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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Please vote for ONE in each category...


1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)

2. Tracy and Lulu (Tracy telling Lulu how she is the woman for Luke now.)

3. Luke and Tracy (They talk in the hospital Lounge after Luke fakes a heart attack)


1. Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)

2. Tracy goes on a rampage and the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion.

3. "@$$ Slap Day" (Ernesto, Tracy searching for Luke's contraban, Luke gets a visit from his "famlia", "show him your moves mama")


1. New Year's Eve

2. Luke and Tracy leave town together

3. Luke and Tracy dance together


1. Tracy's speech to Lulu about how she is the woman for Luke now.

2. Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).

3. Tracy's speech to Laura about how she and Luke keep each other interested, etc.


1. "Collar/leash - mama/kneeling"

2. Luke Slaps Tracy's @$$ in his hosp bed.

3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


1. New Year's Eve

2. Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene

3. Luke and Tracy leave town together.


1. Kiss on New Year's Eve

2. Kiss before Luke smokes his cigar in the hospital

3. Kiss before Luke and Tracy leave town together


1. "Do I have to put you on a collar? ... And a leash?" - "Oh Mama, you want me kneeling?" (Opening of Haunted Star)

2. "Here's to men! ... falling off the face of the earth"

3. "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


1. Tracy's expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.

2. Tracy's "swizzle" expression after Luke suggests they face a challenge of a "different sort ;)"

3. Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica


1. Spankster

2. Petunia

3. Wife


1. New Year's Eve

2. Opening of the Haunted Star

3. Sopping wet


1. Brown leather jacket

2. Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front

3. Yellow Jacket


1. Jane laughing dressed as Frau

2. Jane laughing after Tony pulled a rubber glove from her booty on "IV pole day"

3. Jane laughing at the "Campbells Healthy Select" line from Tony on "IV pole day"

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1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)

2. Tracy and Lulu (Tracy telling Lulu how she is the woman for Luke now.)

3. Luke and Tracy (They talk in the hospital Lounge after Luke fakes a heart attack)


1. Tracy smashes Luke in the knee with an I.V. pole ("Campbells Select", Laced Valentines Candy, Tracy roughly wheels Luke out to take him to Mercy Hosp)

2. Tracy goes on a rampage and the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion.

3. "@$$ Slap Day" (Ernesto, Tracy searching for Luke's contraban, Luke gets a visit from his "famlia", "show him your moves mama")


1. New Year's Eve

2. Luke and Tracy leave town together

3. Luke and Tracy dance together


1. Tracy's speech to Lulu about how she is the woman for Luke now.

2. Tracy's speech to Johnny about how she doesn't want Lulu to end up like Laura (in a catatonic state).

3. Tracy's speech to Laura about how she and Luke keep each other interested, etc.


1. "Collar/leash - mama/kneeling"

2. Luke Slaps Tracy's @$$ in his hosp bed.

3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


1. New Year's Eve

2. Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene

3. Luke and Tracy leave town together.


1. Kiss on New Year's Eve

2. Kiss before Luke smokes his cigar in the hospital

3. Kiss before Luke and Tracy leave town together


1. "Do I have to put you on a collar? ... And a leash?" - "Oh Mama, you want me kneeling?" (Opening of Haunted Star)

2. "Here's to men! ... falling off the face of the earth"

3. "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


1. Tracy's expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.

2. Tracy's "swizzle" expression after Luke suggests they face a challenge of a "different sort "

3. Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica


1. Spankster

2. Petunia

3. Wife


1. New Year's Eve

2. Opening of the Haunted Star

3. Sopping wet


1. Brown leather jacket

2. Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front

3. Yellow Jacket


1. Jane laughing dressed as Frau

2. Jane laughing after Tony pulled a rubber glove from her booty on "IV pole day"

3. Jane laughing at the "Campbells Healthy Select" line from Tony on "IV pole day"

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I really like it! I actually thought that it was supposed to be cut off. It looks artsy.

