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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yah...but I'm just going by the mags saying Luke gets a call from damsel in distress and heads out of town (we know Helena nabs him) and Tracy is pissed. Hopefully the divorce is just a SD spoiler. However, I think it seems just like what TPTB would do--create some angst for the summer.

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Helena nabbing him... that I can believe

Luke responding to Rebecca who's in trouble.... that I can believe

Luke disappearing and Tracy not having a clue... that I can believe

Tracy being upset and angry... that I can believe

Luke's disappearance informing other stories this summer... that I can believe

How we go from yesterday to divorce... that's what I can't believe.

BTW... how many times have we seen "Tracy files for divorce" and it's only actually happened once in 4 years. I think that part is SD fodder - and they are wrong as much as they're right... if not more.

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If any of you are NLG fans...she answerd a bunch of questions from her twitter account. She is hilarious...love her!!


She answered a question about Jane...

Also on her twitter she talked about a mystery person leaving a towel on her couch in her dressing room that said "Being difficult is part of my mystique" NLG said she put it in Mo's dressing room.

Today on her twitter she said...

Hey at least we know Jane was taping yesterday! :)

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She is so damn smart too. Love her! Did you see her speech the other night (there was a video clip) about that movie...I'm blanking out on it but she was so funny. She said something like I apologize for being heterosexual...especially the half that fucked you all over on Prop 8. And then she said if you want to get something done, piss off a bunch of gay people! She is awesome!!!

Here is some stuff from dish...

I am starting to wonder if Luke leaves and the filing for divorce doesn't happen right away. I am getting the vibe if this stuff is accurate (obviously someone with breakdowns which could or could not all show up) is that after he is gone...Helena will make him send a note or something to Tracy saying he is with Holly or whatever. I don't know what Helena's game is...

Anyway, FWIW..I kept asking how do they go from here to there in a matter of a few days?

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We'll have to see how it all plays out, but I'm wondering how much we can follow the 'spoilers'. I think we will have a better sense today, since the conversation yesterday about Luke's leaving is obviously set to continue. If Luke keeps assuring her he will stay, and keeps working on helping her accept Ethan, we might have a very different scenario playing out. Thus far the spoilers have not been accurate. The accurate stuff has come from the interviews with ES, NP and TG. Spoilers online and/or from SD haven't panned out.

I'm also starting to wonder if somehow Tracy's filing for divorce isn't part of a wider plot. What if Tracy reads Ethan and figures out what's going on (assuming the bit about Helena telling him she has Luke is even true) and this is an overt way to show Hells that Tracy is moving on. I seriously doubt they would have Tracy fly off the handle and file for divorce but not follow through for any other reason.

Again, the dialogue should indicate what's really happening. They are doing their LuNacy dance as far as dealing with Ethan, but they certainly aren't on the outs because of any interest on Luke's part in Holly. They obviously are still sleeping together, as evidenced by that Endorphin line yesterday.

Either way, it's not dark-n-dreary days ahead for Tracy. Luke might be gone for three months, but she's going to be busy with other stuff until he returns.

So with your inability to sleep, did you get caught up on GH, Hooked? I know there's a lot there, but it would make more sense to you if you knew what's happened this past month. Then you can see for yourself that Luke never showed any interest in Holly, but his love for Tracy never wavered. And you could be better prepared for the crap I'm sure someone on SD is going to try shovelling about Luke leaving.

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The LF was down yesterday, Nex. I emailed the recaps to you.

Tracy came in (nice blue jacket yesterday) and knew immediately that Luke/Ethan were up to something again (it was taking a DNA test that they had to mail). The basics anyway is that Tracy was snippy at Ethan, Ethan said he liked her better in the early days, and Luke asked Tracy when she was going to lighten up on Ethan. Tracy redirected and asked when Luke skipped town this time, was he taking Ethan or was she having to take care of Ethan too (like Lulu)? And that's were they left it.

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There was a second email Nex. Anyway, I guess we will see how it plays out. This whole ethan/rebecca part is a total rewrite I'm sure so maybe that changed some other stuff.

No I haven't caught up on GH but I have the whole weekend to myself so I will--I guess my questions are getting annoying. Last day of school today and have 12 high schoolers over for a pool party.

I don't think that Luke/Tracy/Ethan are on today from the sound of it, but maybe the scenes were moved around. Today is the new kristina debut so I bet a bunch of the show will be about her and there is sam/jason stuff today and also helena is back today oh and bill dee williams and michael, etc.

There is a SOW article on Rebecca...she says she is conning the Qs too.

I'll bring it over in a bit.

Thanks Halee!

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