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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I hope so. It's been slowly getting back to family focus, and this story is certainly pulling it back quickly.

Oy.... I can't even wrap my head around being that dumb. They don't even have "Second Language" as an excuse on that one.

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Hey all! So was Tracy on s few scenes today? Was Ethan arrested yet? Is it being too greedy to hope Tracy is on bailing him out tomorrow and then again th or f?

I just saw sod and Skye is back for a couple months and she needs help so she hoes to Luke so that means hopefully the elq war is true

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A couple of months? April/May... right around the time Luke leaves? I hope not together. She can't seriously think that Luke will help her with ELQ over Tracy, can she? Or perhaps she is still in denial about how close Luke and Tracy truly are. Either way Skye looses.

Tracy yes she was on today, supporting Ethan and demanding that Lucky give Ethan a chance to tell what happened. Tomorrow she's in everyone's favourite jacket as she bails him out. And quite honestly, I can't see her fading into the background anytime soon. This seems to be a full-family deal.

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Yes she was, it was just after Sonny had a gun to his throat. Ethan tried to explain to Ducky what happened, Lucky said he shouldn't talk anymore and Tracy was yelling over him that Ethan should be allowed a chance to explain.

Well I guess that's a whole lot of nothing information wise. I hope we do get more than a repeat of Luke's wayward eye and have something with depth to it. After all this heaviness with Kristina, we will need some levity on the show and nothing is as buoyant as the Q's. Nice that RC included Ethan with the rejuvenation of the Quartermaine family.

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Tracy is on again, she bailed Ethan out of jail - against Lucky's advice because he thinks Ethan will be safer from Sonny in lock-up - and admitted to Ethan that even though she's not 100% convinced, she's certainly on his side.

Super Jase is the one putting everything together today, and I'm okay with that considering he's the hit man sent to kill Ethan.

This is not going to be Sonny's story afterall, which makes me happy. Although I missed the first few minutes, Sonny wasn't on at all. Only the mothers and sisters today.

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Saw this in the new SID:

Skye In! Tracy Out?

As Tracy prepares to leave town on 3/31, Skye is returning. Tracy had offered to pay for Luke/Ethan to go to a tropical island, but then Skye calls Luke. Instant change of plans for the always-frisky Luke. Luke says to Tracy "I think you should take Ethan, and I'll stick around to keep an eye on stuff" says TG "He's always had a thing for Skye, we're adding another complication to the mix"

SC (ex-Dillon) is leaving OLTL, and SC says that if GH asked him to come back, he would jump at the opportunity.

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LOL... that's quite the set-up. The LnLers will be crowing about that one. Nice that Tracy is getting a trip for a change but I wonder if it will actually happen. Perhaps this is getting Ethan out of the country so that he can get his citizenship thing fixed up, although Canada is closer :P. Or maybe this is to get Ethan out of Sonny's way.

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hey all. stuck in the San Francisco airport for three hours. So was tracy only one for one scene bailing him out? Did the medianet pics of her and ethan in luke's office happebn today or dare we get four days of tracy this week?

I have a feeling tracy and ethan either don't make it out of town or come back shortly when ethan is cleared and finds skye with luke., I hate that luke decieves her about skye calling and sends her out of town instead.

tonygeary.net has an interview with tony (a long one) here is what he says about Jane (can he sing her praises any more?)

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Now THAT is someone truly in love. And on tg.net? Really? That's an LnL board in disguise. That's too funny.

Thanks so much for bringing that over Hooked, I love it and it's probably the most thorough description we've ever had of JE and her work style.

As for mediapics, she and Ethan did there thing in the office today. I'm not sure if we'll get her the next two days but we very well might. This is an "all hands on deck" kind of story.

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Thank you, Hooked, for that fantabulous interview! You should get stuck in the airport more often. :D I read what was apparently a tiny excerpt on it earlier at SOC. It was posted by one of the LnLers and, inexplicably, they left out quite a few parts including how he's crazy about her. Imagine that.

And thanks for the 411 on Skye...I think. Hate that Luke is lying to Tracy. And hope that RC is still happy living in Pennsylvania. And wants to stay there.

About this "thing" she's looking for...Does anyone think it might be Lila Rae? If she isn't supposed to show up in PC with Skye, seems strange if Skye's going to be around for a couple of months. (Or longer.) Who knows, though, at the rate they SORAS kids these days, she's probably in boarding school. On the other hand, there were some heavy hints that Alcazar was still alive. Maybe someone took Lila Rae again, and Skye thinks it was him. And she's wanting Luke to help her. Whatever it is. Done and gone. That's what I want from Skye until and unless they put her in someone else's orbit. Wish they'd gone the Jax route.

I hope Tracy isn't gone too long although, if our predictions about the "plot" are correct, we've seen enough of jealous Tracy. Since Ethan's with Tracy, I guess we'll know when she's coming back when we find out when Ethan is cleared.

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Since SID is the equivalent of a Tabloid in soapland, you want to be sure it's been written that way for effect. Luke might always have a "thing" for Skye like Tracy has always had a "thing" for Jax, but it doesn't necessarily amount to anything. I know in the end LuNacy isn't under any threat and it's already been spoiled that Skye goes to Jax as well - which pisses Carly off. GTQ, I think the so called "Alcazar" sightings are wishful thinking a la VM is returning next week. I don't think there's anything to is. RC would have to have agreed to a long term to deal with the muck in that story, and 2 months just isn't long enough. Either way it's kind of like waiting for a relative you can't stand - just get it over with already so we know what we're dealing with. The waiting allows the anti-LuNacy folks to muddy up all sorts of waters with their "predictions". Personally I don't think Lila Rae will be the issue - after this abuse case and Niz/LnL2 they are going to give the Spencers some levity. TPTB see the Q's as entertainment anyway, not a serious family so it's not going to be drama.

And as for the LnL hardliner, I thought that funny too that he edited that entire article, especially the part about Jane, LOL. He's got such an agenda for GF is't unreal. If I didn't know any better I'd think him Jonathan Frakes himself. When he started going on about Laura being the "truth and light" of the show (I kid you not) he lost me. It's little surprise that he doesn't want to include how TG is having the time of his life with someone "well worth the wait".

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