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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the screencaps, Hooked. :)

This might seem like an embarassment of riches with all the good LuNacy of late, but I think we *might* get Dillon back. In another thread on SON, someone was listing those in the OLTL exodus and they mentioned Scott's leaving as his being "needed elsewhere". Hope he's headed back to LA. I wonder if he still has his wolf.

EDIT: Has anyone heard how short, I hope, Skye's visit is going to be? That embarassment of LuNacy riches might otherwise go right out the window. Can't stand Skye anyway. And doesn't it seem strange that, with David Canary leaving AMC, they didn't bring her back to that show? Weird.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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From what I've gathered GTQ, Skye's appearance is to be very short and start more Q fighting - specifically about Tracy and Edward either wanting to give ELQ to Skye or Skye wanting ELQ for herself. Spoilers differ on that one. Lila Rae is NOT supposed to be coming, so that's pretty good evidence that Skye won't be around long. Skye is also supposed to be looking up old flames Luke and Jax, which po's Tracy and Carly. The finer details have not been free in coming so who knows how it will actually play out. All we know from the past is A: Luke flirts with everyone, and Skye likes rubbing Tracy's nose in it, and B: Luke always gets ELQ stuff for Tracy in the end.

As for SC - I hope "needed elsewhere" falls in like with Guza wanting Edward to "call other Q's home to meet Maya". Dillon is a perfect addition and the only child who can pass on the Quartermaine name. Thus to rebuild the Q's (as Guza also says he wants to do) Dillon is needed.

LuNacy is really happy now, so this will go one of two ways - Team LuNacy or Angst. In the past we've had both so it's too hard to call. Of course negative voices (aka LnL hardliners) are convinced Tracy is going to be tossed so Luke can play with Skye, but I have my doubts.

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Just got this through email...


Colin is 10 months old today!

He celebrated the day by turning over from his tummy to his back for the very first time. And then proceeded to do it over and over again just to prove he could. He seems to be more prevalent to roll to his left than his right but he did roll to his left at least once.

Colin was 11 lbs. 8 ozs. as of Tuesday and just continues to get bigger as we go. He started eating rice cereal along with his formula yesterday, and we will introduce fruits in 4 weeks followed by vegetables after that. His pediatrician is very pleased with his progress, especially after watching Colin just try and grab his coat most of his visit there Monday afternoon. The biggest thing we're working on now is motor skills and getting used to new sensations. He used to be iffy about his bouncy seat but he just loves it now. He still hates tummy time, but as today's milestone shows, it's definitely necessary. As he gains weight, he gains more motor skills so now it's just a question of fattening him up. As for his respiratory issues, we've now weaned him off his oxygen during the daytime and he only uses it at night when he goes to sleep. When he does use it, he's on 1/16th of a liter of O2 until he gets into a deep, deep sleep. When that happens, he'll sometimes drop his sats so we have to crank him back up to 1/8th liter, but that's becoming a rare event. Once he's off the O2 for good, he still has surgery pending for his hernias, but that will probably be closer to his birthday in May.

We received his monthly assessment from Alabama Early Intervention today and he's right where he needs to be or ahead on his cognitive, emotional and social skills. I couldn't be prouder of him - he's definitely our miracle child, and we are so, so lucky to have him here.

For anyone who is interested in supporting the March of Dimes, I am walking in the March For Babies walk on April 24 here in Mobile. If you would like to sponsor me in honor of Colin, please feel free to check out my personal page on the March for Babies website. We hope to raise lots of money to save the lives of babies like Colin.

Edited by remos
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Thanks so much, Remos, for the 411 on Skye. Good point about Lila Rae. By the way, didn't RC and family move to a farm in Pennsylvania? Hope they're still there. This isn't a daytime climate for uprooting an entire family to another coast. So, thinking positively, short term seems very likely. I'm sure we'll be subjected to endless and heavy flirting, and hope it stops there.

The timing seems strange with the Ethan and Kristina drama unfolding. Actually it bodes well. Luke will look like an @$$ to the billionth magnitude if he puts the moves on Skye on the heels of Tracy's complete support of Ethan. And that's how it should play. Mama Tracy will be hell on wheels with anyone who tries to hurt any of her children whether it's Ned, Dillon, Lulu, or Ethan.

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I don't think Tracy has ever admitted to anyone how much she loves luke so that was nice to hear. She has told Luke but not nearly as often as he has told her.

