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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm writing this as I look over the lake (towards Rochester) through SNOW!!!! April 7th and we're in the middle of a snow storm! Easter is Sunday. This is not right in any estimation. This is the second day and it looks like it will continue until Thursday. I want this in January - NOT April. My kid's new bikes are covered with 2 inches of snow. Wrong...wrong... just, wrong...

Things are extremely quiet around here. It was even more lively last summer when Luke was gone and Tracy was practically MIA. I hope it's just the lack of Tracy and not anything privately that's keeping folks away.

Today should be interesting. I'm looking forward to what they seem to have lined up into the spring. After way too much mob stuff in 2008, I can't wait to dig into Helena, Holly, Ethan, Lulu, Tracy and Luke. These are the folks that make GH so much fun to watch.


Hey TL, I didn't notice your Kiss banner was back until now. Nice job. I love that thing!

Edited by remos
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Great fic, funny! I know you got some other stuff cookin', I can't wait!!

Thanks for the compliments on the banner, Remos :) Hopefully it will inspire some great LuNacy fic or vids? hee

Okay now, I know we're in a Tracy/LuNacy funk guys but you are REQUIRED to check in! :P heh. So the following Tracy/LuNacy lovers get your sweet-cheeks over here and let us know you are alive! ;):

Ms. Q








Lisa Q



Groovy TracyQ




BlueRose, KimZim, tracynluke, pinkpopsicle, COME BACK!!

Hoping to get invited to the "Rock of Ages" opening night party tonite (fingers crossed). That Constantine Maroulis can REALLY act! Whodathunk?!

After being totally broke for almost a month due to unemployment holding three weeks (and counting) worth of unemployment checks, and my tax refund arriving 2 weeks later than i was supposed to get it, my refund FINALLY arrived yesterday. woo-hoo! 'Bout effin time!!!

If I don't fall asleep (I am getting like 4 hours a nite) within the next hour, after paying some bills, this mama is heading out for some shopping and a makeover!

Hoping we get some great LuNacy today! HATE Ethan, HATE the storyline (I know I am in the minority), but at this point JUST GET THEM ON MY SCREEN with a SEXY VIBE!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Recaps, Tuesday April 7th


Vets: Tracy, Edward

Appearance: black shell with the watermelon coloured jacket. What can I say - she looks good

Kisses: n/a

Other Stories: Robin still resisting treatment; Maxie/Lulu/Matt/Johnny dance begins; CarJax still given bad news about Michael

Line of the Day: Edward asking where the body is, thinking Tracy has finally killed Luke.

Sc. 1 - Ethan is moving bottles around the HS. He takes off his wallet and puts it on the bar. Tracy walks in and asks if Luke is around, Ethan says no. Tracy says it's probably all the better since her profit margins have been diminishing since Ethan started working there. Tracy then starts picking through Ethan's wallet and finds the picture Ethan's been carrying of Robert and Luke. Ethan realizes what she's found and the two of them look at each other with their mouths open

Sc. 2 - Ethan yells at Tracy to back off and grabs the picture, Tracy says he should watch his tone. Ethan tells her to keep her hands to herself which makes Tracy laugh at the 'pick-pocket'. He wonders what she was doing and Tracy tells him she was interested in retrieving some of the money he's been skimming off the till. Ethan tries the charm route and tells her he and Luke have an agreement - he gets to skim off the top so long as they stay in the black. Tracy then points out that if they don't stay in the black, she gets to show Ethan to the door - which begs the question, how long was he intending to stay anyway?

Sc. 3 - Tracy tells Ethan that guys like him never stick around they always move on to the next possibility, so how long is he staying? Ethan tells her he likes it here - there's plenty of sheep to fleece - he likes Luke and he did like her. Tracy says the word is out on him, people aren't going to be as careless around him and the returns aren't going to be much. Ethan continues talking about how much he likes Luke. "Luke is a rare bird, he's got a lot to admire. A casino of his own, and a beautiful rich wife". Tracy says he shouldn't follow to close in Luke's footsteps. Lucky then walks in wanting to see Ethan's working VISA. Ethan makes a snarky comment to Lucky, who replies that he can do it here or through jail bars - it doesn't matter to him. Ethan nails him with a glare and says how did a man like Luke end up with a son like him? Tracy looks on, amused and intrigued.