Guess who has finally been hit with the flu? Moi. That's why I've been on so much... I'm at home, on the couch, with my laptop and nothing to do for once! It's nice, but I feel like crap. My heart goes out to all of you that have been sick, I feel your pain.

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Oh MJ, I hope you get better soon. We've been fortunate this year thus far (knock on air). We've had colds that and I've kept the kids from choir once or twice, but overall it's been a much better winter than last year (where I could hardly move and the kids kept getting sick one right after another). Sending you cyber chicken soup.

This has just popped up on SD - nice to see our girl's name in print...

Lucky and Liz make a commitment

Sonny finally chooses Claudia over Kate

Carly and Jax reconcile but trouble is on the way

Olivia and Kate disagree over Claudia and Carly

Robin and Patrick face yet another obsticle

Johnny is torn between Lulu and his feelings for Maxie

Spinelli rebuff Maxie sending her back to Johnny

Tracy is not happy with a new houseguest

Nikolas is arrested after violating a restraining order

Jason comes to rely on Sam more and more


Brilliant banner and avi, Ms. Q. I love them!

More from different insiders on SD....

The Q's want to know who Rebecca is. Nik wants Rebecca to be Em. Matt just wants Rebecca. I want to know, and you will too, who Rebecca is talking to on the phone.

Luke introduces Ethan to the Q's. They aren't impressed. Luke and Ethan start to work on a joint con but who is conning who?

JoLu try to work things out but Johnny's got a secret(or maybe two) and Lulu learns a secret about someone else. A little conversation about secrets leads to a misunderstanding and a confession which is good for the soul but necessarily for the relationship.

any chance that Ethan is Lukes son?? thanks

I don't think so because he is very attracted to Lulu and she is fascinated by him.

Johnny spies Lulu with Ethan on the docks

Maxie fumes when Winnie and Spin get closer

Ethan makes his move on a Spencer

Johnny gets his karma and doesn't like it one bit

Rebecca has a thing for Matt, which doesn't sit well with Nikolas

Liz and Lucky take things to the next level

Jason and Sam continue to be partners. Will it go any where else?

Luke is amused by Ethan and Lulu

Olivia and Jax flirt

Kate is left out of Sonny's life and only has herself to blame

Tracy is not fond of Luke's new friend

How do Lulu and Ethan meet?

What I've got covers taping dates February 16-March 12, and they've already met so I don't know. (me: Perhaps when Ethan helps Luke save Tracy and Lulu from the hospital? That should be this week.)

is Ethan Dante?

Ethan's true identity is not exposed during the stuff I've got but Lulu finds out what it is and she wants to tell her dad but she can't for some reason that is not explained. Something she overheard.

Edited by remos
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Here are a couple more spoilers involving the Qs..

Johnny spies Lulu with Ethan on the docks

Maxie fumes when Winnie and Spin get closer

Ethan makes his move on a Spencer

Johnny gets his karma and doesn't like it one bit

Rebecca has a thing for Matt, which doesn't sit well with Nikolas

Liz and Lucky take things to the next level

Jason and Sam continue to be partners. Will it go any where else?

Luke is amused by Ethan and Lulu

Olivia and Jax flirt

Kate is left out of Sonny's life and only has herself to blame

Tracy is not fond of Luke's new friend

The Q's want to know who Rebecca is. Nik wants Rebecca to be Em. Matt just wants Rebecca. I want to know, and you will too, who Rebecca is talking to on the phone.

Luke introduces Ethan to the Q's. They aren't impressed. Luke and Ethan start to work on a joint con but who is conning who?

JoLu try to work things out but Johnny's got a secret(or maybe two) and Lulu learns a secret about someone else. A little conversation about secrets leads to a misunderstanding and a confession which is good for the soul but necessarily for the relationship.

Scrubs are in a better place. Robin finds an experimental treatment that might help MIchael. Patrick disagrees.

