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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think you might be over-thinking this, Ms.Q. Of course the hospital staff SHOULD be getting people out, but where is the drama and love moments if the couples don't try to work together for their mutual safety? I believe Luke will hear about it this week while Lulu is having her devotion-to-her-stepmother moments. They aren't going to wrap it up instantly, and I think we are going to see this part of the crisis play out over the next two weeks like the biotixin itself played over two weeks. They've only got 40 minutes a day to show all this action/drama and GH is well known for doing these types of things in grand style. There's also a reason why everyone does everything - it's to start off the next part of the story. Lulu is with Tracy. Ethan is with Luke. Ethan is spoiled to save Lulu. Luke is spoiled to save Tracy. This foursome will have more to play out after this.

It took Luke awhile to get into the MC to save Lulu two years ago - that wasn't all in one day and he was already on location for that one.

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Here is how I think it is going to go (if according to the spoliers on soapdish really happen). Luke is not on this week at all. He will show back up on Monday the 16th according to CGS up to his old tricks with Ethan. I think he will get the call about the hospital, but not from Lulu. Nobody's cells are working and if she is trapped in a fire, I doubt she is going to be able to call out. I think we will see the tracy/lulu scenes one day this week (I think on Tuesday) and then maybe we might see a few shots of them later in the week but not any big focus I dont' think. I guess that SID had Tracy evacuating on the roof top with Jax in the 2nd helicopter which happens on Wed, but maybe that was wrong.

The names Winnie said during the 9 hour build up that were mentinoed were Kate, Claudia, Sonny, Robin, Spinelli, Edward, Tracy and Carly I believe and Lulu. So maybe those are the people who end up trapped.

Guess we will see soon enough. If Tracy is on the helicopter on Wed. then we know that the other stuff is probably BS.

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I was watching a Tracy/Lulu clip online, and it reminded me of the TQ Awards... Did these 2 noms come from the same episode? They were both in the BEST EPISODE - DRAMA category.

1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)

2. Tracy and Lulu (Tracy telling Lulu how she is the woman for Luke now.)


Tracy to Laura: We keep each other interested.

Tracy to Lulu: I am the right woman for him now.

Did that dialogue occur again in other episodes, so that we somehow thought there were 2 different episodes?

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I thought they were two separate days.... but now that I see the hair I'm not sure. Tracy was pretty fluffed during those episodes. I know the fight with Laura took place over two days and they Laura stupidly went to Luke and said the moronic "She's not giving you up." Perhaps Lulu was later that day....

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Possibly.... though at the cliff Lulu asked Tracy what she was going to do and Tracy told her she'd let Lulu know once she figured it out. After the fight with Laura was when Tracy told Lulu she was the better woman for Luke and she wasn't throwing in the proverbial towel (or words to that effect) yet.

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It could be from the same day, Ms. Q. When people nominated it, i didn't bother to check it out. Though I didn't go back and watch, that might be the case - that they are from the same epi. At this point since the voting ends tonite, I should prob just change the award to "best drama scene" what do you all think?

Anyone for the br?

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So much for Luke having a clue about any of this. Guess we shoudl all know by now not to believe a word that Guza says in a magazine regarding the Qs...so I guess she is on Tuesday this week and maybe Wed in a few shots of Jax rescuing them.

New media pics. is that jax with epiphany? i thought he was choppering people out from the roof. how does he get inside gh?


He starts the beginning of this week asking Pip what the heck is going on. He then realizes how bad things are and goes and gets a helicopter.


That Jax/Pip scene is today. She is on the first floor and once the explosion happens on the 10th floor they open up the hospital for evacuations. Jax asks Pip what is going on. After he finds out that Carly is trapped he goes and gets a helicopter.

Does Tracy get out on the helicopter or is she trapped with Lulu til next week when Luke and Ethan show up? TIA


She gets out on the first helicopter that lands (not the one that explodes but the one after that)


Luke and Ethan never show up. This thing is over for everyone but a select few (Jason/Sam/Trevor/Spin/Maxie/Johnny) by the end of Friday

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From soapdish..

I guess that means the week of the 23rd. So much for Guza and SOW! Typical.

You know I dont' even care that Luke didn't save Tracy. It just bugs me that he is gone 5 months of the year and then now we go over a month and a half with no scenes. Oh well... I guess looking on the bright side--Jax gets to save her and Lulu is nice to her and they have a bonding moment. And...I guess if Luke shows back up with Ethan in tow to the Q mansion, it means he still lives there and I am sure it will give Tracy something new to "not like". I am sure we will get some good "what rock did you find this one under?" Lines and maybe a "well at least it is not some floozy you are bringing home to sponge" LOL

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Exactly how accurate are these spoilers?!?! I only ask because how can Lulu refuse to leave Tracy's side if they are the first to be rescued?? I don't see how that would make sense? Plus we have been hearing for a long time now that Ethan and Luke rescue Lulu and Tracy and now all of a sudden, they are never going to the hospital? Something does not seem right?

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