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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Interesting... I love it how Luke's kids see Luke as a unit with Tracy. Over on SOC the discussion is huge about Helena's return. (Of course the few remaining ewcbo fans assume this means her return - mind you, Luke farts sideways they think it's a sign that she's returning.) I'm wondering what Hells is going to say about LuNacy. When she left they were in a far different place then they are today.

As always, thanks for the spoilers Hooked. I don't know that we'll get Tracy today, but I'll be around to recap regardless.

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If anyone is so inclined now is a really really good time to call for Tracy/Luke

Apparently they are looking for anything garnering any kind of positive response now that the ratings have slipped to a 2.0 which ties the lowest ever!

323-671-4583 (comment line)

Also put in a plug for LC--apparently she is next on the chopping block. Qfans need to stick together!

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From nelson branco column in CTVG

General Hospital, CTV/ABC — A younger GH ahead: Are Ward, Vaughn, Herbst and Charleson out?

• Disturbing news from the GH front: Insiders are buzzing that ABC wants its cast even younger than it already is. Rumour has it the show is letting Megan Ward (Kate) go, and may force Rebecca Herbst (Lizzie) into a recurring status — if she refuses to take pay cut. “Brian Frons doesn’t think she’s pretty,” claims one source, before adding, “And that’s the kiss of death on this network.”

In more soap dish, apparently Maurice Benard (Sonny) is not a happy camper these days (who can blame him?). He’s not the only pissed-off star! Steve Burton (Jason) is fuming mad, as well, mainly because Frons has vetoed a Jason-Liz pairing. Moreover, if Burton decides to check out of GH this year, Liason fans can expect their happy ending.

Also expected to receive pink slips are Greg Vaughn (Lucky), and possibly Leslie Charleson (Monica) “There’s a bloodbath on the horizon,” hints an insider. “And it’s not going to be pretty.” Rick Hearst (Ric) should be worried, too.

• Love him or hate him, it looks like Nathan Parsons (Ethan) has signed a long-term contract. Meanwhile, Constance Towers (Helena) is also returning and is expected to be involved in the Rebecca/Emily storyline. Big surprise.

• There’s no conflict of interest here: Meg Bennett is the latest recycled talent headed GH’s way. The former Y&R and GH hair model is now the soap’s newest breakdown/script writer. Vanessa Marcil (ex-Brenda) and Kelly Monaco (Sam), be very afraid.

• In GH’s first step towards a younger Port Chuck (if you don’t count Ethan Scorpio), the soap is recasting the role of Sonny and Alexis’ manipulative daughter, Kristina. Also, on the casting roster is Michael and Dante Corinthos.

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Recaps, Friday March 6th


Vets: Luke

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: na

Other Stories: Spin/Win look for places to run; JaSam looking for Spin and Sonny tells Jason to drop him; Carly visits Michael and Claudia gets out before Carly sees her; Scrubs fight over Robin's working; Lulu still dogging Ethan at the HS; Maxie reads the note and learns that Spin has left; Lulu returns the wallet and tells Robin Ethan's story of Robin not having kids just as Patrick walks in

Line of the Day: Maxie to Robin - 'you know all about that time-space conundrum'

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Nicholas telling Luke he wanted a connection between Rebecca and Emily, but there isn't any. Nic asks if it's wrong to have hope. Luke says no, but even if Emily came back it wouldn't fill the void because life moves on. Luke goes on to say you can't recover the past... believe me.... Luke walks away and Nic returns to see that Rebecca overheard their conversation.

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Luke walks into HS and tells Lulu to relax and avoid Ethan if he's bothering him so much. Lulu points out the wallet that she accuses Ethan of stealing - Luke says it's petty theft, and obvious doesn't care about that. Lulu still can't understand why Luke is keeping Ethan when he might steal everything from Luke.