Sc. 4 - Lucky says not to try to insult him, he's not interested. Then he points out that Ethan is a lot like Luke - never met a rule he didn't want to break. Ethan plays this as more harassment. Lucky sees that his papers are in order, much to Tracy's disappointment who apparently put Lucky up to this to see if he can be deported (obviously Trucky have kissed and made up). Lucky says he used to be just like Ethan - thought that being Luke Spencer's son was the greatest, but he grew up. Lucky then leaves after telling Tracy he can't do anything right now. Tracy then tells Ethan to take the day off. Ethan says thanks but no. Tracy tells him to leave because she's counting every dime, and if there's any discrepancy she will call Lucky back in. Ethan then sarcastically recounts for the missing money - paid a repair man, bought some supplies and had a chocolate bar for lunch. Tracy tells him to get receipts. After he blows out of the HS, Tracy gets on her phone immediately and tells someone to get to the Star ASAP.

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; At Crimson Lulu tells everyone Ethan can't take Maxie because he's on a date with Lulu. Ethan looks pleasantly surprised.

Sc. 6 - Ethan watches the play out between Maxie/Lulu/Matt. Meanwhile Tracy is playing solitaire, and Edward walks in saying how pathetic it was that she was playing alone on a broken down barge. Tracy says at least she's winning. Edward asks where the body is and Tracy wonders what he's talking about. Edward said she called and said it was an emergency so he figured she finally did it and killed Luke. Tracy laughs saying her husband is fine, it's something else. Disappointed Edward says there's always another day, so what does she want. Tracy says she called him to talk about something he knows about intimately. Edward is convinced she wants to talk about finances, but Tracy says Illegitimate Children. Edward doesn't look amused. Tracy wants to know how he found out about Jimmy Lee. Ed doesn't want to talk about it. Tracy continues saying how did it happen? Did he just appear and announce himself? Did he lurk around in the bushes and then make himself known? How does someone go about telling that they are an illegitimate child. Edward looks faint and says "Oh God, not another one" Tracy laughs and says "Not you, you boob". I'm talking about Luke.

Sc. 7 - Luke? Well better him than me, Edward says as he continues that Luke probably has a dozen illegitimate children running around. Tracy says that's not helping. Edward asks who it is. Tracy tells him Ethan, who is cut from the same cloth. They walk alike, sound alike, think alike and a few weeks ago Ethan mentioned Holly Sutton. At that point Edward is convinced Tracy is just being jealous of "Sweet, beautiful, conniving Holly". Tracy rolls her eyes and then tells him about the old, dog-eared picture Ethan is carrying around in his wallet of Luke and Robert Scorpio. Edward tells her to ask Ethan - there could be any number of possibilities. Perhaps, Tracy acknowledges but she wants to know if this boy is her stepson.

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the recaps Remos!

I will have clips up soon!

I have been around; just not as much as I used to be. I have been very busy at work, my best friend and co-worker (who by the way got me my job) was let go from my company and now I am taking on more work due to her absence.

And I will be honest I really really hate Ethan and his whole storyline, he actually makes me not want to watch Lacy when they are all on together! I can't stand the way he talks, looks, and acts. I don't know if I am going through a "I hate GH" phase but I can't get involved in any of the stories that are going on right now and I don't care. I know for a fact that if it wasn't for Lacy I would not be watching GH anymore but at the moment I am being a butthead about the show.

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Yes I'm still breathing too!

I am working on about 12 videos at once right now :D

I got a new laptop and trying to get all GH from one computer to the other <_< Taking hours

TracyQartermaine aka Savannah


In holidays I managed to survive term 1 of grade 11 :lol:


Congrats angel :)

I loved today how Tracy called Edward a boob that was soooooo funny :lol::lol:

Edited by TracyQartermaine
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Thanks for the detailed recap...

For tomorrow

Wednesday April 8:

Claudia and Olivia get into it.

Carly has a dizzy spell.

Claudia continues her baby-making frenzy.

Robin and Patrick grow even further apart.

Robin finds Patrick in the park with Liz and all three kids.

Tracy warns Lulu not to date Ethan because she thinks he could be Luke's son.

Rebecca goes to Monica to talk about breast cancer.

Nik takes Rebecca out to The Haunted Star.

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Hey Nex! Thanks in advance for the clips as usual.

The positive in this is that at least Tracy gets to be the smart one. I must admit I enjoy her scenes with Edward and others more than the lunacy scenes as of late. I am looking forward to seeing her with Lulu and hopefully Spin when she hires him (if that happens).

At least she is interacting and out of the luke bubble. I guess she is back on with Luke next week though.

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Thanks Hooked. I'm intrigued that they are having Tracy tell Lulu so quickly. Interesting...

Guess there goes the spoilers about Lulu marrying Ethan, Lulu sleeping with Ethan, Tracy finds Lulu with Ethan....

I wonder what they are doing... Tracy and Lulu working together to get the info on Ethan would be great. Today was Trucky, perhaps tomorrow we will get some great TraLu.

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