RIc has a lot of new found power and he teams up with a woman to get revenge.

Carly wants Olivia to stay away from her husband.

Jason, Sam, Sonny, Claudia, Spin and Win form an unlikely team as they work to bring down the bad guys of equinox and the fbi.

OK, that's all I got right now.

If you haven't figured out who Ethan is by March 5, pay careful attention to a conversation he has with Lulu. You might get a hint.


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LOVE the new avi and banner Ms. Q!!!

Haven't done much today. Took my dad to go get his truck out of the shop. Then I decided to go look at linens....and I found a "Bed in a Bag" set for $29.99! Included sheets and everthing. What a deal.

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Way late, because I haven't seen most of this week yet (thanks, Nex, for clips! downloading as we speak), but I have to disagree with ya here, Stace. I frackin' loved Mama's collapse. I hate nansypansy actressy collapses. People don't collapse pretty. They collapse with odd noises and weird facial expressions. I love Jane's fearlessness as an actress, and I love how realistic (instead of soap opera-y) it seemed. Maybe I'll think different after watching the clips again, but it in first run it was awesome. (I also loved how tiny she looked when Patrick caught her, because I am pathetic that way).

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Morning everyone.... Hooked will probably be along with the full write-up, but the summary of spoilers on SD says Lulu stays with Tracy throughout, refusing to leave her side even as everyone else is being evacuated. Luke is with Ethan when he gets the call (I assume from Lulu about Tracy, but that wasn't clarified) and they rush over to GH to save Tracy/Lulu. Luke gets Tracy out first (extrapolation on my part, not clearly outlined) then Ethan carries Lulu to safety shortly thereafter. All of this should play out this week and next, with Luke/Ethan arriving at the hospital the week of the 16th.

Looks like a great couple of weeks for LuNacy. I hope this is going to become the new norm - Luke/Tracy/LuNacy 2-3 times a week with an actual story (or two). It's been looking good ever since ewcbo flew away.

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My votes:


Please vote for ONE in each category...


1. Confrontation with Laura (Tracy and Luke keep each other interested, etc)


2. Tracy goes on a rampage and the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion.


1. New Year's Eve


3. Tracy's speech to Laura about how she and Luke keep each other interested, etc.


3. "Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse"


1. New Year's Eve


1. Kiss on New Year's Eve


3. "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


1. Tracy's expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.


1. Spankster


3. Sopping wet


1. Brown leather jacket


3. Jane laughing at the "Campbells Healthy Select" line from Tony on "IV pole day"

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Thanks everyone for the banner comments! Edward and Tracy have been my favorite part of this biotoxin story line - figured they deserved a banner. Perhaps I'll have a LuNacy one up by Valentine's Day - not sure though...

I know that I appreciated it more upon second, third, and fourth viewings because you are right, it is more realistic. A Tracy fan on another site (who used to come here, but not anymore) was reminding me when people suffocate, there is struggling/gasping. I later found myself defending the acting to my sister (whose opinion of it all is the same as my initial opinion), saying that it's not supposed to be pretty... I'm still not completely on board with what JE did, but I do see what you and others mean now. I also blame the hair for my skewed perception of it all, but that's a whole other story. :lol:

Spoiler Chatter - So if Luke is not getting to the scene until the week after next, that is a whole lot of time before Lulu and Tracy are evacuated. We know they are on at least one day, but I hope they are on more, otherwise it is going to seem that the 2 of them fried in the hospital. Anyone think that post-evacuation, Tracy will be at Mercy, and that we will finally get Tracy and Luke bedside scenes? I want this to happen SO badly, but I'm not holding out much hope.

Oh, and while we, at this point, are assuming Luke gets her out, shouldn't you know, the actual hospital staff have done that? I mean, really...They should have evacuted sick people first, right? Instead they are just waiting for people from outside to come on in. Then again, this whole story hasn't exactly made much sense, so I guess I can over-look it, especially if Luke really does get to be her hero. :wub:

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