Sc. 4 - no Tracy; Ethan says he has standards, he only steals from the boss and not the customers. Lulu can't believe her ears and Luke nods and says he hopes he has taught Ethan properly. Lulu says fine, if Luke wants to be robbed blind that's his problem. Lulu storms out as Ethan smiles to Luke and says he thinks she likes him. Luke just nods in amusement.

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; Rebecca comes into HS to talk to Luke about Nicholas. She tells him the reason she went to the Q's was to show them up close that she wasn't the person they wanted her to be. Luke chuckles and ask how that worked for her. Rebecca observes that he knows the Q's and Nicholas pretty well, and she's been a b*tch to Nicholas to send him the message that she's not the answer to his prayers. Perhaps she should try a different tact. Luke looks at her and says "Seems to be my day to play the wise old man on the mountain... man I hate that". He then tells her he has an idea about how that might happen.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Luke tells Rebecca that his instinct is to tell someone to get out of the way when they are in danger. Nicholas has been standing in pain's way for a few years. Rebecca says she noticed - as Nicholas comes into the HS and overhears. Luke continues to say the best way for her to help Nicholas is to stay away.

Sc. 7 - no LuNacy

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SD always assumes the worst of TG, MB and SBu. Everything evil that's happened to/or not happened to Liz/Liason is ultimately SBu's fault. GF can't be asked back because of the big meany TG. MW, LW and SBr are fighting over the priveledge of being MB's screen partner. Interesting how it's always the same ones. I'm not saying there's no truth to it, but fingers are frequently pointed in the same direction and I think this is one more place were SD is creating fantasy rather than giving inside information.

Thanks Darlin'

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Hello JE lovers, long time no talk.

I read some disturbing rumors about LC being let go.

I hope that's not true, we can't lose another Q!!

Also, if this is true, do any of you think it's because TPTB are trying to free up some cash to bring a big name Vet back, like say, GF?

I've heard rumors that TPTB may be trying to court her.

Of course it could all be made up. LOL

I'm just glad it looks like JE is secure, for now.

Although right now it looks like Luke is more interested in Ethan than loving on my sweet Tracy. Grrr. :angry:

Also, does anyone know if Tony is going on vacation anytime soon?

Seems like it's about that time. <sigh.> <_<

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Hey Jin...

In no particular order..

TG probably won't go on vacation until end of May/June.

JE is as secure as any vet these days, I'd imagine

LuNacy looks pretty secure, and it's nice to see them focused outwards rather than fighting about their marriage

GF rumours are always floating around.... I think her fans like to pretend she's more important to the show than she really is

LC rumour is new.... we'll see, but I agree we don't need to lose any more Q's

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I think it is very accurate what is being said now.

LC has been dropped to recurring and supposedly is the next to be just let go (not sure on that part)

GV, BH supposedly have been moved to recurring--GV said this at his PA--and is auditioning

It is true that "Ethan" has a contract now

I don't think Genie will be back right now. I don't think they can afford her and she has other projects going on

I don't think JE is secure. Right now nobody is (except maybe 10 people). She might have already been moved to recurring--which now that so many have been it may not have the connotation that it has had in the past

I would think TG will be around through May but he might take a month off or something and have lulu/ethan go find him..there was some drop about a marham islands type storyline in late april but inserting ethan rather than dillon. Who knows.

MW and RiH are out.

Edited by hookedongh
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^^^ jury is still out on how accurate all these cuts are, but calling in for the characters we want is very important.

Also big warning against organized campaigns - they are just pissing off TPTB. Apparently some really hateful ones have been sent to KeMo and SBr. It's really a shame when people forget this is entertainment, and if it were canceled tomorrow all the viewers would continue with their lives but it's the cast/crew that would be unemployed.

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From Lil sharks poster this morning

Also Tony from his interview in NY this morning about Broadway Cares..

He talks about his new storyline that BG/JFP had for him and how luke may or may not have an illegitimate child.

TL/BSG--by the way--he will be at the View Studio from 9-1 on Monday the 9th to sign autographs for a $10 donation to broadway cares. I think TG, BA and BB will be there. I know you like TG/BB

Here is his interview


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