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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I do think the TVMegasite has BIOS,but that's not what that is,basically it's a breakdown of episodes he was in, including with Tracy.

The only Tracy ones would be later 96-early 97.

No Tracy today based on recaps. I truly do think it will be the tail end of Thursday/first of Friday before we see her.

Wished it wasn't so,but....*sigh*

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MinervaFan, I had trouble finding the summaries at first too. Make sure the soap is "The City/Loving" (sounds obvious, but I ended up with Guiding Light recaps more than once, LOL), and make sure the date is in the correct time period (Try Feb. 17, 1997; you'll get Tracy's wedding to Gino), and that should do it. :)

And now I move on to this...Eeeeeeeeeeeee!






According to the SoapNet teaser for tomorrow's episode, Tracy sets out to find Luke. Yes, I know she did that like 2 weeks ago, but eeeeeeeeeeee! She's back!

As for the "delicate" spoiler, I don't believe Boss spilled it. I think she was just restating it. Whatever the case, I doubt it's a pregnancy. TIIC wouldn't do that. *gets evil idea* You know if TIIC made Skye Tracy's daughter, they would have even more fun with this kind of SL, LOL. Just kidding guys. ;) And I'm not sure if this matters, but SoapDish didn't seem to trust the person who posted that spoiler. *sigh* No one knows anything anymore.

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Ms.Q I'll see your EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and raise ya a few ! LOL

I saw the same preview.

Me so happy. Me want to cry.

Something to watch for.


ABout the SD spoiler....oh I don't know,actually a few of those may be legit.

Let's play pretend.

If it IS true,what on earth does it mean?

*waves to tracyluver*


* all kind of crazy ideas floating in my head*

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Okay did anybody see these:








Anna and Robert together again but not before Anna lets him have it.

Lucky goes to Patrick and demands to know what is going on between Liz and Patrick.

Jax asks Carly to be his wife.

Lady Jane decides she will plan the wedding much to Jax and Carly's surprise.

Lucas is upset when he realizes what Maxie is up to.

Lucky steals Patrick's prescription pad and forges prescriptions for painkillers.

Alexis and Jason disagree over what should be done with Sam.

Jason takes matters into his own hands where Sam is concerned.

Alexis makes a decision to remove Sam to a private clinic without telling anyone what she has done.

Sonny begins his downward spiral.

Jason makes a painful decision regarding Sam.

Carly and Lady Jane clash.

Luke realizes he has feelings for Tracy. :D

Skye finds herself in grave danger.

Jason wants nothing to do with Emily.

Maxie decides to use John's paternity test and blackmail Jax and asks for Diego's help.

I especially like the BOLD one *hehehe* I hope this come to play out, can you just imagine the possobilities if Luke discovers he has "real" feelings for Tracy. *lets keep our fingers crossed*

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I've been going through old posts for days, and frankly, if I read that damned spoiler about Luke admitting he has feelings for Tracy one more time, I'm going to spit. OF COURSE, he has feelings for Tracy. He is amused by her, annoyed by her, lusts after her, toys with her, flirts with her, is cruel to her---SPOIL ME BY SAYING he tells her he LOVES her, and then I'll start squeeing again......

Really, they've been tossing that one at us for six months now.

I want to see smooching, dangit.


In other news, I got my copy of Nero (early birthday present) today. Unfortunately, I could not salvage my vid. But I took it as a great way to learn the program as I recreated the vid from scratch. The new version is somewhat different from the original, as this new program has some features WMM didn't, and doesn't have features WMM did, but I still think it's pretty darned good. Will upload as soon as I can make it into a reasonable size....

Ms.Q, THANK YOU!!!!! I did what you said, and found at least the beginnings of The City transcripts. Oh, I will be reading soon.......

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Yay! Keith is posting! :)

I'm glad that helped, MinervaFan. And of course, I'm anticipating the fanfics and the video. *waits anxiously*

I agree. I haven't watched an entire episode since the auction. I didn't even tune in for Anna's return.

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 25






ILoveTracyQ, I assuming "delicate" means something more on the serious front. I have no idea what, and it's hard to speculate about something I don't believe is true, LOL. Sorry; it's just that SoapDish posters noticed that the grammar of the post matches the "scoopster," Spoiler Addict, and I guess her "scoops" have a reputation for being false. I hope it's true though. :)

nex4evr, yes, I've seen that. ILoveTracyQ mentioned it before too. The spoiler sounds good, doesn't it? And I, for once, am going to be optimistic. ;)

Oh, can't wait to see FINALLY see Tracy tomorrow! Things are bad when Epiphany, Stan, and Max are getting more airtime than her. Heck, Nurse #2 is probably getting more airtime than her. But *puts on a smile* Eeeeeeeeeeeee! She'll be back, and she will be awesome.

ETA: Hi to kenna (who I see is online) (I was wondering if you could still sum up JE's acceptance speech from the 1992 SOD Awards, if acceptance speeches were even given; I assume they would be, right? LOL), and hi to tracyluver (who is also on) (I hope those AP exams aren't keeping you too buried in the books).

