Judge Lowell let Greg and Ellen know each other. After Ellen left, Greg and Judge Lowell talked about Bob’s new office. Judge Lowell asked abour Carol but Greg said she was only a good friend of his. After Greg left, Ellen noticed her grandfather tried to act as a matchmaker between she and Greg. Ellen reminded him Greg was younger than she was but the Judge didn’t see the issue.

In Bob’s office, he was talking with Carol about how Sylvia advised him to hire Carol. He also told Carol he had been working with Dr. Suker since the previous summer and that Suker left with his family for Europe. Carol realized Bob wasn’t confident in getting patients and tried to cheer him up. The phone call and a Mr. Moore, advised by David, asked for an appointment. Bob and Carol were both happy.



In his hotel room, Sam called Fred at the paper.  He asked Fred if he could visit him as he would like to discuss some common problems with him. Fred felt uncomfortable and said he didn’t want to be involved with Tate Enterprises issues. He didn’t want to sound rude but he refused Sam’s offer and said he should only talk with Alison. After he hung up, Fred felt bad and called back Sam, saying he would eventually come.

At the Tates’, Alison was confused as Arthur had arrived but Jo thought she should tell him. After explaining Sam’s reasoning, Alison finally admitted to Arthur that Sam wanted the name of the company to be changed to avoid bad publicity. Arthur told Alison she had to do it because his name was a liability. Arthur left. Alison was worried but Jo assured her Arthur would understand.

In Sam’s room, Sam apologized to Fred if he seemed insensitive. He assured he didn’t question Arthur’s honesty but only his lack of judgement. He added he would need to ask Arthur to step down from the company. Fred was shocked.


At the Bauers’, Bert told Meta that Julie was pregnant and how she found out. Meta was very surprised as she came to like Alex very much. Bert assured Mike was glad Bert found out the truth. Julie phoned the Bauers’ home and asked Bert if she could talk to Michael. Bert told Julie that Mike was not home but she would tell him she called. Mike arrived and he assured Bert he didn’t mind she told Meta about the situation with Julie. Mike added he was coming from Mr. Stark, his lawyer whom he told the whole story. Stark advised Mike to get the divorce himself. When Bert mentioned Julie’s call, Mike said he wanted to talk to Julie, but he would go to see her.

At the girls’ apartment, Jane had noticed Julie was agitated. When the phone rang, Julie was sure it was for her but it was George calling for Jane to invite her to dinner. Mike arrived at the apartment. He told Jane he would like to talk to Julie in private for a while.


In the morning, Nancy visited Penny in her apartment. Penny told Nancy she visited Judge Lowell a few times and was relieved he was doing fine. She was also happy she and Ellen were close again. Nancy mentioned she was going to have lunch with Alma. Penny said Nancy and Alma were very similar when it came to their children.

At Lisa’s, Alma was looking forward to having lunch in the fancy restaurant Nancy invited her. Lisa didn’t like the idea of her mother and Nancy meddling about she and Bob. Lisa told Alma there was a woman in Bob’s life – a nurse called Sylvia Hill and maybe Alma should ask Nancy about that.

In Bob’s office, Carol thanked Sylvia because she was the one who talked Bob into hiring her. Sylvia explained she had known Bob for a long time, when her used-to-be roomate Mary Mitchell introduced her to Dr. Cassen’s new intern. She even worked a few months for Bob and Dr. Suker before she became a superviser at the hospital. As Mr. Moore left Bob’s office, Bob greeted Sylvia. She said she was impressed with the place and was sure that with more time, the place would be full of patients. Sylvia said she would always need a doctor and she was due to see Dr. Cassen for a check-up soon. Sylvia asked about how Carol was doing and Bob said he was happy Sylvia was not working for him because he wanted her as a wife. Sylvia assured Bob it was not possible because there would always be Lisa between them.



Stu arrived home as Arthur drove him home and Marge told him it might be a good time to call Janet. Marge insisted Stu do it but Stu thought it would be better for Marge to tell the news herself. Stu pleaded Marge to lift his mind because he had enough problems especially as Arthur just told him Sam Reynolds wanted to change the name of Tate Enterprises. Marge was offended. Stu felt Arthur was going to give it up and it made him sad. He didn’t feel like calling Janet and Marge agreed they would wait.

Arthur was back home too and wondered if Alison had called – he wanted her to accept Sam’s suggestion. Arthur said that in a way he felt relieved as Sam was doing something to save the company. The only thing Arthur wanted was the company to do a comeback. He had a few ideas and wanted to share them with Sam. Arthur said he needed to be helpful to feel like a man.

In Sam’s motel room, Fred was still shocked about Sam wanting to convince Arthur to resign. Sam hoped Fred would convince Alison it was the best thing to do because Fred was intelligent enough to understand. Sam assured he would replace him temporarily.


When Meta was back at the Bannings’, Papa noticed his daughter seemed preoccupied. Meta said she had a talk with Bert about Julie : she was pregnant with Alex’s child. Meta added it changed Mike’s plans as he was ready to agree for the Mexican divorce.

At the girls’ apartment, Michael was rude to Julie. He insinuated that Julie had set her eyes on Alex long before she decided to leave Michael. Julie felt offended and said she only wanted a quick divorce. Mike answered he would never agree to the Mexican divorce Julie was asking for. He added he wanted Hope to spend the most time possible with the Bauers. Julie couldn’t understand and assured she wouldn’t leave Los Angeles as she and Alex promised. Mike said he would be the one who would ask for a divorce. Julie was confused and didn’t know what grounds Mike would use to get a divorce. Mike said he was sure she would find out and slammed out  of the apartment.


Neil arrived in Bob’s office to see him but Carol told him he was with a patient. Bob was taking care of a woman named Mrs. Edwards who hurt herself with some wood and was worried about tetanus. She was satisfied with Bob and let him understand she could change from her usual doctor to him. After Mrs. Edwards left, Neil entered Bob’s office.

Bob was very happy to see Neil but Neil asked him not to talk to him about Penny. Neil really enjoyed Bob’s new office. He told Bob he was really through with medicine and indeed intended to buy his own bookshop. Bob wished Neil the best of luck and Neil did about the same.

Later, Bob was back at the Hughes’ before dinner. He told Nancy he was going to pick up Tom at Lisa’s and Nancy told him that Alma had left that morning. Nancy told that during her lunch with Alma the previous day, they talked about Sylvia. Nancy wondered how serious Bob was interested in her. When Bob said Sylvia was not interested in marriage, Nancy realized Bob must have proposed to her. He declined to answer.

At Lisa’s, Tom was questioning Ken about his work. He said he was in business with Linda’s husband and they would open an office in New York soon. Tom realized he was in shoe business, just like Bruce Elliott did. Bob arrived. Lisa asked him about his practice then Bob and Tom left for the weekend.

                Once alone, Ken told Lisa he was surprised her mother left that suddenly and he liked meeting her. Lisa said Alma liked him too. Ken assured he couldn’t help but liking Lisa too.

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Thank you so much, @FrenchFan! You always sharing your collection has been priceless! 

And I will happily write recaps out of scripts, if that will help you

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Btw, ATWT went from episode 2296 on Monday, to 2299 on Thursday, which would mean that ATWT aired on Tuesday and Wednesday. But it says that all soaps were pre-empted on Wednesday. But maybe ATWT still aired, since the episode numbering suggests so?


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