I thought I read that ethan told tracy all about his upcoming date and she warned him about not getting invlved with sonny's mouth piece's secretary or something. Then Luke said he was leaving to go to Vegas for a meeting and Tracy wanted to go with him, but he wanted her to stay in town and keep an eye on Ethan. I think Tracy got a call from Edward to come home and she left.

Tomorrow sonny comes to ask luke to talk to lulu about dante not making michael testify or something.

I'm guessing we will see Tracy again maybe on Tuesday when Ethan gets bailed out.

I'm heading out of town in the wee hours tomorrow morning to go celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. I'll be gone til later next week, but will try to pop in. If anything good happens...someone email me.

I find it funny there has not been anything about Skye or Maya for that matter yet. They have already been taping. Someone told me Skye was only back for a couple of episodes, but who knows.

Alice is on the jury for sonny's trial, along with coleman and lisa. Maybe the Qs get a scene about Alice not sitting on the jury.

Thanks for sharing tha with us Remos. That truly is a miracle story. I"m so happy for Star!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Yeah Hooked Luke told Tracy he had to go to vegas to make them lots of money and she told him she wanted to go and he said he'd love for her to go but she needed to make sure Ethan doesn't burn down the Haunted Star.

I don't remember that she's told anyone either that she loved him :wub: . Maybe she confirmed it with ghost!Alan but not all blatant like she did with Lulu.

Wouldn't Wthan still be in trouble with the whole Krissy stuff still when Skye comes to town? So Luke would be pre-occupied with that, that his son could get killed by Sonny than to openly flirt with Skye while Ethan is going through the drama?

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yes, this past year has been quite a journey for Star and her family. Cute little gaffer, for sure.

GTQ, I'm wondering how this will play out precisely because so much is happening in the Spencermaine family. I can't help feeling it's going to be a lot different than we suspect at the moment. It's too easy to do the Tracy-is-jealous thing without more to the story. Skye will be back for a reason, and she'll leave without what she's looking for. So somewhere in there she's going to be stopped. I hope (fingers crossed and all) that Luke gets wise and stops Skye from taking anything that should belong to Tracy. He does that for her without needing to be asked - that's how Luke is Tracy's hero.

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Did Edward tell her there was a problem with Alice Remos? I thought I saw that somewhere. I was wondering if that would tie in to the Sonny jury deal for alice. I did see Monica had a spoiler for next week that she is telling Maxie she has pneumonia.

It is strange...on May 24-25th...Luke goes to sonny to talk to him about Ethan and Sonny decides to let him live or something like that...on the 26th sonny makes a mistake (this was all tied in to the ethan thing) in the mags. So how exactly is all this drama going on and skye pops in a few days later along with maya on the same day and luke is just gonna slip into skye's spell? It doesnt make sense. Maybe skye comes to town with an agenda of her own and then she just helps luke out with ethan somehow...maybe she marries ethan to keep him from being deported...but that wouldn't make sense if she leaves in a week or so.

I have seen people saying she is going to GH and then going to be back on AMC when Adam leaves

Edited by hookedongh
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It was actually interesting, Hooked. Edward called LUKE to talk to Tracy, and all we heard was her part of the conversation. Alice was doing something and either stuff was being thrown or she was destroying it by her actions. At any rate Tracy had to get home to deal with it.

It seemed arbitrary but I'm sure it wasn't: If Tracy had been there Kristina wouldn't have gotten to the bar thus setting up things with Ethan and I don't know what chaos the Q house will be in, but Skye/Maya are expected shortly and as you said, Alice is a juror so that's going rob Edward of his prized servant. The Spencers have been really happy for some time, even getting through Niz/LnL2 and Lante without much problem, but Ethan's legal problems, Maya and Skye will pull them in other directions and include the Q part of the Spencermaines.

Lets just hope Dillon is part of that.

Yeah, I think it's more likely that Skye will leave with her tail between her legs than Tracy will have reason to go postal.

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I think SID will have to have something about it next Tuesday or whenever that mag gets out...or Wed. This week's mags were for the week of the 23rd I think.

That is funny Edward called Luke to talk to Tracy. Why not just call Tracy?

Bergen Williams tweeted that ALice was back on GH in a fun story (for Alice) and that it was before Skye returned. So it has to be the jury stuff. There are pics of the jury for next week with Coleman in them.

I hope we get to see the chaos at the Qs with her, but I doubt it.

I guess Luke doesn't leave town. He sure has been planning a lot of trips and not going on them!

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