ETA again: What does that "Rating: < 0 ( ) 10 >" thing under "Member No." on the left side of the screen mean? I just noticed it, LOL. (I'm pretty sure you're only going to see if if you're signed on, and you'll only see it in your box since I can't see it it anyone else's. And if this isn't making any sense, feel free to ignore me. It's been a long day, and I'm exhausted, LOL). *waves to Ms. Walsh and BellaSorcerer who are lurking*

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Hoping for Tracy tomorrow.....it's seems like they've been on that island forever without her.

Ms.Q: Loving your fanfic! Keep up the good work! As for her acceptance speech, I think it was along the lines of: "When I first started working at General Hospital, my mother kept saying to me, but Janie darling couldnt you be a little nicer, no mom they dont pay me to me nice." And then she said something about the cast and crew and the 5 floors that they worked on and she thanked them. then she thanked Soap Opera Digest and the readers of the magazine, and then she said something about her children at the end and then, "God Bless". I think that was just about everything she said, not sure. Well, anyways, I hope we see her tomorrow, the show's getting boring without her.

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I truly believe the gods do not want this video to be made. Or shared. I saved it at first, without knowing anything about file size and compression in Nero, and had about five minutes of joy watching my vid in full-screen, DVD-ready glory--at 183 megs! Then I deleted that file, compressed it down to 320x240 and 49 megs. Then I realized one of the clips was duplicated, edited, and got it down to 29 megs. Then I realized my new clip threw the timing off, fixed it, and corrupted the dayum file trying to export it.

You guys are probably never going to see this video. I think I may have to start from scratch. And since the song is five minutes long, and that's probably why I'm having so much problems with it, I think...I fear...no one will ever see my glorious Tracy-Dillon video.

Tracy better be on today, or gloom may swallow the world whole.

Oh, and CHACHACHA to Ms.Q for an *excellent* chapter of Oh, Baby. And to think--our little Fake Spoiler Ficathon prompted this! *beams with joy*

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Yo!!! Hello, all! Sry I haven't posted in a while but AP exams are TOMORROW and prom was Saturday and I have an honors awards thingy-mer-bobber tonite :D !!! i've been terribly busy dahlings. but I'm posting now! :)


Tracy WILL be on today, I have it on good authority ( Ms.Q told me :) ) It's something to look forward to in these loooooooooooooong, drab school days. I'll be back later. TA for now!!!

ETA: I just read the updated Oh, Baby (fanfiction.net was giving me fits and I had to go all the way around robin hood's barn to get it but I did :)) Ms. Q, yau are fabulosa girl!!! Keep up the good work and update soon!!!!!!

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*hugs to everyone,hugs to Keith especially who has posted again finally ! LOL

Ms.Q loved your update.

Awww...he caught her. :)

And dare I say it,your Tracy/Luke are actually...*gasp* mature.

*happy dance about TQ being on today*

But get this people,this is good for a laugh:


She'll be on today,but she's back in PC. When/how did that happen?

Will we get a mention of her searching and coming back?

Or just another case of sloppy,sloppy editing?

They should be ashamed they can't remember details like who is where.

That really is pitiful,and sad,that they let the show air like that.

I bet we have her sitting around as if that last scene never aired,though.

Of course it could be there were scenes of her looking for Luke that got cut,but still...sloppy,sloppy.


Oh,and SOD also says that after Holly/Anna leave, maybe Luke/Tracy/Robert are still on the island and get "unexpected visitors." That's this week.



Maybe the bad guys from last week coming back to steal the jewels?

spoilers over

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ILoveTracyQ, what about the picture that's been floating around of all of them on the island, including Anna?

Edit: I love how "TA" has become the new catch-phrase. :) Missing Tracy muchly. Many plot bunnies, Little free time. Wish I could write at work. Wish writing was my work...... WISH TRACY WAS ON THE SHOW.

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spoiler talk

MinervaFan Tracy will get there,I'm just referring to the fact that apparently when we saw her leaving the Q mansion two weeks ago,she either came back home,and they'll explain that,or they'll act as if she never left,which is ridiculous since we saw her leave.

I think the fact that she is supposedly back in PC adds fire to the online spec that Tracy was originally supposed to be a bigger part of sweeps but her parts got cut in favor of Anna/Holly.

I mean,we saw her leaving the house,or preparing to leave.

No mention since.

Not even from Dillon.

I guess we'll wait and see today,but my guess is they are going back and acting as if she never left.

Dumb. Really, really dumb. And lazy.

spoiler talk over

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What's up!!! Really looking forward to the Tracy scenes today. Only 40 minutes and 22 seconds but who's counting, right? Is it completely pathetic that i watched the first five minutes and the title sequence just to see Tracy's face in the opening credits? (that sad, huh? yeah, i figured.) Anyway............I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

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She's not on YET??


Lemme guess...we'll get a parting shot of her on an airplane on her way to the MI.

And that'll be it for Tracy today.

Someone watching live please let us know,should we even bother to tape?


I should be mad about it I guess but hopefully the rest of this week will make up for it.

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